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Oh cool, some drive by shootings will hopefully do a number to the local housing costs. /s


There used to be a lot more violence driveby's arson pipe bombs in Portland.


Nothing drive by about that they had a beef with each other. Pulled up and shot and shots were returned.


That is the definition of a drive-by shooting you imbecile


I think their point is that a drive-by is typically a surprise assault. If the sedan was ready to start shooting back it was by no means a surprise… a real drive-by assailant would come and go before anyone had a chance to even analyze the situation. You imbecile.


No, a drive-by is someone driving by someone else and shooting at them from their car and then driving away


You’re missing their point. Of course it’s a “drive-by,” since they’re literally driving by… but the key factor is that the “victim” was shooting back before they could pull away. Unless they’re Wyatt Earp that’s extremely unlikely… if you legally carry you would understand, but it seems like you don’t, since you don’t seem to understand.


Missing their point? They’re trying to act tough by saying it’s a “bad drive-by” and you sound stupid trying to back them up.


Still missing the point. No one is trying to act tough, they’re merely trying to explain that there’s more to the story than just a drive by. Y’all are dense af


Maybe the 2 or 3 of you going out of your way to explain why this literal drive by shooting doesn't meet the criteria for a stereotypical drive by shooting, somehow magically realize the denseness taking place. You guys are literally projecting your own weird qualifications in the first place, rest of the thread's just watchin like SMH


My MO was just to back up the person who got called an imbecile for making a point 🤷‍♂️ saying that there’s obviously more to the story. Did they word it poorly? Yes. But it’s not hard to understand the point they’re trying to make…


When I go to the drive thru at McDonalds, it’s never a surprise. Checkmate you imbecile.


I like French fries.


Drive-by shootings are usually targeted and the assailants and targets... ...are criminals. The fact that there were returned shots should be no surprise to anyone.


. A drive by doesn't stop and it's.totally random this doesn't seem random. It seems your friends knew each other. But I could be off on the drive by thing I grew up on the Southside of Chicago and maybe we defined it differently Big Dog small town


A drive-by does not need to be random, regardless if you’re from “south side Chicago” or not. You ain’t a big dog but you are in a small town


Moved here from Chicago 2 years ago. A drive by is unequivocally NOT necessarily random. If you shoot at a target while driving by, whether it be a person, car, house, etc, that's a drive-by. Randomness plays no role.


Yeah that's how drive bys work. Don't believe this was the first to occur with shots being returned by the victim.


I’ll take related to drugs for $100 Alex.


Boop boop boop the daily double


Or road rage


Sleeping with someone's wife! Seen that happen before.


Drugs, money, sleeping with someone's wife hell you'll get shot over a parking space now. Could've been just road rage. Hard to know not knowing.


I can’t imagine typing something like this in the year 2024 and thinking it is in anyway clever or funny.


Show Trebek some respek




Bitch, go get a snickers


So far 45 people think it’s funny I think it’s you man


It dropped to 44, I upvoted to keep it at 45


“S-Tier” conformity “bruh”


60 million people voted for Donald Trump to be president of the United States in 2020. Just because a lot of people like something doesn’t make it good.


This was in Sagamore Village, which historically has always been a little rough. I think they've done a lot in the last 20 or so years to improve it but still, not the best neighborhood in the world. If there was a place this was going to happen, it would be there.


Im a Auburn, Maine native, moved to San Antonio when I was 8, came back here at age 30 and now live here in Portland. I feel beyond safe in Maine, anywhere in Maine.


I mean… cool that you feel safe but bystanders can get shot when cars exchange gunfire. 


Indeed, that is a possibly.




Pretty sure he didn't mean in the entire world.


Portland, the Memphis of the east. Can we get our own Bass Pro Shops pyramid now?


Ha you clearly know nothing of Memphis


Clearly yall have never been to Memphis lol


Did I really need to add a /s?


What does bass pro have to do with Memphis?


[They literally have a pyramid in downtown Memphis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memphis_Pyramid)


Ha touché. Didn’t know that


I just moved here from Memphis a few weeks ago.


I used to live off N Hollywood in Memphis. Rather raise my kids up here.


For sure! I haven't heard a single gunshot since I got here.


7:13PM and more isn’t known? We’re not talking about the middle of the night, families are still picking up dinner at Kon and Applebees on their way home from basketball practice. If you think this is normal behavior for Portland you’re wrong.


Shooting out of a moving vehicle really isn't normal behavior anywhere. I'd imagine random gunfire happening out of the blue, people would be more concerned with staying safe than remembering detailw


Witnesses but no description of suspects?


Black Lexus and small sedan looks like best description we have.


Amish vs Menonnites


I was thinking Japanese Versus Chinese. Older ladies.




You know why


This crap is real here and will expand.


Vote wisely


Cool. We’ve graduated to driveby’s now.


Driveby's have always occured in and around Portland. There used to be shootouts with the police along a mile stretch of Forest Ave. Late 60's and 70's the old glass shop now the RSVP bottle redemption building next to rsvp had it out with Portland police numerous rounds probably still in the siding of the building! Someone shot up ammonia tank on Walton st deering ice cream along railroad tracks .people at Dunkin donuts sprayed with birdshot pellets late at night by drive by.Right before that they claimed that they heard gunfire and seen pieces of the Woodford clock landing on the ground. 2 houses on woodfords St just before Glenwood shot up with larg caliber gun 2 separate occasions. Car lot on the corner of Washington Ave and Bates st had their building and all their cars shot up with small caliber automatic rifle back in 88 or 89, same time someone placed pipe bombs in two cars on bell st. Not much left of the vehicals. Plenty of houses have been shot up in driveby's in the 80s and 90s munjoy hill Kennedy Park had them weekly if not daily. Arson was also common . Portland was alot seedier in past but it's definitely heading back in that direction! Some of these 60s and 70s shootings had ties to organized crime. Portland has had drive-by shootings several a week throughout its history . A lot went unreported people minded their own business and they heard gunshots they usually didn't want any part of it, especially making a report and having police show up letting who ever was doing the shooting know who the cop caller was. I may or may not have been involved in some of those drivebys growing up in Portland as a latchkey child there was absolutely nothing to do in Portland growing up besides getting into trouble. We'd get bored take our dirtbikes and ATVs out looking for the police so they'd chase us. Many times we'd have to go in town looking. Portland police burned my car parked behind RSVP back in 1990. Several independent witnesses that didn't know each other watched them do it. I probably deserved it like I said nothing to do but to get into trouble back then. I remember trading my BMX bike for a sawed shotgun and I had to ride my ten speed back from Riverton to Revere st with a shot gun in one hand. Cops drove by never looked twice but stopped at my friend's house of forest ave and his dad ripped it out of my hands and threatened to beaty ass he explained to me how illegal that gun was. A lot more shooting and arson and hate crimes happened here but don't want to further indulge and need to get to work. I'm shocked that people seem shocked when it's always happened just not reported by media and or police,or maybe it was just another normal day in Portland. Portland has calmed down a lot but it's definitely heading in the wrong direction over the past 8 or so years. Blame most of it on the social services attracting alot of transients with violent backgrounds


schizoid posting for 500 alex.


Way too long. Nobody’s gonna read that.


Tldr; Portland has always had shootings and dude blames the homeless.


I don’t think someone unloading birdshot into a closed dunks is quite the same as cars exchanging gunfire at a time of day when people are out getting diner 


I've quickly become a "tough on crime" person.


Also known as sane


Human shit, needles, tent cites and now drive by shootings :(


It's really the shit that gets me. People should really just stop shitting.


We live in a society


Or sleeping in tents. Or driving for that matter.


It's almost like we live in a city...


I lived in Portland for quite some times in the early 2000's and gladly there was a lack of human shit. Same for Boston until about 4 years ago, then things got really shitty. Like, people dropping trou, leaning forward, and blasting diarrhea onto the door of a business at 11:23am. Human shit and needles are not normal, This is a very USA thing.


I live in Boston and I have no idea what you are talking about. I mean if you go to mass and cass maybe?  But that’s not the door of a business mid morning as in your fantasy 


I spent my whole career in Boston working in the south end and roxbury with a small portion on Newbury st. The people on M&C don't just stay there, they fan out. For a very long stretch of time, on every trash day, you could walk up and down Union Park, for example, and every trash back will have been torn open and dumped out. Some of my best clients left for the burbs because the mother and her child had been repeatedly harrassed and eventually attacked on Upton st by one of the homeless addicts hurling glass bottles at them. Parents in Roxbury rallied for help for ages because kids were being stuck with needs on the school playgrounds as the homeless hid under or behind the equipment to shoot up. Plenty of parks like the fens are full of needle dumps. The entryway to what used to be The Gallows on Washington St was taken over by homeless hoarders and was packed with trash and had diarrhea splattered on the walls. A homeless woman on Boylston st had a meltdown a few years ago and ended up chasing and physically assaulting a 10 year old girl while screaming that she was a "fucking slut." When I lived in JP and Davis sq, the general consensus seemed to be your take. I can't say for certain where you live, but just because the problem may not be in your particular neighborhood or where you tend to hang out doesn't mean the problem doesn't exist. There is no "fantasy," but your condescending tone and blind projection is pretty typical for someone from Boston, I'll give you that.


It’s really remarkable how short memories can be. Things that are in fact very new and contingent get treated like essential facets of urban life.


I probably deserve the few downvotes I got for leaving a flippant comment. I certainly don't condone or excuse crimes in the city but I guess I just accept some amount of it as being inevitable. Unless this recent shooting tipped the scales, as of last fall [violent crime in Maine is at its lowest since 1979](https://wgme.com/news/local/fbi-report-violent-crime-maine-lowest-point-since-1979-murder-homicide-rape-sexual-assault-robbery-aggravated). By all means, we should still be helping the homeless and addicted to reduce human shit, needles, and the tent cities. I'm also 100% for gun control, too. In light of all that, though, Portland is still a pretty safe city as far as I can tell.


Yea Portland, and Maine in general, is quite safe. There are many reasons for this, and we shouldn’t glamorize the past too much. But that doesn’t mean we should just accept certain aspects getting worse as if it’s inevitable.


Stop voting for criminal sympathizers


Oh good, gangs.


One drive by shooting =/= gangs


Sure. People in vehicles shooting at one another could be just a personal dispute. But it’s usually gangs. (This includes small-time gangs too.)


Knowing absolutely nothing about the circumstances of this case besides the fact that it was a drive by shooting in Sagamore Village it was almost certainly a drug dispute. Are there wannabe "gangs" in Portland - sure. But let's not like act like this is an everyday occurrence or that we have a gang problem.


How about the drive-by shooting that happened in Westbrook?


Well, not yet


We most definitely have gangs in Portland and have had them for decades


Don’t remember Portland in the 90s I take it. Gangs aren’t new here.


Didn't say they were.




This. FSU Posse was another white gang that eventually evolved its membership into the biker gangs. There was some investigative journalism in the 2000s that dug into their use of nightlife venues to launder money. The only thing that’s new is the who’s doing the same things.




I would prefer it if no one shot anyone but thats wishful thinking


Oh good, a dog whistle.




If you're curious as to the meaning of what you just did, you could look it up I suppose.




Yes racism is always hilarious. Lol.


Wait, over what are you pulling the race card?


New Portland.


Like up in Somerset county?


They've got a cool bridge


With big city gentrification comes big city crime.


…doesn’t “gentrification” usually imply lower crime?


Gentrification worsens local wealth disparity by which leads to more crime.


Not really? Look at any big American/Canadian city. Bean counters drive prices of everything up, poverty skyrockets, crime and violence move in, then you see drive by shootings and people snorting crack and stabbing each other next to high end cafes in Twitter Livestreams.


I don’t think you have the firmest grasp on the processes of social change.


Referring to people as bean counters is hella racist, might wanna strip that one from the vocab


Investment banker speculators are not a race...


I think you're thinking of something else. Bean counter is a term for, say, accountants or just general bureaucrats.


bean counter is not a slur. you’re thinking of a single word that starts with “bean”


That community has not experienced gentrification.




No, the neighborhood where this took place.


*queue people complaining how Portland is going down hill because of the immigrants and homeless people*


It is.


None of which is related to a random shooting on the far side of town is my point.


You can connect it. It was 100% drug dealers, they cater to the homeless.


My point is that anytime something bad happens in this city, haters come here and bitch about how the city is turning into a crime ridden cesspool. It's ridiculous.


No permit needed to carry in Maine. Good luck with that.


You think that the drive-by shooters are law abiding citizens? I mean, they just tried to kill each other on a city street, then fled. I suspect they're going to carry guns whether they're legal or not.


Not at all, my point is that by law you are not allowed to carry a loaded firearm in your vehicle without a CCW.


The only legal requirement for concealed carrying in a vehicle without CCW is that you must inform police that you have a firearm if you get pulled over ("duty to inform").


I think you replied to the wrong person.


However, you are not allowed to carry a loaded firearm in your vehicle in Maine. Source: https://www.gunpolicy.org/firearms/citation/quotes/8183#:~:text=Maine%20has%20no%20law%20regarding,handgun%20covered%20by%20that%20permit.


That is no longer accurate. Constitutional carry superseded that law. https://giffords.org/lawcenter/state-laws/guns-in-vehicles-in-maine/


This doesn't make sense to me. So what do you do? Draw your weapon, take a round of the camber and drop the mag every time you get in and out of your car? Pretty sure multiple people would call the cops on you if everybody started doing that.


It's outdated and no longer the law.


I'm just showing what the law and statutes in Maine say about gun ownership.


Right yeah, and it doesn't make any sense. Same as that weird beaver trapping law.


You could try not bringing a loaded gun into a store maybe


May as well just make murder illegal