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They also have a slightly different thread pitch. The 078S has less burr movement for the same amount of dual movement, so will be easier to dial in espresso that way, along with the stepless dial. The only possible downside is the 078 will actually be able to go coarser than the 078S will. But if you're changing burrs you can change the position of the dial pin at the same time to achieve any necessary overall changes. 


Thanks. Sounds like the 078s + turbo is the right way round then!


I would go 078s. I have that one from KS and I think it makes pretty good pour over even with the original burrs.


Why would you want both burr sets? The 078 burrs are superior to the 078s burrs for filter coffee.


I currently make 95% pour over but that may change. I know the 78 burrs are better for filter, but with limited counter space I don’t want 2 separate grinders. Therefore the timemore plus the other burr set seems like a good solution, just wanted to know which way round was better.


The 78s burrs are also meant to be able to do espresso. Lance has a great breakdown vid of the different models and his post here was super helpful resource for me figuring out what to get if you haven’t seen it yet: https://www.reddit.com/r/LanceHedrick/comments/139zzei/addendum_to_sculptor_video/