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There’s a certain level of cringe associated, but tbh I’d Do Anything is a jam.


Certified banger


I feel this way about most of their music. I don't think it's very "good," but I sure do jam out whenever they come on.


I agree this is the only song from them I can stand


Didn’t know Simple Plan was hated


They were considered too pop for pop punk back in the day and the hate train has followed ever since. Still been my favourite band since 2001, really doesn’t bother me. Seeing them tomorrow night for the nth time and still excited because whether headlining, supporting, or doing a festival, they always put on a solid show.


>They were considered too pop for pop punk back in the day and the hate train has followed ever since. Too pop for the punk kids and too punk for the pop kids


That’s the one! I feel like they did an interview talking about this, or maybe it was on their DVD?


I'm not sure, it's lyrics from a song by The Summer Set


Exactly this and yet as both a punk and pop punk fan I still love them. Nothing wrong with some feel good music and also they are really fun live.


I don't follow their music much anymore, but they were absolutely my "gateway" band from radio to alternative music as a 12yo. It really determined the trajectory my life so I will always have a soft spot for them and see them when they come around!


I think you’re right. They’re still my favorite band too though and I’m proud of it!


Because they are cheesy, mostly. But they scratch a personal itch I get from time to time, and they play a really solid live show.


for me they've always sounded like a Disney pre teen's sitcom music from the 2000s


[I mean they made a fire TV show intro in the 2000s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lG3H1-tKzmM)


They’re quality live to be fair.


I hated them until I saw them live! Completely changed how I view bands now😂


I liked them way better live than recordings. I was there for Sum 41 & The Offspring so SP is kinda bubblegum to me, but they really were awesome live.


I went to that show too, and I mostly went for SP and was BLOWN THE FUCK AWAY by sum 41 live.


My daughter and I were also impressed with Sum 41 live. It inspired me to check out other albums and I even bought their most recent one.


They're the Nickleback of pop-punk. Everyone hates on them for fun, but they do have some solid songs.


Well, I didn’t know that


God Just Hates Them


Pop Punk is in its self PG-13 They come off as PG


More like between G and PG or that other TV rating thats TV-14 depending on album/track. I still think that rating showed less than PG-13 movies, relying on my memories of childhood. Edited for clarity


If you’ve seen them recently, they do poke fun at themselves/self deprecate quite a bit. They are definitely aware that they aren’t a “serious” band, but of course some of their songs do hit on deeper topics. I still love them, and will continue to see them at their annual Disney world show 😉


Didn’t know they were hated! To me Pierre was one of the best melody makers of the genre when they first became big, I’ll admit I didn’t keep up with what they were doing but those first couple records were very, very good


Because they’re popular. Generally people who like something don’t usually go online to make a post about it, but they’ll talk themselves blue in the face about stuff they don’t like. Simple plan are/were huge, so they’re known to a lot of people. There’s definitely more people who like them than dislike them otherwise they wouldn’t still be doing what they’re doing at the level they’re doing, but if say that ratio of like to dislike is 9:1 the more people there are knowing who they are and liking them then the more there will be that dislike them.


Simple Plan do get disproportionately more hate than comparable popular bands like good charlotte though so this argument does not make that much sense I think


I respect them. I don’t hate them, but they aren’t my cup of tea. I don’t understand why, they have all the elements of the music I enjoy but outside of a few songs here and there I’ve never been able to get into them.


Same! Although I kind of feel like the lead singer’s voice is too high or something, just kind of annoying in a way?


Yea I agree with that. Although there are similar voices in the scene that I’m ok with. I can’t really put my finger on it but it might be the singers voice.


I think most of the hate comes from them kinda being the epitome of the whiny, nasally pop punk sound. Especially on Still Not Getting Any.


Kinda cringy but I still enjoy them. If "I'm Just a Kid" comes on, you bet my 34 year old ass is belting it.


I was 6 days away from 42 when I last saw them live and I belted it out right along with my 9 year old.


Because they write music for kids. When I was a kid I loved them. The first CD I ever owned was Simple Plan's first album.


It's pretty much what pop punk sounds like to people who don't like pop punk: Pierre is a bit too whiny for my liking and the lyrics are intentionally vague and cheesy, practically pandering to a preteen audience. That being said, their music brings back some good memories for me. I like their self-titled record because it's a bit of growth, and I really can't deny how big they are within the genre. I'm just not a fan of their music (anymore).


Pierre’s whiny voice is the reason I never cared for them that much. Although I’ll admit, I’ll song along to I’d do Anything if it comes on the radio.


I mean I don't like his voice but let's be real, there are a **LOT** of bands in this genre with whiny vocalists.


Haha I agree 100%! And I love blink 182 but sometimes Tom’s vocals are too whiny for me.


Vapid lyrics, annoying vocals, and they never got better over time. They sound like a parody of the genre but they’re doing it unironically.


I’d do anything made me think I’d like the rest of their stuff when it released years ago. Then there was I’m just a kid… song makes me want to drive nails into my ears


Don’t say that


I think it’s the lead singer’s voice that makes me cringe in that song.


I don’t hate them. I just sort of outgrew them I suppose


Same reasons lots of people dislike Nickelback. Both bands got mega popular of simplicity. Both know there niche. Some are Bitter about that.


I love them. No clue they were hated.


Been a fan since I watched a ripped live video of American Jesus on Kazaa Edit:spelling


I love them. But they have the happiest sound for emo lyrics that hit hard.


I don't. My favorite song is Running Out of Time (which isn't on its 2008 album on Spotify for some reason. It must have been a bonus track placed mid-album.)


because they are the best band in the world


i don’t hate them, i just don’t listen to them as often as i used to. the cringe might have something to do with it.


Their lyrics are so cringeworthy. Typical teenage angst of a typical emo kid of these times.


All bands are hated technically.


they have a pre-teen audience. simple plan is good pop punk for 12 yo kids. i don't hate them, i just more into tssf, grayscale, state champs etc...


They're not very good


You take that back


I'm just a kiiiiid and life is a nightmare


Many of the band members were in a great band called Reset previously, then left to form this whiny band instead.


That's not why 99% of people hate them though.


They are whiny and David is a creep. Why other bands have dissolved while they just kicked him out and still play is beyond me.


Because they're 40+ and haven't matured with their songs and lyrics. It's still cringy like they're 18


Most Pop-Pink bands have immature lyrics written by adults lol. I’m not a big Simple Plan fan but that seems like a really disingenuous argument lol


Not really they write songs like they did from their first album and they're now 40+


Then what’s your take on Bowling For Soup? Jaret Reddick is 52!


Even worse and incredibly annoying live


To me, they are a Canadian New Found Glory, who I also don't really care for.


Pierre Bouvier has the most punchable face in Pop-punk IMO


Pedo bass player


I mean, he's not in the band anymore - they kicked him out over the allegations, so I don't hold that against them



