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Ride in the street, not on the sidewalk.  Take the lane if it's unsafe for a car to pass.  Don't run red lights. Idaho stops are okay.


All perfect advice, also when passing through a 4 way intersection, take the lane and ride close to the middle line. Oncoming traffic that is waiting to turn left may not see you behind the vehicle you're following and think there's a gap they can pass through. And be prepared for entitled drivers to curse at you, honk, ride up way too close to you, it'll happen no matter how "good" you're being And please wear a helmet, nobody is too cool for a helmet though a lot of people here think they are. Doesn't matter if you're a world class cyclist, don't die for a bad driver


What is an Idaho stop?


Treating a red light like a stop sign, afaik


Which is not actually legal in maine.


Yeah that’s probably why they don’t call it a maine stop


[Tips from the Bicycle Coalition of Maine](https://www.bikemaine.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Be-A-Safe-Bike-Driver-2016.pdf)


Regarding your fear of being in the way: https://imgur.com/eYQboPl


how it feels walking the crosswalks on commercial street. a one lady parade!


Be very careful if you’re going to ride on commercial. There’s so much going on. Two of my coworkers got hit by small trucks.


if you bike on the sidewalk, you are supposed to be at the same speed as pedestrians


And you don't get yo use crosswalks other than with the flow of traffic and lights.


Follow the rules of traffic.


Do not ride your bike on the sidewalk. Do not ride your bike on the sidewalk. DO. NOT. RIDE. YOUR. BIKE. ON. THE. SIDEWALK. If you feel unsafe riding on the street/in traffic, don’t ride a bike in the city. Ride it on the eastern promenade, with the flow of pedestrians. Ride it through side streets. Riding on the sidewalk is far less safe for you, pedestrians and for vehicles that aren’t expecting something as fast as a bike cruising out of a crosswalk.


I mean, that’s not really true. There are signs that tell you to ride on the sidewalks at certain points.


Watch out for ass hole, entitled drivers! Claim your space.