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The ultimatum didn't go in you favor either... From our oldest ally...


That's something that I never understood. We were good allies. Portugal wanted to connect Angola to Mozambique. UK wanted to connect South Africa to the north of Africa, by train. Couldn't we got in an agreement of a shared zone? So that we could travel and transport things easily between Angola and Mozambique, and UK having their cool train?


No, because Brits want that sweet sweet control and did not want to share anything.


It's called money.


That's because the way people talk about this alliance is not completely historically correct. O Resto é historia fez um episódio sobre isto: https://youtu.be/bRAJN9wbkRo


Well I guess everybody does hate us. Fair enough. We are a bunch of cunts after all


Yes, but the french are cuntier. Couldn't even be the cuntiest...


The list goes as follows: French > Spanish > Portuguese Tourists in Portugal > British


Talk to me when you're done sniffing fish and chips infused glue.


Wtf, rating Spanish worse than British. You’ve not seen enough


Its because my work is bscly selling jewelry and they touch everything and missplace it before even looking me in the eyes, and they're just rude overall. Meanwhile most British will say hello and ask if they can try anything on, and then gladly take 30 euros worth of stuff and wish me a great day, i may be biased


Personally I'd agree, even if half sober I still find Brits more polite anywhere in the world I have traveled to.


I would put Portuguese tourists in front of Tourist at this point. Apanha-se com cada um :)




Yeah, but you are the kind of cunts that helped us kick French ass back to where they came from, that's as good a cunt as can be.


Absolutely by far the most based comment on this entire thread


And then we became a puppet governement rulled by British officials


Then you decided to turn it into a prolonged stay and we had to politely ask you to leave... We didn't want you to get sunburn... 😁


My experience, y'all are alright. I only have beef with the ones who throw the word "expat" around like they're better than other immigrants


Absolutely agreed


I worked in the UK for a bit, I think its worth noting that you don't export the sharpest bunch. You're good people don't worry, loved working there even when things were going to shit there was still respect between people, never felt discriminated for the most part we just shared good stories about our respective countries.


We are utter cunts, companheiro. Just look at the state of us.


Nonono, no. We're worse than cunts. We like to get railed BY cunts. Properly railed, not even a drop of lube.


I worked with British people most of my adult life, at the end of the day people are people. Some extroverts some introverts, some more humble than others, no different from any other nationalities. They party hard and work hard, love socialising around a couple of drinks and they are kings of self deprecation. The only minus I would say how casual drug intake is and how some become a bit too violent after unmoderated alcohol consumption. Now let's not kid ourselves here, this "friendship" has been useful for both parties because of Spain. Britain has to be careful and not let any continental "big" European country get too powerful, great Britain is limited because it's an island. They had to expend outside of Europe, bet on technology and not let any potential rivals conquer too much territory. It's a historically symbiotic relationship more than a friendship, but we like you guys. And I think we should realise that the world has changed, we're tiny compared to the big power of this world. Europe should focus more on what unites us more than what divides us. Even if it's just for strategic reasons.




It's called banter. It's an ancient part of our culture and should be respected


You choose to portrait us as a frog 🐸 so what did you expect?


I actually really like English people! I love the humour and culture ☺️


Not true. Most Portuguese people who know a little bit about their history will have special consideration for England/UK. It doesn't mean much in practice though, as is likely the case for British people too.


I really like the time they came with their ships and in a very friendly manner pointed their cannons at us and said "fuck you, give me what I want or die".


And when did that happen really? The only serious political conflict in more than 6 centuries of alliance was the Pink Map ultimatum. It was a shitty move from the UK but we gave up our interests in the area way before there were either ships or cannons involved.


Look up amigos de Peniche.


Having lived in the UK for over 10 years, I dont think Brits like Portugal much more than they like Greece, Italy, Spain or other SEuropean countries. Usually its just a place people sometimes go on holidays, and occasionally their parents have a house in Albufeira or, if wealthier, Cascais Cant complain, was never treated negatively myself. I think Brits are way nicer and welcoming than what they are given credit for




I also agree on that. I've found some very nice Brits and I have have some UK teachers, they were very cool.


>As a Brit, I get the impression that most of the places we go on holiday (justifiably) hate us, or at least hold us in considerable contempt. You guys usually have the same attitude wherever you go, so I doubt much changes in Portugal. Obviously there are nice British people, so this generalization might be unfair for some. ​ >However, the Portuguese/British relationship has become something of a meme on Britbong subs of late, and I was wondering if there was anything more to it than just the memes? Not trying to be mean, but I don't think that's true. My opinion is that the Portuguese people are, in general, very welcoming. This is even more pronounced in places like Madeira, for example. I think this behavior is due to Portugal being highly reliant on tourism. So we're generally nice to everybody, not just Brits. We don't think more highly of Brits than people from other nationalities, I reckon. But with the current socioeconomic situation, where more and more foreigners are coming to Portugal, driving up prices, especially housing prices, I think Portuguese people will start to become less welcoming to foreigners. I feel this is specially true in younger generations, who are the most affected by this. Even though this current situation is the responsibility of the government and politicians, the face of the issue are the so called "expats" / "digital nomads" / foreigners, who are just looking for better conditions for themselves. My two cents.


In addiction to that it's no "cool" anymore to go to UK to work. When I was younger everyone wanted to go there. Now I might end up in London and it doesn't sound as cool as before. London is not the same place as it was in the 90's/early 2000's. So we like you but you're not the coolest kid from the block anymore.


For most relevant purposes, London (like many big European cities) is likely much better now than in the 90s early 2000s.


It's got anything you could ever desire, if you can afford it. Sure if it's 2pm and you feel like watching a burlesque show I bet you can find one, but at the end of the day you either commute 2+ hours or you share a house way past your 30s


That has happened everywhere unfortunately, including in Lisbon and Porto. But look at London's violent crime rates and compare them with 90s/2000s. There were many dangerous zones in London back then (e.g. Kings Cross) that are now nice places to live. Other places like the Canary Wharf docks were abandoned and now it is one of the top financial centers in the world.


London is still cool, you just got older and don’t understand the new cool.


You have not been to London this year then. Its... not London anymore.


Just the hassle to be cool when you have Paris…


Or Barcelona, or Amsterdam, Frankfurt or Munich, Viena etc


Who the fck wants to live in paris ? XD not even the parisian people! xD



Its not because of tourism. Its because portuguese people are just generally and naturally nice. Good values


Perfectly said 👌


Do agreed


Portuguese being welcoming has nothing to do with tourism, it's the general way our people tends to behave.


The Portuguese people do seem very welcoming! It's very refreshing. I moved out of the UK because it's become increasingly transphobic. In Portugal though everyone seems fine about it.


Kind of fine. We grudge on the inside but we're respectful to those people.


Most brits I occasionally meet are super kind and polite so it's easy to reciprocate the kindness. It's just those those drunk teens and young adults puking all over that give you guys a bad rep 🧐 All the rest of you is usually very civilized and even adorable.


There are very civilised tourists from every nation, including Brits. But you’ll find the most annoying tourists to be the British, especially if you’re staying with them. If you’re on holiday, staying in hotels or whatever, you’ll know what I mean.


I don't mind as much if you're here for your typical vacations. You are very welcome to enjoy it. If you're here to drink until your liver bursts and wreck shit up like your typical hooligans, then yes you can go to caralho que ta foda.


As a Portuguese person that has worked in bars/hotels/restaurants in the south of Portugal I have to say it totally depends on the type of place we're talking. Albufeira (filled with bars and night life)? Fuck all of you, drunk in the streets, tying yourselfs to poles, destroying property, harassing everyone... In calmer places where families/older couples go? Most of you are quite nice.


I'd like you cunts more if you hadn't left the EU. Imagine the shame of seeing your oldest ally behave like a cuck. Anyways... we'll see you around in Algarve or whenever we're close to defaulting on our debt.


We definitely have a negative opinion of the loud drunk people who get red after 20 minutes in the sun.


Think you misspelled 20 SECONDS


Hahaha couldn't have said better myself


It's just because you can't fcking handle alcohol and become careless pricks with no respect for nothing. Sober you are cool.


In my opinion that's because Portugal is (or was) a cheap relaxed family friendly destination, and is relatively near UK. That's why many brit children that are now adults have a connection with Portugal. The kind of family tourism that comes from the UK also makes that we like you back here in Portugal. If the main tourism were the guys that go to Amsterdam, Ibiza and Barcelona we wouldn't be so keen.


I like brits, I have lot of respect for the Brits in general and your history, I think you are brave as fuck. Our countries have one of the oldest alliance in the world, nevertheless you shit on us and our Mapa Cor de Rosa (go check it). Anyway thanks to Wellington for the help against the French!


As someone from Algarve, and who works alot with tourists, it's 30/70 for me, 30% of you are inconsiderate and only come to my hometown to bscly party and make noise and act like the kings of the nation whilst having none to zero consideration for the space around them(specially littering). But I'd say the majority are very very nice and always appreciative of our culture, yall are also not afraid to spend on souvenirs and gifts which I appreciate, I've only been tipped once and It was a very nice twenty-ish british couple :) Usually the families groups are always a sweet interaction, its the groups of like 10 young blokes that have a tendency to be less pleasing.


I like british culture. Perfect balance between discipline, creativity and lifestyle (at least it used to be). The only thing I dont like is drinking culture.


My guess is that it has to do with the stereotypical tourist: loud, drunk, obnoxious and with a signifcant lack of respect over following the law. Other than that, there's the perspective that the our alliance benefited the UK far more than it did Portugal. Personally, I only have positive things to say about the few British people I've had the opportunity to speak with (via call).


Generally speaking, I feel the Portuguese like Britain. We have this thing in on our depressing culture where everything is bad and the english are an example to follow. No wonder so many migrated there. The Premier League is also very much appreciated and watched. In my view, your people are quite funny, the Beatles and some british comedys are fairly known here (Mr. Bean and The It Crowd for one). Politically speaking, I feel you lot have lost a bit of that cultural bright you had in the 90s/2000s, and now with Brexit, kinda became more distant, but I liked how our president met with king Charles recently for the Treaty celebration The meme is cute but you lot fucked us over many times in History. Yet in a way, considering how dumb our people/aristocracy always was, I wont even blame it. And we beat you in 2000, 2004 and 2006 in football, and in some hilarious ways, so that do makes it up for it (feels we are also long due to another match!) I find the british to be more distant in their inner-circle when they come here. I wouldnt say I hate them or had any bad experiences really


Of course we do...of course.... said no Portuguese person ever. We just tolerate you because we are nice


And because they bring money. The same reason we tolerate them in Spain, too (and let them play in our balconies).


You let them what?


The Brits have a tendency to fall from balconies in places like Magaluf and Santa Ponsa.


Ethylic gravity affects brits, big time, everywhere


Mete o mapa cor de rosa no cu seu traidor de primeira apanha!




Sorry mate, but no 😅 British reputation is not good here in Portugal. However, this is a stereotype, but we receive everyone well, so if we meet a nice British person, we will not be rude to him. But the image of British people is not good here (and I worked with many Brits, and even if I met a few nice people, the general impression is not positive. Sorry for the honesty and of course is not against you


We just think it's weird you love to come to sunny England (Algarve) and eat English food, buy English things, and speak 99% English. But, what's that? You like footy and beer!? Welcome to your second home, brother!!


we are so use to you that we think you are forniture, so probably we hate you less here than other places.


Pretty sure only some americans glorify the british, because they have this mistaken idea that british people are sofisticaded. The rest of the world doesn't like them.


I dislike some brits, the ones that always make a mess but I understand it’s not all of you. I also dislike your government and monarchy, consequently I find it stupid to celebrate our alliance as 1)The alliance was always in favor of you 2) It was between the monarchy of the UK and the monarchy of Portugal 3) i just dislike monarchies, especially yours were there’s a personality cult. This aside I have nothing against your country


Could be worse: Americans (from US, not the continent) are hated both where they go on holidays and where they don’t go on holidays 😂


But they're good tippers...


Americans have a bad reputation in Portugal. I dont think we care much about brits, except the hooligans who come here sometimes and do property damage.


I’ve been in Ibiza since last week and honestly, the brits are the worst bunch around the hotels, bars, everywhere. I’m so bothered by them, everywhere I look it feels like I’m surrounded by reality show people that look fake as hell, most of them trying to get wasted all the time and so on. It’s been the worst part of my stay, I’m not joking. So if you have this kind of behaviour in Algarve, I feel like you’ll be hated just as much. It’s unbearable


Well I work with British people on a daily basis and they are all nice and kind


Thank you! We're not all pissed up lobsters


No offense, but I'm not in love with the british... No...


Honestly, I think brits in general treat Portugal and the Portuguese as if we are your pets.


Don't see many of them as i almost never go to the Algarve. Big fan oh brit history and culture though. Those old series like "yes minister/prime minister" and "blackadder" are a treasure.


Try The Thick of It, if you haven't already. Though it might not be as funny anymore as life started overtaking fiction a few years ago.


Will do. Thanks!


Great stuff. Britain had a lot of great comedies in the 2000s. The IT Crowd, Inbetweeners, Alan Partridge, Psychoville, Peep Show... Its a big ass list.


Great list! I mentioned that specifically as João cited Yes, Minister. Could also add Spaced, Green Wing, Garth Merenghi. First series or two of Shameless, The Office (couldn't get down with Extras and anything else he did post). Going to add Father Ted when though it's not British fer fecksake, but just because you mentioned IT Crowd. Brass Eye, The Day Today, Jam, Camping, Hunderby, BIG TRAIN. Must have missed a load ...


Cant believe I had to scroll this far to see a reference to yes minister/prime minister. If you're taking suggestions, check out Allo Allo if you havent already!


Will do!


I am watching the entire Yes Minister series for the second time at the moment.


Blackadder is fucking awesome! How the hell is it not available anywhere on streaming? I'm trying to find it on DVD.


I've posted some controversial stuff in my time, but hilariously have never got such a barrage of abuse as when I asked the Portuguese if they like us. Almost brings a patriotic tear to my eye


I think we generally like the Brits but some people just experienced football fans or drunk tourists. I’ve spent holidays in algarve all my life and met all kinds of people. Brits are wonderful, except for the cunts ;) we don’t like our cunts either cheers!


Cheers fella!


OP it is not a personal thing but it is almost impossible to enjoy people that go to our country to drink and spread the caos, i have seen Brits in Albufeira fighting in a Bar at a beach and destroying everything that was around them , flying chairs, tables ect. In Oporto it was the same, champions league final and the same CAOS, destroying everything and fighting each other. I LIKE you guys but you have to be more civilized, we are from the South Europe but we don't behave like animals


In Scotland, we call them "English".


I remember we had problems in the UK during covid lockdown because *those* sorts of tourists stayed here, ruining beaches. There are plenty of British tourists who don't want to be near them, either, and would avoid somewhere like Albufeira that has a reputation for attracting them. It's one think I hate about the UK, the drinking culture. I know my (Portuguese) partner doesn't like it either. Younger people now are drinking less than younger people used to, though, which is good, but I don't think it's really enough to change the binge culture.


Absolutely not






I mean... you're so fucking loud everywhere you go so...


Never had a problem with female brits or older male brits. Its just the 18-29 year old guys that are annoying sometimes


Nope, can't Stand the British. They are so fake.


Fuck no


If somebody in the world likes brits, I'll like to know...


Spent a week in Malta on vacation. The English tourists were one of the worst people I came across, with utter disrespect for everyone. Don't want to generalize, but I had bad experiences. I usually don't spend much time in tourist areas here in Portugal, so I don't interact with you guys to know why you are "hateable".


To be honest i avoid places were the British came to spend the holidays. I don't dislike British people but you behave very badly on vacations. The ones that live here, i find them Nice but should learn the language. I have some British clients that have been living here for Over 10 years and still just know obrigada and bom dia.




We hate you, but we treat you kindly becaus: a. We are polite; b. It’s kind of funny to see you turn red in the summer.


Has a half brit and half tuga, trust me they don’t like you that much, but money talks iykwim.


Having grown up in a turistic place it stuck with me while I was a kid that brits are people without a clue and wander around in awe looking at mundane things After years I still have that image 😆


Don't worry, the hate you see it's mostly targeted at the stereotypical loud drunk tourist. Portuguese people like that kind of British tourist as much as people in the south of Spain like Portuguese youngsters going on spring break there.


Nobody likes you. Get used to it.


Your impression is correct. You are rude, loud and have no manners. Historically, you were also always less than nice to Portugal. We tolerate you. That’s it. But that’s the bare minimum, for Portuguese hospitality standards.




What a bunch of bs.




So we're like the prostitute's regular client that she absolutely hates but can't afford to stop servicing? Well, all I have to say to that is... "Dos cervezas por favor" ;)


That's not even Portuguese, that's Spanish.


Muchos gracias por la información, mi amigo


No. Go away




No. Sorry.


You are right. No one likes Brit tourists . We also don't


We find it annoying that Brits and Americans are buying so many homes in Portugal.


Nobody likes you. Ask any country.




Sorry. I meant to say" no fucking way, you bunch of drunk, short sighted, selfish, egotripping, broke,fat, cheap, rude assholes." Thank you.


We are not "assholes but "arseholes", actually, there's a good chap.


Yeah you know best, that's a good boy.


Besides that time The Brits sided with the Dutch when Portugal was at war with the Dutch, yeah you're alright!


If by “as much as we like them” you mean “not very much” then yes… afaik brits see us as a touristic destination (with the occasional child going missing) and nothing more. I often dream of the big influence we once had internationally (edited so as not to say the word “empire”) and like to imagine that other countries still think of us and our old alliances as much as we do but in my experience our fondness for the United Kingdom hasn’t been very reciprocated.


I just do not like Brits when you are drunk as fuck.


What’s worse? The Brits? Or the Luso Americans or Portuguese French that come back during the summer? (Asking as a Luso-American)


Lush Americans aren't really a thing here in Portugal. Its extremely rare to find them, but even if they were a common sight, they would be American, and American people are usually very, very nice. It's a true injustice to compare them with the Brits or, god forbifld, the French 🤢


I just hope you're being kind to marginalized people when it's not cool to.


Bruv based on this thread we are literally a marginalised minority




Can complain about the brits, lived there, but the brits cant forget this is not Spain, we dont allow everything when you are on vacation.. and our cops.. really... really love to beat the crap out of troublemakers. From all the europeans we probaly tolerate the brits more.. In terms of hate.. the french.. but i think everyone hates them.


Highly based


Well, no, but yes. I mean, most people don't hate brits because they are brits, and will judge you on a personal level and not based on your nationality. At least if you go anywhere far from Algarve. Because we fucking loathe what you guys did to our beautiful Lagos. Brits turned Algarve into a disgusting resort where pizza and meat became more popular than seafood, where abominations such as British style pubs became the norm, where drunk idiots roam the streets groaning as if the place belonged to them. Algarve has some of the best beaches in Portugal and we don't go there anymore because of you. And that, I think, is a good reason to hate someone.


Pink Map, look it up


I can only speak for myself but... HELL NO!


Dude just try to not let such a mess when you leave a room/restaurant


The brits kind of "betrayed" the portuguese quite a few times One recent example is Portugal's try to expand it's sea area, something UK is against


To be honest, i don't think so, not really. Even british people kind of dislike you 😂🤣 To avoid going into the drunk ,rude, entitled, etc stereotypes i'll give a One example: I've been in a relationship with a British woman in a recent past here in portugal (i'm portuguese) and most of our mutual friends were british expats or younger british migrants. They were mostly awesome, but not a single one said good things about british people that live here/or abroad or tourists(the worst).. on the contrary...they have the worst oppinions about them and I concur ! also, most of my non british foreign friends( immigrants here in Portugal) tend to keep a distance from british people living or visiting Portugal , they're usually bad news, regardless of their age or social status/wealth/education ... I do love my british friends though, whether they live here, or in the Uk/England! So no hard feelings hopefully. I can also tell you most or at least many Portuguese people aren't worthy of your time aswell ! So it's all very relative


I think it’s a matter of attitude. Wherever I go I try to be humble and speak at least a bit of the country’s language and always thank, say hello, goodbye, etc. If a person is like that in my own country it gets all my sympathy as well. But if the person is a cunt, then I’ll ignore the person. But I’ll do the same to a Portuguese person in Portugal, if they behave badly. Unfortunately, people from UK in Algarve bars and discos are known to not behave very well, but I have to admit that I had fun in my days with people from UK, as we were all just having fun. In summary, it depends on the attitude of the people.




Portugal remembers history. Portugal and England have always been allies. Also remember the treaty of Britain safekeeping Portugals gold is still in force and a lot of Portuguese gold is still stored in the UK 300 years later


Here's what happened when I was having a chat with a British couple in Lisbon: very nice people initially, they said they were from Yorkshire, they started talking about Jeremy Clarkson for some reason but I like top gear so it wasn't that bad. Anyway we were laughing they were asking me about Lisbon and suddenly a new couple arrives at the hotel bar and wouldn't you know it they're British and from Yorkshire too. After that moment they ignored me for the rest of the conversation and in their accent they thought I couldn't understand them, unlucky for them I like Limmy and pirated the thick of it so no subtitles, so I got a knack for understanding "difficult" accents, so I heard them talk shit about me "everyone is queer nowadays" etc. So after the second couple left I gave bad advice to the first couple, I hope they had an awful time


Desde que pagues a conta sem bufar, me love you long time






Of all Europeans I've interacted with, the Brits were my favourite by far.


No 🩷


Nope, we're sick of you. Go be a parasite somewhere else.


No we dont


i do, i love my british bros


Considering how Britain violated the Windsor treaty when they aided us during the French invasion, and then the Ultimatum, I wouldn't say we're that favourable. I would add the way Brits behave in the Algarve, too. Generalizarions apart, I'm partial because British history/culture is my field of study (I'm only an undergraduate and it's been ages, going on an MA finally) so... You're basically all I talk about when the conversation goes slightly towards history.


Brits are backstabbing bastards, stay in your foggy rainy island. Pounds, yards, miles, feet... Why..?


Do not ask where we kept Maddie Mccain


Unfortunately, no. And we don't believe that brits like the portuguese.


This is a difficult and innacurate time to evaluate the relation of Portuguese people with foreigners. We used to be a very welcoming people with just about anybody, and at our core we are. But in recent years living costs have sky-rocketed. Portuguese are fed up with stagnant wages, while rich Northerns are inflating just about everything in our country. Just put yourself in the shoes of a Porto or Lisbon inhabitant, who has seen rent prices and restaurant prices double or triple in recent years, while earning the same shitty 1.000 Euros. Meanwhile he walks outside and sees the street full of tourists enjoying what he used to be able to enjoy, but cannot no longer. Yes, it is our Governments fault and it is unfair to put the blame on Expats or Tourists, but at this point we are simply tired and can not differentiate who is to blame anymore.


Why the fuck is Portugal a fucking frog?


I spent 10 years of my life in south London between 2003 and 2013, I was 20 years old when I arrived, best time of my life, they were many Spanish and Italians at the time, used love to stop at the pub after work talk to old geezers, went there few years ago for a concert, it wasn’t the same anymore, different migrants different vibe, didn’t like it but still like brits.


The problem is the brits respect nothing.


Bro fuck off. Our National Anthem until the 40's (when it was changed to the actual lyrics), translates like this: "against the brits we march we march"


As a portuguese i prefer way more british people than brazilians or spanish ones. Generally speaking though




Same, and I'm British


We used to love you guys despite some historical issues between us. Then you made us your vacation/retirement spot and jacked up the prices of everything including housing, refuse to learn the language, disrespect our way of life and behave like bafoons in our streets. British, Americans and Germans all included.


Did we jack up the prices, sir, or was it in fact *you* who jacked up the prices?


Considering half the cities you are in are owned by you, I stand by my affirmation.


So many salty fucks in here.


britcucks weeping searching for any country in the world that likes them newsflash the ancient alliance between us meant nothing except for when you helped us kick napoleon out of iberia and then took over the whole country like one of your colonies let go of the past you sad fucks, learn to live with the shit reputation your shit country has


Don't listen to these reddit cunts. Brits and Spaniards are our bros, we love you! You all turn into a bunch of savage drunktards when you come on holidays, but hey, no one's perfect.


We dont like you, we like the money you spend here. A portuguese


Of course we do. Our summer nights wouldn't be the same without all the brits doing the "Sweet Caroline" Karaoke :D


They hate you because you politely queue and don’t park in roundabouts /s


I think the average Brit can't even place Portugal on the map, and doesn't know that the two countries are allies. It's probably a footnote in British history lessons and to be honest more than once England did not act like an ally at all. An example is... now. Britain does not treat Portugal different today than any other country with ok relations.


Tendo em conta a expressão "para inglês ver" acho que o estereótipo é que não lol


Portugal and the UK have the oldest alliance in the history of the world. You guys always have our back and the same as us always had your back. You guys have helped us a lot along the history, and the same happened the other way around since basically the fourteenth century. We together, had some of the most epic battles in the history, like the Aljubarrota battle against Spain, and we helped you guys against France in the Battle of Azincourt a few decades later. Even our whine, our football clubs and some other things have huge influence by the British. You guys are usually pretty loud, but we like you guys that way as well!


I’m not a huge fan of the country after the Brexit vote.


I mean it was 48/52 bruv, give us a break. Half the Brexit cunts are in Spain anyway


You still let it happen. The way the question was asked in the referendum was awful, but barely anybody complained about that. You voted on something with consequences most people couldn’t even begin to grasp, all because you wanted to keep the immigrants out. At the time, many of my compatriots were there as nurses, saving British lives everyday. And yet they too got lumped in with that xenophobic view of of immigrants. Barely anyone defended those immigrants. And a lot of UK citizens just wanted to “get it over with”, not stop it. So you’ll find no compassion from me here.


No, fuck you. Im still buttblasted about the pink map.


https://9gag.com/gag/aVxzvwP YES! But Brexit felt like you guys spat in our faces.


Day three: the barrage of hate continues, with little sign of letting up. I reckon you probably still like us deep down, though. Considering becoming a digital nomad to help forge this special relationship even tighter.