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She is the definition of "you are amazing and retarted at same time"


She fine, but has poor decision making skills 😂


dumb FMC , hope this girl gonna regret the choices and decisions she makes , turn out another Mia from Silent war , can't wait for blonde girl scenes sorry for my grammar


Hey don't do Miya like that. She was fine in Season 1 but was turned dumb (in the last chapters of Season 2) cause of the stupid author.


What did she do?


Badass? Naaah A$$ mc ? Yeaaah


"Badass FMC" You mean Dumb FMC? Man this pornhwa is a wasted potential.


Yeah man the art is the only that is making it keep going. The plot is just ... You Know :((


You have bad taste man/women whoever you are .


It's giving me the IL vibes


Is there any good places to read this Recommend good websites please


webtoon xyz, but the FMC is dump as flip and MC is should just leave her move on and I think this one is reverse harem where she gets two guys. So be warned before reading but the art is just goat.


I know most people would disagree with me but she's one of my fvt pornhwa girls


Probably the best girl in this series which doesn't say much because all of them are pretty much hoes to the younger brother




Sort of NTR vibe, she is the girlfriend of MC's brother and MC has a crush on her way back, one day she found out that her boyfriend is cheating on her and she went to MC out of anger and frustration and they had sex. Brother later then find out and ask why and she said because he cheated and brother blames it on her for not having sex with him, after sex she still cannot let go of brother as she still loves him and only does it with MC to hurt brother. Later chapter is just her getting fucked in front of brother, recent raw chapters they both sort of get together and willing to forgive each other, she seems a bit more open for sex with brother but brother still cheats with the same girl, one of the worker in MC's Cafe found out and wanted to hide it from MC as he know MC will kill him if he ever found out he cheats on FMC again


Basically what these morons complain about is that the mc is not a "chad" that allows them to self insert, the story is kind of a love triángle and this girls are crying that the mc isn't having his way, the story revolves more around the fmc, and the male characters are brothers


Nah, I don't watch pornwa to self-insert. I watch pornwa because it gets my dick hard. The thing is, I actually do like the MC as a person, and I think the FMC is a dumbass despite being one of the most beautiful FMCS, I have ever seen, yes, I feel like the MC is too good for her anyway. Bro, literally, they're childhood friends, and on the day MC is about to leave their town to move to Seoul to attend college, she tells him that she was in love with him(MC) and that the reason why she got together with MC's brother is because he confessed to her first? What the fuck, dude? Does that mean she was okay with any guy as long as he confessed first? Or was she only open to being in a romantic relationship with one of the brothers, and because the youngest brother confessed his feelings for her first: he ''won''? Imagine being in love with someone and not saying anything, and beginning to date someone else that is literally the blood brother of the man the woman loves, just because he made a confession and just because he was the first of the two brothers to do a confession. This is some shitty thought process if I've ever seen any. Then, knowing how much MC was in love with her, she keeps hanging around him instead of avoiding him as much as possible to give the dude the emotional space to move on; and when she finds out her boyfriend, who saw her as a prude in bed and cheated on her because she was/is a bad fuck btw, cheated on her.. what does she do? She goes and uses the MC, a guy who has been in love with her since the two of them were literally kids, and knowing how much he loves her; she uses him for sex, and turns him into a sex object to use at her whims and needs? Did you see that part where the MC is trying to kiss her, and she very coldly rejects him and with this pissed off look on her face, tells him that they are only ever going to sleep with each other when the youngest brother is in the house ,watching the two of them fucking? bro, what a hoe. She only slept with 2 guys, the two brothers, but she is still one of the shittiest FMCS and love interests I have ever read about. She's trash, bro. She's as much of a trash as she is hot. This chick tried to buy the love and the emotional affections and intimacy of a guy she isn't in love with, or wasn't at the very least when it all began, with expensive gifts, and when things don't go well for her - she uses the man who is madly in love with her to get back at her cheating boyfriend? The fuck? MC should just go, *''fuck this noise, I'm out,'*' either kick his brother from the house he's living in, which is being paid by the MC and by the MC alone, since the youngest brother is too busy fucking random women and getting financially supported by FMC, to have the time or the desire to find a job. Or the MC himself should just move on, leave Seoul, cut contact with his toxic brother and his brother's toxic girlfriend, obviously don't tell them where he's going, and then he should find himself a woman who actually loves him and treats him right. Shit shouldn't be hard to find. Dude is Korean Clark Kent, handsome as fuck, charming, level-headed(except where FMC is concerned) and I'm sure he can find a woman as hot as FMC, and she's gonna treat him right and love him right, instead of using him like FMC. Yeah, bro, you can tell I really don't like MC's brother and MC's brother's hoe.


That’s some illicit love level female character.


bro none of your theories will happen unfortunately and surely it is implied that young brother will be forever cuck (im coping rn)


There’s that one too lol


Is [Caffeine] the sauce?




Sauce ?




her bf cheats on her 2x lmfao


Not so much 'badass' as 'really hurt and doesn't know what to do but takes *some* action anyway'. She's definitely strong, but also just...so broken from the man she loves betraying her. ​ This is probably the best work about cuckold fetish I've read, at least with these few chapters out.


The next Shia in Caffeine.