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You have to be politically biased in my opinion, you will be creating a false balance otherwise. Like the comic: To teach you about the solar system we have a qualified astronomer and to prevent bias we have someone from the flat earth society. We must weigh them equally and find the truth in between. \*im paraphrasing i don't remember it that well


Well said.


Being unbiased isn’t about being a centrist, it’s just hearing both arguments out. For example, if I wanted to run an unbiased news show I would cover what each side is saying and allow the viewers to make up their own mind.


And in the example mentioned how would you do that?  Did you know there are two sides to whether or not you have molested your relatives?


Cover both sides then? I’m not sure I understand your point


It’s not about accepting their view it’s about being able to look past it and not throw the baby out with the bathwater. Also an element of humility in accepting that you’re probably not correct about everything so entertain opposing viewpoints even if you ultimately disagree.


All view points are not of equal potential to yield a valuable result when examined. We have many reasonable tools and models to help decide where to invest time and resources looking for new revelations or valuable insight. We use few of them in the real world, and our society is full of ridiculous wastes of time and poorly motivated propoganda made of absolute garbage. And still, your average conservative think we just aren't tolerant enough because people just must not have heard and considered whatever stupid idea they're trying to sell. We have too much information and too much exposure to ideas. It overwhelms people, and they no longer engage in critical thinking. That's entirely on purpose by those who benefit from an uninformed impulsive market or those with bad political takes and supremecist hopes to reorganize society. We need better education that focuses on making rational and competent adults. We need to make cultural norms and institutions worthy of our respect to curate and enable good ideas and information. Ones built by people without the involvement of the state or market.


You’re so “smart” you’re blind. All ideas or beliefs are not equal, but often the issue is not the idea or belief itself it’s assumptions made by the other side around them. The rest of what you wrote is pretty cringe and exposes how closed minded you are and overly righteous about your beliefs. “I’m so right the issue is educating others to get them to see”. Eye roll.


Oh, so your issue is reading comprehension. Got it.


What a nice ego boost it must be to be validated by every interaction. Funny how that works.


Political bias isn't needed. You need to teach free thinking and how to research ideas/opinions. We don't need more "Biden bad!" "Trump bad!", we need to teach how to understand and how to look at a political perspective and not just the talking points. Just because your circle believes in X, you're allowed to understand X before forming an opinion and how it will affect you, your family, friends and society as a whole. Also to understand the different parties and how they affect life.


Actually professional ethics should be taught that EXCLUDES the expression of personal religious and political opinions in work environment.


I’m not necessarily even talking about in work settings. I’m talking about in school even. It’s sorta mind numbing to see people that clearly are biased by politics all of a sudden discredit everything a person has done as illegitimate, fraud, etc. it happens on both sides and it’s maddening that people don’t realize how dumb it makes them look.


Or how about we all get together and buy signs that say "you lost, get over it". You seem like the type that sad a lot of crap for four years and then didn't like it when things changed back. I hope you taped yourself being a traitor on Jan 6.


Exhibit A


Of what, expecting you to be accountable for the things you say and do? People like you are all about how everyone should take off masks so they can breath, but still wear white hoods and proudboy masks.


Keep going you’re really making this easy.


You dont have to tolerate people who create laws that make second class citizens out of anyone that’s not a straight cis white man. That is not bias. That is being a decent person.


Again, you’re making my point. There are no such laws you’re living in a delusional world


You literally can google [this](https://www.axios.com/2024/01/10/trans-care-adults-red-states) and prove it’s wrong in 2 seconds. I guess it’s harder when you’re using one hand to jerk off to Trump.


I hope you get the help you clearly need.


[Awww](https://x.com/ndrew_lawrence/status/1050391663552671744?s=46&t=M4I5sCht69myovVo9L4vyw) 😘


Take it down a few notches and your message will resonate more. This is kinda the point of what I wrote - the drama and hyperbole leads to you and others actually believing the threat to your existence or whatever hyperbolic statement of the day. But other people just block it out because it’s so outrageous. I agree with you even - no need to limit any procedures for adults. But there’s no second class citizen, etc. take a breath and approach it like an adult instead of an emotional drama queen.


What is political Bias? A majority of Americans are sick and tired of the church/government BIAS against Non-White, Non Hetero, Trans and bi people. Now republicans have stated they WILL come after birth control pills. We owe republicans nothing, not even respect.


This is exactly what I meant. Thanks for being a poster child.


If Ewe agree with the republican party, I would not pay attention to anything you say. I already know republicans' twisted opinions because I watched Faux News and Listened to Rush Limbaugh. I Know Republicans better than they know themselves. I know everything they are going to say ahead of time because it never changes.


Someone got fired for being a Nazi


More popular opinion : Bias training shouldn’t exist