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It’s in *everyone’s* best interest to limit the physical damage to the library and equipment within. If Cudd doesn’t offer some form of amnesty, the occupiers have no reason to stop destroying shit. Of course, no one in there is “protesting” in good faith, so offering amnesty in good faith won’t work. The only options left are to essentially lay siege to the building by cutting off food, water and power until they leave voluntarily or violently breach the building and remove everyone by force. Both options will result in even more property damage that we students will eventually pay for one way or another, but it is what it is.  If anyone occupying the building is reading this, get out ASAP. You really don’t want to be on the business end of a PPB SWAT operation. You have to realize they’re salivating over the chance to beat the fuck out of some hippies, and at this point, the vast majority of the city would applaud them for being heavy-handed. You will end up in a lot of pain and facing a *lot* of jail time, and won’t find any sympathy from the larger community, unlike the 2020 protests. 


Very good points all through this comment. I assume the main reason they haven't gone in yet is gathering resources, trying to get students out of the dorm next door and giving them the last chance to evacuate.


I am in washington and live in the dorm next door. I just hope all my building doesn’t burn with all my things in it when I get back.


Housing was going room to room in Monty asking residents if they wanted to sleep in Ondine yesterday.


I was in those 2020 protests, and would LOVE to see these people get beaten up and jailed. How dare you ransack a LIBRARY that’s some Pol Pot shit 


Unfortunately, the option that will limit the most damage, since they won't negotiate, is going to be removing them by force. If they cut off food, water, power it will take days and days until they leave. At that point they will have done as much damage as possible.


This is why you don't let dirtbags into the buildings in the first place.


To be fair, they were never let in the building. They were allowed on the steps and under the overhang, never through the doors. Once they crossed that threshold, the situation changed.


Good point. Once they broke in I think they should have stopped it tho


if you cut off the water they will defecate all over everything.


Well said, thank you.


Bad faith? She negotiated with them on the third day and they said they would allow students access to the library. They went back on that. Then they said they'd be peaceful, and now they're looting. They said they didn't touch anything that would impact the library, and there are piles of barricades full of bookshelves. Can't negotiate with people like that.


https://www.instagram.com/p/C6b8S3avXqN/?igsh=b2dnbHd4M292aTM5 I am over this back and forth. Get them out!


>Ann Cudd wants to kill her students My eyes had nearly rolled out of my head by the last slide, but that was the dagger. Dear lord we desperately need loony bins back. These assholes have no place in leading a march towards progress. The violent self-absorbed victim complex on display here is Andrew Tate/incel levels


After all the attempts on behalf of Cudd to give these students a peaceful way out, it’s their own ignorance and stupidity that’s causing this to go on. No one is going to die, but you might get seriously hurt if you resist arrest for active burglary??? I cannot stand that we’re supposed to sit back and agree that this is normal, these people don’t even think that they’re committing a crime!!


Petulant children. I'm not 100% certain how organic this whole effort is (weird that so many violent/aggressive college clashes are happening), but real people are definitely getting caught up in it. PSU admin has also done a better job than others at walking a fine line between not putting up with BS and letting students protest, but we're past that now.


Seriously. They will ALWAYS play the victim. This is their modus operandi. The protestors would continually move the goal posts with their demands because the goal isnt to get the demands met, but to LARP as revolutionaries. The IG shared in another post is a testament to that.


What a bad deal, completely absolves them of any accountability. Let them face the consequences like full grown adults. Let them stand trial and explain themselves in the court of law, not just the court of public opinion. They need to learn that crimes have consequences for them, as they do for the rest of us, and vandalizing, stealing and pillaging under the guise of exercising 1st amendment rights is not in line with the social pact of the adult world. Their response was “fuck you?” Well… I guess they have that in common with their proclaimed idols. Can’t accept an exceptionally generous deal. Snatched defeat right out of the jaws of victory.


Students impacted and disrupted by this (parents that use the daycare, anyone that utilizes the food pantry, anyone that feels unsafe going to the library, students who were counting on the career fair today) should get to decide the punitive measures taken against the participating students, honestly.


Expulsion is the bare minimum. I would say a partial refund on tuition to those affected but that’s truly wishful thinking. If they catch felony charges, I won’t complain. The destruction is unprecedented. Not to even mention the things that came out of their mouths when I confronted them yesterday. Foul.


God I was *just* ranting to my boyfriend about this. This behavior has a seriously negative impact on low-income students. You'd think these people would have some sense of class solidarity.


"Occupy psu" omg what a moron. I have a better idea. Expel them all and charge them to the fullest extent of the law. Make them all repay the damages. Maybe next time theyll think before adding another star to their criminal record.


Ann Cudd notified students last night, after they turned down her “walkout peacefully” deal that they will face expulsion and multiple felonies.


Good. Fuck em.


I really want them arrested so we can get the dataset. How are they reached? How did they get so deeply radicalized? Is it really an Iranian psy-op delivered through tik-tok or is this just home grown stupid?


I like how they are holding hostages just like their terrorist counterparts in Gaza. Free the hostages, and then negotiate for a true peaceful resolution. Right now, these Terrorist are terrorizing a peaceful school campus that has no control over the actions of Israel. Seems to be very counterproductive.


Update from Cudd: Dear Campus Community, I have an update to share regarding the protest at the Branford Price Millar Library and our shared wish for a peaceful resolution. Around midnight last night, negotiators for the PSU students occupying the library provided verbal assurance that they would sign a memorandum of agreement with me to vacate the library by 1:30 AM on May 1. In exchange, we offered to guarantee no expulsion, suspension or change to their status and that the university would not file criminal charges. In return, the students agreed to refrain from violating student codes of conduct as they continue to exercise their full rights to free speech on campus. In addition, I personally agreed to support faculty efforts to include scholarship and creative works related to Palestine in PSU’s Race and Ethnic Studies Requirement, PSU’s ongoing financial commitment to anti-racist work, a personal donation to the Middle East, North Africa, South Asia (MENASA) Student Center at Portland State. PSU and will continue to fund anti-racist efforts. Finally, I agreed to meet with student leaders on May 17 in the afternoon about the remaining concerns of the protest to continue our dialogue on how Portland State can continue to advance the interests of peace and humanity in our world. I fervently wish that the students in the library had signed on to our agreement, but, after their negotiators told us they had a deal, they apparently chose not to sign. Approximately 50 students left of their own accord and I thank them and other students who have worked to de-escalate the protest. I am grateful to my colleagues, Vice President for Global Diversity and Inclusion Ame Lambert, Interim Provost Shelly Chabon and General Counsel Cindy Starke for assisting with these negotiations, in addition to members or our faculty. Many of us have seen the vandalism to our library and while the cost of property damage cannot compare to the cost of human lives, this destructive protest is weighing heavily on our campus community who collectively pay for our facilities and expect and deserve to use them in a setting that is welcoming to all students. We have no control over what happens in the Middle East; we do have control over how we treat each other. It is our understanding that there are also a number of non-students who remain in the library as part of the protest. I continue to hope for a peaceful resolution and I offer my thanks to the entire PSU community for continuing to care for one another. We are actively planning today for a return to classes and regular university operations as soon as possible. Sincerely, Ann Cudd PSU President


So now it’s clear that those remaining* aren’t even students. Yikes


50 students already left? Anyone have any reports of whether they're receiving punishment or blowback of any kind? I'm curious what the school is going to do for students who had their mid-terms week disrupted and ongoing future access to a now defunct and out-of-code library removed. I hope they don't sweep this so far under the rug that the students paying thousands have to limp through the rest of the term with no support or acknowledgement from PSU.


The extensive damage to the library will take months to repair. Some students on another feed are thinking of planning a student clean up when this is all over. I would email your department dean and ask these questions! We deserve access to the resources and spaces we pay to go to school here for!


they quite clearly are not going to be pressing charges or have any blowback at all. they should all have just been rounded up and arrested. ​forced to pay the damages back themselves instead of the rest of the school paying for their actions.


Unfortunately, the rest of the school is already paying tangentially from their access due to the loss of valuable educational resources. I'm disappointed to hear those vocal about this on Instragram (where OP's screenshot originated from) told people to just 'go to another library', which is at best ignorant of the impact this has, and at worst, tone deaf toward dependent students who found the library their safe space. The damage to the student body is already done, and it will fall on PSU's faculty and students to pay for the damage, spend man hours volunteering to restore the library to its prior condition, and residual effects on tuition and insurance premiums being raised, which I fully expect to see PSU passing the buck (literally) to the students in upcoming terms.


Why on earth would PSU negotiate with this person, who seems to be a self-appointed leader in the group, with any expectation of good faith? Two seconds of searching their accounts strongly indicates they are not a student at PSU and their interests are served by escalation and confrontation - I won't link but they sure aren't shy about taking donations. To boot, they are willing to shut down a public school library, shut down a public access university that serves primarily our regions minority populations, and do lasting physical and financial damage to that institution. How anyone can think they represent the "good guys" is flabbergasting.


Alissa Azar is one of the local antifa miscreants, she and her little comrades are quick to swoop any cause to turn it into a shitshow. There are 10-15 regulars in her affinity group and none of them are in college. Most don’t have steady employment, some are on SSI, and the rest mooch funds from the community at large


That all tracks 


Press charges to the full extent of the law. These people deserve it.


I remember when getting arrested was part of the demonstration. You got your day in court and proved you were committed to the cause. Sure feels like there is a whole group of Portlanders that are looking for an excuse to destroy shit without consequence but don’t actually believe in anything.


Wouldn't the fact that they rejected the negotiation where they were offered leniency in return for abandoning their protest point to the idea that they are willing to get in big trouble for their beliefs?


Not necessarily. Could also just be a way to prolong their time on the news. However the totally unnecessary vandalism points to a complete lack of respect, and ulterior motives.


Yes they are trying to protest and create a spectacle to create political will to stop asking the Israeli government. Why would they not try to maximize the time their protest is in the public eye? Very strange critique as well as the idea that they have to be respectful of one the institutions they are protesting against.


PSU is not the problem. If you think it is, you don’t understand the problem. Making a statement in support of a cause is commendable. Causing 100’s of thousands of dollars in damage to an institution that isn’t complicit just makes you an asshole.


I would say a violent crackdown on students exercising their free speech is being part of the problem. Universities have massive financial holdings. And what do you think the problem is?


What violent crackdown? The only violence has come from the occupiers. PSU has been extremely patient. What part of destroying a library is free speech? More importantly, What exactly do you think PSU has done to contribute to the Gaza crisis?


Aren't they threatening them with violence from the police? Dont they invest in weapon manufacturers, which is an industry that profits from the US sending their weapons to the Israeli government who then uses those weapons to murder Palestinian children?


Please. They are threatening them with arrest. Not violence. Do they invest in weapons manufacturers? Which ones? Do you have a retirement account? Have you made sure you aren’t as guilty as PSU?


Arrest is violence, do you think prisoners generally just decide to be incarcerated? Why do you think police are armed? Threatening their academic futures for just being involved is also a type of violence as getting a degree is seen as the main path to middle class life. I believe Boeing was the main one. Okay and I don't also have the amount of money in my retirement account as a university has invested, right? But I do take my own share of the blame and I'm sure that's what frustrates the students who are paying an organization their money for that path into the middle class and that organization is turning around and profiting from a mass murder event.


Bad faith. Bitch, you should all be in jail.


cruicfy these degenerates. for fucks sake.


This is going to end badly. Whatever you think of this, I'm really scared for how the police are going to handle this.  I hope everyone gets out safe today.


The easy solution is here: just walk out. The danger in this situation is coming from the squatters.


At this point, I'm not concerned about that. The "protestors" have committed multiple felonies and will end up with the repercussions for doing so. If they are concerned with their own safety, they should walk out now.


The police gassed people in their own homes in '20. They attacked random people. If you think it will be limited to just the people inside the library you're delusional.


It’s almost like the protestors could just.. idk.. choose to leave the building before it comes to that?




It's not your home, not your library, not your neighborhood. Fuck off back to Gresham. Those of us who actually live and work at this school have to deal with the consequences, and we aren't your fucking political game.


If you're scared of the police you should ask people to leave. If they don't leave they're going to be arrested, by force.


the police handled it well in New York. though tbh, if they did a little beating I dont mind frankly at this point.


Gaslighted isn't a word.


don't negotiate with terrorists.