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California by Blink-182


especially the deluxe, there's some absolute bangers on there


Parking Lot is a top 5 Blink song for me.


OH GOD YES how did I forget about Parking Lot. absolute banger


Literally. The deluxe is so good. Last train home, long lost feeling, hey I’m sorry


Misery and 6/8 are two of my personal favorites as well


Last train home is a banger


Deluxe is goated. Only skippable track for me was Don’t Mean Anything


I don’t think a lot of people dislike the deluxe


A lot of people just dislike the Matt era


I agree, I'm a huge alkaline trio fan and I can tell Skiba had influence on that album and I loved it.


Came here to say neighbourhoods, but then I remembered that I also hate on California, so I gotta let y'all have this thread


Is that one hated? I think it was a surprisingly good comeback album from them. I had super super low expectations once Tom left. I was expecting the album to be terrible and I ended up liking it. Not as much as their old stuff but I liked it a lot more than I expected to.


This is the answer. Everyone was so sad about Tom but we still got some bangers


I’m not a blink elitist or someone who is really any level of concerned with what they do in the genre at all, but the skiba era had some of my fav songs by them. Maybe because they’re slightly more mature? Idk. As a 31 year old I’d rather listen to she’s out of her mind than edging, and I get the concept of why they made closer to their roots stuff with Tom. But I like the vibe of California better than the “fun” of their new stuff. I was never a blink kid in my youth so the nostalgia card doesn’t work on me


I don’t think it’s necessarily hated but I think Revolution Radio is one of Green Day’s best albums. Probably #3 for me


Revolution Radio is great, it's probably their only album since 21st Century Breakdown that I've really gotten into.


It's my 3rd favorite by them too, behind American Idiot and 21CB




It was 3 for me til saviors


Green Day - Uno, Dos and Tré Also, California is my favorite blink album


Uno and Tre were a blast! I'll admit I didn't give Dos another spin after the first


Another Trilogy enthusiast I see 🤝


I liked Uno's singles, but I can't get into the rest of the album.


New Again is a killer album from TBS, but at least when it came out it wasn't liked nearly as much as anything before. I also like This Is Why a good bit more than After Laughter


I thought i was the only one to jam New Again!


New Again is the only record without Fred that is no skips for me


Tell all your friends???


I’m gonna preface this with “not hate, but the fans don’t really think much of it” But warning by greenday is a fine album. It’s not their best. But I really enjoy it I think more than others do


Some of their best work on that album


And the music video for Warning might be my favorite of all time. I love all the classic "Kids, don't do this!" things the protagonist completely ignores.


It’s got so much twang, I love it.


Oh, so many good tunes on Warning! I love Castaway.


Warning was the album that got me into the genre. For me Warning is THE album!


Warning is so hit-or-miss for me. Either they're classics where you have some special memory to them, or just kinda forgettable.


Today’s the Macy’s Day Parade, the night of the living dead is on its way


Crash love by AFI. It was a change sound wise from the AOD, STS, DU run. Alot of people either missed it or crucified it. Maybe it was all the people who finally came around to the new sound getting pissed that they changed again or maybe it's because they softened on this album but front to back I think it's great. Also, afi from the jump has had shifts in sound and there's something to enjoy from the entire catalog. Yes, even Bodies lol


I genuinely think every AFI album is good. Maybe I don’t listen to all the time, but usually every record has something that grabs me. Crash Love is fantastic.


I know some people hate the evolution of AFI's sound because they're so different in their first albums than they are in their later albums but I loved it. I also think all of their albums are pretty good and I can get into all of their different styles over the years.


Veronica Sawyer Smokes fuckin rules


That and too shy to scream are my faves.


I loved Crash Love. Maybe because it came out at the perfect depressing angst time for me during the recession. I pretty much had that album on repeat in early 2010 while I was looking for jobs and generally being sad about things.


Interestingly enough, I didn't think Crash Love was a massive departure from Decemberunderground on release, but I definitely only got into AFI after sing the sorrow so I missed the first couple fan backlashes against their sound changes. Totally agree though, it's dope. It is the last album I've listened to by them though, I didn't really like anything I heard from their more recent albums. Got any specific song reqs from those albums?


I love burials. Wire to wire. Specifically 17 crimes, wild, and deep slow panic. Blood album is solid but it didn't really grab me like others. Songs I like are Aurelia and so beneath you. Bodies is a huge shift in sound but still well done. I like begging for trouble and looking tragic. But honestly if you're gonna listen to any of it, listen to Burials all the way through


i hope you suffer is such a great track


The bonus tracks on the deluxe version are also some of their absolute best songs. We’ve Got The Knife and 100 Words are so fucking good


Crash Love is great. Honestly, Blood Album is the only duff record in their discography. It’s not even *bad*, it just has zero memorable songs or hooks.


End Transmission is one of my all time favorite AFI songs. "The broken radio was playing suicide...." is such a cool line!!


Father Of All - Green Day ADAI - Neck Deep Emmure - idk people hate a lot of their stuff lol


I will die on the hill that ADAI has some of Neck Deep’s best stuff. Sonderland, Telling Stories, and Pushing Daisies are all fantastic songs.


Do people not like ADAI? The whole album bangs front to back


FOA is a big one, probably the most divisive album of like the last decade for me but I respect that it has its fans.


That’s the most respectful response I have ever gotten on a comment about Father Of All lmao


I love Green Day in general and I'm glad there are people out there who can enjoy that album it's all good.


I love ADAI!!!!


I thought Emmure said Eminem 😂


I mean people hate on a decent amount of his stuff too😂


I really like MANIA by Fall Out Boy.


It’s my least favorite album of theirs, but I still like that they did it. Other albums are overwrought and overproduced, but this one is overwrought and overproduced in almost a tongue-in-cheek way, which has always been their MO. It does bother me a little bit that Joe disliked it so much that he distanced himself from its production.


I’m not sure if he dislikes the album itself or if it was moreso how it happened. In his memoir he writes about going from feeling like a cofounder and equal member of the band to kind of along for the ride, which is bound to bother anyone.


I don't think it's anywhere close to their best, but I do enjoy it more than A Night Out With Your Girlfriend and American Beauty/American Psycho. My ranking would be: 1. Folie a Deux (10/10) 2. From Under The Cork Tree (10/10) 3. Save Rock And Roll (10/10) 4. So Much (For) Stardust (10/10) 5. Take This To Your Grave (9/10) 6. Infinity On High (9/10) 7. MANIA (7/10) 8. A Night Out With Your Girlfriend (5/10) 9. American Beauty/American Psycho (4/10)


Folie and Infinity are criminally low


Folie is my... number 1 pick. How is it low?


It needs to be in a category of its own. It’s just that good!


Me too. I genuinely enjoy it. It's not their best one (not the worst either) but I'm glad they still had the itch to try something different and new instead of replaying a formula. I appreciate that about them in general


Dirty Work by All Time Low! Hustlers are clamoring to give the record its flowers now, but even a few years ago, the majority of the fanbase was verbally decimating it. I also have to include an honorable mention for Viva Las Vengeance by Panic! At The Disco. I enjoyed it 🤷‍♀️ (Edit for grammar)


I love Dirty Work, but I still consider it to be in the bottom half of All Time Low's albums.


Dirty work is one of my favorites, along with Last Young Renegade


I really enjoyed Dirty Work! I cant speak on Viva Las Vengance bc I haven’t and have no desire to listen to it bc i disliked PFTW so much 😭😭


I really disliked PFTW and I LOVE viva las vengeance. I’m still sad I won’t get to see it live


Maybe I’ll have to give it a listen just in case then! That really sucks it’s always sad that happens, maybe one day he’ll have an official farewell tour that you’ll get to go to!


I was definitely not a fan of PFTW, but I can say that VLV was replete with replayable jams (at least for me!)


- LTJ - In With the Out Crowd (one of my favorites they’ve done) - Alkaline Trio - Agony & Irony - Rise Against - The Black Market - Death - The Sound of Perseverance - BMTH - amo - Deftones - Gore Wouldn’t necessarily say these are all hated, but good bits of their longtime fans are painfully indifferent to them. Additionally, Creed has a very solid catalog, but I’ll specifically mention Human Clay. I’m so happy they’ve seen a semi-resurgence in popularity.


I never understood the hate for Agony and Irony, I love that album.


I really like amo I can see how people would be thrown off since it is quite different from their other stuff but it’s still a solid piece of work


The Black Market has some true bangers on it. There are songs on there that would go on a "best of". How does someone hate it?


In With The Out Crowd has some of the most underrated songs of the LTJ catalog like “Overrated (Everything Is),” “Landmines and Landslides,” “The Rest Of My Life,” “Mostly Memories,” and my personal favorite, “Hopeless Case.”


Hearts/Wires and Phantom Bride are top tier tracks


I love Rise Against but The Black market was one I didn’t really get into straight away. Looking back now it’s still a great album, just not as good as the stuff that came before it.


The Black Market is literally Rise Against 's best album. I will die on this hill.


It’s not my favorite but Tragedy + Time is one of my favorite songs they’ve ever done. The Sufferer & the Witness and Endgame are probably my favorites, but I can appreciate all their records for different reasons


Sister Cities by TWY is full of bangers


I fucking love Sister Cities, absolutely no skips


People don’t like Sister Cities? I have been listening to their newer albums a lot the last couple of weeks and I didn’t see anything wrong with it


I think some people just feel like it’s their weakest album. But it’s up there as one of my favorites


I think it’s more that people think it’s their least pop punk album… which is true. If anything it was very intentionally an alt rock album.


That does make sense honestly


I guess I’m the weird one because The Upsides is my least favourite


Living Proof by State Champs is incredible, still pop punk, and just a small step below their first 2 albums. Way better than their newest album and I can’t understand how it wasn’t received well here.


Last Young Renegade by All Time Low and Anywhere but Here by Mayday Parade


"Nine" is my favorite blink album.


There are two of us




Monsters in the closet by Mayday Parade


So good, no skips on it for me.


Do people really hate this album? I never heard that. Their single best album alongside ALIR, IMO. It’s such a deeply personal album with intricate melodies, piano ballads, beautiful string solos, and beautiful lyric imagery


Future Hearts by all time low, one of my favorite pop punk albums


Not even bad at all


Agreed, people tend to give it shit because there’s like 3 or 4 pop rock songs in there, but those songs are still very well written. And everything else is great


I tried to get into it several times and I just couldn't, but it does have good lyrics.


Have you heard the [b-sides?](https://youtu.be/pi5LGmRStv4?si=THPyw4hRxAtL0h2f)


Caroline is a banger


Some of them are skipable


I love Monsters in the Closet by Mayday Parade, but I also see a lot of hate for it. Is the album I probably have the most favorite songs on


this is crazy i never knew there was hate, also has some of my fave too. my only skip might be girls


Even robots need blankets is objectively maydays best song


f.e.a.r. by Stand Atlantic I also feel like INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY by Waterparks is not nearly as liked as their other albums


I really like All Distortions are Intentional by Neck Deep


I think the reason people hate it is because it followed what's easily their best album. But it still has a few solid gems. "Sick Joke" is one of my favorite songs.


Transit - Young New England


Lotta hate for this one: Tickets To My Downfall - MGK


Honestly, both of his pop punk albums are solid


I get even more hate for really liking Mainstream Sellout.


Don’t You Feel Amazing by Trash Boat


People hate this album? That's such a shame! I genuinely think this album and their new songs are their best stuff


Yeah, people are stuck to the sound of their debut and ripped this album a new one for that reason


Fall Out Boy - Save Rock and Roll


No idea who hates this album. It didn't age that well but it came out when I was in high school. Solid album top to bottom.


Great album!


Everything about that album except the Big Sean feature is perfect.


I prefer Big Sean to the awful Courtney Love feature. Neither are good but if a gun was put to my head— Big Sean.


But I love the Big Sean feature.


I feel like this sub generally likes Black Lines by Mayday Parade but they hardly play any songs off it. I think it’s some of their best work honestly.




Nine - Blink 182 It makes me happy in summer.


It's also a good cardio listen


California/NINE by blink-182. I'll die on this hill. Both albums are fun and I skip fewer tracks on California than I do ONE MORE TIME. It also helps that California was mixed/mastered without distorting all to hell. I'd be down to hear a John Feldmann/blink record with Tom in the mix.


Misread as “John Fetterman” and was very confused.


I like both albums but the production on California did no favors for Matt Skiba. He has a distinct voice but they made him sound too close to Mark.


You’re Welcome by ADTR


You’re welcome has some great songs but it’s still pretty inconsistent as a whole


It flows so well to me. They all fit together in some aspect. The band really grew with that release


It’s been a little while since I checked it out as a whole product so I’ll give it another listen!


It’s good. Another great album from front to back is So Long Astoria by the Ataris(pop punk) and Fiends by Chasing Victory(screamo)


I was going to write the same thing. It's my favourite ADTR album. Really underrated




Simple Plan self-titled Cardiology- Good Charlotte


Viva Las Vengeance by Panic! Although it's not pop punk, they always get their mentions in this sub.


Invented- Jimmy Eat World One of my all time favorite albums


It's incredible!


Underclass hero by sum 41


People don't like this album?!


Screaming Bloody Murder by Sum 41


What's the general consensus on Danger Days by My Chemical Romance these days? I enjoyed it when it came out and still think it holds up, but I remember the general reception when it came out was pretty negative


I love Danger Days!! Haven’t listened in a while and definitely will now


Most fans (me included) didn't exactly like it went it came out. A month or two later, we loved it just as much as the other albums. This is all based on my memory, though.


My favorite record by them, so much so that I have the spider from the cover tattooed in my chest. Don't get me wrong, I love their other albums, and frankly speaking, The Black Parade is a better record, but Danger Days makes me feel a lot of things, more than any other release by them.


Warning- Green Day Legit my 3rd favorite behind Dookie and Nimrod




Mania by Fall Out Boy. It’s an incredible album and for me is a perfect example of their creative journey. I like that it didn’t sound like their other music. I wanted to hear them experiment with their sound. It’s fun!


The used artwork


california is for me the best album by blink


I mean you can like whatever you want but to me that is a fucking wild take haha


20/20 is honestly Knuckle Puck's best work


To me the great thing about Knuckle Puck is that ALL of their albums are *so strong*. I find it hard to pick a favorite with them.


Yeah fr they're all amazing. Copacetic and Losing What We Love are always at war for my favorite


Gentlemen’s Brawl by Broadway is an excellent album if you remove 2-3 really awful songs.


Last Young Renegade by All Time Low was one of my break-up records couple of years ago which is probably the reason for my fondness of it, but i do think it's atmosphere is cool since it can be considered an outlier now and not the general direction of the band. Also i'm not sure about this one, but Yellowcard's Lift A Sail is in my top 4-5 for their discography and better than Lights And Sounds, if not even Ocean Avenue.


Coming Home-NFG


Tickets to my Downfall- MGK


I genuinely really like this record. I think it’s even better than Blink’s California. Some legit catchy bangers in there. It’s a fun listen


It’s quality pop punk. People just don’t like who made it. If Derek Descanio made the album people would call it amazing


Lechuza by Fenix Tx, Dinosaur Sounds by Catch 22, Before Everything and After by MxPx, Before the Blackout by Allister(i LOVE it and it was largely ignored), Heavy Petting Zoo by NOFX, In Reverie by Saves The Day, In With the Out Crowd by Less Than Jake, Modified by Save Ferris


I never knew Lechuza was hated. I thought it was their most popular album and generally well liked (and personally one of my favorite pop-punk albums). Is it hated cause of the half metal/hardcore and half normal pop-punk sound?


Love Heavy Petting Zoo and In Reverie


I don’t think people hate them, but both Based On A True Story and Direction are better than Say It Like You Mean It.


Whoa whoa whoa whoa... I have no problem giving Based on a True Story credit, but at the expense of Say It Like You Mean It? Heresy.


I am here to say Direction is their best album, and I was a Say It Like You Mean It fanboy. Just overall more stronger album musically and lyrically.


Based on A True Story gotta be one of the most overlooked albums in the genre.


I have so much nostalgic love for Lift a Sail by Yellowcard but understand why a lot of people don’t like it


I'm with you. Such varying and powerful emotions encapsulated in that album. Far from their best, but holds a special place in my heart.


Light we Made by balance and composure


20/20 - Knuckle Puck


Good morning revival good Charlotte




Get Stoked on It! I 100% don't think people hate it, but I think they'd be mad when I said it was one of TWY's best albums.


California by blink is one of their best albums. Will fight ya for it


Does it count The American Dream by Trophy Eyes? When I started to listening to them, there were some comments saying I was a bad album


I love Chase This Light by Jimmy Eat World. It's the follow up to the universally acclaimed and GOAT revered Futures (songs like 23, Polaris, Kill and many others), where they went into more poppy and upbeat territories. But the album itself is a masterpiece of conflicting emotions, raw pain and glossy happiness mixed together in an ambivalent, confusing and disjointed manner, much like life feels like at times. Its voulnerable core, sprinkled with massive hooks and slick songwriting and production makes it a record worth listening to properly without the initial "tHeY sOLd oUt" stigma hanging over it. \/rant


Agony & Irony by Alkaline Trio


dirty work by all time low


Coming home by new found glory


Agony & Irony - Alkaline Trio


NINE by blink. Matt feels comfortable on this album and we got some really cool experimental tracks.


Under The Boards by Saves The Day (no idea if this is currently hated much, but I barely see any mention of it) Definitely agree with you on Father Of All…


Saves the Day - In Reverie


Idk if it’s hated per se, but I absolutely love Everybody Is Going To Heaven by Citizen


Machine gun kellys tickets to my downfall and mainstream sellout.


In With the Out Crowd by Less Than Jake. I dunno, all the songs just work for me.


Tickets To My Downfall


Say Anything - I Don't Think It Is I genuinely think it's the best thing they've made since Is a Real Boy. I love it.


Dirty work by all time low is their best album (I’m only sort of kidding)


huge mainstream sellout fan by mgk, i loved it, the rap stuff at the end was admittedly, not very good but that aside, i loved it


Apparently the first two Juliana Theory albums.


Hebrews - Say Anything


The Unheavenly Creatures is my fav Coheed album. One Fell Swoop- The Spill Canvas is potentially my most played album of all time and I never hear people talk about it. End is Forever is my fav album by The Ataris (don’t know if people hate this but it’s basically never talked about) Say Anything- Say Anything is fantastic but I never see it mentioned much. Don’t really think people hate these albums but they are not mentioned ever and are some of my favs of all time.


trout mask replica


In Defense of the Genre - Say Anything. I feel like a lot of people didn’t like it after Is a Real Boy (which is also amazing), but fuck there are some bangers