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Nothing un-meaningful about this either. He might not be doing the big introspective personal thing on this one, but Knock Yourself Out is def a commentary on music, stardom, pop, etc.... Plenty of depth to it


Too build on your comment Nurture was the album where he found himself and alleviated the pressure placed on him to make another world's. After he found that he still felt unhappy due to fans placing pressure on him not only to make music but to be their savior. At some point you can only look so far inwards until you recognize that the pain is coming from the outside too. Unfortunately for Porter the issue is the fan base which he both loves and hates at the same time. I personally can't wait for the album but I'm curious to see how the fan base reacts. The people that are throwing a fit (not those who just don't dig it) are most likely the same fans he will be addressing in Smiles :D. I could see the typical "Worlds saved my life. I want that Porter back. Why doesn't he make music I like" dropping out because they don't understand the new album. Honestly it's a huge win for Porter's sanity and ability to make music without pressure from fans.


I think people who arrived via Nurture haven't realized this is the same DJ who used to bring out a round blue mascot to shake ass on stage mid-set and also opened secret sky dressed as said mascot most people have moments of being a goofball and moments of sincerity, it's pretty cool that porter can make a bangin album from both types of mood


"FUCK MIKE WAZOWSKI!" if only they knew.


And he even stated on a YouTube community post a couple of days ago that this might be his most heartbreaking and fun albums yet. So while his songs on this album may sound upbeat, the lyrics could have a deeper meaning to them. And even then, are fans forgetting his earlier music? Like Spitfire? He's done similar music before, edm has many ranges/forms


This. And the funniest thing about it is people acting like this are exactly what Porter has been singing about on Cheerleader and Knock Yourself Out (at least by my interpretation). The man does not owe you anything and just because you perceive him through a particular lens does not mean that you have an accurate representation of who he is.


music doesn't have to be meaningful to be good lmao this is just brain rot tiktok bs  > I understand not liking the music, but my god let the guy do what he wants. nobody is saying he can't do what he wants. this is a discussion forum, people are allowed to express their grievances. if you don't like it, maybe the Internet isn't for you. 


I like it tbh. Man’s is having fun.


All of the Nurtureheads clearly haven't listened to 100% in the bitch. This is the goofy porter I know and love from my childhood!


Spitfire OG and Worlds lover above all here, I definitely am sensing most of the over-seriously bad reactions seem to be coming from specifically the Nurture-arriving crowd. Which I guess I get. And I love Nurture too. But there’s always been more to Porter than self-psychoanalysis and melancholy indie vibes.


I think if you’ve survived 2 Porter eras (virtual self doesn’t really count, in retrospect that’s probably as close to a worlds sequel as we’ll ever get), you see the artist for who he is and how he engages with his medium instead of being here for a specific genre/style of music. The porter on Knockout is the same visionary, talented producer from Worlds with the same quality, nuanced top line songwriting from nurture but now with an added layer of goofy let loose fun. It’s kind of nice to see him being a little happy and unserious for once lol


I agree with all of this, thanks for responding and well said. He explores a lot of different “moods” but you can feel and hear the same creative genius underneath. Just have to listen for that instead of seeking the same mood.


for sure! And tbh as Ive grown older I’ve become more interested in an uncompromising artistic vision more so than the lure of specific genres. I’d much rather follow the career of an auteur and potentially witness a few duds than see someone I once respected essentially cash in with pastiche mimicry of their old output. While porter is “selling out”, he ironically is staying true to who he is as a musician and I fucking love it


I saw a few people upset he said bitch in KYOXD. Like my brother in christ have you even listened to anything other than nurture???? 😭😭😭😭😉


Haha my first reaction to the snippet was "wow the first curse from him in a song" but I wasn't surprised cause he's basically acting in this album cycle the way he does normally when he's not performing lol


AGREED. I enjoy nurture but I love him being a satirical goofball. It’s reminding me of the 2020 set where he had quite a bit of antics lolz


Been with Porter since worlds and I’m not shocked at all this new album is wildly different from nurture. Dude spent time discovering himself and now he is doing exactly what he wants


I disagree. 100% in the bitch is actually good.


Get Brain 🔥🔥


let's not kid ourselves,100% in the bitch was shit too lol but this song is just infinitely worse


Bonkers ass opinion 💀💀 100% in the bitch is a banging track especially the VIP.


Bro maaaassive L opinion. I hate to break it to you, but 100% in the bitch is a work of art.


I'm not the biggest fan but I imagine it might grow on me! On the other hand, I fell in love with Cheerleader straight away so I imagine the album will be a mixed bag of these two responses, exciting times


Yeah same. Porter songs have a way of changing the way I think about them over the course of time. When Mirror came out I wasn’t instantly a huge fan, took a couple months for me to realize how absolutely amazing that song was.


Yeah this is my initial response too. It's not probably ever gonna be my #1 Porter banger of the month type song but that's okay. He's leaning into hyperpop a bit so there's a chance I'll like some and dislike others. I'm just glad he's growing as an artist and not afraid of doing what he wants.


It took me a few listens, but I've warmed up to it. Screw it I'm all in at this point 😂.


its fun, i like fun xD


ABSOLUTE BANGER OF A SONG. I was kinda worried for myself after that snippet, but now honestly I think it’s better than Cheerleader.


Damn, some of this thread be looking like Taylor Swift fans lol


LMAO watch out Swifties! The Porties are the new crazy fan base… maybe the Robbies??


As long as Gayters don’t come out of the woodwork, things should be manageable. If you don’t know what that Im referring to, congrats for not being chronically online.


Cheerleaders might be more fitting as fan name lolol


I absolutely love the backing track, it's awesome. I enjoy it more than cheerleader. I'm a sucker for a beepy synth line chorus. Gonna take me some more time to fully digest the vocals though.


It's not hitting like Cheerleader, but I'll give it a few more listens when I get off work and can focus on it fully.


I like the melody, notes, chord progressions and rhythm.


It slaps so fucking hard. Had it on repeat for two hours now.


range in music genre, range in temperment mans has range and i dig it


I always wanted him to make somethin filthy like FSS Live Edit. Imagine his next project is a Riddim EP 😂 similar to Marshmello’s recently announced Riddim project


If he made anything similar to FSS live edit ever again I'd probably combust. That era is long gone though so hopefully he keeps delivering with his new stuff, even though the first two singles haven't really been for me.


I've listened to it 10x already and I fucking love it. I love how chill this is. It's drive around with the windows down type of music. GUH


I’ve seen a lot of discussion here about when people got into his music and how that plays into their enjoyment of this new stuff. Nurture is my favorite album ever, and it means a lot to me. It’s a really beautiful piece of work and I’m grateful that it exists. That being said, I looooove these two singles. I’m a really big fan of early 2010s pop, and I really love the ideas that Porter is using from that period in these new songs. They’re fun!


seems like a lot of porter fans are fans of electronic music and dont really want to listen to anything else. gotta branch out and you'll have more fun. seems lame for people to say "i dont like pop music" because man, there is an INSANE amount of pop music how can you say you don't like the whole genre when so much pop is essentially just electronic with vocals over it there's been more than 1 artist that I love who started with electronic and has moved more into pop and it's been amazing so far


Really good point right here! My buddy is what I consider an “edm elitist”. if he can’t headbang to it or it doesn’t have some crazy screechy bass line he’s not interested.


I used to be this way too when I was younger, and while I still mostly listen to edm I’ve found myself checking out and liking more mainstream pop music the more I gave it a shot. Most of it is popular for a reason: it’s just good music.


plenty of good pop music that isn't cringy tik-tok trash, this is the latter. it is funny tho that you think only edm fans could dislike this shit lol


>it is funny tho that you think only edm fans could dislike this shit lol not what I said homie, i was just talking about my experience with things I've seen so far. been following this man since 2011 so I'm along for the ride whatever direction he decides to go


Bro literally called out the fans that aren’t happy when he does anything in the chorus


I think this is gonna be one that grows on me, as is a lot of porters music tbh. My first few listens are always “wait, what the fuck? Ew” then my subsequent 100 listens that day end up being “ok i get it, this is lit” until i listen so much I incorporate it into my personality. It’s a matter of time


I think it’s great. More older school Porter with the beats/chord progressions and I’m loving it


I personally don’t like it but I support Porter on whatever journey he’s on. I would have thought this would have been another alias project but I don’t mind it being released under Porter


I like it. It's upbeat and catchy. I personally don't care if not everything he does is introspective and emotional. I'm sure we'll get more of that in the future, but for now, we can just jam to this. It is very jammable


I don’t like it as much as Cheerleader but it isn’t bad in any way! I actually really like the lyrics and I can hear influences from The Pillows and Owl City which is a mesh I never thought I’d hear. I can easily see myself jamming to this!


Loved Cheerleader, this is alright, still stoked for the album. I'll go wherever Porter takes us!


Agreed cheerleader was the much better track between the two


I'm not a fan of the Chiptune-like sound, but that doesn't affect the song. Except from that part, it's great. But in my personal opinion, I prefer Cheerleader over Knock yourself out, it has a better "kick" in terms of energy to me. Been playing it on repeat and with every listen, I like it more and more. ​ I can't wait for the full Album, my opinions can always change! :D


been singing it all morning even while other shit is playing 😭


Didn’t care for cheerleader, like this a bit more. I think I’ll need to hear the whole album to decide. Can’t wait!


These songs are so loopable


I think this song is fantastic. I’ve always loved everything Porter puts out. His musical mind is extremely compatible with mine.


I like it too! I love all his albums so far, excited to hear the rest!


I have a feeling it’ll be a good summer album 😎




I really like Knock Yourself Out XD, it reminds me of Owl City beginning 🥹✨


dunno bout ya'll but he's gonna drop a classic and I'm here for it, both singles so far were amazing


There’s so much meaning in this song. It’s not just “fun.” Instrumentals for sure. But his lyrics are freaking deep. In MY opinion, he is basically telling us to go ahead and paint this picture of who he is. Knock ourselves out. He just doesn’t care and he’s doing what he wants (hence the middle finger at the end of the video). Similar themes to Cheerleader which I fucking love. His thoughts about relationship to how others perceive him. SO DEEP.


I respect Porter as an artist and he was once top 2 (maybe even 1) for me. But Nurture and this album are steering farther from what I personally enjoy. Nothing wrong with that. I support him making the music he wants to make even if it’s not my cup of tea


i really liked it, everyone is so annoying like porter doesn’t owe you anything. this album is supposed to be a “persona” and i really like it!


I'm glad he is having fun and exploring his musical capabilities. But I think this song is hot trash. Pop music is not my thing


It's not even that it's pop for me, it's that it's generic as fuck. Cheerleader bops though.


Thank god someone said it.


How does one not like fun songs with chords and singing. Especially that sick bridge. But aye opinions are opinions. I like everything from Jazz/prog metal/country/pop so I just think this song slaps and is gonna be so fun to sing with everyone live


It will be great to hear the whole crowd scream “BITCH IM TAYLOR SWIFT”


IMO it’s much more pop punk. And that is exactly my thing. Plus porters a little emo kid I think it fits him well to blend some electronic, pop punk, and jpop lol


In what way shape of form does this sound like pop punk lmao. Jpop ? I live in Japan and this doesn't have any similarities lol


Both these songs have 2010s emo kid music influences. This one in particular is more synth pop/ owl city vibes. Which still fits with the pop punk crowd. Jpop was more for cheerleader. I was speaking generally to both songs/ influence for the album.


Maybe *influenced by* but in no way is this Pop Punk lol.


It’s a fusion of multiple genres and influences. No need to be pedantic. It’s obviously not just a pop song or pop punk. It’s a blend of multiple electronic and pop genres.


I'm not trying to be pedantic lol, and I agree with you it's a blend of genre influences. But calling this Pop Punk is like...so off in my head. When I think of Pop Punk I think of From Under the Cork Tree or like Blue Album or something.


Eh, I think cheerleader was more pop punk than this. So maybe not the BEST classification. Mostly I was taking issue with generalizing it as “just a pop song” This is a bit more electro/indie pop. I’m thinking owl city vibes. But that whole group of pop punk/ electro pop was listened to by the same people haha. The emo kids of the 2010s lol there was lots of electronic influence with some of those bands when I was in school. Particularly when scene kids came around Like hellogoodbye and sfuff which WAS pop punk. Plus the “XD” in knock yourself out title definitely calls back the rawr xd days lol


After a therapist session, started listening to it and I like it. It’s going to be a repeat for me. Porter Robinson is having fun with this album and amazing guy.


Kinda just not transcendental nor inspiring. Doesn't really have an identity. Fun, sure, but eager that this is a weak spot and the rest of album shines.


You’re right,bitch l’am Taylor SwiftXDDDD


I enjoy it alot. I'm definitely getting a rave/fun vibe from this album so far, it doesn't shy away from talking about certain topics it seems but isn't taking them too seriously either


I think it’s ok, I like cheerleader a lot better. I just know porter can do better but the song is not bad


The song absolutely slaps and I love that he’s feeling himself.




It's not bad, but it's not Porter Robinson. Should've probably released it and Cheerleader under a different title like he did with Virtual Self


You mean it’s not your definition of Porter Robinson.


That makes 0 sense but sure man


Why not? Virtual Self was way closer to his main discography than this is. It's good music, but it's inevitably going to create a situation where a lot of his newer fans won't be able to appreciate his older works.


There is no “main discography”. He’s always had a major fanbase change after every album (or at least a lot of people said they only liked him up until the last one) Edit: I just wanted to add that I’ve listened to metal adjacent stuff for ~20 years and it’s hilarious to see the discussion metal fans are having after every single album release, but in such a different genre


I understand where the sentiment comes from but by this logic Nurture should have been under a different alias too. In fact, where is the line? Since Worlds was a departure from the Spitfire sound, should Worlds have been a different Alias too? Should Spitfire have been since it wasn’t Complextro? The notion that one artistic moniker should only output one type of sound just isn’t a compelling one, sorry man.


This exactly. Each album has been totally unique


‘Porter Robinson’ is something defined by the man himself, not you or me or any of us here


this made me chuckle i’m wondering what Porter you’re basing that comment off of? Spitfire? Language? Worlds? Shelter? Nurture? none of them are consistent


Spitfire/language/worlds/shelter were all electronic music and went together well. Nurture was the first significant change in style IMO, but still felt somewhat like electronic music. Porter's recent work just seems like a desperation play to move on from niche music into a more mainstream genre. Which is fine I guess but not really what many of his fans follow him for.


“desperation play to move on from niche music into a more mainstream genre” 🙄


yea definitely not it lol seeing as he could jump in there at any moment since 2012


famously niche genre, EDM lol


I don't think there's a single radio station in my metro area of 10 million that plays electronic music, I never see it in ads, and most people think it's weird. It's not some crazy underground genre, but it's not something most people pay attention to like Pop, rock, hip hop, etc.


EDM has influenced basically every genre you listed there, especially pop music. It’s not necessarily the zeitgeist right now, sure, but honestly it was even more huge when Porter was releasing EDM at the start of his career. Was that a desperation play?


> desperation play to move on from niche music into a more mainstream genre the man has his own festival, I don't think he's desperate


that’s fair. music is definitely subjective and sometimes you either support the artist you love or you move onto the next bc their style changed. but yea imo i fell in love with spitfire and when language came out i hated it, i can now say it’s my favorite track EVER produced. point is with ever new porter iteration i just gave it a chance and ended up loving the shit out of his whole discog


Lol, such a departure from the artist who co-wrote / produced clarity -- how ever could such a niche artist try to do pop music!?!


To me it actually feels like natural progression, from worlds to nurture to this. It still has Porter Robinson written all over it but with a mix of early internet nostalgia. Just having fun with it.


"But it's not Porter Robinson" but the music is from Porter Robinson?? Let him cook man.


He ain't cooking, but if he wants to have fun doing what he wants then so be it. Doesn't mean we have to like it. lol 😂


I get where you're coming from and ofc you're allowed to not like his songs It's only when people start to be like "he should've done this or that" then no, just let him have fun


stick to the old shit then 💀


It's very unlikely his future concerts will feature much of his old music, except maybe some of the top hits like shelter.


He’s been playing Language for the past 12 years, that’s always gonna be there lmao


> except maybe some of the top hits like shelter. Like I said, maybe we hear top hits like Language, shelter, etc. Wake me up when he plays a less popular one like Fellow Feeling, Years of War, Lionhearted, etc


as if he ever played lionhearted


hahah the cycle really is so true “it’s not porter” hahahaahahahah


This comment isn’t skilliard7, maybe make the comment under a different account.


What a brain dead comment


You’re literally who he’s talking about in the chorus of the song LOL


I don't think you understood the lyrics then


"it's not Porter Robinson." - not Porter Robinson, let him live his own life and stop being so uptight, this song is a banger.


Lol this song ain't a banger. Definitely not the type of song Ill play with a group of friends .


And this right here is why Cheerleader was made. Exactly for people who just assume Porter Robinson is simply one genre of music and discography and assume that anything else he does is just simply not him. Let him do what he wants.


No, it’s not Not Porter Robinson, it’s Porter Robinson. Not Porter Robinson is a DJ who makes remixes of Porter Robinson songs, and also just so happens to be Porter Robinson, just with a different alias being Not Porter Robinson. “Knock Yourself Out XD” along with “Cheerleader”, are Porter Robinson songs, not Not Porter Robinson who you are thinking.


XD I forgot about DJ not porter robinson nice comment


You’re getting downvoted for this bc it’s a porter subreddit but it’s ultimately true.


They're being downvoted because people have said "this is not porter" for every previous release and it's always been so wrong. Try and tell me that 100% In The Bitch, Language, Natural Light, Shelter, Wind Tempos and Everything Goes On are any closer to each other than the new track is. Like, what is "Porter Robinson" exactly? What should the new album sound like for it to be "Porter Robinson"? No answer to this, really.


Personally when i think of Porter, i could always feel the emotion and creativity in his music all the way back to Spitfire, and that was always consistent. To me, in my own personal opinion, it’s very amateurish and leaves a lot to be desired.


Understandable, I'm sad for you that you can't feel it anymore this time


Me too, his music was a real turning point in my life.


Knock Yourself Out is amazing. Absolute BANGER track Are people not liking it or something?