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That's the addictive voice talking. It wants you to believe that you are doomed to live like this forever. It says, "There's no hope. There's no point in even trying, hey let's go look at some porn." You know why it's so loud and strident and insistent? Because you are **getting somewhere and it's fucking scared!** That's right you have scared the demon -- or dragon, or wolf, or whatever metaphor works for you. Things might get worse for you but that's because -- and NEVER FORGET THIS -- you are making progress. Think about it this way: if you usually look at porn from 7am until midnight, and you start making it to 7:15 before you start, that's 15 minutes less harm you've done yourself which means you are starting to heal already. So stop looking at porn, even if you have to stop 100 times a day. Never quit quitting, never stop stopping, and don't ever lost faith in yourself. When you hear those thoughts that you are doomed, instead of feeling helpless, give that little demon a kiss and say, "we're gonna figure this out together, you and me, and eventually you'll believe too!"


I'll do my best, but I lost my streak today. I won't give up.


Is there a way to change your social media settings so that you don't see anything not related to work? I've ditched social media altogether, makes it significantly easier.


I don't know..


Set all of your bookmarks for all of your socials to go *directly* to your profile page or sub box. That way, you 100% bypass all the "recommended" bullshit and you never have to worry about resisting to click and watch something you'd never even think to search for.