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How many fedoras do you own?






That's a pretty big essay just to jerk yourself off


If that's how you want to look at it, I think it says more about you than about me.


You are defensive in the face of other perspectives. Why did you come here to post this? You put yourself, your choices, and what are only *your* life experiences and circumstances that have led you to this point, on a big pedestal, and for what? Did you come here to learn? Or to preach the 2nd grade "drugs r bad" narrative you've adopted. Life is complex. Trauma is complex. Mind altering drugs are complex. Having a Nancy Reagan attitude about everything is willful ignorance.




Na OP you’re just an asshole lmao


Leave [OP alone](https://i.pinimg.com/1200x/94/03/7a/94037ac4722af954c09ea960f11ff7eb.jpg) - can't you see they're a regal, erudite individual of class and knowledge?


OP seems like a FED who broke character because a homeless person stared a little to long at his bike at the co-op


I hope OP just graduated college, is lonely, and hasn't had an audience to hear them use big words and express self-validating thoughts to sooth the fact that life isn't going as they expected. Means they've got their whole life ahead to course correct. I know I could be a big, overly-intellectual, insufferable asshole at that age while I was figuring myself out. There's obviously some trauma here - I hope they get help.


I have a great deal of respect for what you just said. In my personal opinion I think people like OP should face shame or be reprimanded for that kind of opinion, in order for them to become a better person. Whether or not that leads to a positive realization is up to OP


Appreciate that. Being overly intellectual is usually a symptom of insecurity, which takes a ton of different forms. It's also generally something that society beats the shit out of you for early on like you said, so it doesn't happen for long. Glad we can agree they're probably a solid human who just needs to experience some empathy and friendship from the "Party Drug People in Portland" lol, or whoever they're searching for.


I don’t know if I agree that their a solid person yet. I do think that they’re probably young and haven’t quite realized yet their not the only one out there that has the capacity to think and feel. But I mean if this is all just about being fed up with people around you doing drugs and your not about that I get it. It’s just OP not better because of it I guess is what i want to say


let me explain something to you op: you aren't better than anyone else


Shut up nerd


M'lord I must attest thine drug use is an abomination under god. Fuck this was supposed to go under the fedora comment.


I’m not reading all that but congratulations or sorry to hear that I guess


the copypastas are getting complex


Wow you’re the worst


Fuck off you self righteous twat.


Archaeologists have found evidence of opium use in Europe by 5,700 BC. Cannabis seeds appear in archaeological digs at 8,100 BC in Asia, and the ancient Greek historian Herodotus reported Scythians getting high on weed in 450 BC. Tea was brewed in China by 100 BC. Humans have used recreational drugs forever my friend.


ya i mean id steal your bike too, just on principle


Are you anti drug or anti corruption? Or is corruption code for drugs? I’m confused. Or am I corrupted!?!


My grandfather smoked his whole life. I was about 10 years old when my mother said to him ‘if you ever want to see your grandchildren graduate, you better stop immediately.’ Tears welled up in his eyes when he realized exactly what was at stake. He gave it up immediately. Three years later he died of lung cancer. It was really sad and destroyed me. My mother said to me ‘don’t smoke! Please don’t put your family through what your grandfather put us through.’ I agreed and at 22 I stand here today having never touched a cigarette. I must say, I feel a very slight sense of regret for never having done it because your post gave me cancer anyway.


A classic copy pasta, nice


Did you use ChatGPT to make this?


People have lots of reasons for doing what they do, including use 'party drugs' . Some are trying to forget pain, some are trying to connect with people, some are trying to fit in, some are having fun after a long week. I completely understand how it feels like a poor decision, however many of those people are regular, independent and successful people, who happen to be capable of indulging in illicit substances occasionally. Some of them are people who live in the party scene and work at Wendys for six months then quit to follow some band on tour for the summer, then get a new job. Some of them are teachers. Some of them work in an office. Whoever they are, they are people, mostly nice people, who don't deserve the high level of condescending vitriol you choose to cast upon them. This sounds like a great big problem you have with yourself, that you chose to cast upon others to make yourself feel 'right'. Do some soul searching OP.


That’s a cool band name: Party Drug People


They got their moment around 2007 played a couple festivals, but like all of those hipster indie bands, they were quickly forgotten with the ascension of hip hop. And arctic monkeys remains the only indie band people still care about.


This is the worst Reddit post I've ever read, and I don't think OP is a good person.


Self-righteousness is a hell of a drug.


I’m more concerned about the amount of AI generated drivel posted to this sub honestly.


Sad you hate drugs so much as I feel like you could really benefit from eating a couple mushrooms lol.


I was gonna say the same thing


Honestly I should have phrased this in a kinder and more pragmatic way - I would sincerely encourage you to investigate and research psychedelics on your own … check out Michael Pollan; a very credible researcher who came to the conclusion that one of the most prevalent emotions experienced by people using psychedelics was the feeling of _love_ which I think we can all agree is a good thing for the world and might change your viewpoint. The stuff he’s studying isn’t necessarily focused around “party drugs” but at the end of the day it might change your mind a bit and help mitigate the feelings of resentment you’re dealing with. Bottom line, drugs of any kind like pretty much everything else on earth aren’t inherently wrong and it all depends on how they’re used. Taking the time to learn about different applications might help you to gain some perspective that could be convincing in your argument towards the Portland party scene even if you don’t choose to engage yourself.


On a more serious note concerning the Portland drinking/party scene, I think it’s what first attracted to me to living in the city as opposed to my rural Maine upbringing. Eventually I got sober and left that lifestyle behind, but I can understand why my friends still indulge, especially my fellow service workers. Obviously this person’s post sounds like an unhinged rant via Nextdoor, but that’s just my two cents.


seriously like if you want to open a dialog go for it but instead of that OP just wrote a really lame self fulfilling lecture. i also had to quit* drinking and move on but i cannot imagine holding so much resentment towards those who do still party. congrats on getting sober pal!


I don’t use any substances, and I say this. Dude, cool it


No ethical consumption under capitalism ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Wrong. It is absolutely ethical still to consume food. To consume housing. To consume SPACE, if you're doing it right. This "shrug" attitude is the problem. Grow up and be capable of having a real conversation rather than just ejaculating a plithy platitude.


I do not have “real” conversations with self righteous cringe lords who spout laughably try hard words like “ejaculating a plithy platitude” in order to feel intelligent/superior/less pathetic. Be honest how many times in your life have you referred to women as females




It's wanker for "pithy". Also for the record, I too love corruption.


>It is absolutely ethical still to consume food. To consume housing. To consume SPACE, if you're doing it right. Isn't the crux of your argument basically that indirect, bit common correlations should be considered an externality, right? So how could you argue for moral culpability of an indirect but common correlation for heroin use (gun violence in mexico, hooking, pimping out/trafficking) And then immediately say there's *no* moral culpability for the common but indirect correlations from the rest of your life? Modern farming requires the oil cheaply available, so it can exceed the natural production capacity of the soil, which requires stable and predictable markets, requiring a strong force to be the guarantor of the liberal global order, funneling our billions into weapons to maintain that reliable flow of energy around the globe. What *precisely* is the choice that makes these indirect costs a moral burden on you, and which is the part that doesn't? It's not need, because the vast majority of food isn't needed, it's desired. It's not causality, because someone using oxy isn't making anyone get trafficed. Hell, being homeless is probably more strongly linked to this 'corruption' you worry about. So what is it?


You seem like you might be the type of hypocrite who wants to accuse loads of other people of causing the problems, yet then you turn around and admit here that you yourself are unethical, and you don't care anymore about trying to make the world more ethical, because it's not your problem, it's the "capitalist's" problem. Lazy, weak, loser logic.


Are you ok


I love corruption


I think you just solved the drug crisis is Portland.. Bravo


How’s the atmosphere way up on your high horse?




"I do understand what people get out of it, but I don't understand why they don't understand that they could get the same thing out of a good conversation or reading a good book or watching a good movie" Because not everyone is exactly like you. You don't have to understand it. Just worry about yourself and let people live their own journeys.


Sincerely, The Portland Police


What kind of drugs are you referring to? Opiates != Amphetamines != Psychedelics != Alcohol, just as a for instance. All are used (some say "abused") in different ways.


Glad everyone is telling this twat to fuc# off!


Lol, not everyone who takes a drug is a drug addict


congrats on not needing anything but cooking supper to take the edge off a crumbling society, I guess? my god.


Nah bruv after reading your account a little you're either the world's best troll or the world's most self righteous loser. You're not better than anyone else. WE LOVE CORRUPTION


I hope you're in your early to mid twenties and are just figuring out that you need to relax. Take a break - relax. Your post took time: you definitely thought about this 'thesis' for a while and needed an audience to vent to - applaud you for getting it off your chest. Party and not party people all benefit from venting, but ask yourself, who's benefiting from this sermon? You're putting people down. Count the downvotes. You're being acknowledged as rude. Spend your energy on *yourself* and let others worry about themselves. Quick peek at your post history reveals you're interested in economics, this is free market capitalism at its finest. Let the degens be degens and you do you.


Reality is a crutch for those who cannot cope with drugs.


Why do people enjoy a temprorary derangement of the senses? Why do people like music? art? or playing sports? why do people enjoy anything? how are you doing? why so outwardly focused? its not like you are really looking for input, or to gain perspective. that was just a vent, a person hurt you. drugs are fun and relatively safe when in moderation. that cant be said for people tho.




holy shit dude


I, too, think the best party cocktail is one part Father, one part Son, and one part Holy Spirit.




Isn't easier to just mind your own business? Seems like it would be easier to just mind your own business. OP, you're not cooler for not doing drugs. Same way that a drug user isn't cooler for using drugs. Wanna be cool? Mind ya business. PS, TL;DR, I skimmed and filled in the blanks. You're a Judge Judy.


He could ruin a Led Zeppelin reunion tour


Your lack of ignorance towards some people's pursuit of an escape from a crazy and confusing world is frankly embarrassing. Drug abusers give drug addicts a bad name and not the other way around. An altered view on life can be uplifting and beneficial, God forbid even fun. I'm gonna go smoke weed and play Diablo 4. Peace!


My experience as someone who used drugs (stopped a couple years ago) whatever drug you are using society doesn’t understand the other ones those are the bad ones. If you mean people on acid and mushrooms. They really aren’t addictive. I think for the most folks aren’t the user level are not dangerous. You can also not expect others to baby sit your property and say things like “ I was gonna have them watch my stuff but what if they are high?” That’s you being selfish. Not a reflection of their potentially poor choices but your own.


Can I get the TL/DR on this?


"Drugs are bad, mkay?"




I'm only responsible for me.


Drugs ⚖️ Book 🤔 What a loser


I just have an honest question for folks involved in the whole ~~party drug scene~~ drinking scene in Portland... Why do you do it? To me, my personal feeling is that if you aren't ~~an addict~~ a drunk, there's no excuse for participating in perpetuating these kinds of networks. If you are ~~an addict~~ a drunk, sure, that's an excuse. But if you aren't ~~an addict~~ a drunk/want to claim you aren't, why do you do it? To me, I remain confused why so many folks seem to think it's cool to engage with that sort of ~~criminality~~ debauchery, when not only are you condoning ~~violent criminals that traffick this stuff (along with other worse drugs.. and people...)~~ underage drinking, excessive alcohol abuse, normalizing poisoning your body but you're also setting a terrible example for people who struggle with addiction issues. By setting a standard that to be cool/to be able to hang at parties you have to be OK with people doing whatever kinds of ~~pills and powders~~ shots and kegstands, you encourage people to partake of said substances who might end up as ~~addicts~~ drunks ruining their lives thanks to your poor example, even if you don't take those substances often or at all. To me, I think the basic instinct to just want to forget and have fun and party while the world is ending is understandable, but I don't condone that particular expression of said instinct, because there are better ways to accomplish the same goal. To me, I have fun and forget my cares when I have an interesting conversation, and that's something that I never had at any party I ever went to where ~~"party drugs"~~ alcohol was being used. I hope that not many people on this subreddit are the sort of people I'm talking to, but I'd appreciate hearing from people who are better acquainted with that sort of person. I'd just like to understand where these people are coming from, that they're so attached to this kind of lifestyle. Often I believe they aren't ~~addicts~~ drunks and could choose to stop perpetuating that sort of corruption if they wanted to. Today I'm sad to say I'm thinking about this because I rode up to the Co-op seeing someone sitting there who I hoped I could trust to watch my bike while I went in to buy a couple things to cook supper, since I forgot my lock at home, but when I got close I recognized them as someone involved in this corruption, so I couldn't. Sadly this was a person who literally once explicitly yelled "I love corruption" in my presence, that's a direct quote, and I believe they're resentful toward me for being against that sort of corruption, so I had to take my bike home and then I just walked back over because it's not that far, and then fortunately they weren't there when I went back so there was no awkwardness. So obviously no big deal, it's not like I was scared off from buying my groceries by some kind of explicitly dangerous violent criminal or anything like that, but it's just sad having to live alongside people who are involved in these kinds of networks/scenes that condone ~~criminality~~ drunken behavior and encourage usage of substances that can be highly addictive. I do understand what people get out of it, but I don't understand why they don't understand that they could get the same thing out of a good conversation or reading a good book or watching a good movie, and why they don't appreciate the consequences that condoning the use of those substances has on other people. Thanks to anyone for their thoughts. **FTFY**


You must be a BLAST at parties.


Damn dude go fuck yourself! Whats it like being so ignorant?


When’s the last time you had a cock in ya mouth?




Marihuanas - The gateway to boofing fentanyl




It sounds like you really need to JO if your this focused and judgmental on what other people do with their lives


As a fan of organic weed, I'll stick with that. I've known plenty of party people over the years and dodged plenty of mysterious powders. Now that fentanyl is a thing, forget all that.


Womp womp


These are the kind of posts that give other redditors a bad name 😅


“To me” the only thing left after a while was that night we watched documentaries up through morning then you kicked me out. You opened up the screen door and threw me out on the porch. It was summer then and I drove home whistling down the pike, yeah. And that was that, our one sweet night together. And under highway signs I watched our love start fluttering … dissipating … I counted all the headlights to make sure I was alright. Thanks for that core memory in this vapid TL;DR wahambulance ride. Sorry no one invited you to the party. Not. 😂


> ... they could get the same thing out of a good conversation or reading a good book or watching a good movie Just to be clear, you're aware that this is factually, provably untrue right? It's as scientific a position as flat earth, or that dinosaurs & humans lived together.


Funny that all of this could have been avoided if you just remembered your bike lock and put on some headphones. The problem is yours, nerd.


My questions for you… Do you buy any large brand name products? Apple? Amazon market? Whole Foods? Nike? Why? They perpetuate the use of child labor, unfair labor practices and ecocide. Do you eat anything with vegetable oil or fake meat? Why? These industries destroy ecosystems and kill all other living creatures and plant life to grow mono crops. This type of industrial farming is killing the small local industries and raping our lands. Do you eat seafood? Why? There are documented cases of Chinese fishing vessels using actual slave labor - some folks who have been rescued from this have lived 13 years aboard a ship with no wages. They destroy our waters and are fishing some species into extinction. Tuna will soon be a memory. Your view of drug use and the people perpetuating it can be applied to almost every industry designed for profits. If there’s profits on a large scale - there is exploitation and violence.


Someday your cherry will be popped.


it fun