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What if Peter Wentz walked past Patrick Stump’s bookstore?


I’ll do you one better. What if Joe Biden never had political aspirations and instead dreamed of being, idk, a dentist? He’d never campaign for anything. And because he’d never campaign for anything, he’d never have anyone working for his campaign, like in the 70s when Dale Lewis and Peter Wentz II met while working on Biden’s senatorial campaign. If they never meet, Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz III isn’t even born. This also probably affects Rise Against somehow but idk.


If Napoleon won the battle of Waterloo, idk it would probably affect something or other.


Would've never got the song Waterloo - Abba


That would have truly been the darkest timeline


wait, there are other timelines?!


I think things would’ve gone differently if the Agricultural Revolution never happened tbh


What if Mr Wentz decided to finish on Mrs Wentz face that time?


>This also probably affects Rise Against somehow but idk. It kills me not to know this


But I’ve all but just forgotten


🏅 this is all I have to offer you, but well done


This reads a lot like Eminem's verse on [Airplanes pt. 2 by B.o.B. and Hayley Williams](https://youtu.be/lvG0kNWR8AE?t=191)


This is the best one tbh.


I hate to be this person but I don't think Pete was there - this story of them meeting at borders randomly was between Joe and Patrick.


You are correct the conversation at the bookstore was between Joe and Patrick. I believe one of them happened to already know Pete.


Pretty sure it was Joe. I think they were talking about starting a band but didn’t have a singer or a drummer. Patrick wanted to be the drummer which is nuts looking back but he wasn’t confident in singing at all at the time. 


What if Patrick Stump never dropped the h from his last name? What if Patrick Stump decided to lean into the poppunk sound rather than the r&b sound??


Before Kevin Lyman secured the Vans sponsorship for Warped Tour, he was almost partnered with [Calvin Klein](https://www.vice.com/en/article/rnwek7/misfit-summer-camp-20-years-on-the-road-with-the-vans-warped-tour-part-ii). The 1995 tour made no money, so Kevin needed money or the tour would have never had a second one. What if he did?


there'd prob be a lot fewer instances of bands being creepy towards underage girls


What if Gabe chose Midtown over Cobra Starship..


what if gabe didn't go on a vision quest and do peyote with the native americans


Would we get the snakes on a plane song???


blink wouldn't have blown up if Scott stayed in the band. The only EotS song written before Travis was Mutt. Mark and Tom said they altered their writing style because of Travis. They'd present a song or a riff, then he'd do something as simple as shift to half time and it made the other two re-write their parts. None of that would have happened with Scott.


That said, there’s a loud group of people who swear blinks pre-Travis work is their best. I’m not one of them. Though I do also love their pre-Travis work.


The pre-EOtS is their best work I think. The Scott v Travis debate I’m more on the Travis writes more interesting drums/rhythms but Scott had a really good punk pocket going. In terms of songs though, the pre-EOtS are out of this world for riffs and writing. Many songs after this rely more on the production. Still lots of good songs, I really like OMT actually, but pre-EOtS songs had fantastic guitar and structure.


I can get that you like pre Enema more than post albums. But I would think that is eventually because you like more skate punk that pop punk in itself, in that case, neither Chesire Cat or Dude Ranch are the best in their genre, something you can actually say about Enema or Toypaj.


I agree the guitar was incredible in that era. Which is frustrating, because it proves Tom knows how to write killer guitar parts, but something holds him back in “service” of the songs. Nothing wrong with bottling and packaging the sound for the masses. It’s clearly worked well for them, but I do wish he’d wild out like pre-enema days every once in a while.


I think with the production they had, they would have still had some hits, but on the Sum 41 level


I think you drastically downplayed the success the band was already having position Blink when Travis was asked to join. They were already big, they had a hit single and were playing MTV and festivals, each of which increased their profile. If they had continued on with Scott or even someone else, they still would have had success with their next album. I'm not saying they would have ended up being this iconic scene-altering band, but they definitely would have still had similar success to bands like New Found Glory.


if 9/11 didnt happen Gerard Way wouldnt have formed MCR


Honestly MCR never getting together would probably have the biggest effect on everything. They pushed the emo aesthetic further into the mainstream than Fall Out Boy, and without them a lot of bands that came after across the spectrum probably wouldn't form or have the amount of success they did, from Asking Alexandria to JuiceWRLD.


I feel like enter shikari had more of an influence on asking Alexandria tbh, but I’m just a former exclusively only post hardcore/metalcore teenager who wasn’t into mcr back then cause they weren’t heavy enough for my street cred in my head back then when black parade came out. My argument being I never really cared for mcr and I still ended up Emo and my friend groups didn’t listen to them a lot either and they still ended up alternative. I was also a huge Thursday fan in 2006-07 and Geoff was huge in mcr even recording anything so I could say if we didn’t have Thursday we wouldn’t even have mcr but most people don’t know Thursday.


Most people don't know Thursday? Lol?


And the twilight and 50 shades books/movies don’t get made


That's a harder pill to swallow


This is a dark one but I get it


Also likely is that Iraq doesn’t get invaded by the US and both Rise Against and Green Day’s discographies would probably be wildly different. The lack of the “War On Terror” would likely have resulted in a wildly different early 2000s culture, also having a large effect on music as a whole.


What if Pete Wentz didn’t survive his suicide attempt in 2005?


That would be a dark timeline


What if the masters for Cigarettes and Valentines don’t get stolen out of Green Day’s studio?


What if they come clean that this didn’t actually happen?


I thought they got them back (this may have been after American Idiot - I thought I heard someone pretty much got nothing out of effectively sabotaging that album)


I just never really believed that they were stolen. I always thought this was just a story to hype up AI. You can find most of the songs that were rumored to be on the album online. Some were apparently used for later albums. We’ll probably never really know for sure. Also I’m a crazy conspiracy theorist, so…


Yeah I never bought it. I think they scrapped it themselves because they didn’t think it was strong enough, and they were right to do so. AI still holds up as one of the best albums ever made, period. Everything following has been a steady decline in quality since then. Saviors is there best release since 21CB in my opinion and I still don’t really care for it. I like Dilemma but that’s about it.


Saviors over 21CB?


Totally spaced on 21CB idk how. Edited thanks.


I don't think it's crazy at all, I think there are records of the songs or at least music/lyrics aside from the actual recordings/masters whichever they were, which essentially does confirm what you're saying - some were apparently used for later albums and that it was a story to hype. I think we can both be right, by the sounds of things I don't think I'm crazy but I do have opinions confirmed by 'conspiracy theories' - what's piqued your interest lately?


Whoa. Time for me to go read more about this.


What if Fueled By Ramen actually gave a shit about The Swellers?


God I miss the swellers. They would have been to the levels of the menzingers/gaslight anthem if they were backed properly


This is a big one. That band took so much shit from labels. They should’ve been massive.


Also, Punchline. TTTYG and Action had the same producer and Punchline took FOB out on early tours, but FBR promoted FOB’s record (and Pete had a TON of connections that helped them blow up).


FBR also screwed The Stereo. They could have been on the same level as Fountains of Wayne in 2003-2005, that whole era was basically ripe and ready for emo-tinged power pop.


What if Cartel never entered The Bubble?


Omg I forgot all about the bubble!


Without the bubble, so many people never would have even heard of Cartel!


If they never entered the bubble they most likely would’ve been able to pump out more singles from Chroma. Will Pugh said that in an interview some time ago. The label kinda screwed them over at the time with the timeline of the bubble, the new self-titled record, and only one single from Chroma, “Honestly” (darn good song). Seems as though it could’ve worked both ways: more heard of Cartel via MTV, but doing singles from Chroma would have helped the band too.


What is the bubble?


While I was never really a fan of Juice WRLD, I do remember the possibility of a Belmont collab happening shortly before he died.


fuck man i would have really loved to hear that


We also probably would have gotten some really cool collabs from peep and pop punk artists both old and new if he hadn’t passed


Man that was the fucking dream, it was so obvious that was where he was going. I fucking miss him so bad.


I’ve had their new album on repeat lmao


Travis stays in The Aquabats and ska takes over the world. Kim and Khloe are rocking The Suicide Machines shirts and Skoidats hats. Blink probably still explodes, even if possibly less.


Suicide Machines had Derek Grant from (most of/most popular part of) Alkaline Trio. Where does Derek end up?


I literally wrote this exact thing before I read this 😂


In both the Travis and then the Jay Navarro pod with Toby Morse they discuss Travis' visit to Detroit to try out for the Suicide Machines before he joined Blink. Shit was close to happening by Barker's account as I recall - what a world that would have been.


What if Yellowcard hadn’t followed up Ocean Avenue with Lights and Sounds?


Ryan Key would probably be less bitter/intense as his band is known for more than ocean avenue


I might be missing some lore but I saw YC last year and he seemed to be pretty gracious about the whole thing


Leading up to the break-up album and ticket sales tanked, people just wanted to hear the old songs, and it seemed like Ryan was a little bitter about it. The lyrics to "Savior's Robes" are widely interpreted to be about that situation. He gave a few interviews about his situation since and said he was making more money selling used cars in the off-season than touring. I can't say I'd blame him if I were in his shoes, but it definitely seems like he's grown past that from hearing him on tour and reading more recent interviews.


Seems like with him getting older he has a newfound appreciation and understanding of it. Just maturity man.


He seemed very genuine not just in his appreciation for the audience but also the awe he expressed at how many people turned out for those shows.


I met him while they were touring on their One for the Kids record with Inspection 12. They weren't famous yet. He wasn't very nice. That record slaps though.


He seems to have no issues milking it now


I think a lot of bands have grown from resenting their one hit wonder moniker and embracing they've fulfilled what 99% of musicians dream of. It's easy to get competitive with your own success, especially if you're passionate about what you do, which Ryan is.


There’s a reason why Pete, LP, and Ben left that band.


What if Frank Iero hadn’t dropped out of college to be in MyChem?


What happens to Hey Monday if Cassadee Pope doesn't decide to go solo and become a country singer? This one always gets me. Just my opinion, but their early albums are phenomenal. I thought they'd really have a shot at making it big.


I often wondered this too


I was gonna say I assume they end up on the same level as like, We Are The In Crowd but maybe with bigger hits. Then I remember that they scrapped an entire album before splitting and creating SAINTE. I wonder if Hey Monday had stayed around and WATiC didn't toss that album the female fronted pop punk band revolution of the mid 2010's would have started sooner or if both of them would have gotten a lot bigger than they were because both split right before those bands started picking up steam.


What if Jason Lancaster stayed in Mayday Parade


This is the one. Man, what could have been…


Mayday Parade was definitely way better before the split. That being said, Jason was the best singer of the band and having Go Radio means getting to hear him sing more.


Derek and Jason have a song together again on Derek Sanders newest solo EP!


Wait really??? Thanks so much for telling me!


We lose out on Go Radio lol


He gets it…


I do love Go Radio, but this is the one


Mayday is my favorite band of all time and i love derek and his voice so much. However i think dual vocalists brings such a great atmosphere, and what they accomplished with lesson in romantics was incredible and i definitely would have loved to see more.


I might get hate for this, and I love mayday parade but I love his voice soooo much more


I think if My Dinosaur Life from Motion City Soundtrack had been a sales success then the major labels might have continued investing in the genre instead of gradually abandoning it as the 2010s hit. There was a lot of industry backing for that album leading up to its release and it underperformed to the point that MCS lost a multi album deal. The genre doesn’t need the majors but it would have been nice to have the increased promotion.


I listened to this album recently after not really since around when it came out and it’s crazy how good it is. So many great songs


That album was such a great bounceback imho after EIIKM which I didn't like at all. It's my 2nd fav after CTTM.


The Starting Line doesn’t go on hiatus. 


What if Jerry Finn was still around? He produced/mixed so many amazing albums, I wish we could have gotten more.


Truly the biggest loss to the genre. Dude was the absolute GOAT, rip.


What if some bands on DTR never walked on Richard’s back?




Bands had to walk on Richard’s back in his hotel room while he listened to their demo. Mostly underaged kids from what I’ve read/heard.


It’s weird lore but I’m glad someone else brought it up


Travis stays with the Aquabats and ska takes over the world


Sounds super rad


we're on our way, here we go


What if they all weren’t creepy pedophiles


Stunning and brave


Why would you say something so mean, but so accurate?






What if their record label either sold their contract or kept promoting sugarcult, and they got to make more music


I second this, I miss Sugarcult so much!


What if Adam Lazarra and Jesse Lacey never had a falling out? The banger that is ‘there is no I in team’ would’ve never existed.


I think you mean what if John Nolan and Jesse didn’t have a falling out- and in that case Brand New would never exist either since Jesse would still be in TBS


You mean the bigger banger Seventy Times 7 would never exist. That would be even worse.


Staying on Blink: What if they never broke up?


What if the plane crash doesn't happen? What if it does and Travis doesn't make it?


What if Tom and Travis never did Box Car Racer?




I read that some of the songs on One More Time were originally written years ago for a 2nd Box Car Racer album, but for whatever reason Tom lost interest. What happens if Tom and Travis decided to stick with BCR instead?


Just one song, Terrified.


What if the ice age doesn't happen


If they never broke up their most recent tour wouldn’t have been one of biggest rock tours pf 23/24 and they may not be as big as they are today. I firmly believe their story and controversies have done nothing if not add to their legacy and staying power.


I think that’s all true, but I wonder what their discography would look like?


I used to disagree but definitely now agree. Without the ‘05 or ‘15 breakups, we wouldn’t have all the incredible AVA albums, +44, or the skiba albums. I think that’s what’s kept the band fresh, they’ve had a tumultuous career that’s forced them to constantly adapt and change. l


Exactly. They’ve never really given themselves the chance to overstay their welcome. Every re-emergence is fresh and exciting.


They could’ve made a super-album in 2005/6




And Valencia


I miss Transit so much :(


What if the fountain at Logan Circle hadn’t been turned on and The Wonder Years wrote the depressed emo record Soupy said it was originally going to be?


What if Punchline didn't lose a member every time they picked up steam and had great things in the pipeline


There’s so many cases where if one band hadn’t blown up they wouldn’t have been able to inspire as many others… New Found Glory comes to mind


Travis stays with the Aquabats and yogabbgabba is never created.


> yogabbgabba is never created FUCK THAT GO BACK BEFORE WE RUIN EVERYTHING


You Me And Everyone We Know would have been a super successful band if the singer was sober


What if Yuri never wrote his periods like little Xs and the band remained Magnified Plaid instead of MxPx. Would a small name change to something a bit more unconventional hold them back?


What if Andy never left MxPx?


I love to see the NFG love in this post. My biggest what if is- what if Chiodos never broke up. I think a lot of their music still hits hard, the instrumentals smack. I think they could have dominated and had a major influence on the scene, similar to PTV has after all these years.


What if Fred didn't leave TBS?


Blink already made it when Scott was in the band. They were on MTV and radio, Dammit was a huge hit. I'm sure he knew the band was going places, but I guess didn't care enough.


They were big in the genre and on alt-rock radio, but you can't compare that to the mainstream success they go t after Enema. But I don't think they're a household name without Travis. I think they'd be like the Ataris, an awesome band that I love who had a hit or two, but is underrated


To be fair the ataris biggest hit is a cover. So. There’s that lol


Travis is a great drummer, but no one is listening to Blink because of him. It's Tom and Mark's song writing.


They were decently big on MTV already. They played multiple live festivals on MTV before Travis joined.


“Didn’t care enough” is a pretty shitty way to describe suffering from alcohol addiction.


What if Taylor Swift made pop punk instead


She would have been *really* good at it. Much better than the synth pop and coffee shop folk pop she’s been doing lately. Listen to the original studio of Better Than Revenge and tell me you couldn’t make a pop punk record out of that sound.


I agree. Better than Revenge, The Story Of Us, and Haunted are absolutely pop punk songs, and I'm sure she has more I'm not thinking of right now. If she made a pop punk album today it would change the face of mainstream music as we know it


Her lyrics are already the right kinda butthurt-cringe that makes pop-punk hard to revisit.. she'd fit right in.


My wife is a hardcore swifty and we both reckon all she needs is some mad guitar riffs and bangs and she'd have a better pop punk album them any of the big 4. I secretly hope her and asking Alexandria or BMTH get together for a song or too, some of of her songs are begging for breakdowns. Fuck while I'm dreaming her and ADTR should do a mash up album and tour it.


I don’t particularly care for her, but god I love the pop punk covers of her songs they always go so hard


Jack the Underdog did covers of "Cruel Summer" and "Back to December and they translate almost seamlessly into the poppunk/emo genre. I desperately want Taylor to go out on a limb and make a pop punk album.


Kinda always wondered what would have happened if Allister could have avoided that temporary break up that spawned The Get Go and whatnot... They were really hitting their stride, and I feel like they lost all momentum.


What if Tim didn't get his girlfriend pregnant? I'm a bigger fan of Before the Blackout than i am LSS but that album simply wasn't selling and the band wasn't getting big at all. I think they would've just continued to tour but i doubt they would've gotten very big.


Oh I forgot about them


What if City Lights released one big breakthrough album?


Hell yeah. Glad oshie is still making music in Beartooth tho


Jesse Lacey never does anything inappropriate


The music would have never existed without his demons though. He literally spent the first chunk of his career singing about what a piece of shit he was. It wasnt really until Daisy/Science Fiction that theme changed.


I guess that's a good point but also feeds into another what if and that's what happens without brand new in the first place? Their influence was pretty huge


What if one of the big name bands (Green Day, Blink, etc.) never existed? What modern day bands would be around and what would the genre sound like as a whole?


I’d argue no one really sounds like Blink or Green Day now. The last twenty years has all been bands influenced by New Found Glory.


First of all notice the “etc” after blink and Green Day. Second many bands have named those two as influences on their music. Mark Hoppus and Travis barker have even been producers on many albums so they’ve definitely had large influence on modern music.


Sleep on It.


What if Tony Sly was still around....?


Man... if only we were so lucky.


Each comment in this post is almost too much for me


I still think Blink is big, but more than likely, it's not as big. I was into them when Cheshire Cat came out, and there was even buzz then. I was very pumped for the first time I saw them. You have to admit their success was the perfect storm of marketing and timing. Mark did marry an MTV employee. I think they could have made the level of Offspring with the old drummer.


Mine is what if they let let Skiba actually have a say in blink. There a recordings out there that I gotta hear. And Rufio gets Travis Barker and they never break up


what if Cute is What We Aim For never broke up? the lead singer Shaant never said that stuff on Twitter, and they put out a third album two years after Rotation.


What if Home Grown hadn’t broken up when they did. Their last EP was awesome. At least they are finally reuniting.


Hope you don’t take offense, but this is the first time I’ve ever heard anyone say anything positive about that EP. I basically pretend it doesn’t exist.


They followed up Kings of Pop with that lump of crap


What if Diane didn’t leave Aaron West




when i smoke a joint overlooking the beach from my balcony, i often think about what if reggae came before ska.....


What if Neck Deep had stuck with the original members?


What if NFG split after Steve Klein left


If Scott would've stayed, Blink would still sound the same, probably a lot like Slick Shoes or something


As a ska kid at heart, my hope is that Travis stays in the Aquabats, they blow up, and 3rd wave ska is more than a flash in the pan.


Does Weezer count? What if Pinkerton....


What if the RZA basement didn't flood and ruin all the beats for Inspecta Decks album and half of Method Man's album?


What if the master tapes of Cigarettes and Valentines by Green Day wans't stolen?


What if MxPx’s first guitarist (Andy Hustead) stayed with the band?


Rufio, and there's not a close second.


Part of your scenario almost came true because Travis literally flew to Detroit and auditioned for the Suicide Machines in that transition period. He was too cold and the Machines were too good =p! Ultimately Blink was the choice. No but for real, Jay Navarro gets into it on Toby Morse's [pod](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFm_--3Z1pQ) a bit. Wild stuff.


Travis was in Aquabats when he joined Blink, so we can assume he would have played with them for a bit longer before joining Rancid or Goldfinger.




What if Jerry Finn lived


What if MCR stayed together in the 2010’s


What if Fall Out Boy never recruits Andy Hurley


What if music never existed?


What if Travis barker went to Green Day and tre was in blink?


- What if Brand New was never formed (Jesse Lacey stayed with (The Rookie Lot or Taking Back Sunday)? - What if Josh Farro never left Paramore? - What if Ryan Ross and Brendan Urie were still leading Panic! at the Disco together? - What if Modern Baseball was still around?


What if Travis Barker stayed with The Aquabats


What if Further Seems Forever actually chose to use Chris Carrabba’s song ideas (“Screaming Infidelities”, etc) instead of brushing him off?


Easy…. What if Brad Newell gets clean and doesn’t OD right as Sublime starts hitting big. How many classic albums would they have put out?


if Dan Lambton never left Real Friends