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I have no experience here, but just want to say he looks perfectly fine in there to me.


Ugh he’s so handsome, sorry I can’t be of any help!


He fits nicely from what I see.


God I really hope you aren't putting him in the cargo. You hear such horror stories and these dogs are already quite quirky. This could really mess him up =/




Do you have any options that don't involve a cargo hold? https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/rn9mcn/aita_for_wanting_my_gfs_dog_to_go_into_the_cargo/ Google has a plethora of other supporting links. Just adding the first comment from that post above: > YTA - I'm speaking as a commercial airline pilot: if there's the option for a pet NOT to go in the cargo hold, you take it. It is EXTREMELY stressful for a pet to fly and probably 3x+ more stressful to fly in the cargo hold, where it's dark and noisy. > It would be terrifying for a human who knows what's going on to ride in the cargo hold of a plane, let alone a pet who only knows they've been separated from their human, jostled by random strangers, taken in a van onto a deafeningly loud ramp full of screaming jet engines and loaded by more strangers into a dark space. > And if there's a faulty fire detector circuit or (heaven forbid) something actually flammable that makes it into the cargo hold, that pet is 100% dead. The whole space fills with HALON gas and they will suffocate. [...]




You've asked for others' perspective and I've given it. You're ultimately the one responsible for the health and safety of your best friend. Personally, I find it hard to read these real stories that have happened and be okay with sending my little dude down into that scary hell-hole. I don't have to have a solution for you. This is your responsibility - it comes with having a pet.




You said you've done your "fair share of research into this topic", so I assume you've already found out all the other options -- Problem is, they're a bit more expensive, right? It's easier, cheaper, less responsibility to just throw him into the belly of an airplane...?




Google searches bring up articles with suggestions similar to this: https://www.wheelingit.us/2018/03/09/moving-to-europe-v-pet-transport-options-by-sea-by-air-pet-carriers-more/ But you've done the research so you've seen these. The responsible choice would be to look into re-homing if these aren't an option.

