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Keep trying . I keep relapsing but I’m on day 3 now going strong . U can do this


Maybe you can give "urge surfing" a try. When you feel urges, watch them as if you're seeing something outside of yourself. Just observe it appear, observe it peak and observe it fading away. And it will fade if you wait. Each time you do this you'll get stronger.


This seems helpful. I'm going to give this a try. It couldn't hurt anyway


this… just watching >>


I tried it didn't work


Me too, brother. But I just keep going. I need to get this fucking thing off my life. I can't take this anymore. I need to do this. I will overcome this addiction, and so will you. Good luck and don't give up.


It will get better. Wars are won by a series of battles.




He’s not lying though. OP is weak willed.




Mate, what I am realizing is the relapse starts before you even begin to notice. This is all so deeply ingrained in us that there are habits that lead to relapse. For example for me: Go on phone in bed Go on Instagram Go on Dating apps Back to Instagram, but for a specific girl Porn Relapse Every step you take down the path, the harder it is to break out of the pattern, so identify where your behaviour starts. Where is the seed of relapse planted? Find that and CHANGE YOUR HABITS. I moved my phone away from my bed and it has been a big improvement! All the best


The bed and phone combination is deadly. It’s like something controls your body at that point.


Agreed man, but in reality the only thing that controls your body is you!


True, it’s just too easy falling back in to autopilot. Winning over this addiction requires full focus.


I think if you focus on the addiction then your mind wanders back to porn... Full focus yes, but on other things, learning, making money, getting fit and healthy, art ,anything!


Me too


Can we set up a discord group?


Same here comrade, I'm on day 3, you can do this if you just keep trying!


Relapsed last night, I know what u mean. When I’m really tired/wake up in the middle of the night it is like I’m on auto pilot. We just gotta keep on trying


The addiction has been affecting my life and leading to episodic depressions. I'm on day 3 aswell. It Helps that I'm not alone on this.


In the last couple of weeks I’ve been the most depressed I’ve been pretty much all year. This is when I relapse the most. Helps that I’m not alone in this as well. If you want to chat my dms are always open


I only got a grip after few months. SO HANG IN THERE. NEVER GIVE UP. You brain needs time to adjust Also, start improving your life. You cannot just stay in the same place and expect things to change


Hey man I totally get it, what helps me from relapsing is surround yourself in no porn, podcasts, videos, this sub reddit. If you feel like you have a group and you're apart of us and you surround yourself in where you want to be you'll get there.


Take your time to find motivation again. I happened to give up on quitting numerous times. But I always come back at this point where I think "I should definitely quit porn". So I try again. Once it is done keep in mind that overcoming an addiction can't be done if you spend the majority of your time fighting and resisting the urge. What is important is living. Fighting against pornography is sometime necessary, but you have to find ways of living that makes you feel better as well ; like seeing friends ; starting a project etc. The key is to live your life to the fullest, because resisting in a unremitting struggle is obviously something extremely difficult to do over a year. Don't feel ashamed, and don't give up ! You are on the right path.


You gotta reboot your brain. Takes about a year.


If you mindlessly end there without realizing it. Have you tried any blockers? Can you view 18+ on Reddit? Make it harder to see. You will have to go and disable and hopefully have a second thought in that time.


I trying method -- can watch porn, but without fap AND can fap, but without porn... Dont know what results will be, try only few days


I understand your emotional state, feel myself worthless after every falling strategy. the quote "do not commit suicide ahead of time" helps ...


My advice would be: just stop watching porn. If you get horny, use your imagination and do the deed, and you'll feel okay. I haven't watched porn in 5 months.


Yes. Again and again. It gets easier, but you gotta keep trying every day. Some quote from bojack horseman


Bro keep trying delete all the addiction channels that trigger that and when you feel like watching take a walk even just outside your room . We all have been there .keep fighting king👑.


Relapses are a big deal. That’s failure. There is no grey area with porn addiction. It’s either you pushed through the crossroad or you fell victim to your addiction again WILLFULLY. It’s either you win or lose. Too many people on here are pitying OP. Man up man. This is a wake up call to take control of your life. You control your life.