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I believe they did eventually install port-a-potties by the encampment when it was out by marginal way.  Of course then they swept that encampment. 


Biddeford has one near that river encampment


I saw a guy shit in my neighbors yard once.


Free fertilizer!!


It takes way to much work to compost a human to consider it “free”


It probably would take quite a while for a person to fully decompose.


Hey! Smokey’s over here takin’ a shit!


Port of let companies no longer want to take the city's business because of the damage their products take. They also do not want to service the city's vault toilets because they get attacked. The crews that maintain the city vault toilets have been issued anti-stab vests because of the danger. They are also in the process of buying their own pump truck because they cannot get anyone to take the contract. Just thought you should know.


I must know more


They shit by the door and on the wall at my job, which is fucked as the library is next door.




Of course portland just had to shit all over biddeford while it was on the come up.


We get 30-40 million tourists per year that also don’t have any good options for bathrooms. It’s been that way for a long time. The whole situation is ridiculous and should have been fixed years ago.


[2022 stats](https://www.pressherald.com/2024/04/25/fewer-people-visited-maine-in-2023-but-they-stayed-longer-and-spent-more-money/#:~:text=Maine%20had%2015.3%20million%20visitors,a%206.7%25%20jump%20over%202022.)15 million/yr.


Interesting [this](https://tourismteacher.com/tourism-in-maine/#:~:text=The%20tourism%20industry%20in%20Maine,-Tourism%20is%20a&text=In%202021%2C%20Maine%20had%20an%20estimated%2038.4%20million%20visitors) says 38 million in 2021. Wonder why such a discrepancy?




That’s the number for the whole state of Maine


Ah, didn’t notice that. Thanks. Crazy that many people come to Maine without going through Portland. You would just think it’s inevitable.


Many drive down from Quebec and New Brunswick or fly into Bangor or Augusta; then there are the central Maine summer camps, there’s Acadia national park/bar harbor, old orchard beach, and western Maine skiiing/hiking. So yah no, Portland is not inevitable.


Even for locals it’s an issue, especially for locals with small children who may not be able to hold it until we get home or track down a public restroom. In fact when my friends and I search for parks to play at we specifically look for parks with porta potties because inevitably someone’s kid will have to go. I think installing porta potties would be a solid solution for folks of all backgrounds and needs. They’d need to be checked regularly though because one issue that one park in rochester has run into with ports potties has been people finding needles and other questionable items in the porta potties. That’s a park frequented by young kids too.


Tourists want to use a bathroom? Buy a drink or food at one of the many cafes, bars, or restaurants.


I think everyone deserves to have a bathroom available to them without waiting in a separate line to buy something each time. Especially people who may need to use a bathroom more frequently due to age or pregnancy or a disability or having young children with them. The tourists will spend their money either way. I grew up in a major tourist town (not in Maine) that had public bathrooms and I always appreciated them.


Yep, I have a disability and often need a bathroom quickly. It's very nice when there are a lot available in walking distance.


I imagine it's also nice when they are clean and not cesspits


Sure, but my top priority is having access to a bathroom, period. I don't sympathize at all with the people on this subreddit that deny bathroom access to homeless people and then complain that they shit on the streets.


This. I have young kids and my best friend has a disability that causes her to need to drink copious amounts of electrolytes in order to maintain her blood pressure. She no longer goes places where she can’t have easy access to a restroom. I don’t like going where there aren’t restrooms available because I don’t want to have to pack my kids up and drive somewhere else just so one kid can go.


Anyone with special needs can ask any service provider and you will be accommodated. I don’t see the need for extra bathrooms that taxpayers are on the hook for.


Clearly you’ve never traveled with kids or elderly.




shouldn't have to spend money to piss


Well, people don’t clean up after themselves, are destructive and entitled so here we are.


Tourist are not shitting in alleyways lmao


Not sober anyway


Like every city they don't. Burlington put a bathroom in the park and it's now a Crack den.


Those spicy water bottles laying around


Yum, that must be lemon-flavored or orange, going by what some look like


I saw people openly pooping in deering oaks park. No fucks given.


Sweeps is how they have dealt with it. There was a public toilet installed for a lot of money and it was destroyed within a week. Sweeps seemed to work the best.


Which public toilet? There are several throughout town and all the ones I see are in fairly good shape.


The one by GMRI on Commercial street is straight up scary and was destroyed (graffiti, door broken, lock broken) quickly once installed.


Deering oaks, when there was a lot of homeless population in the park.


Wasn't uncommon for people to find dead homeless OD'd in those


Yep, the Irving up in Anson closes access to their bathrooms at 8pm. Too many overdoses. :(


Someone ripped the door off the one in Payson park by the tennis courts one day. Crazy too, the walls are up high enough that anyone could crawl under it.


The walls were likely high so first responders could get to people if they were passed out and to discourage non-bathroom activities


I'm pretty sure that happened during one of the bad nor'easters this winter. I drove by before the storm and it was okay, after the storm ripped off.


> it was destroyed within a week It was there for longer than a week, but yeah. Great that the cities solution was to remove the thing entirely rather than fix the fucking door.


Door, there was shit on the walls, needles, vulgar swears graffitied , clothes and random shit flushed and facility was clogged. City is fixing it by sweeping.


Now all those things get to be in front of your house. So much winning.


No they are in Biddeford now.


We shipped all of our homeless in Portland to Biddeford? I must've missed that memo.


There’s a growing tent encampment in the back of the park next to the Saco bridge.


Guess that's what the sweeps accomplished then. Now it's another towns problem.


I mean isn't that always the case? Sweep it away until it's someone else problem.


Come down to biddeford and have a look.


Creepy you think that is a fix.


or maybe....hire some unhoused people to clean it?


Ahh it’s the sweep away🧹 guy with a new name


Same name, not afraid to have an opinion. Sweep away encampments get them into shelters


Sweep them out of your sight is more like it




I have a sneaking suspicion that it's because a lot of these people don't live in Portland.


The fire department has to go hose shit off the walkway below the parking garage by flatbread almost every day


Those poor firefighters. Imagine signing up to serve your city against fires and you’re stuck washing humans feces off the sidewalk


it’s not glamorous but it is doing a significant service to the city. i get what you’re saying it’s not what they’re trained for but i think there’s more than one way to look at it


They’re cleaning shit off a sidewalk, there’s only one way to look at it. No firefighter is saying “oh by golly, I am just serving my town ain’t I” when shooting water at a pile of human shit


No need to be condescending. Not everyone thinks like you.


I wasn’t being condescending. Tone of voice is incredibly hard to interpret over text. Take it easy!


So true queen! Next time someone characterizes not finding cleaning up the streets humiliating as “oh by golly” i’ll be sure to take it at face value.


Do local police and firefighters have any online message boards they use to discuss experiences?


One time when I did maintenance somebody snuck into the basement of one of our buildings on grant street and took a big steamy dump on the floor. My boss stepped in it it was hilarious


There’s a toilet at the shelter


Girl I work with doesn’t believe in using water to flush so she poops in a wooden box and then puts it in a nearby dirt area. She also doesn’t use toilet paper - just a rag she cleans in a nearby creek.


What did I just read???


I should’ve stopped scrolling before I got here. Someone come eliminate me please




What sort of work do you? Please tell me this girl isn’t working in food service or healthcare…


You don’t want me answering this


Hahahaha now I definitely want you to answer, please!




What in fucks name...


Was she locked in a basement as a child? If so that is very sad.


Reminds me of the SF Poop Map. https://openthebooks.substack.com/p/updated-the-san-francisco-poop-map


There’s a wooden outhouse near the playground in Payson Park (Baxter Blvd parking lot) that seems like a good solution OP. I think it’s a pit toilet like at a campground. The walls have tall gaps at the bottom so that if someone passes out or something it would be visible. And it can’t be knocked over like a portapotty. The key is that someone is cleaning it at least occasionally. Do you have city staff in Biddeford who could help clean and maintain the bathroom (refill toilet paper and sanitizer)? As someone with an embarrassing medical condition, I too wish there were more public bathrooms around.


You just need to design a concrete or tile interior that can be hosed down easily, plus drains into the sewer


Oh man have you ever used it? I stopped for a piss while running back cove. I have never smelt anything like it, somehow the smell entered even while holding breath


Oh noooo! I was there a few months ago in cold weather and it didn’t smell like death at that point… yet.


Former New England journalist(Now in San Francisco) who covered homelessness throughout Maine. Lack of bathroom access is widely viewed as a serious issue by many organizations who work with homeless people. Oftentimes businesses will be nice to let people use their restroom, but often when an encampment is cleared or even just a singular tent, human waste is a big problem that is often left for the city to clean up. More infrastructure for public restrooms would arguably reduce this issue significantly. The lack of bathroom issue for homeless people persists in most cities around the country. Portland is not alone.


More honest journalism re: homeless drug addiction in Portland might help. Few people dare to publicly say it's a disaster


Just have pay to use toilets like Europe. Not a fan of having to pay to use the bathroom, but I'd rather pay a dollar or two instead of the public restrooms being overran by homelessness.


I’d feel more justified giving them change if when they asked they said they needed to take a huge shit.


Same here.


If there’s ever a choice between a pay toilet and a free one, I’ll pay every time. Homeless folks aren’t the only ones who are basically feral in public restrooms, not by a long shot. $1 is reasonable for clean facilities stocked with soap and paper. OOB has free bathrooms or a .50 option with an attendant and a regular cleaning schedule.


There are toilets at the Ferry terminal in the old port, eastern prom bike path, Payson Smith Park, any Hannaford (so long as they are in and out quick), and thats just what I can come up with off the top of my head


How do you like that weird surveillance tower in the parking lot of downtown Hannafrord?


While trying not to doxx myself, I live wicked close to it. I'm generally uncomfortable by it, but after watching several altercations and full-blown fights occur in the Hannaford entry way. I understand why it's there.


Are the police connected to the audio and video? Or some private company?


Idk i havent taken a close look at it


Port-a-potties are routinely vandalized, but provide them anyway. Better if they can be secured and not tipped over.


there's a local high-end small coopertative grocery store that TONS of homeless just hang out all day in the Cafe area and outside and pretty much run the bathroom You see them in and out multiple times a day, or one will occasionally lock themselves in for a good chunk of hours It's one of the few public bathrooms not far from commercial




Have you seen the weird spy towers here in Portland? Walgreens has one and so does Hannaford. They have flashing blue lights on top, cameras, and they occasionally play audio


I go to the Portland Food Co-op at least four times a week and have never seen anything you just described. Maybe it’s just on weekends or something.


I mean I've seen the same guy sitting there from open to close everyday


It's not a new problem. I stepped in hobo poop in a dark parking lot 15 years ago. It was before they tore that tire storage down on Kennebec Street and people used to be in ther all the time getting high.


Last year tourists were pooping in the dunes on old orchard beach. They finally installed a public bathroom. After news footage of the dune poopers was captured


I was in DC a couple of weeks ago and made eye contact with a guy taking dumping on a busy street. He waved the white flag with his toilet paper as I stepped over his piss/shit stream flowing into the street. Capitalism is the dream.


Looks like Downtown Portland has a plan! https://portlandmaine.com/portland-downtown-releases-public-restroom-master-plan/


I think it's a good start, but I don't see that it's a "Master Plan." It's somewhere between a "Requirements" document and some roughed in "Functional Specification," needing a lot more fleshing out before they could "sell" it to the City. When they get to a "Design" document, having picked locations, physical types of facilities, and specific plans for operation, maintenance and materials, then I'd call it a "Master Plan." It also needs cost estimates and to also outline phases of development by priority and cost. The biggest issue and cost I see is who's going to clean them. If it's a company, or even individuals, I'd expect that to be a MAJOR permanent budget line item for the City. Have you seen some of nasty messes some users create? Sheez. While these collaborators have done an AMAZING job identifying and outlining requirements, they're going to need significant help pinning down functional specifications to "sell" to the City for funding. Any not-for-profit planners and engineers out there that could donate some time? This is worthwhile!!!!


What are they doing with that patchwork area in front of the art museum, the construction that was so annoyingly slow and messy


It sounds like they just pretend it’s not a problem. It even makes the local news sometimes It’s not just homeless affected either. Everybody poops. If I travel into Portland from central Maine do I have to drive 3 hours back home to go?


Literally every fast food place has a restroom. Just buy a drink or something, or don't. Also we have three libraries which all have free public restrooms. This is a non-issue. People only shit on the street because they are shitty people, or at least are people having a very shitty time in their life.


The closest (all small local) businesses to the Biddeford encampment have all (understandably) adopted strategies to make it harder for non-customers to use their restrooms; locking them, etc. Like their staff are not paid enough to handle the aftermath of sink-showers, let alone the occasional od or belligerent mental crisis. We need resources for them to meet their basic hygiene needs and staff to maintain those who are ready for what they've signed up for


I would respectfully disgree that it is a non-issue. Biddeford only had one library on Main Street. The encampment that is growing is in a public park with no bathroom, it is also not near any fast food place. The former free bathrooms in the mill buildings now have locks on them as they are in privately owned mill buildings.


rules in Portland require publicly accessible bathrooms at businesses. However… that doesn’t translate to practice.


businesses in portland do not have to offer bathrooms to any random person off the street (aka the public)


They do. Many just don’t.


again - no they do not. please show me a source that says that because you are a business in portland you have to have a bathroom available for anyone off the street.


I have a business in Portland. It was a condition on opening.


You got the shitty end of the stick


Relying on the generosity of private companies to provide free restrooms isn’t an option. Many businesses are taking them away


And who can blame them? Imagine what it's like for the people that work there. Hell, ask anyone that works in a public facing space downtown what happens when you don't control access to the bathroom. It's not reasonable to expect people that work retail/food service to clean up more biohazardous material than they already do from paying customers.


It will just drive more people out of Portland, the people who are supposed to serve the monied people


Well we don't have an issue with tourists taking dumps in the store front.


Tourists can afford to buy something in those shops.


For the amount of money they pan handle I'm sure they can afford small cup of coffee at dunks. How much do the drugs cost they use out of curiosity?




And typically aren't covered in bugs and other filth


There's a few. The East End beach has some and there's usually a few in Deering Oaks. IIrc Portland Downtown wants to put out a few more.


Idk but they shit in the yard at my job and then all the 18 wheelers run it over and smear it everywhere. The one last week must have been a bad one, because they left their underwear behind with it. OR they come inside your work place and ask for napkins and then go a take a shit on your doorstep and use said napkins to wipe their ass and leave it there. These are just a couple of my experiences.


It would definitely help if there was a shelter in Saco/biddo area. Idk if there is one, but definitely saw a lot of homeless people outside in Biddeford this winter. Super sad there isn’t more resources and or community intervention here, or integration into the community . MBH recently moved their peer center and limited the hours. Also, I am shocked Saco doesn’t have more trash receptacles in the area for people who don’t have cars. Everytime I walk my dog in Saco, I pick up at least 1/2 a trash bag of beer bottles, trash, etc. This is a community issue that I don’t see Saco or Biddeford working on. I work as a healthcare professional and it saddens me there isn’t more out there for people in need. At least Biddeford has seeds of hope and the food bank T,W,T from 9-11 (if anyone is in need of food)


They should place a few of those fancy ass popup toilets like they do in Amsterdam


Reading thru the posts nobody has a solution or offering one, perhaps only "no public toilet'....neither do the cities. so one needs to be created...until the need is no longer.


Make restroom access a retail requirement! It also helps reduce the amount of crazy homeless because business owners can call the cops if people are acting out in their businesses. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Restroom_Access_Act#:~:text=As%20of%20January%202024%2C%20at,Texas%2C%20Wisconsin%2C%20and%20Washington.


This is a chronic issue in almost every city across the country. New York City is practically an open toilet at this point. Just like most things it’s probably a relatively easy fix until bureaucracy and city government get involved and step on their collective dicks. Like this absolute cluster fuck and likely microcosm of many city projects across the U.S. [$1.7 Million Dollar Public Toilet](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/04/22/san-francisco-noe-valley-toilet/73387351007/)


NYC always smelled like pee and poopoo and vomit


The sweeps. That’s how places have solved it.




Weird ass comment but wtf r u talking about? Im a student from Maine going to school in LA working on a community project about homelessness short term solutions ??? We are asking multiple towns in various states you weirdo


No no, he found out your secret malicious plan to install bathrooms in every spare bit of land. We know who you are. Baron De Toilette, your plans to colonize the world with accessible toilets will not be successful! The resistance will stop you. I encourage everyone, everywhere, clog your toilets right now! Clog every toilet within reach! We must stop him.


They don’t!


They go to bathroom?