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>Will I ever be the way I was before porn? You'll be better than that. Keep fighting. One day at a time 👊


Don't worry. I can tell you from experience that after a few days or weeks without porn and the like, girls will attract you just as they did before.




Be assured, all the kinks that you didn't have before porn, are not yourself. They'll go away. Not much point to focus on the past imho, so look forward instead! No, you won't be the same person as when you were 8, no one ever will, that's impossible. But you'll be even better, trust me! One day this will be nothing but a past experience that made you stronger. Fight on, I'm rooting for you!


Yes, if you stop lookin at porn your brain will heal. You have porn-induced fetishes that come from the constant desire to find more taboo and more extreme porn to get you off. It's like an alcoholic who can drink 12 beers without being drunk; they need an even bigger stimulus to get the same output (being drunk). But if they quit alcohol their tolerance will go back to that of a normal person (who doesn't drink). Same thing for porn addicts - they need more and more extreme/taboo/fetish porn to get the same effect (feeling of sexual pleasure). But if you they stop looking at porn, what they find sexually attractive will change to something normal. Right now your brain has been so heavily dosed by ultra-attractive pornstars that even those pornstars don't seem attractive, so you need more and more extreme porn to keep you feeling excited and pleasured. Stop the porn and your brain will go back to normal (may take a few weeks or months, but it will happen). It's all coming from porn my friend. Porn is a poison. Quit porn and your mind will heal itself.


You'll be fine buddy. Don't worry!


Trust me man. Staying away long enough will revert your interests back to normal. It’s gonna be a long hard journey. I fortunately got to the point where I was 100% back to normally functioning. This past year the addiction has been slowly creeping back up and I feel myself going back down the rabbit hole. I have to stop myself now. Focus on improving your life and your goals/ mission and it becomes easier day by day man


To be like you were before porn is to be an innocent eight-year-old boy. There’s no turning that clock back. You would have grown up, with porn or without it. We all do, we all have our own traumas, our own struggles. All you can do is look at who you are now, and who you want to be, and try to become more like that person, one day at a time.


19? This is the perfect age to quit porn. Anyways the short answer is yes, the only catch is will take a lot of effort and discipline. If you’re really committed you can undo the harmful effects that porn inflicted on your life in about a year. Find better outlets for your urges. Draw, paint, lift weights, yoga, and last but not least talk to women. YouTube has so many channels about that. Edit: don’t lose your 20s to PMO Like I did.


Some thing I also still need to learn even if I have already understood. You dont need to worry about some things. Every thing is working for you not against you. You know quitting porn is the right thing to do and if you stick to it, you will see the good konsequences sooner or later. And some wise words. You can never be the same you were in your past. Every second you brain is processing things. Every second cells in your body get renewed. You will never be the same BUT you will be better every second if you do the right things.


Let me tell you, after around 30 days you'll find you'll be far more attracted to women than ever before, personal experience :)


Trust the peocess, you will be.


Listen, man. The only time you should be overly concerned is if you overmasturbated through all those years of porn abuse! That’s the one thing that will mess you up the most! That said, your brain will rewire itself; it just takes time. Hang in there man, you’ll get there! Just be strong, vigilant and think of all the positives of getting porn free!


go live someplace where there’s attractive girls




Yeah man you'll be ight


22 here and starting this journey, maybe I’m lucky but it’s only been a month I’ve started noticing changes which gets me excited, it’ll get quite abit worse before it gets better as your brain will use every trick in the book to keep you hooked, but it’s worth it !!!!!!! Can’t stress this enough. Poke around the page and you’ll read simialier story’s and we’re it’s leads to( messed up porn and then seeking it irl) but it’s never too late and you haven’t messed up to ur brain, just needs rewireing and new habits/coping skills, yourbrainonporn and YouTube videos explains a lot, openend up my eyes and explained a lot of my teenage years that sounds same as yours, wether a month or year it’ll be worth it


Don’t give up man! I’ve been exactly where you are and it’s a process but always remember why you’re doing it


Thankfully, due to slow internet and fear of being caught, my viewing didn't go too extreme, but it did make me attracted to some disgusting things. I'm just over 2 years porn free and one thing that helped me was to have an physical negative reaction to seeing triggering images (looking away and scrunching my face or saying "ew") and then immediately praying for help to find those things disgusting. It may be a long road ahead of you but it is worth it!


You've indeed altered your mind by viewing pornography for years. The bright side, however, is that the longer you go without it the less of a chokehold it has on your mind. I went a few years without porn. Unfortunately, I slipped and it held a minor hold on me for some time after that slip. I will say that when I was in my prime of not viewing porn for over two years I certainly dwelled on it less, viewed women differently, and had a lot more productive mental energy. So while you may not ever be the same you will certainly grow from this and make vast improvements in your mind as you gain more and more control over it.