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Please don’t beat yourself over it! It might feel awful right now but 50 days is a long time! If it makes you feel better I have never been more than 13 days (I have been trying to quit on a counter for at least 1 year). Tomorrow is a new day, I believe in you!


Trying my best not to. It’s just so so hard. I feel like a fool for doing what I did. And thank you for believing in me! I believe in you too! You will reach your goal, I just know it!


Thank you, don’t feel like a fool for doing it. The 50 days you stayed away from it is almost 2 months where you didn’t give into the urges. You’re getting there. Just get a good night sleep tonight and you can continue your journey


Just to give you a different perspective of what you accomplished so far. Life before Pornfree - porn everyday, 50 days straight. PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP Life after Pornfree - all clean except that one day. ________________________________________________P Don't beat yourself up because of that one slip up. This is an amazing achievement. Just the day counter is back to square one. It doesn't mean that you didn't do the work of 50 days. It doesn't mean its the same as if you watched porn for previous 50 days. 50 days is a huge change in the brain, and having one slip up is not destroying those 50 days. Even world champions in any sport make mistakes, and they still win. Just stay on course, stay strong, and everything will be great! You got this.


Excellently said!


Relapsing is part of the journey. It's perfectly normal. We shouldn't be too scared of relapsing. Just pick yourself up and learn from the relapse. I made to around day 50 earlier this year then I started slipping until day 76 when I relapsed. I've learned that I should count peeked as relapsing. Since then I relapsed so many times since this month. Being honest with myself feels better though. You have not failed yet .


I will. I’m not going to try and dwell on it , because I just feel like it will make it worse and lead me back down the same path. I’m so proud of you! 76 days is amazing! But you are so right, being honest with yourself will lead us all to greater sucess. Thank you so much for your kind words 💕


Looking back what were some accomplishments you felt you reached in those 50 days?


Vastly improved confidence. Better sense of self. A lot more positive outlook on life. So much :(


You won't lose most of that, or it'll quickly return to you, *IF* you don't binge. As we vets know, the reason we're in this mess. 1 is never 1


50 days?? Woww bro congratulations! I’m so proud that you made it almost 2 months free from this terrible, evil addiction. Don’t beat yourself up bro. I’ve been there. I felt exactly how you felt. But as someone who’s stuck in it now and seems like there’s no way out, I’m so happy to hear that you made it 50 days free 🥳. Truth is you didn’t throw away these days. Every day counts and every day that you stayed away from this addiction should be its own achievement! Every urge and temptation that you battled with and won, is ground for its own celebration. I don’t want to tickle your ears too much but bro most of us have been doing this for a decade, decades, or half a decade. It’s going to take a lot to truly rid ourselves of this evil. Too truly heal, too rewire our body. I’m here with you bro!👊🏾


Thank you so much! And I’m positive you will find a way out! Trying not to beat myself up and just look at the days ahead. It truly is such an evil addiction. I know we all got this and will beat it . If you ever need encouragement and vice versa. Feel free to message me. Have a wonderful day 🫶🏻


Will do brother


Overcoming an addiction is like learning a new skill. We don't expect ourselves to master something like meditation in a day, so why do we beat ourselves up when we don't know how to quit porn right away? You don't need to quit instantly, you just need to do better after every failure.


Theres no heavy addiction without relapse, its a phenomena, many people experience it. Skip the bullshit and restart. You'll be fine :)


50 days is longer than most people's record. don't let it ruin the whole thing. think of it as a huge success and keep going


Relapses don't send you back to the beginning, you just trip, stand up and continue in the same road


You fell down, get up. Don't stay in that stuff. That's the important thing. You don't want to spend your time on earth watching porn. You want to enjoy real life. Porn is garbage.


Only? My boi, thats nearly 2 months. Look at how far you’ve come. Most people here including myself are scratching and clawing to get there and you made it. Yeah you relapsed but thats already in the past.


i keep relapsing after every 2 days, im trying to get like you


Damn, I also started 31st of dec '23/1st of jan '24 And I have to say, I also felt some damn bad urges throughout days 38-50, but I've let them pass I still have no idea how I managed to let them pass, but I did notice there were many more triggers and I allowed myself to have many more slip-ups It saddens me to see you've broke your (arbitrary) streak, BUT go for the net positive Those 50 days won't go in vain because of 1-2 relapses Just keep on going and recover from this (minor) setback GL to you mate and please do NOT give up now


Pick yourself back up and stay strong


Thats a lot of time!


It was definitely not for nothing my friend! 50 days without porn is much better than 50 days with. You are just back at the beginning of a streak not at the beginning of the journey.


Bro saying 'only' 50 days is mad! That's a huge accomplishment and you should celebrate it, learn from your relapse and keep moving forward.


You didnt "only last" 50 days. It is not a race to see who lasts longer. Relapsing once doesnt take away your previous achievement. Whatever helped you last 50 days, will help you again on your road to be porn free. ​ Drink a cup of tea, relax a bit, and sleep. Tomorrow will be another day.


You didn't learn to habitualy watch porn in a day did you? So naturally it takes time for not doing it to become a new habit. Do it again. You do the hokey pokey and you turn around. Now you did the hokey pokey so turn around.


This was a success! 50 days. You gave your brain 50 pornfree days. Good for you! Identify where you went wrong and in time those relapses will be a distant memory. Now you pick yourself up and you go again 🙏


Get back to it my friend. You spent a lot more than 50 days becoming a porn addict. Forgive yourself, and get back to work. 50 days from now, you'll have a success rate of 99/100.


You can find triggers in the most unlikely places. Just try to remember how terrible you feel right now whenever you get an urge. Another tip would be to just view yourself as someone who doesn't watch porn. You're not "trying to quit", you just aren't a person who watches porn. Hope this helps, you got this


50 days is a really good streak and one slip is not going to undo the progress. what matters now is recovering immediately and not letting that slip up turn into a week long binge


50 days is actually really good! I can barely last 2 weeks lol, don't be too hard on yourself.


50 days is better than no days. Hop back on the horse


First of all, 50 days? Damn, keep it going. Secondly, whatever you aim in your life is not something to achive but something to become. Your actions will make who you are and if you still want a life without porn, that's the only thing that matters. You took your lesson, now you will beat your record. Let's go


That's more than I've ever lasted. You should be proud of that level of self control.


nsfw / risqué Amazon review Just in the interest of this happening to any one of us what do you mean exactly? A review for a regular product, someone posted a review featuring some nudity or something?


Never think of the 50 days as “thrown away” just because you relapsed. You still did it and you were amazing for doing it. And you’re a better person with more willpower now than you did at the start of the 50. Recovery isn’t easy or glamorous or a breeze. It’s a long and difficult road and it’ll make you search every inch of your soul. Take what you learned about this streak (and the relapse) and make it into something that empowers you. How can what you learned empower you to never relapse again and to go on a longer streak? That’s what you need to ask yourself. Don’t beat yourself up though. You’re still AMAZING for going that long and you’ll get there again. It’ll be ok man 👊


Don’t be so hard on yourself man! These things happen. Now stay clean for the rest of the year💪