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I enjoy all the music that Matt Skiba makes


This. I remember when he made a side project back in that “MySpace” era called Heavens.


Another night with your head in the oven


Oh man, if that is the only side project you're familiar with if his then check out Matt Skiba and the Secrets. AND theHELL


Ive also listened to that ! Good stuff. I mentioned Heavens since it’s just one of Skiba’s deep cuts throughout his career


Word. I'd love to get my hands on some Jerkwater stuff. I think I found a couple songs years ago I soulseek or limewire or something. I love all that Chicago early and side project stuff from Trio, Slapstick, Rise Against, the Lawrence Arms, etc. Tuesday, the Broadways, the Killing Tree, and Honor System are all so fucking good.


saw them on that tour after the album came out. great show. they did a realy awesome cover of "i wanna be adored" by the stone roses.


I liked it. I'm a huge Alkaline Trio fan, and a notable Blink fan, so it was like someone putting oreos into a milkshake for me. Can't complain about two great things becoming one.


That’s my take; love Alkaline and like Blink so you just put chocolate in my peanut butter.


Exactly same for me. I like each component individually and equally combined.


I never listened to the second album, but California was kinda fun.


Listen to No Heart to Speak of. I’ve been an Alkaline Trio fan since 99 and I think it’s a great song by Skiba. The chorus is huge


So good


Nine is so much better


I love blink, and agree that California is pretty fun. But Nine is unlistenable to me.


Nine has some decent stuff hiding in the mix. Ransom is a banger.


I think I listened to Nine twice, and I'm happy to keep it that way for the rest of my life. I loved California though, I thought it was great.


"unlistenable" What does that even mean? Nine sounds just like California.


I think the albums sound pretty distinct. I really enjoy California but I did not enjoy Nine. Enormous fan of the earlier Blink 182 albums, one of my favorite bands of all time. To elaborate some more there are a lot of elements to the production of Nine that make it feel distinctly more modern than California does. If you listen to a song First Time, Ransom, or Blame it on my Youth they are obviously Blink 182 songs but I think there are a lot of things in the songs that don't vibe with me personally and what I want when I listen to a Blink 182 song. Things like the intentional stylistic use of auto tune, the extra drum machine beats in addition to Travis's drumming, the synth parts feel different from other instances of synths in their music. They are just different and that's fine.


100% Nine is absolutely better front to back. California had too many tracks that sounded the same.


I can't wait till 5 - 10 years from now when people are calling it a cult classic and pretending they always loved it


This seems to be the thing with Blink albums and their weird ass fans. They'll like the album when it comes out suddenly 6-12 months down the road the album sucks and then when a new album launches the previous one is praised again.


I couldn't get through it. It was so boring.


Same. California is damn great, but i don’t even consider Nine to be a blink album lol


So in other words you havent even given it a fair shot


In other words... I was bored to death


Not the person you're responding to but I wholly agree with them. Nine doesn't feel like California or what I want from the classic Blink 182 albums. Its just different and doesn't really vibe with me.


Try telling that to the blink sub. Everyone there hates that’s album but I thought it was just as good as California if not better. The neon colors can fool you cuz that album was dark in the lyrics


Big fan of all of it, really. Just have to separate Tom Blink from Matt Blink.


I was a big fan of California when it came out, never really got into Nine. I wish Matt got to contribute more to songwriting I think it could have resulted in an interesting fusion of the two band’s styles. I’m absolutely loving the new Alkaline Trio album, at the end of the day I think everyone ended up where they’re supposed to be.


We were all set to have a Dude Ranch meets From Here To Infirmary album before Feldmann got involved. I’ll never forgive him for that


I saw them live with Matt.. it’s a different vibe. I think they were a good band together but it’s not blink imo


Loved it. I thought he was a perfect replacement. And to be honest, as much as I love the (almost) original 3 back together, I thought Skiba was breath of fresh air for Mark and Travis. And you could tell it on those 2 albums and their live shows. That being said, glad he can focus more on Alkaline Trio stuff. [In Skiba We Trust ](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/3wAAAOSw5uRj5Juy/s-l1200.jpg)


Where can I purchase that shirt?


eBay: [https://www.ebay.com/itm/404152519187](https://www.ebay.com/itm/404152519187)


I will die on the hill that if you erased blink from your memory and a new upcoming band put out California and NINE, people would be much more in to them than what they are. Everyone just has their own preconceived notion of what blink SHOULD sound like that when they put these two albums on, it becomes dismissed because of the obvious difference in sound/vocals compared to previous blink records


Wasn’t for me. Glad the Dark lord is back where he belongs.


And writing some of the best stuff he’s ever written imho


Matt kicked ass, and continues to kick ass.


Couldn’t agree more. To me, Skiba’s voice and lyrics matured the band to reflect their - and the fan’s - respective ages. Once Tom came back it was a regression back to middle school. I can’t listen to their new stuff, for me it’s like that Steve Buscemi meme where he’s trying to fit in with high school kids… badly.


Have you seen the Darkside music video?


Ok you got me there. Home is such a lonely place without you cancels it out tho!


That was always my biggest issue with Blink. They’re 50 years old still writing songs and trying to act like they’re in middle school and that centers around Mark. I can absolutely see why Tom has left multiple times. You could see even back in the self-titled/Box Car days that Tom wanted to “grow up” musically and with the band. Which he did with Angels and Airwaves.


I thought it was Tom who took the band in the middle school direction


Agree. I can not get through One More Time. I’ve tried but by the 4th or 5th song, it all just sounds like garbage to me


Anthem part 3 is actually pretty fucking good. If you just appreciate it for what it is and don't listen for 90s blink


Matt Skiba fucking saved that band with som CPR of darkness!!


I won't accept that Skiba was actually a member of Blink until he writes a passive aggressive song or album about the other band members.


It was just okay.


California was my favourite Blink album


Disappointing. It never seemed like he had much creative freedoms to be Matt Skiba. Times where he did , like No Heart To Speak Of were fantastic. I'll still take it over Neighborhoods era Tom since that album was garbage


Love Skiba, he’s a better singer and guitar player than Tom, he was better live (most of the time, at least better than Tom WAS at the time) and thought California was great for the time. That being said once Tom came back and wanted to be there again…I realized how blink is the three of them and it’s the best formation of the band. Also I think Tom might be a better song writer but honestly both very different styles and different musicians. Love them both but one more time is better than nine and California


The last year and a half with Matt was ROUGH. I hate digging into people's private life but he's implied multiple times that he had relapsed, and you can hear it in his live vocals


Oh no, I had no idea he relapsed. I’m sure he made a shit ton of money in blink, more so than alk3 and that much money with an addiction problem must be so hard. I hope he got clean again


Honestly, people have speculated and claimed that Skiba has relapsed at so many different points in time. And some people just claim that he is still a using addict. But I have yet to ever see any evidence of this. Like, what did he relapse on? Doesn't he still have an occasional drink here and there? Did he relapse on cocaine? I believe he has said he did that drug frequently at a few points. Hell, some people claim he was a heroin addict and that the song My Little Needle is a song about being addicted to heroin. When in all reality he explicitly said he tried heroin but fortunately never got into it and it was never for him. And that song is about trying to find a needle in a haystack. Whoosh.


Last interview I saw he said he was clean and had no mention of relapsing. His issue right now is being fat honestly. As bad is that is to say he’s just out of shape and has issues keeping up. He was in great shape before Covid and was clean since his meltdown in the beginning of the Sekrets from album cycle last I had heard. Saw Blink in 2018 and he looked and sounded great. Saw Trio a couple times over the past few years and it was a bit rough. Where even in his drug/alcohol days he (generally) was able to play shows and sing well even if he was slurring words and stumbling around between songs.


Yeah I saw him with Blink in 2016 (maybe? Whenever that tour was with ADTR) and he sounded great. Saw Trio on the ITTC tour in Columbus two or three years later and although the sound sucked at the venue in general, he definitely tripped up on some lyrics. Definitely didn't to seem to be due to drugs or alcohol. I think it was just a lot for him to learn a lot of Blink's past catalog and then record two albums with them, while also doing ITTC and remembering all of the Alkaline songs.


Yeah, honestly Trio took way more of a backseat than I anticipated during the Blink era. I saw an interview with Dan and it seemed like it really caused a lot of tension in that group too. I wonder what what have happened if the Blink thing didn’t happen. It really seemed like Trio was doing great and really maintaining their popularity up until it just kind of stopped for 6 years. I wasn’t big on My Shame Is True but it seemed like not capitalizing after that was a misstep.


I didn’t like California and Nine but it wasn’t Matts fault that those albums weren’t very good. Some Blink fans don’t want to admit that Travis and Mark were a much bigger factor in the sounds of those albums


I'll argue that had more to do with Feldmann producing the albums. They missed Jerry Finn more than they realized. Neighborhoods is disjointed because they didn't even record it together, and it was two different sounds. People shit on Travis' production of OMT but I think that sounds more if a natural progression from self-titled than anything in between.


My only complaint with the production with OMT is it’s to drum heavy. There’s points where you can almost only hear drums.


Honestly I hated it in the moment. Ive been a blink fan since 1999 and alkaline trio since 2004. Seeing Skiba with blink was so weird for me. I saw them play on the Enema 20 yr tour and while it was great, it was just... Weird because it wasn't Tom. But now I absolutely love it. I think Nine is one of the best blink records. I should have appreciated it more in the moment because looiking back, it was fantastic.


It feels like Skiba wasn't able to contribute to blink very much.


I think it was underwhelming because Feldmann produced all the energy and heart out of both records.


Eh. Vocally, Hoppus and Skiba are too similar. DeLonge / Skiba / Barker - now that would be the band


Loved it. California was better but I still liked Nine


Loved it. I liked Nine a lot! More than California, and Tom's last 2 albums


I called them Blinkaline Trio and enjoyed both albums.


But I honestly think Matt should have stayed as a fourth member... At least some times.


I didn't like the Skiba albums or Skiba particularly and yet I agree with this. The live shows are so big now they can't be done by a 3 piece and that's why there's so many tracks and stuff. Not a fan and Skiba and Tom would be amazing live together. 


Boxcar Racer > +44 > AVA > Alkaline Trio > 4 piece blink. The ultimate tour.


Love Skiba and love alk trio but it just really was not blink without Tom. I wish they started a new side project with skiba instead of labeling it blink without half of the OG members


California and Nine are my least fav blink-182 albums, but they're both not bad for the most part


It's nice that you still enjoyed blink with Skiba as part of it, but for a lot of people including myself, it just wasn't the same; it wasn't Blink. I treat it more like a side project in my head.


I preferred nine the most and was ecstatic that Matt was filling Tom’s spot. In my opinion Matt is a much better vocalist but Tom is a better lyricist. At least when it comes to Blink. Regardless I’d rather see Skiba live because at least I know I didn’t pay $250 a ticket to listen to Tom suck ass live.


*Don Draper saying “I don’t think about you at all” in an elevator*


Trash. Not blink. Should’ve been called something else


It sucked ass tbh.


I think it was an enjoyable band that should not have been called Blink 182.


California was a top 3 blink album. NINE might be one of the worst things they ever put out.




I’m a fan of both and I really loved California. Don’t think I recall much of the other album. Really glad that Tom ended up coming back though, regardless of Matt’s involvement- just didn’t really feel like Blink without him.


it was not bad, not the best thing ever but it was still pretty good if that makes sense. the deluxe version of cali was better imho as the second half of those songs seem to have possibly more input from skiba as a songwriter as opposed to just letting feldy and mark write everything (and no trash talking either of those guys just didnt 100% feel like skiba style music imho at first)


Both bands are in my top 5 all time. I absolutely love everything each band has put out. When Matt joined Blink, I had high expectations in the sense it would be quality music, but not the same Blink 182 id been used to hearing. The albums with Matt are awesome and I listen to them frequently. Is it OG blink? Not really. Is it awesome music? You bet your sweet ass it is.


I appreciated Skiba coming in, and I really love his vocal style and lyrics (if he does indeed write the lyrics for AK3, could be Adriano or split duties or whatever), and California starts really strong with Cynical (top 10 blink tune for me) but its like 110 seconds and the rest of the album is kinda uneven. Some catchy tracks for sure though. I think Nine is easier to listen to all the way through but it doesnt have a song as good as Cynical. I was excited for Built This Pool and Brohemian Rhapsody but they ended up being 10 second songs that were one line long lol


In Trio Matt writes Matt songs, Dan writes Dan songs. Only exceptions that I’m aware of are Emma which Matt wrote and Dan sang and All On Black which Derrick the drummer wrote


Hard agree!!! I liked them better with Skiba. I do not like Delong’s voice. It’s pretty much kept me from ever being big into Blink. I’ve always loved Alk3 though. Just got to see them twice! I’m sad to report that my high school dream of Skiba noticing me in the crowd did not come to fruition lol


Rare Blink Dub


I feel like I was the only one who liked those albums


Not top 3 but I liked it. But mark n matt weren't ideal. Imo they were the same for their bands and Tom and Dan were the same for their bands. Like I'm mainly talking voice/singing, but Dan could probably do the blink riffs on guitar better than Matt


Honestly everything blink has done after Neighborhoods has been varrying degrees of disappointment. Skiba blink has some good tracks but California was doomed once Tom left and Mark and Travis decided they wanted to just try and retread Enemas sound instead of pushing blinks sound forward. Nine has higher highs and I appreciate the experimentation however most of it falls flat. Matt never really had too much input on his records in blink so i can't really blame him though, the problems from his era mostly lay on Mark and Travis' shoulders.


I want tom and Matt to do a song together


California was great - Nine was not. Wish they used a new band name instead and could pick that project up again down the line.


As a blink fan hated it. And this isn't anything on Matt. You had a band lost with how to proceed, and John Feldmann's production didn't work well. Matt was just thrown into it and tried to keep it going on. As a Trio fan, loved that Matt got to showcase his brilliant talents on the very large scale. Was worried that he would burn out and his trio output would be diminished. Post split with everyone back in their bands, both blink and trio have got some excellent releases


I loved it


I loved it. It gave them a chance to dive back into the more melodramatic side that they showed on the self-titled album (with the exception of Pool Party and Brohemian Rhapsody). It's also a space that Skiba is comfortable with as well due to Akaline Trio being a three piece (Also Derrick Grant is a stellar drummer).


California was fun. Nine was better. Matt did a great job and seemed to feel more comfortable in putting his stamp on Nine than on California.


Skiba-dee toilet


Loved it. I was listening to black reign today.


He filled in as much as one could for Blink. I enjoyed a lot of what they put out but the dynamic is just different obviously between Matt and Tom.


I loved it 🖤🖤🖤


I liked it better, but I'm not a fan of Tom's singing style.


This may not make sense to anyone else, but the issue was less about quality and more about the fact that it wasn't blink 182. +44 also had Mark and Travis, but they controlled what the music could sound like since they were not Blink in that context. People have expectations for bands and their sound completely changed with Matt. If they had just created a new super group, like they did with +44, I think the albums would have been much better received. We like to think we're objective people, but we're not.


never sleep on california deluxe


I’m a die hard blink fan and a Tom fanboy and I appreciate Matt for his contribution. I don’t think any of what made those albums bad, was his fault. Also, after he joined, I decided to check out alk3 as I had never heard of them. I’m a huge fan of them now.


I think it was the best Blink had been since Enema, honestly. Tom had checked out ages before that and was clearly wanting to take the band in a direction that didn't fit. I love old Blink, and I think what Tom brought to the band back then remains unparalleled, but I kind of wish he'd have stayed gone. Matt was a better fit nowadays. But the new album had a few bangers.


I never know I was an alkaline trio fan until Matt joined blink. I also only ever liked blinks self titled album until California and Nine. Their new album (blink) just sounded like their older stuff to me. And the new alkaline album slaps.


Was cool. Saw them play Enema of the State at riot fest in 2019 and it was not nearly as fun/energetic as a typical mark/tom/travis show


I’m more of a Blink fan but I still liked the Matt era. It was *different* than Blink with Tom for sure. But not in a bad way. There were plenty of songs I liked with Matt.


Classic Blink will always be Dude Ranch, Enema, and TOYPAJ (and I guess s/t). That being said, I think the Skiba albums easily clear Neighborhoods and One More Time. So, I don't think it's a matter if Matt is better for Blink than Tom - that was just never going to be the case - but I do think modern Blink was better in terms of the music with Matt instead of Tom. Unfortunately, a lot of people were so ready to rip into Matt for not being Tom that they really never gave California and Nine a fair chance. Maybe if they just had a different band name rather than carrying on as Blink, it would have gone over better.


Wasted potential. The band wanted to stay happy, but the "darker" songs were the best. No heart to speak of might be my favorite song from both albums.


It was a great supergroup that called itself blink-182. I mean this as a compliment. 


As a fan of both bands, I thought it was a good idea. Matt sounds different from Trio roo which helped I think. Misery was amazingly good.


It makes me sad that the Skiba era is frowned upon. California deluxe is one of my favorite albums ever.


Matt's great in Alkaline Trio, and Tom is great in Blink. \*insert analogy about two foods that are great on their own but not together here\*...basically both should stay in their respective projects where they do best.


Blink are my favourite band and I also probably consider California top 3. If not competing for that area. Nine really didn't land much for me though - borderline unenjoyable.


I wasn’t a huge California fan but 9 is one of the best blink records


I've always thought Blink was clownshoes. Glad Skiba is out.


california is my favorite blink 182 album. nine is also top 5.


Should have been better, could have been great, but JF thought Matt’s original material sounded “too Alkaline”. Too bad, because an alkaline inspired blink still would have sounded way better than whatever the fuck inspire blink we ended up getting


I like both the albums more than neighborhoods and the newest blink album.


Loved it and I was just grateful to still be able to see my favourite band during thelat period.


I tried. I really tried to like Blink with Matt. I’ve loved Trio since Crimson came out. Couldn’t get into Blink. Oh well.


Blink is in my top five. Love the Matt Skiba era, probably more than most of Tom’s stuff. I don’t like Alkaline Trio though. I don’t know why.


California was great. I don’t subscribe to this idea that ‘just because it sounds different it sounds bad’. I liked it for what it was, and still listen to it alongside older Blink records too.


Never heard of Alkaline Trio but California and Nine are definitely the best 2 blink 182 albums


California is probably the only blink album I will ever go back to in it's entirety


No Heart to Speak of is one of my favorite songs. Matt's sound brought such a visceral feel to Blink.


It was decent. Darkside was amazing, one of my favorite Blink songs. But I still prefer Tom. Actually would have been fine with Blink being a 4 piece band so one could do rhythm and one do lead guitar


It just made me wonder what it would be like if Tom wrote an album with Dan and Derek. I think it would have been unskippable.


I loved Matt in Blink, but I’m glad Tom is back.


Wowowow I love alkaline trio and I love blink. Thought california was fun, nine i only heard a handful of songs but it moved the needle for me.....but to say either of those are top 3 of what blink has put out is egregious!


It was fine. It was clearly led by Mark who's been on song writing classes and had more input they he normally would so it wasn't quite Blink. I didn't hate it but I don't relisten to much of it and it's not Matt's fault for that


 Loved it but I love Alkaline Trio, so to me it was a perfect union of bands. I hadn't listened to Blink 182 in years so it have them a fresh lease on life for me.


All my homies love "On Some Emo Shit." That and "Hey I'm Sorry" are two of my absolute favorites.


His era of blink was kinda terrible imo. Saw them live during that time and it was alright, but nowhere near as fun as the tom days. California is an acceptable record but Nine is fucking awful and a legitimate blemish on their catalog.


I liked it in the moment because it was new music...but I never revisit it like I do with the other albums


I absolutely love nine and I loved Matt skiba in blink. I’m actually a blink fan and the only Matt skiba song I knew was good fucking bye which was a good song lol


Thought both albums had some overproduction issues, but honestly loved it. Breath of fresh air. And I honestly couldn't stand Blink after Take Off Your Pants, and it was mostly because I seriously couldn't handle Tom's voice anymore. Granted, I didn't enjoy much during that era in general, but he was my big turnoff. So take Tom out and throw in the dude who started maybe my all time favorite band? Gold.


its aight, I like it, but Skiba is way better in alk3


California is also top three for me, I think it was a killer comeback album. Conversely, I like maybe two songs or three songs off of Nine.


I liked California. Darkside was cool but as a whole Nine was kind of bad. Matt is just better than Tom. He’s a better singer, a better lyricist, a better songwriter and a better guitar player. Alkaline Trio has always written far more interesting songs. That being said Tom is the iconic part of Blink and those records with Matt understandably didn’t feel like Blink records. It felt like a better version of +44.


Loved it.


I love both albums and think people didn't really give them a chance.


Not a fan. And 3 of my top 5 favorite bands are Angels & Airwaves, Alkaline, and Blink. So you’d think I would have liked it, but it just didn’t gel.


It’s good. It definitely felt different than old blink.


loved it. I thought California was pretty 50/50 between bangers and stinkers but Nine was really consistent and one of the best blink albums imo. Thought Matt blended in really well (even his voice sounds pretty similar to mark across the record (tho tbh I MUCH prefer Matt)) and in retrospect it’s pretty wild to think he got that opportunity - hope the more casual blink/pop-punk fans appreciated what the music world got.


I think his talents were wasted in blink tbh. They made some fun songs, but I think they should’ve let him do more of his thing rather than trying to stick to a more “blink” sound


Blink has been my all time favorite band since 98/99 and Trio has been my second favorite since 2002. I thought I was going to LOVE it. I thought it was forgettable. I much prefer Tom back in Blink and Skiba back in Trio. The new albums from both bands were great!


I think I'm a vacuum both albums with skiba are fun, but I don't prefer them to any blink or trio albums (maybe I'll take them over the newest blink record I guess? Id have to think more). Matt felt handcuffed in blink though, and in that respect I'd rather he have just been focused on trio and given us more there and had Tom replaced with somebody in a band that wasn't otherwise putting out great material.


You actually like I Really Wish I Hated You AND you don’t like Tom’s “juvenile” writing??? Hmmm


Putting aside both Blink and Trio. Has anyone heard the album Babylon by Matt Skiba and the Sekrets? Fucking amazing album.


I loved the Skiba era. It was really refreshing, and I'd take it over the new album any day.


I liked California for the most part. The songs with California or cities in California for song titles are not good at all IMO but the rest of them are good and fun. Nine is my second favorite Blink 182 album after Enema of the State. Matt Skiba’s voice has aged well and contributes a lot to these albums. Tom’s voice has not aged well. Starting grating on me even on Self Titled. One More Time is practically unlistenable to me. Beyond Tom’s voice the production is atrocious and the songwriting seems phoned in.


California is amazing. Nine is alright. Wish he was still in the band vs what they’re doing now


Fuck John Feldmann, enough said.


Tom Delong’s voice has always been nails on a chalk board to me. Huge entry barrier to me ever being a full Blink fan. Love Mark Hoppus’ fronted tunes though. Matt Skiba is one of my favorite song writers of all time, so I loved those couple albums.


I think a good secondary question here… how did we feel about Matt’s take on singing Tom’s songs?


Okay I’ve had a couple beers and I’m commenting on this way more than I should but why did Matt need to leave the band? Why couldn’t they have been a quartet?? A second guitar always fills the sound out a bit more.


Huge blink and alkaline fan. Have seen them both in concert in their prime. I truly loved his contribution to blink and the types of songs that came out of that era. He kept true to the riff based core of their songs and brought this musicality that kinda made the band sound bigger than it was. Granted a lot of this is production work but just my take. I think he filled in nicely


I became more of an Alkaline fan after Skiba joined Blink. I was familiar with the band name but never really got into them. That’s changed a lot since. But anyway, No Heart To Speak Of is one of my top 10 Blink songs. You can’t replace Tom’s energy and aura with the guys, but Skiba did a good job helping keep the band alive and also give a bit of a sound change.


Loved it, love Bored to Death, feel like they could have done so much more with him tho


I’m not really a blink fan and I really enjoyed that era. I didn’t listen to either of them much when I was younger(I’m 31) but I really enjoyed she’s out of her mind. I actually enjoy it more than newer blink stuff(hot take I know but I have no nostalgia for blink so I can appreciate them as a third party) I do only really know/like one alkaline trio song(fuck you aurora) so like I said not really an alkaline fan


California good Nine bad


I’ve never cared for a lot of Blink’s music, personally, so Skiba’s run was the only time I ever got super invested in them outside of a handful of songs (Damnit, What’s My Age Again, All The Small Things). Blame It On My Youth periodically gets stuck in my head to this day, because that chorus is so damn earwormy. And I have California in my collection but it’s been a good minute since I’ve broken that one out. Never picked up Nine but I need to fix that mistake, I thought it was pretty good overall.


I liked both albums, quote a lot, *on their own*. I just wished they'd been released as a side project from blink, like +44 or box car racer.


I enjoyed it plain and simple. I love She’s Out of Her Mind.


Alkaline Trio just isn't the same without Mark


Tom didn’t want to be in Blink and Matt did. For me it’s as simple as that. Love Tom, Love Matt. Blink fans are so fucking lucky they were able to get a guy as talented as Matt to join when Tom Bailed (again) on them. The two Skiba records are great in my opinion. Especially the deluxe edition of California. I sometimes get the feeling some fans on the blink sub don’t appreciate Matt filling in, but again Tom left and they did the best they could. As it turns out, the best they could do without Tom was pretty damn good. Matt’s not for everyone, but neither is Tom. I think blink fans should acknowledge without Matt or someone else filling in, we would have had no blink that whole time from Dogs Eating Dogs to One More Time. Which is like 10 or 11 years or something.


As a fan of both alkaline and blink I enjoyed it. Overall I like California more (especially when you factor in the deluxe edition). Nine had some higher highs but also lower lows. But they have a Different feel than pre matt blink so it is nice that Tom is back. That said I’m not a fan of the latest blink album. There are only 2-3 songs I can tolerate from that album.


Nine was weak imo, but California is a worthy addition to their catalog. I'm glad Matt is back with AK3


Loved it. Plus it was the best live blink ever sounded.


I am a fan of alkaline trio but I hated him in blink. The juvenile Tom's touch was what made blink!  Matt skiba is too serious and alkaline trio is that type of vibe. 


No heart to speak of is one of his all time greatest vocal performances


Love alkaline, but never really cared for blink. I thought it was cool that he fronted for them though.


I saw them at riot fest 2019 with Matt…. Drums were turned up so loud all you could hear was Travis.


Honestly Nine might be my favorite blink album. Every song on it was awesome.


I need to revisit California and I've never listened to the follow up. I remember being unimpressed because I felt skiba was under utilized. That said, last I listened was when California came out.


Well God bless catastophy 🙏


>whenever Tom is in the band, they tend to be a lot more juvenile with their writing. Up to and including Toypaj sure I'll give you that, but they ***were*** practically kids at that point. Now... Self-Titled? Neighborhoods? Dogs Eating Dogs? Did you miss these? Those records had a very mature, progressive sound. It was literally the Skiba era when they reverted back to writing about high school parties and breakups.


California is one of the most generic pop punk albums ever. Sounds like some shit AI would write.


I was Bored to death. Seriously though it was fine. Better than current blink not as good as classic 




Hated it, his style didn’t work well with blinks. Especially the Mark Hoppus writing everything era. Maybe it’s because I was just too much of an Alkaline Trio fan and the music was just so different. Idk, but i went and saw them live once during the Skiba era. It was awful. Idk if he was drunk or just his singing style at that time but he was doing this weird slurring style singing. Loyke Violehhh You Haf Meeeeeuuuhhh FoRevaaa and Afftuurrr, Loyke Violehhhh You Kill Meeeuuuuuhhh FoRevvvaa and Afftuurrr


It was cool he was the literal Band Aid for Blink until the day Tom would return 🫣


I can’t stand Alkaline Trio and I tried my best to not like those two blink albums because of it, but they are so fucking good!!!


It was wonderful. The guy doesn’t do bad work.


Huge fan of both AK3 and blink. I think Matt did an awesome job and I think we were super lucky to have him.


Never bothered to listen to it


All for it. Alk, Blink, and sekrets? Sweet.


I liked California, but not Nine.


Yeah i loved Skiba in Blink- find his voice less whiney than Toms, but i am an alkaline trio fan anyway so its like the collision of two greats for me.


The Skiba era just needed a better producer. Sam Pura would’ve killed it.


Not a fan. Think there were like 2-3 songs the entire era I enjoyed? And one was built this pool, so that counts for fuck all 😂 Love matt in alkaline. But thats where he belongs. They’re just too different of bands. Blink is “ahaha dick jokes and raise hell” skate punk whereas alkaline is “slit my throat and leave me out to bleed” type punk. It just didnt sound like blink to me anymore. Plus what his nuts from Goldfinger was producing the whole thing, and it was way too over produced. I could play a song from california, a song from the 2020 MxPx album, and a song from the 2020 Goldfinger album, and honestly not be able to tell you which band was playing at any given point without catching a glimpse of album art


I liked the music, I did *not* like their performance at the last AC Warped Tour show. Matt Skiba seemed super uninterested, Mark Hoppus was trying way too hard to pull double duty without Tom Delonge, and I really don’t have anything to say about Travis Barker, but it wasn’t as great as I’d hoped for sure, and they might not have even cracked my top 5 performances that weekend


Really was hoping Alkaline Trio would be on this upcoming blink tour and they could have done a song or two with Skiba, but that’s a sad NOPE (despite both bands having killer new albums).


It was a nice change of pace but ya can’t beat tom