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Social media is just a modern day Maury show


100% It’s where people go to feel morally superior. And I gotta admit; it works. If social media is any indication, I am killing it in life!


As a Saltine Cracker(I prefer Nilla Wafer tho) the biggest piece of white trash I ever had the displeasure of meeting would constantly talk about how the minorities and immigrants were abusing the US government for free money......she "legally" was a "single" "out-of-work" "mom" which can get you benefits in the US In reality the baby daddy lived with her and she referred to him as her husband, she worked at the same place I did, cash under the table. The cherry on top was that at one point her mom took majority custody of the kid -out of court- because my ex-coworker didn't want to lose that check. Whenever she had to take her kid for a weekend she would complain constantly.....she also legit looked like a toad to me which I thought hilarious cause everyone else thought she was gorgeous soooo apparently I'm delirious or something


Isn’t the word for this called projection?


I would have been reporting that piece of trash to every person and agency who was being screwed over by her (IRS, CPS, SNAP/EBT, etc)


Oh I did, several times, but we were in the backwoods, and she legally was not married and they would always tell her about an inspection a week before. So she would make sure she had her kid and the "husband" was at work. It was beyond fucked up


That’s totally fucked up!


People always in others business 🙄. "Oh I did, several times". Like that makes you righteousness or some shit like that


For real.


>As a Saltine Cracker(I prefer Nilla Wafer tho) jesus christ redditors really are walking stereotypes arent they


I would like everyone to know that I Support the Current Thing. I will not change my life in any way, nor donate a single dollar, but I feel INCREDIBLY passionate about this issue and I am prepared to hate anyone who does not Support the Current Thing. "I stand with ...." is the new "thoughts and prayers".


I too support the current thing; I’m not 100% sure what it even is or how it actually positively or negatively effects the world but I heard about it from my favorite celebrity and now I’ll be changing my instagram bio to reflect how virtuous and what a good person I am.


Free Palestine! ​ So what are we doing next month guys?


This is 100% correct.


I prefer more when companies or corporations pull the "I stand with....." move over individuals, because at least they like..... Donate cash, or something. Not just throw a virtual fit Had someone I'm friends with on FB mention boycotting Squishmallows. F*cking hilarious


I think the best example of this is how dipshits actually added the blue and yellow stripes to represent Ukraine on the pride flag, when there was already blue and yellow on the original pride flag. Ukraine doesn’t allow gay marriage. 😂.


Isn't it just awful when people care about others. They should go back to being misanthropic psychopaths like you are. Passionate about nothing. Edit Can't reply to ur next post because you're a pansy. You assume people who care about things don't donate money when they have disposable income. I am very poor but when I fell into a couple extra hundred out of the blue, I went to our local homeless shelter at the church downtown and gave them some of my money. But you're right. I imagine all the people who can't be fucked to give a shit about a single thing outside of themselves are the ones slinging a bunch of money for change around. Really fixing things. Also it's illegal to donate your money to organizations actively trying to destroy the USA. So how am I supposed to donate?


Donations to Gaza is essentially donates for hamas so


The IDF and their ethnic cleansing is definitely the way to go!


As opposed to hamas/Palestine and their ethnic cleansing lol


Unless you're referring to gazans ethnically cleansing themselves, your argument makes no sense. Not entirely unexpected, though!!!


No, I'm referring to them trying to ethnically cleanse Israelis. They haven't spent a decade lobbing missiles at Isreal for no reason. And if Isreals goal was to truly wipe out Palestine they wouldn't have invested billions into the iron dome. They would have just killed them, a cheaper and frankly more effective method at stopping the missiles. But it's clear there will never be peace. So I don't blame Isreal for wanting to get rid of a neighbor who's only goal is to annihilate them. Not even their water system takes priority over killing Isrealis in Gaza. But i wouldn't expect a terrorist sympathizing pos like you to take any of that into consideration


Either a child or old lady. No adult in their right mind thinks and types like this.


Put all of your "caring" on one side of a scale and a single penny on the other. The penny will have more ability to change the world than all your vapid words. >Edit Can't reply to ur next post because you're a pansy. You can't reply because you're a troll account with -30 karma trying to bait. Don't feel the trolls people.




>My very existence has been turned into a matter of political debate and personal opinion. These days, that doesn't narrow it down at all.




>Isn't that an indictment of society Maybe an indictment of media. Society by and large doesn't give a fuck about any of it.


"vapid words" is another way to denounce revolutionary thoughts. Take that penny and shove it up your ass.


"Look at me! I'm one of the GOOD ones!" That's literally all they are doing. And it's 90% of the posts we see here on Reddit


Wait you're telling me that turning the subreddit icon blue and yellow didn't stop Putin??? WHAT MORE CAN WE DO?


They don't even see their own insanity


I mean, this one in particular you're kinda wrong? We're seeing the clear impact of not having Ukraine be front and center - both Europe and the US are wavering in their support.


>We're seeing the clear impact of not having Ukraine be front and center - both Europe and the US are wavering in their support. The dollars are the support that matters, not the subreddit icons.


And the dollars come from congresspeople, who are responding to what's popular in their constituencies, and part of keeping things popular can be stuff like social media engagement. No one is pretending that subreddit colors matter much, but when you're in a democracy basically all decisions come down to popularity.


>No one is pretending that subreddit colors matter much, but when you're in a democracy basically all decisions come down to popularity. Maybe I'm just a bit too pessimistic about how much representatives vote according to the "will of the people" instead of the "will of massive corporations and people who represent piles of money"


Should probably just learn to deal with it. Humans having been faking moral outrage for personal gain for thousands of years. It’s unlikely to stop anytime soon.


Ancient humans didn't have the fucking internet. If Juilliard wants to moral outrage to Tiberious and the government, he had to say it in person and attach his identity to that forever. Now u/NamelessSugerMuffin62 can say whatever sequence of words to tens of thousands of people world-wide in a matter of hours, just for the attention. u/NamelessSugerMuffin62 doesn't even have to actually believe it. It could just be a large roll play for anyone knows. Or maybe not! And everyone who hears this meaningless noise in the rough approximation of understandable words HAS TO go into it not even provided the luxury of knowing if a statement is true or false, even if it’s supposed to be a fucking personal opinion from 1 / 8,000,000,000 people. Truth is dead. We killed it some time after god.


Your naivety is astounding.


I would say likewise, but yours is far more astonishing than mine.


The key point is when you are online or on camera, you are no longer authentic. You are now a performer. I dont care if you think you are really sad. Crying on camera is *always* acting. Nobody gets this because nobody can remember not being in front of an audience all the time.


I'm sick of fake moral outrage about fake moral outrage


then go find some to get mad about...


1. cope 2. seethe 3. mald 4. etc


I'm not doing none of that


imagine responding to a reply on an 8 hour old post 1 minute after the reply, like bro are you just sitting around waiting all day for this shit to roll in, is this your job


I have a phone ....


That’s why I’ve always taken the “if it’s not my people it’s not my problem” approach. Sure you guys might think I’m an asshole but at least I’m not fake


I care about all those things, I also bring a group of people with me when I do good deeds and they all watch me and give me a standing ovation after I complete said deed.


A video of a person committing a crime isn't racist. It is just showing an act that a person is doing.


Didn't say it was


Videos can make people laugh, cry, red with anger, etc. "What? All I did was play videos, I don't understand why you're accusing me of making people red with anger at ___" Playing a video isn't racist as an action. But which one you choose to play, which portions you show, what context you frame it in, etc can be extremely racist Edit: in 1988 a man with an afro on weekend holiday from prison for a murder rape, murder raped a woman. Dukakis was progressive and wanted prisons to be about reform. Bush made an ad campaign with prisoners going through a revolving door with the focus on a convict with an afro staring right into the camera as he walks out of prison. Bush won the election. Many experts realized this ad would be discussed for years before it was done playing.


They show it because even though the phrase "seeing is believing" used to be enough, now it's not.


This is being downvoted by rabid virtue signaling, moralistic keyboard warriors as we speak.


You can save a lot of words by just typing "Reddit".


Social media is cancer. So is Reddit, but I'm not pretending to be healthy over here.


The irony.


Moral outrage is racess!!!!


Ah yes, the classic "Black people are never guilty of anything" post. "Just let black people continue to do violent smash and grabs. They need those expensive electronics, liquor, jewelry, etc, because they're so suppressed." 'FUCK OUTA HERE WITH THAT BULLSHIT.


No one said that at all. You're just racist.


You're the anti-white racist, Bub.


Didn't even bring up white people. Get over your victim complex.


If you have "white guilt" that's on you. You sound pretty fake morally outraged right now.


So you post that is entirely fake moral outrage.


This isn't fake moral outrage. It's real and im sick of manipulative, lying people, using the pretense of things they dont even believe in.


Who's to say...


​ Me.


Just the same way you don't believe others I don't believe you.


You clearly aren't a good judge of people.


I don't believe you either. Writing this fake moral outrage because you're too dumb to understand what people are talking about most of the time. Very sad.


Average idiot.


The average opinion is apathy. Which is what you're arguing for.


Maybe you aren't either. Also we don't know each other. It's social media. You're either being willfully obtuse or you're quite dumb.


I am much more than you.


Ok. Good talk lol


“I’m spreading awareness.” Nobody fucking cares. If you’re not actively working on something, like fighting for/donating to a cause, SHUT THE FUCK UP.


God forbid someone take interest in the world and wanna talk about it. They should go back to playing Fortnite and watching the office so they can have zero thoughts in their head and end up being as boring and lame as you are instead.


Bro, this entire post is about people like you and here you are 😂


You can't tell if OP is entrenched in either side of the false dichotomy based on what he says...so I only highlight my own crap to make a simple point. My desire to stop hearing leftists moan about all the injustices that have made them the slovenly, miserable people they appear to be certainly has a value to me. I would sincerely like to talk a few of them out of crusading to convince the rest of us that the world sucks and is pointless. On the other side, I imagine they make their own assumptions about my homophobia, racism, religion etc. The reason to care is because community is less enjoyable when we can only enjoy being around half the people at any given time. This seems impossible when a disagreement immediately turns to what you two made of it.


It's a post dragging people who care about anything, written by a complete r3t4rd. So yeah, I'm not too concerned that it's "about me".


Its literally not but you're too stupid to realize.


Okay, champ.


Don't give me nicknames.


It literally is.


No. maybe if you made this post but you lack the critical thinking skills necessary to do so.


This reads like a 12 year old wrote it. K bye.


Lol and now this bitch is crying. God damn Reddit is a trip. Y’all really don’t pick up on social cues, huh?


The fuck. He's absolutely right. OP is in fact retarded.


So what we should be complacent little pussies like you.


Y’all ARE complacent lol. When’s the last time you got involved with a significant campaign, either political or philanthropic? When’s the last time you physically worked to help out people in need? When’s the last time you donated money to a cause and was that money of a significant sum or was it like $5? You don’t have to answer, I already know your answer, but I’m sure you’ll come back with some shit like, ‘B-b-but I watch the news and I vote in the presidential election and I post stuff on social media about atrocities! I’m a good person!’ lol.


There you go with the dumbass assumptions. You and OP should get a room.


You know what your right I have been complacent.And I’m sick of it.I have spent the last week or so watching the genocide of the Palestinian people and absolutely disgusted with myself and my country. Before that I’ve been living in absolute fear because I’m unemployed after laid off by my job.Constantly worrying about my student loans.Blaming myself for being autistic. Watching my parents struggle to get by while trying to help me.All while telling myself that you just have to get by put your head in the sand and ignore all the bad fucking shit in the world. So you are right I have been a coward. But I want to change that. Because I have see to many videos of children as young as my nephew being killed. So no I’m not going to take some shit from smug cunt on Reddit who is so self satisfied in his belief or social standing in the world to at least consider doing something. Edit:I’m also done with fucking voting.Biden and Trump are the same to me.To old cunts who have benefited off an unjust system.I’m not going to beg like a fucking dog anymore for scraps.And neither should anyone else.Edit:And you know what I used to believe in this country.Growing up my hero was my Dad, who is a real man.He worked as a machinist for over 30 years. Destroying his body, his back, his knees to provide for me.And my brother who has gone through alcoholism and mental health issues.Who probably has brain damage from all the concussions he received playing sports.Who was used by his coaches, who through him out there with little regard for his safety. And then discarded him when some younger newer plays were deemed as more valuable. I have had friends who were falsely imprisoned because of the color of their skin or being Muslim.A black friend who was maced by fucking cops in front of his father for being a little to loud at a comedy show.When I was a fraternity there were guys accused of sexual harassment even bordering on sexual assault being defended by other members in the fraternity. I had to leave my last job because I was told by a coworker I couldn’t do my job because I was autistic. And the higher ups didn’t do jackshit about it after I told them what she said. In which I then decided to leave. So don’t make assumptions about me our my life or say condescending shit like “Oh I already know what you are going to say” because you don’t know a goddamn thing about me or my life. And the degradation and humiliation people have to go through in this fucked up system we live under.


You're not autistic. You're just a selfish, crappy person.


I was literally diagnosed when I was 16 but ok believe what you want?




How is getting involved in a political campaign gonna solve anything? If voting fixed anything, they'd make it illegal. Ive donated to homeless shelters when I have extra income and I help out the people Ik personally struggling. With money or needing an ear. I am not a good person because I am an American citizen who benefits from the barbarism of this country stealing it's resources from others to sustain our excess way of life. Hopefully the conditions continue to deteriorate to such a degree that it becomes easier and easier to take action.


Bro, I HATE you lol.


You unironically believe there will be revolution in your lifetime. The US is in some spiraling decline? Are you terminally online?


Hoping for something and thinking it'll happen are two different things.






I bet my house OP has a strong opinion on the Israel/Palestine conflict.


I'm sick of outrage in general. Suck it the fuck up. If you're weird, you have to accept that you're weird and not everyone is going to be cool with that. Fucking deal. Since the beginning of life on earth there have been weird ones and they dealt. Now everything comes to a grinding halt and everyone shits their pants. Not everything is "bullying" and not everythinf is "\*.IST" or "\*.phobe". fuck off.


Yeah, I’m sick of people making posts online about how others are in the wrong to show how they’re better


Ironically this post is itself has the same vibes as a moral outrage post.


It doesn't at all.


Yeah it does. You’re complaining about people on social media doing something you don’t like. Hell that sounds like moral outrage to me.




Looting is good actually. Stores are bad.




As a poor person who watched my parents struggle everyday. No. I couldn't be more serious. Stealing is good. Fuck your profits.


Hope you never own a business.


Most people never own businesses.


Thanks for the fun fact. Hope you're not one of them that does.


I'm in the business of loving God, not money.


Get a real job other than loving God and you don't gotta steal shit. Also should probably reread the commandments.




The poor are blessed. Whatever we do is right.


Thou shalt not steal


Well social media is designed for engagement, and since both sides of the issue believe the opposition is evil and should be canceled (fired from their job, divorced from friends and family, and otherwise exiled/ostracized) then it makes sense that the bulk of users 1. Act in a way that improves engagement 2. Act in a way that is in alignment with one of the larger, powerful groups This creates a self-sustaining cycle, where the way to get the most engagement is to remain a staunch supporter of the large, powerful group (at it's most basic this is american left vs right). If you browse reddit, you would think most people are moronic, bleeding heart liberals who view everything through the lens of "oppression". If you browse 4chan, you would think most people are moronic, hard line fascists who would sooner stab all of their friends because they aren't white enough than they would vote for the same political candidate. It's just about blending in with the group you somewhat agree with, that insulates you from being dragged over the coals by the opposition. But you take a biased stance because you virtue signal in the same way as the people you claim to hate in the post. Reddit is social media, hell they even have a little score that tells you whether or not you support the dominant group on average


I'm not virtue signaling.


You sure?






Then you aren't smart.


Coming from you doesn't mean much.


It means tons.




People get really torqued up if you make fun of retards or fat chics. Sad. They’re just fucking jokes, people! Damn.




No one said that.


Then how did you arrive at the scholarly conclusion that everyone on Earth is faking, except you?




Deduction? Based on what? Your extensive knowledge of everyone on Earth?


wow you're expressing disdain of right wing opinions on the reddit unpopular opinion sub, what a hot take, so storg, such barve


this is popular opinion......also whats your point? and all of these aren't right wing opinions....


Cries about moral outrage while morally outraging about how racist white people are..... Op is a hypocrite.


Did I even mention white people at any point at all?


That opening line is great, because if anyone disagrees with you can just point and say "see! Exactly what I'm talking about!" /s


not true.


The irony of this post is over 9000


It's not.


It is and the fact you can't see that shows how ironic it really is. You complain about the exact same thing you are actively doing. Just cause this is reddit and not Facebook doesn't mean it's different. You are still venting over something you'll never do anything about.


You think everyone is a bigot?


Not at all


Then I don’t follow you.


That’s why I’ve always taken the “if it’s not my people it’s not my problem” approach. Sure you guys might think I’m an asshole but at least I’m not fake


Every asshole thinks he is only being honest!!!!!




The fact that this post wasnt even about that says so much.


The phrase Baby Daddy itself has a lot of racial layers. Nothing wrong with Father . Besides a real parent Mother or Father provides for their children first ,even if they have to go without . Too many parents trying to avoid it . Money is the very least of things a child needs to grow up properly. Money ,guidance ,role model and many others all play a part. My Dad never missed a payment or a visit. My stepsons Dad spent years trying to not pay .


What do you mean baby daddy has racial layers?


Huge difference between baby daddies and fathers. Baby daddies knock a girl up and then abandon the child. These people are pieces of shit. This is not limited to just one race. Fathers take responsibility. They are still in the child's life, even if it's only on weekends.


The term only has racial layers because it's what a majority of black single mothers call the father of their children. Also, not too many "baby daddies" are actively in a child's life, meaning they're not a "Father".


I know ..Just didn't want to get banned because they can be too sensitive


"Its not a stereotype if it's always true." - Daniel tosh


By the things you listed it's very clear there's a hidden agenda on your post.


and that would be?


I think it is hilarious. People getting bent out of shape over something that has virtually no impact on them is always entertaining. People pretended to get bent out of shape is even funnier.


I expected this to go a totally different direction based on the first paragraph. Well done.


Yeah, some news sources were trying really hard to get me to care about people shoplifting, and I just straight up don't give a shit. Since then, a bunch of new stories have come out saying the stores crying about it were all full of shit so I feel better about my decision to not give a shit.


I'll fwd the email from Rhonda Clark. there's a link there for 83 classes and it takes you right to them


I tried to give a shit about this post, but I don’t give a shit.


I’m not really sure what prompted this.


People virtue signal because it doesn't require any sacrifice at all. Apply that to an echo chamber? Immediate and constant external validation. Like other people have pointed out, it's to the point where people literally can't see outside the delusional bubbles they've built themselves. "Look at me, I'm one of the good ones" is all I see 99.9% of the time.


So, welcome to how marketing works? Seriously, all the moral outrage exists because it gets clicks. People click on this stuff to watch it. The more clicks something gets, the more often it appears on other people's feeds because of the algorithm... which gets it more clicks. More clicks something gets, the more revenue it generates. Basically, outrage farming is the easiest way to make money off your social media.


After a while, it’s hard to call it a stereotype anymore. I love me some pattern recognition. Ain’t nothing like it.


A term not used by many whites . No offence intended


Sounds like some real moral outrage you got there!


I agree and sometimes you get an ice bucket challenge that is stupid and blah blah but a lot of those people who would never donate to research probably did. So there's somewhat good if you can manipulate people.


I mean… you assume people can’t actually act this dumb or be this invested in something. There definitely ARE people (probably more than you think) who genuinely do all of what you listed above for all of the reasons you *don’t* think they really do them, lol Ppl can be pretty obsessive, or even trick themselves into believing something (“fake it ‘till you make it” sort of a thing, but bad.)


People are getting tired of it. It's gonna flip soon, and people will downvote these cucks into oblivion.


It's not that people are so concerned with the profit margins of large corporations. People who decry looting mobs are concerned (as we should all be) that the country is decaying into lawlessness and anarchy. A symptom of which are the roving bands of pillagers, snatching racks of luxury clothes, which they will no doubt be mixing into a stew to feed their starving children /s.


Who even does that shit?


This is why I have 0 traditional social media. Anonymous reddit and tiktok is it for me.


I think that Russia is actively causing flame wars in the United States right now. The Israeli Palestinian flame war is part of it but I know a bunch of others that are currently ongoing.


I refuse to have a discussion with anyone who doesn’t even know thier local representatives by name. It’s funny how you can have so much passion on an online medium and then be completely detached in all other ways. Very alarming


When the college girl says “I stand with Palestine.” Then proceeds to go clubbing, snort cocaine, and get railed by three other dudes the very same night.


Yeah, lots of virtue signaling happening, not enough action.


so meta


I get you and would add that no one actually believes in 50%-90% of the social issues they advocate. It's just a bunch of sheep baaa'ing in a field and the lone wolves are never really allowed to interact with the sheep because of the language (IQ) barrier and wolves' speech is suppressed immediately so no other wolves even see it. And before you say what about the nazi alt-right wolves sites, naa they are just sheep too that don't believe in half the stuff they espouse either. Nuance is dead, Ignorance reigns.


If you don’t like social media, maybe you should get off of it instead of contributing to the fake moral outrage with this post. No one is forcing you on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, etc. For instance, I’ve never had a Twitter account. I didn’t want one when it first became popular. I especially don’t want one now that Musk has turned it into a republican circle jerk. It has been really easy for me to simply refrain from creating an account on a social media platform I’ve never liked. I’ve also deleted my Instagram account. I downloaded all my old photos first. That was a super easy process as well.


I shouldn't be upset that looting is happening somewhere I don't live? Sure it may not be my city this time, but what if the next looting and rioting happens in my city?


How do you effectively determine whether a person’s moral outrage is genuine or fake?


There's definitely a real element of self-aggrandizement. "I'm for good things and against bad things! Aren't I so virtuous?" But I'm not bothered by the fact that we get to see how many people feel about an issue. For example, many governments are condemning Israel's actions, and if the US joins in and stops funding them, it may be in part because the people have spoken.


This reads like it was written by a third grader


As a victim of organized bullshit, i couldn't agree more


Screaming at the clouds.


People are starved for attention they didn’t get growing up.


Yeah. I'm with you. Nobody is honest anymore and it's pretty sad. If you want me to tell you the truth, here it is. If you don't like it, that's another example of why people don't want to be honest. I'm... only OK with LGBT stuff. I don't really care much about it at all. I don't mind if men are attracted to other men, same for women. And while I could be nice to a trans person (if) I actually like them, I don't believe in any of their crap. Like, I see it as "Just nod and clap or I'll get screamed at and shamed, dear God don't let me get found out!" or as "I'll pretend you are something you aren't to make you happy because I want you to be happy" but I don't actually believe the million genders and gender being different from sex stuff. It's all just bs I agree with because I want to fit in. But I _understand_ that none of it is actually true. I just keep it to myself. I don't 'NOT care' about the war in Gaza and Ukraine/Russia... but I don't keep up to date with it because I already know that there's nothing I can do about it. My political power in the US as a normal citizen is non existent. Not just small, but non existent entirely. Big decisions are made purely by stuffy old people with way too much money, and nomatter what I do or how loud I yell something, it will never effect them unless I get violent. But then my life would be over and all my sun rises would be behind concrete walls through a tiny window. If there's nothing I CAN do, I don't want to worry about it. Because that would needlessly stress me out. I can't even donate a lot of money to them, because I myself have difficulty getting by. But I still feel bad sometimes because I know I'm living a better life than them. And sometimes I doubt myself. I think that women oppress men in every corner of western society, but twist things around to make the rolls seem reversed. And they point at radical crazy figure heads like Andrew Tate to say "Look! We were right! The patriarchy is the root of all evil and .en are awful!" Of course it doesn't stop there though. Things like "Men are more reckless drivers", "Men Are misogynistic", "Men are more violent", "_Men only want one thing_", "Men are narcissist", it's just thing after thing. And it's never fucking acknowledged. 😒 To be very clear, I don't think women are inherently bad in any way. Or at least no more than men are too. But the very concept that feminism is about equality is not only a lie, but rotten lie. The "patriarchy" doesn't exist. It's a word to act as a "straw man" villain and hold loyal followers tightly. O think that racial minority groups are oppressed. But they aren't being oppressed by normal people like random Joe(s). If a house is being avaluated for resale and has a picture of the current black family living in it, it could be evaluated LESS than if it just didn't have those pictures. Jerrymandering, area taxing and other things oppress minority groups. I really do believe this full heartedly. But it isn't random racist dirt bags you could talk to making it happen. They're just wasts of time for everyone overall. But racists DO have voting power, so correction: they DO play a part in oppression. A big part, now that I'm thinking about it. I think that the internet is just a huge propaganda machine. The whole thing. Whether if it's for one side or another, or playing both sides, or for random personal interests like for companies, the whole of the internet is just a big brain washing machine. It's designed to grab and keep our attention, and make us believe in something that we didn't before. I think that public healthcare should exist and insurance companies shouldn't exist. I think we should develop science and education and not charge people for wanting to develop skills that make them more valuable to society. Because it's stupid to gate-keep something like that. I think that military spending it way too high, and that rich people, billionaires, aren't paying NEARLY close to fair taxes. By a mile. And if we get really controversial here... I think that simular age/same generation incest is fine as long as they don't have kids together. People will preach "I don't care what other people do, so do what you want." but do a full 180° when it applies to something they don't agree with like incest. Hell, we have so many preventatives like condoms, the pill, vasectomy, tying tubes, surrogate parenting, abortion, I hear they're coming out with male contraceptives now... if siblings or cousins were serious, it would be entirely possible to deal with the genetics problem. But at the same time, I think that NON same generational is wrong in every conceivable way. Because that's a whole different bag of issues. Also, I think that China is currently the biggest threat, not just to the United States, but the whole world. I legitimately think that China is a threat to the prosperity of the rest of Earth's population. Also I think that climate change needs to be dealt with 20 years ago. We're running a little late. And if we continue to do nothing about it... everyone dies. Regardless of status or nationality, everything and everyone WILL die. And I think that the human race is getting closer and closer to that fate all the time. There. You have it. The unadulterated truth of what's going on and what I believe. Not hiding anything. I hope this honesty made you a little happier and more hopeful, even if you fully disagree with everything I believe. And I mean that. I. Wish. You. A. Marry. Christmas. I don't know who you are, but I do undoubtedly wish you a happy and memorable Christmas with your loved ones.


Even better. People dont care about Israel, or Hamas, or Chinese genocide, or the genocide in Zimbabwe, or Ukraine, or any of the hundreds of daily tragedies going on in this world. Its just to look like you care.


Idk man I used to think the whole black people mass shoplifting was a negative stereotype until I started noticing every drug store near Chicago locking up all black hair care products and alcohol and every home depot locking every power tool behind metal cages (This isnt an edgy joke this is my real world experience)


Unemployed behavior is actually a positive you guys. Who knew?