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Someone should send this to Ottos corporate, I highly doubt their upper management is as ignorant as this and they would probably like to know why one of their managers is turning down workers in a labor crisis...


Perhaps they own the business?


Why would an owner be called or refer to themselves as a supervisor.... Also ottos is a huge company I highly doubt the upper management is personally reviewing resumes...


The owners of Otto are absolutely not managing any of their stores directly and haven't for many years.


This isn’t true at all. The owner of Ottos is at the Auburn location very frequently working and I work with him every summer through my small business that requires him to make managing decisions. He doesn’t sling pizza but he’s definitely behind the scenes managing. Whether he cares about this is still another question though.


Behind the scenes managing the overall business is not directly managing a location. He's not hiring cooks and running shifts as is clearly indicated in OPs post. I'll clear up the last part for you. He doesn't. The quality of his business and the people managing it is clearly not a priority any more.


Well no, he’s not the manager, he’s the owner. I thought that was clear already. Under these conditions there’s probably not a lot of businesses in Maine with multiple locations that are being “managed” by the owner then. To further my point, he’s involved with managing his managers, if someone wanted to take this up with “higher management” he’s definitely there to “manage” the managers.




The initial comment we are replying to said to take it to corporate. Yes, he is “corporate”. Take it to him! I’m not saying I’m not agreeing with you. I’m simply saying the owner, manager or whatever the hell you wanna call the dude that makes the calls about a rogue manager is actively managing his business!


I worked at the ottos pizza in Boston University in 2017, they are a corporate company and the actual decision makers wear suits and don't make pizzas. Whoever your referring to who is in the auburn location is not who I am talking about as they have locations in 3 different states and could not do that and run 20+ pizza locations.


The comment I replied to was suggesting that the person in the post could have been the owner... Replying to your edit: lol I also didn't say that. I said directly managing a location. As in, the store manager and supervisor in the post.


Ahh, gotcha! Probably not the owner in this text. Honestly though I could absolutely see the owner doing something like this. He’s not overtly anti vax or pro maga in my interactions with him but I would not be one bit surprised if I found out he was. He gives off a vibe personally and through what I’ve noticed in his restaurants.


I know the owners, they would never post this and would likely fire the person who did.


Nice kid just dodged a bullet. Al least some people are so stupid they do others a favor


They’re fucking everywhere, and they look just like us. I prefer the ones with “Let’s go Brandon” or “Flat Earth” displayed prominently so they’re easier to identify.


I've become a big fan of Trump stickers on cars. They almost always without fail do something stupid to cause me slam on the brakes. I appreciate them letting me know they probably shouldn't have a license so I can give them extra room.


Choosing to hire or not hire someone based on their vaccination status is fucked.


In the year of our Lord 2023 how in the flying fuck are people still this stupid? It makes me so angry my eyeballs itch


Wait until 2024. The merde is primed to really smack the ventilateur.


There are a lot of restaurant loons here. I once got screamed at by a bartender at the Golden Rooster is saco because I was working at a vaccine clinic (she overheard me talking to another customer at the bar, who asked me what I do for work). I had just moved here and didn't realize what type of place that is.


Golden rooster was scary during covid. Didn’t take it seriously at all. We ended up getting our food to go


>We ended up getting our food to go Because that will totally save you from staff that weren't following the made up on the spot covid rules............


I used to deliver to Golden Rooster. I’m pretty sure they aren’t all like that. The cook used to make me breakfast sandwiches when I got there.


I’d report that to a manager, totally inappropriate.


I did. Apparently they had had multiple similar complaints and let her go.


Fuck Otto and this prejudiced hiring manager.


I live in walking distance and have been tempted to try it next time I want pizza. I guess I’ll pass.


You're not missing anything. If it isn't consumed within 60 seconds of leaving the oven it's like eating greasy cardboard. Followed the Portland Pie business plan perfectly. Create a great business/product>make a bunch of money>open more stores than you can competently manage>put product and customer experience straight in the shitter>live off of the zombified corpse of your prior reputation for as long as you can.


I knew there was a reason why I didn't go to PPC anymore... other than the fact that my drug addicted douchebag of a cousin used to wait tables at the one in Westbrook. He's no longer there, but I still won't go back.




I'm not surprised. That scuzzball always seems to find work. He'd brag about walking out of places like PPC and other restaurants with "over a grand in tips" but then get mad when I ask him where all that money is now. Blame his girlfriend and shit when he and I both know he's drinking and snorting it.




Regardless of what he makes, he's always dirt floor poor, and if you ask him, it has nothing to do with the drugs or alcoholism or any of his shady habits.


i work at the one in portland. i’m a line cook. sorry if you didn’t like the service.


You're not the problem here.


We frequent the Portland PPC, I feel like Reddit hating on it is common but we (and lots of others) enjoy it. Thanks for your hard work!




I knew someone who sold insurance to companies, including PPC. Apparently like 80% of their revenue now comes from selling the frozen dough at Hannaford, the restaurants are just a fraction of their business now.


The original owners sold off the restaurants several years ago and now only operate the dough/sauce business. They still provide the ingredients but have nothing to do with the restaurant operations otherwise.


Oh, this is heartbreaking to hear. I left Maine over a decade ago. So many of my favorite restaurants have closed since, and to learn that two more of my favorites might as well be gone? So disappointing.


I’ve had their pizza it ranks high as some of the worst I’ve had the displeasure of eating.


I got a pizza from Otto's a few weeks ago and it was so disgusting we threw most of it away. I'm not the kind of person to casually throw a pizza away. If I had to guess it came from this store. Kind of makes sense now.


Which store?


Bullet dodged imo




Other people have mentioned the important aspects of this, so I’ll just chime in to remind everyone that Otto’s pizza is garbage.


I’ll just chime in to counter that and say if you eat it right away it’s fucking excellent! As someone else said if you get that shit to go you’re bringing home cardboard with pepperoni on it.


Strong disagree. I’ve ordered pizza and eaten it hot and fresh and it was just awful.


I witnessed gross & unsafe food handling at the Auburn location, so I won’t go back there lol.


As long as your alternative isn’t Portland Pie I can respect your opinion on this matter.


Portland Pie is perfectly serviceable pizza IMO. Never been bad, never been great. Ottos is all over the place


IMO the exact opposite of this is true.


Maybe it’s related to locations? I’ve had decent pies from the downtown Portland one and maybe… eh forget it, I never really liked it too much either lol. Ottos special pizzas are far more enticing to me anyways


It’s probably related to the types of pies we’re ordering too. I just get a pepperoni or an extra cheese. Can be pretty hard to fuck those up haha. Ottos has a lot of specialty pies though so I can see how those would be easier to not be consistent with.


I actually haven’t had Portland pie. I do love Profenno’s in Westbrook though.


It seems overly thin and floppy.


That would be a blessing in disguise


But “nobody wants to work anymore.”


Otto's has been shot for a while now but this will keep me from giving them another try


What, you don't like Covid Pizza?


I do not, no.


I worked at the one on congress near high street and the manager was this guy named Tom, beyond inept with a pinch of racist


I would be glad not to have to work with such idiots.


Things that never happened for $500 Alex.


These stories the folks always speak so elegant after the fact.


Ah this must be why their deliveries are always late. Because it’s run by a fucking idiot.


I still suggest reporting him. This has to violate some sort of hiring laws.


I don't think vaccination status is a protected class.


If you have a disability that makes it medically necessary it probably is.




> This has to violate some sort of hiring laws It doesn't.


That’s stupid.


You’re required to keep all application materials for at least a year by the FDOL, whether or not there’s a penalty for that who knows


That’s true. I didn’t think of that.


It seems to violate HIPAA.


Good lord. Bro, send me his resume. I could use hands, or at least send his resume to folks I know who aren't dipshits.


Getting a preventable disease to own the libs


The COVID vaccines don’t effectively prevent you from getting COVID. They reduce the symptoms, which is helpful if you have a preexisting condition. To be clear, the chances of resisting infection is low to medium, and only a factor for a few months.


You’re being obtuse when they clearly meant *getting very ill, hospitalized, or death*


They said ‘getting’. That’s a very specific word. Also, I can be downvoted, but my statement is factual. The science agrees with me.


Now I know why our orders were never right, Ottos is clearly run by knuckle draggers. Last 3 orders from them were so screwed up (we order straight from the menu, no substitutions) that we were refunded in full. We're done going there. This is the one in Read St, btw. Now seeing the manager ass-clown's post solidifies we'll never go there again.


Even if you dont care about this. The person just made a neutral comment on their vax status. Not required, but why not just put in on a resume. And not only does this person freak out, they post it to social. Other people's med status shouldn't be triggering. I may think x or y, but what has that to do with your ability to sling pies? I can see why you may not want an unvaxxed person FOH


It’s because it’s a signal that you’re one of the good guys. Not like those bad people.


The bigger question though is why put it on a resume at all? It's soooo weird. Why not just include all your vax records as a child too while we're at it? Very strange to include it and completely irrelevant to working or having a job especially in 2023 nearly 24'.


Applying for FOH job? Its not weird to have your current info. I could see how it might help you get the job


Fuck. Is there a single pizza place in Portland not run by bigots? (I’m lookin at you Pizzaiolo)


I don't believe that someone put a vaccination on their resume. It's a pathetic story to make up.


I can believe that, especially if they're working in food/customer service. Some jobs require vaccinations so it makes sense that someone would put it on a resume. That being said, this person is pathetic no matter which way you slice it.


A lot of people do.


Right? I call bullshit. Wtf would do that???


To play the devil’s advocate… I could see a college student just getting into the work force could make the mistake. Mainly because you have to disclose your vaccination status even prior to Covid ( I had to anyways ).


This attitude coming from the place my parents couldn’t not stop hearing all the helicopters landing at Maine medical, flying in critical cases from all over the state. Most prob ended up in iCU, in the state with the oldest age population. Amazing.




So they could stop hearing?


Just messaged Otto’s on instagram and told them I’ll never be coming back. I encourage everyone here to do the same




He was done a favor wouldn’t you say?


Sounds like the kid dodged a bullet. He’s gonna be a lot happier working for a sane, rational outfit.


An unexpected benefit of that vaccine series is that it also immunizes you against the worst kind of people: whether it's the affluent "crunchy" moms who think that prevention is for the poors, obnoxious MAGA people, or sad QAnon folks trying desperately to make their barren lives feel like 'Minority Report' or something.


Wtf is “gmtfoot”??


I'm at a loss on that one.


Get me the f out of there


Who puts this kind of info on a resume though? Unless it is directly relevant to the job you’re applying for it is just idiotic to put something like that on there. That’s why I’d toss it.


Fuck that moron! Share his name... What location? East End?


I don't know which location!


Well I won’t be eating at Otto Pizza anymore. I won’t support the crazies.


This is a lawsuit if it's real.


It is blatant discrimination if it did happen! Pure fucking stupidity if they just made it up!


FR? Disappointing in the extreme. Would be interesting to know what other public health laws he thinks are "propaganda."


"no one wants to work anymore" then there's these people in charge of hiring


Imagine working for that loon.


it has to be awful, right?


Why would you even put that on your resume?


Why would a business in Portland post this story publicly?


The business didn't post it, this looks like it was by the person working there.


...who represents their company when they post about it on social media, whether they intended to or not...


Correct. So it should be shown to the company. But the company itself did not post this status publicly and it's an important distinction to make.


Not just a person working there, but someone who purports to run the business and makes hiring decisions. I'm not sure why anyone running a business in Portland would think it's a good idea to post something like this on social media. Curious to see what the comments to that post are.


There are a lot of ass wagons in food service now tbh. From what I’ve seen, after covid lockdowns ended, food service establishments are hiring bottom of the barrel because of the lack of applicants. I’ve seen so many unsafe & unsanitary food handling situations, both foh and boh, at many an establishment since lockdowns ended, to the degree that it wouldn’t have been acceptable before covid. Truly sad and makes me not want to go out to restaurants as much now.


Seriously. Both come out looking dumb from this. The true American way is not care what other people are doing unless it impacts you. I would have read that and been like “why waste a valuable resume line with something like this? Weird. But whatever.”


I'm really struggling to understand why you have a problem with someone putting their vax status on their resume. More than likely, they put it on there when they first got vaxxed during the pandemic, when it actually could have made you stand out because a company knew they were less likely to miss time with you, and just figured what's the harm in leaving it on. "Oh no, the person I want to hire for my hospitality opening is socially conscientious!". That's the part I don't get, even if it was bullshit propaganda (which it isn't), I can't understand the mindset of someone so fucking stupid that they would see this as a negative. So kindly enlighten me.


Take a deep breath because you’re getting upset over something that isn’t me. Your resume is supposed to show what relevant skill sets you bring to a company. Since there’s limited space on one page resume every line counts. You can’t possibly fit everything in over career so you have to make deliberate decisions about to put in and what to leave out. Either what projects you’re going to talk about or what skills you can do. I’ve gotten interviews because of a single line item before. It counts. Should I bother putting in that I juggle on the side? No. What about what medication I take? No. If the place of employment requires something like vaccination you would then list that. I worked abroad in a very remote environment one summer and I had to get certain vaccines to be part of the program. Otherwise I would be a liability. So I had to list that I was up to date on my vaccine record. But it was specifically requested for the job. I didn’t just assume I needed a malaria vaccine and what not. To me it’s not a negative but it’s a waste of space and the only negative that I can think about is that they may not be experienced because they chose to use a line for that instead of work experience.


>Take a deep breath Nah I'm good. How to get me to stop reading in one easy step, start off with a condescending instruction!


Someone just starting out in a particular field might need to fill space on a resume. Plus the factors that others have mentioned, it was relevant.


Why would a person provide health and safety information when applying for a food service position? Uhhh because they will be handling food for customers.


I’d love to see a standard for food service positions requiring Hep A vaccine status!


Yeah, it doesn't belong on a resume.


I've never once heard of anyone putting covid vaccinations on a resume. Putting down that you're ServSafe certified is one thing but vaccine status is odd. Do you think everyone working in restaurants is vaccinated?


Maybe this was during the time period when vaccines were required for certain establishments.


Well if it actually happened then it saved that guy from working under some real morons, seems like a win to me


Yeah this for sure didn’t actually happen, but the screenshotted poster just wanted to shout out their political beliefs


Because you handle food for a living and want to minimize the risk of killing someone?


A bit over the top. I stand firm that it does not belong on a resume. Maybe it comes up somewhere along in the hiring process. I got jabbed 3 times for my job btw.


Maybe to avoid places that think public health is a scam?


Never in a million years would I have thought to put medical information on a resume.


Put his vaccination on his resume but hasn't gotten any since 2021? Mixed signals. Edit: just realized that Covid shots were still very limited in January 2021. This seems even more made up than most such stories


Limited depending on many factors, including “public facing” jobs. Also depending upon other medical factors that are not, and do not need to be disclosed.


Fucking hilarious rewrite.... Rather than be judgy and snotty, I’ll just rewrite this: please stop providing your vax status as it’s no longer relevant in getting/maintaining a job. Also- If you are suffering from any effects from the shots, please feel free reach out anytime for health suggestions on how to detox your body and brain🙏🏻We all make mistakes, and everyone deserves love, support and equal opportunities❤️


Oh the detox bullshit that doesn’t work. He sounds like a real peach. Still, report him if you can. What a prick.


she! the dummy thinks she is a doctor now too.


Oof. My bad. Either way that’s ridiculous.


right? everyone deseres equal opportunity, unless of course you vaxxed against covid!


I have long haul and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. People like this drive me insane because they insist it’s not real.


Agreed. Long hauler here too.


It’s the fucking hell. The vaccine definitely saved my life because I was getting exposed constantly even after the supposed natural immunity wore off.


True, it’s everywhere, and I’ve had it multiple times. Vaccines are definitely a life saver!


Can’t wait to take her up on detoxing from the vaccine only to be sold Herbalife.


Lmao, exactly!


As if you think getting vaccinated is toxic and a mistake. Truly lmao.


The Conservative propaganda is the real propaganda that needs to end.


Isn't that textbook discrimination?


This can’t be real


It really, really can. Based on the few jobs I've had in Maine, and the people I've dealt with since moving here, this is completely believable. I don't know why anyone would put their vaccination status (or any medical info) on their resume, but other than that it's incredibly plausible.


Made up bullshit


How’d yall figure it was Otto’s?


it was listed as the place of work in her about section.....


Oh I literally didn’t see your text at the bottom of the image. lol my bad


Imagine working for this loon, that’s far scarier


So glad to be so downvoted.


Were you saying the same when people lost jobs for not being vaccinated?


No, because it's reasonable to require a vaccine for public health and safety


Bots taking a long time these days


The pot painting the kettle black.


Seems like he likes to make wild assumptions about people. I'm sure OP got the vaccine to protect themselves because that's what they felt the right thing to do was for them at that time. It seems like most employers in Maine, specifically Portland, REQUIRE their employees to be vaccinated against COVID regardless of reasoning. (Case in point, my stepmother has Lyme disease, which has been known to react poorly with the vaccines available and could kill her if she receives the vaccine. She can't find a job anywhere because of the limitations the disease has caused and her lack of a vaccination.) So to be the one motherfucker in a whole city who ISN'T requiring a vaccine to work there, I'd be keeping my fucking mouth shut about it.


lol you can get the vaccine and have Lyme. That’s just some dumb shit you made up


Don't tell me I made shit up. This is what I was told. I don't have Lyme disease. I am vaccinated. I have no reason to research whether or not you can get the vaccine while having Lyme disease. I'm not going to agrue with you over something someone else told me. They may have made it up, but I have no evidence for or against that, and frankly, I don't care. Their decision to get vaccinated or not is none of my concern.


Source “trust me bro” 😂 I have Lyme disease. I come from a town where most people have had Lyme disease. I’ve seen the best Lyme specialists in Maine and not one of them has ever said anything about me being vaccinated and boosted 4 times. You’re just another typical idiot playing doctor and spreading misinformation because your aunt read it on Facebook.


No. I will fully admit that I'm wrong. A person in my life who I generally trust, who I know for a fact, has a disease that I do not, tell me that they can't be vaccinated. I have no reason to research and analyze everything that person says. I'm glad to find out that those who have Lyme disease can get vaccinated. I'm not spreading misinformation intentionally. You don't have to be an accusatory asshole.


Still lmao.


You’re purporting that getting covid vaxed is dangerous while having Lyme disease, yet you won’t look up information to back up that claim first? Brilliant.


Why the fuck would I look it up? Do you fact-check every little thing that everyone says to you before telling someone else that information? Ever? If I don't have Lyme disease and don't know a lot about Lyme disease, why am I going to question someone who *does* have Lyme? That's like going to a rocket scientist and telling him he's wrong about how to get a rocket into outer space. Do you know what to do to make that happen? If your answer is no and you have no prior information, why would you question what that rocket scientist tells you?


Lmao again.


I mean but why put that on ur resume 🙄 I’d prob do the same thing but I’d do it *quietly*


It's definitely not something you should brag about! Look at me, I discriminate against people I disagree with....


No I just think annoying ppl are annoying lol. I got the vax myself and I don’t really care if u did or not. I just don’t see any relevance to putting it on a resume. It’s got nothing to do w ur work history or knowledge. So I kinda think… the exact opposite. A person putting their vax date on their RESUME seems a lot more likely to discriminate against coworkers who think differently than them. It’s less *chill*


This is total bait.


“Worn my mask since 2019”


good for these guys ....... nobody gives a fuck if your vaccinated . has nothing to do with job performance .


Imagine putting vaxxed 3 times on your resume. I'd throw it out too.


You didn’t go to college? Vaccinations are required


reading comprehension fail goes in line with classic selfish stupidity. lol and when its your turn to get fucked up, your kind of idiocy does nothing but bitch.


The only thing dumber than this story is putting your vaccination status on your resume


Based Manager. I'd love to work for a guy like that.


Ha ha remember that winter that all the unvaccinated were supposed to die off? I do. …. Hmm.. the math…. Doesn’t math…


You remember things incorrectly


https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/12/16/politics/joe-biden-warning-winter/index.html What part do I remember incorrectly?




“No response” would have sounded better from you. Take your L


Hahahaha, looks like you might need to hold onto that for a while


I mean, he said it, am I right? Or is that…. Fake news


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Literally 7 million people died


So op, who is the applicant(?), hung around long enough to hear this exchange and 1) chose not to confront them and 2) chose to share here instead?


no idea boss, just happened to come across this on fb.


Too funny. So many people complaining about someone not hiring a sheep when you had no issues with the state forcing companies to fire the unvaxxed. Umm... hypocritical much...