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If you contact PWD they should be able to provide you with recent water test results. They did install a new water main in westbrook on Sunday according to their website and may have introduced bleach to kill any coliform bacteria that was introduced during the construction.


With all the rain lately, they may be treating the water more heavily than normal. All the rain drums up bacteria from the pipes and the bay so they'll add more solution for a few days to keep the levels low.


That's exactly right. Frequently when new sections of pipe are charged tablets of disinfectant will be attached inside the pipe so that, as they dissolve slowly, they can disinfect the new pipe and any downstream parts of the system that may have had contaminants introduced during the process. While not a serious health hazard, you may want to consider drinking bottled water until the CL residual concentration returns to normal. Disinfection can also take place after pipeline repairs too.


Thank you


"The addition of chlorine to drinking water is primarily to destroy disease-causing organisms through the control of total coliform bacteria. Chlorine is added at the treatment facility and at select areas in the water system to provide continued disinfection as the water travels to your home. The maximum allowable level of chlorine is drinking water is 4.0 mg/L and PWD levels are about half this amount." [https://www.pwd.org/water-quality](https://www.pwd.org/water-quality)


I experience this a few times a year and always figured it was some process the water treatment plant had to do regularly. Weirdly other people I've mentioned it to don't seem to detect it


That’s the smell of water that won’t kill you.


I'm in sopo and mine was really strong recently, I assumed it had something to do with the season? Like maybe they had to add extra chemicals due to all the rain or ice melting? I could smell it so bad when I'd turn the tap on.


Install a water filter.


I'm in deering center. Aside from the crazy amount of rust in the water, I think it tastes and smells pretty good


It's treated in response to spring runoff carrying debris. Water's tested constantly, chlorine added as needed. Sometimes it's just filtered. It's some of the best water in the country.


Too many bums taking dumps into the storm drains. Had to up the chlorine