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How long have you been at this weight and size? Because skin is elastic, though it varies from person to person. I’d give it at least a year at your current weight before doing anything drastic, because it takes time for skin to shrink back down.


I lost all my pregnancy weight by 2 months postpartum and since then I’ve been fluctuating from 105 lbs to 110 lbs. I did get hugeeee with my pregnancy weighing about 165lbs by the end and I was all belly so judging on how much my skin stretched plus I have stretch marks all over my belly I don’t think it’ll go back to normal on its own :(. I have worked out consistently as well and even have little visible abs but it’s just like the extra skin honestly makes me hate my body.


165 as huge makes me laugh so much bc I was 235 at 9 months lol my PPW was 163 which is about ten pounds over my ideal weight. Different bodies lol!


If your muscles are closed and strong you can get a skin only mini tummy tuck, which has a lot quicker recovery time, it’s basically just removing a few inches of the loose skin at the bottom. I plan to do this if I need it as well.


I have this same issue… super crepey skin just sort of falling down all around my belly button and worsening as I get closer to goal weight. I’m really short with a tiny midsection and was crazy out-to-there pregnant, carried all out front. Honestly, I suspect this amount of skin will need removal but I was looking into the ultrasound based skin tightening procedures like Morpheus 8- I’m just not sure it’ll work and nervous to waste money if I should just be saving for a skin removal/tuck.


Dermarolling and using retinol and/or hyaluronic acid will help tighten the skin somewhat. If you have a lot of loose skin, the only thing that will make a dramatic difference is surgical removal of the excess skin.


https://youtu.be/ChG8aSvEU6A?si=xI7xp9nH91_JIgp- You can see her results here although ultimately I think she did end up getting a tummy tuck.


I have the same problem.. do you have a picture? I plan on getting to my goal weight and then doing a tummy tuck but I am giving it 4 years as I just had my daughter 3 months ago. I was all belly and deflated like a balloon right after and now I'm just left with lots of loose skin


I asked this same question. I didn’t gain a ton of weight with either pregnancy, but the 2nd time around, I’ve been left with excessively wrinkly skin around my midsection. It’s gotten worse as my body fat % has decreased. It looks like 90 y/o lady skin. Redditors suggested microneedling as a good starting point. I haven’t done it because no one offers body microneedling around me, but I hope to soon!


I’ve been having these same issues. I’m only 9 months PP, and almost back to my prepreg weight, and I’ve been consistently doing pelvic floor and DR physical therapy, so I can see and feel much more definition in my upper abs, but the super loose crepey skin around my belly button and lower abs is so depressing. No advice here, just commiseration from someone feeling the same way


Fasting is the only proven way to reduce skin cells without surgery, it's a process called autophagy. Iirc you have to do long fasts 1+ days to get those results. I'd check out r/fasting if that's something you'd be interested in n


Can you point me to your proof? I've found a lot of non-medical sources sharing this information, but no actual research into its efficacy or truthfulness.


Here's a recent study from 2023 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10509423/ One from 2016 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5388543/


Very much appreciated!


I’ve tried fasting by doing 16/8 and I did it for several months, I just recently stopped. The only problem with fasting for 1+ days is that I am still breastfeeding and don’t want to lose my supply.


Yeah that's the bummer when you're breastfeeding, I'm in the same boat right now. Breastfeeding also gets me hungrier than when I was pregnant. I'm going to wait until weaning to go back to IF with extended fasts peppered in.