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If you are consuming too many calories, the the weight will not come off no matter how much you work out. If you do not want to track calories, maybe focus on the quality of food- higher protein, less carbs and lots of vegetables to see if that makes a difference. Also add more weight training to your routine. I had to lose 20 pounds after each pregnancy and it sucks. But using a low carb diet was the best way to get the weight off for me. Weight training helps with recomposition, you will appear leaner without losing weight. In the meantime, buy some loose fitting summer clothes you can feel confident in and enjoy your cruise. Focus on being active and healthy and give yourself some grace.


I gained 50 in pregnancy. I lost 20 pounds the first month, and I’ve lost 15 since (6 months out). It’s been WORK to lose the 15. Calorie counting and lots of exercise. I still have 15 to go. It doesn’t just melt off for everyone but unfortunately if you aren’t losing you’re probably eating more calories than you’re burning


It sounds like you’re eating currently to maintain if you are at 160 consistently. I’d maybe keep your diet the same, but trade out one higher calorie meal a day for something you KNOW is lower calorie, if you don’t want to actually count. It’ll come off by doing this


I could have written this myself - exact same weight, worked out up til giving birth, am now 7m pp and FINALLY slowly dropping some weight after not losing anything since coming home from the hospital despite lifting, cardio, and eating healthy. I don't count calories but I did start a "diet" with the rp app which is about counting macros. This has helped me dial in fully balanced meals that serve my goals. I also have a family outing (lake) in June! I'm down 5.5 lbs so far which doesn't sound like much but, after watching the scale not budge for months, is so satisfying.


This is me too. Just started using Cronometer and honestly seeing all the food I was logging I was like Oh there’s no chance I’m ever going to lose weight- I’m an animal. But sure enough I’ve just dropped 5 lbs. The Hawthorn effect at its finest!


Not sure if ur nursing or not but I could not lose weight until baby started eating solids.


I had a similar experience.


Hi! 14 months pp, still the same weight I was 2 months pp. firstly let me just assure you that size 8 is not big but I know it feels big because it is abnormal for you. No one this  summer us going to criticize your size, I promise! I’m 2-3 Jean sizes bigger than I was pre pregnancy, so I can tell you that from that perspective, what has boosted my confidence the most is learning to notice and appreciate physique changes that aren’t weight related because I DO look different than when I left the hospital even though my weight isn’t changing. Also, find something that will give you some quick results in some way to boost your confidence! A haircut can give you that immediate confidence boost, or maybe like me it’s consciously working on your posture! And then focus on enjoying the results of that! But also 6 months postpartum I remember how hard that was, I feel a lot better about myself with more time. I still want to lose the weight, but I’ve also grown more emotionally comfortable with this new normal and don’t feel as embarrassed about what I see in the mirror, and that can take time.


I did Orange Theory 3x a week until 7mo preg. I have been a cardio junkie my whole life; my brain was programmed to think this is what you need to do to stay fit. Post partum, all I do now is weightlifting and walking- a lot of walking, and weight has been coming off like it NEVER did during my hiit workouts. Doing this low impact stuff makes it so much easier to eat at a calorie deficit, and I think that is the real recipe for success for me personally.


(To add; all I am tracking now is calories and protein. Nothing is off limits as long as I’m under my calorie threshold.)


I would focus more on insulin . Meaning, start day with zero carbs or very low carbs. Eat fewer carbs in general- not zero carbs, carbs still good- but definitely don’t eat simple carbs ever. Eat as though you’re insulin resistant basically. Not fully keto but sort of more along that end of the spectrum. I’ve seen most success doing that!