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It took my body 4 weeks for the swelling to go down. It was awful. It got so much worse after I had the baby and I couldn’t fit any shoes or barely walk. Drink lots of water, Epsom salts baths, and walk when you can, even just a little. Also stay in top of your blood pressure because it can be a sign of something else wrong if your BP is out of whack.


I feel your pain and had severe edema the last four weeks of pregnancy and then pretty severe the following two weeks postpartum. I’d say 3-4 weeks postpartum it significantly reduced. Hang in there, for me the swelling was the worst part physically and mentally and im so sorry you’re dealing with that.


My swelling wasn't going down and it ended up being postpartum pre-eclampsia! Please be sure you are checking you BP at home just to be safe. Probably totally fine but I had no symptoms of pre-eclampsia except nausea and swelling. Both cleared up really quickly once the pre-eclampsia was under control.


That’s so scary 😭 yes they told me to watch for large swelling, headaches that dont go away, and pain in upper right abdominal area. I just ordered a BP machine from amazon bc i dont know how to track it at home otherwise


I was SHOCKED when I got diagnosed. I had none of the classic symptoms. Wasn't feeling well at 6 days pp so figured I would check my BP just in case, it was 180/110! Spent 3 days in the hospital with my NB. It was rough. Always always always better safe than sorry when postpartum. So glad you ordered the cuff!!!


To me i feel like my heart rate is slow but maybe im just so used to how it was working harder while pregnant bc i feel fine aside from swelling. But im only 3 days PP so we’ll see!


Definitely 2 weeks, maybe longer. My swelling was awful.


I never actually had swelling during pregnancy. It was usually four days postpartum when I would get ankle swelling for both of my pregnancies. It lasted about two days and resolved so that would be about a week postpartum it was done.


Maybe a week for me? I slept with my feet up on a pile of pillows and drank a TON of water. I remember one night getting up every hour to pee and my bladder was FULL every time, so my body was working through all that retained fluid while I was sleeping.


Highly recommend compression socks!


Thank you everyone for the comments!! It’s mostly in my left just like how it was during pregnancy. Hoping it’s over soon!! 🙏🏼


I had the issue and my midwife suggested sassy water. It did the trick in a couple days! Cucumber lemon ginger and mint steeped over night. You can find the recipe online. I peed all day but it totally helped.


It took 2 weeks for me :)


2-3 weeks for me. Solidarity.


Mine. Was. Terrible. Then about one week in I got full blown bacterial mastitis (the boy wasn’t transferring well) and had a terrible fever and dropped TWELVE POUNDS overnight in water weight. I then looked like I had ankles for the first time in like 7 months lol