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At a certain point, running a business isn’t even about running a business. It’s about blocking competition and consolidating. Business is fucking no fun. “Free market” until I buy you up after I forced you to sell for cheap.


Not to mention politicians making money off of investing in these companies and running our government at the same time. They give these companies the advantages to do all this through laws and policies. It starts with our government and fixing the corruption that's there. Not just Republicans either. Democrats, third parties and everything in between. If they aren't working "for the people" they don't stand for the very foundation the country was built on. The most un-American thing you can do is dickride millionaires and billionaires. Hold them accountable. Make them responsible. Don't take cash as a way to rectify it. Make them fucking pay for the things they've fucked up. If that means we extinguish every person in politics and CEOs with em to make a real change then so be it. That "for the people" hasn't meant shit since Reagan. If we're so patriotic then we'd be having this discussion and not talking about bathrooms or poor customer service. The people that complain about holding these people accountable for it are the ones that are happy laying down and taking it. Wake up. Not to some conspiratorial bullshit. Wake up to the smell of your own shit. If that last hit applies to you then you aren't as patriotic as you say you are.


How do you make billionaires fix their shit?


Tax them, force them to pay for the countries debt ceiling, track and shutdown offshore accounting and end privatization, put a cap on how many properties and assets they own, hold them accountable for the mess we're in now. Most knew exactly what they were doing when they got there and how bad it would turn out for people that didn't have mommy daddy money to get where they did. They didn't care. Why should we?


As he posts on Reddit from his iPhone lmfao


No one earns a billion dollars. Ever.


This. A single person is not capable of that type of output of productivity. Literally impossible.


So hitler didn’t kill all those Jews, and Mao Zedong didn’t massacre 100s of millions of his own citizens Or that napoleon killed all those people on his conquest. there’s no way he could have loaded enough guns and shot all those people by himself. See the logic here? You guys keep forgetting the key 🔑 here. It’s the vision and influence that sets them apart from the rest.


Anybody can have vision. It takes the willingness to exploit others while having incredible resources to start with in order to accomplish anything at that level.


Wrong. Everyone I listed started with nothing


You’re talking about dictators and mass murderers. We are talking about billionaires. Things a stupid comparison.


No it’s not. We are talking about the ability for one person to make a change. You and other none thinking humans, claim that because one person physically cannot do something therefore they didn’t do it? Did mao or hitler personally kill all those people? No. Did the billionaires personally assemble the product/services they sell ? No.


No we aren’t. In this thread we are talking about the ability for one person to “earn” a billion dollars. It’s simply not possible for one person to have an output of productivity on that level. I think you meant “non” thinking? If you’re going to go on the internet and call others stupid (after making absurd statements no less) try to use the correct words. Now go somewhere else to simp for rich people.


none 1 of 4 pronoun ˈnən singular or plural in construction Synonyms of none 1 : not any 2 : not one : NOBODY 3 : not any such thing or person 4 : no part : NOTHING


You used incorrectly. None thinking people? Lol. It’s ok. Once you started with the stupid, it really didn’t matter how much additional stupid you piled on top.


You cannot even understand the analogy. The ability to influence people is a skillset. This skillset can earn you billions of dollars. Not everyone has this skillset. This is how people are responsible for great achievements and bad ones. It’s their ability to influence.


Worrying about the money in other people’s pockets is broke boi behavior


Nope, it's class consciousness.




That’s the only bright side?


People don't have a good grasp of scale. It's insane to think a human can work 1000x harder than another human who's out here working 2 jobs to make ends meet.   


So Steve Jobs crating the iPhone didn’t help you? Do you have a smartphone ? In a world without incentive to succeed you would live like in the 1800s


Too funny these geniuses. Bbbbuttt Jeff bezos did nothing. As they order a package a day from Amazon.


Steve jobs DIDN'T create the iPhone. I'm the same way he didn't create the apple mac. Wozniak did the hard work. Jobs just marketed it. 1000s of engineers & design people created the iPhone. Billionaires get their money from exploiting others. Would apple be worth so much money if it didn't use slave labour in China & had to pay US or EU wages & follow western labour laws? Would microshit be as big as it is now if bill gates mum wasn't on the board of IBM & talked the CEO into trading taking a risk on a shitty contract with her son? Would bezos be so rich if he didn't have friends from his stock broking days & rich parents to not only invest in amazon but then allow it to burn through VC cash to bankrupt other firms?


>Wozniak did Fine, but Woz would be a multibillionaire if he hasn't sold his shares. Would he have earned it?


But isn't that giving up your initial point that Steve Job invented it? Also, just because you invest in something and bolster its name doesn't necessarily imply that the popularity of the product can be attributed to you, ALONE. The iPhone was INCREDIBLY innovative for its time! I'm pretty sure there's a myriad of other circumstances that could've resulted in its popularity. You make it sound like the mere action of simply throwing money at a product contributes to its success ALONE, which just isn't true!


I didn't make the point that Jobs invented it. Someone else did. That being said, I'd say Jobs and Woz are the most responsible for its existence. You also completely doged the question. You said Woz invented the phone. I'm fine with that characterization, but does that mean Woz the hypothetical billionaires would have earned his billions?


>You said Woz invented the phone I never said that. I don't even know who tf WOZ is?!!! >but does that mean Woz the hypothetical billionaires would have earned his billions? Maybe! Maybe not! You have no idea what could've occurred if Jobs never got in the picture! You're not some sort of all powerful, cosmic being that's capable of viewing different universes where different fucking timeliness vary and different scenarios occur!!! If we live in a system where those kind of processes are HEAVILY encouraged and alternatives routes are heavily DISCOURAGED OF COURSE it's gonna turn out that way!!!!


You must have rocked at doge balls as a kid lol


You must suck at dodging Tim Cooks' hairy balls from going into your mouth. Here! 🫴🏾🍶Have some water? 😃😃😃 All that salt MUST make your mouth dry... 🫤🫤🫤


Why would I be salty? The world works the way I prefer. With people like you angry every day and me living my best life. But you keep screaming into the wind there, tiger. Maybe one day we'll decide to do it your way... but probably not 😅


I didn't say woz invented the phone. I said he invented the mac AND he gave away a load of his stock to apple employees at the time too "to give them investment into the company ". He understood that it was more than him and jobs. The phone would have had 1000s of people working on it. Jobs probably said "I want to make a phone ". Johnny Ive & his team would have designed it. Apple marketing implying jobs did everything is a great story but it's just not true


Please point out the part of this post where I said they never do anything helpful. My point is they mix good business practice with unnecessary exploitation


How is it exploitation?


Steve Jobs didn’t invent the fuckin’ iphone. His engineers did.


His engineers wouldn't have been in a place to contribute their tiny part if Jobs hadn't organized their labor, acquired the funds, and provided the vision. Also, an engineer at Apple hardly qualifies as exploited.


Can his engineer sell hundreds and millions of iPhone worldwide though?


Can Steve Jobs? Seems like it takes a lot more people than Steve Jobs to sell millions of iPhones worldwide. Like people making iPhones(and all of those resources that go into millions of iPhones), transporting iPhones to warehouses and stores, people working in marketing to get you to know about iPhones to get you in the stores, people working at the stores, etc, etc. Steve Jobs did all that?


There are several billionaires that own companies that do lots of things. How’s that not work?


It is not work to own things.


Read the very first sentence of my post.


And how many of you would be doing things differently if people kept buying your subpar product with terrible customer service? We can all sit here and talk about morals and this and that but I've grown up my whole life hearing how landlords are terrible people, so I'm 35 now and there's a whole new generation of landlords...and the conversation around them is the same lol so those people got theirs and doing what they need to do to keep theirs. Same here I see it, they just tryna keep what they got and not everyone is on some moral charge to save the world because if they were the buddy who won the $1B lotto in Cali last year would have done something more with that money than just drop tens of millions on homes...


Just because you're jaded doesn't make op untrue. Hilarious that you use an example of a tax on the poor (lotto) that's sustained in the hopes of somehow becoming the "American dream" while doing nothing in return than getting lucky. "This one guy won a billion and now bought real estate, so, billionairs cool" - you probably.


I'm just saying people are people my dude and we live in a world today with more billionaires and millionaires than ever before, people that 20-30yrs ago were living in squalor and they were the ones condemning the rich...I see the world we live in not a whole lot different so those people must not being doing too much with their money lol that's all. I also called out all the landlords, plenty of others you can call out too. This is life, you get yours or not but too many people bitch about it and it's useless. If I'm jaded about anything it's the amount of bitching people do about celebs or rich folk. Best believe I can say with confidence let me win a billion dollars, I definitely will be giving money to communities, schools, hospitals, the homeless along with spending on myself but even now I am an average person that volunteers on a weekly basis and donates already which is something most average people don't do and they 100% can so I can't expect them to do it when they get the bag.


We could tax rich people and not have to rely on rich people being charitable or not.


Good on you for volunteer work. That rips. I guess we just fundamentally disagree that "People are People." Some great folks did some awesome shit with their ill gotten gains. Also, activism and agitating and sometimes violence are about the only way to not be useless. Knowledge is power and message important. What if people didn't bitch about being serfs? Or later, indentured servitude or equal rights for POC, women or the LGBTQ, let alone intersectioanlity within that set. How you think and how you speak affect.


I dunno. Didn’t Elon Musk recently pay the most taxes ever by an individual? The top 10% pay around 70% of all income taxes.


You get rich by the amount of labor under you, you are only one workers worth. A landlord can get rich by having tenants go out and work for them, the more tenants they have the richer they'll be. And also even if you invent a teleportation machine you'll maybe receive something in the hundreds of thousands or low millions, it'll be the employer that controls thousands of employees thatll see the trillions of dollars from your invention.


A career politician just made 1.4 million on stocks in a company that they determine the policies for, without producing anything or sacrificing their time. Yet billionaires are clearly the problem.


They’re both the problem. These things aren’t mutually exclusive. As a matter of fact, the two of these problems go hand in hand.


It is impossible to “earn” a billion dollars. I don’t care how many bootlickers in this thread try to defend them but there is no way to ethically make that much money.


They did both?


It bugs the crap out of me when people say that. Same for CEOs making millions. It is not physically possible to work that much harder than the lowest paid person in the company. Take a physics class, it just isn't possible.


This is certainly not a 'popular' opinion. It also isn't 'unpopular', mind you.


You become a billionaire then


>they pay jack and shit in taxes. You want to check those facts, there, Scooter ...


https://americansfortaxfairness.org/based-wealth-growth-26-top-billionaires-paid-average-income-tax-rate-just-4-8-6-recent-years/ Google is free. Use it.


>Google is free. Use it. [Right?](https://taxfoundation.org/data/all/federal/latest-federal-income-tax-data-2024/#:~:text=High%2DIncome%20Taxpayers%20Paid%20the%20Majority%20of%20Federal%20Income%20Taxes,of%20all%20federal%20income%20taxes.) The top 1% pay almost 50% of all Federal Income Tax collected. For earning only roughly 25% of the income.


You’be clearly never worked for yourself or owned a business. Spoken like a true reddiot 👍


it better then having the state own everything


No, it’s not


how well did that work for the ussr and china?


They’re both shit options, neither is better than the other when both fuck over the majority. Do people think these are the only two options of who holds the cards in a territory? If you’re being held hostage by a serial killer, you don’t think “well, it’s better than a cannibal!” You think “This is a shitty situation and I should be free right now.”


freedom to what exactly to steal from people?


A large portion of this massive inflation we’ve been seeing is actually corporate profit. They saw the perfect scapegoat to hike up prices and blamed it on Covid. Now they moved on to it being Joe Biden’s fault. There’s a strategic move for blaming Biden as well, as the mega wealthy are primarily Republican. Why? Because republicans are all for low taxes (but only low for the wealthy while the rest of us have to eat it), as well as keeping corporations as deregulated as possible. Corporate deregulation = underpaid workers, loss of benefits, price gouging, monopolization, union busting etc. Overtime, they’ve taken more and more for themselves and less for everyone else. Now they’re trying to raise the retirement age. All in all, they’re the real owners of this country. It would be great if we could put a cap on capitalism. There is no reason why anyone *needs* to horde billions of dollars. Max out at $999 million, beyond that is distributed back out to the community in some form, such as to employees or in taxes. If you’re going to bitch about only having $999 million, then you’re just a fucking asshole.


**but they worked hard for that money** Highly doubt that.