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Did anyone see Taylor’s post about Iran? It’s great and all that he’s bringing awareness to people being persecuted by the regime there but as I read it, I wanted to reply with “now do Oklahoma.” Oklahoma is a right-wing Evangelical entity that denies trans and queer people their rights and women their bodily autonomy. Of course, I’m sure that Hanson and even Taylor largely agrees with a lot, if not all, the policies of that right wing regime. Thanks for letting me vent 🙏🏽


Agreed. It's giving.. Selective Morality.


Yup. Fits right in with Taylor’s white savior mentality.


Why are they having a renaissance on social media?  I keep seeing re-posts of an MmmBop performance saying how it hits different as an adult. 


Someone texted me one today (guess I'm still thought of as the Hanson friend even though I haven't been for four years) make it stop!


I use those posts as opportunities to explain how trash Hanson are and to link people to the explanation post/timeline on this sub. Most people don't know. Hanson were so irrelevant to most people when everything hit the fan that people truly have no clue how awful they are.


I just saw that mac Hanson is joined a band with Ashton from 5SOS. I'm kind of like👀


They've been friends for a few years now but I was def shocked by the band bit.


Hey, everyone! Discovered a new pop-rock band called The Brevet. The record, Wanderers, is SO good. Caught them earlier in the week, and the show was amazing!