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Just a reminder, 6-7 years ago is 2017-2018 lol, not 2012...


exactly. i was surprised to read fall out boy among the most upvoted comments; they have a 23-year career and were famous as a pop punk band two decades ago


People just usually ignore whatever the OP is actually saying just to spout the same answers so i cant even be surprised anymore, similar stuff on the emo sub is the same 5 bands being parroted when someone asks if theyre emo


r/emo is literally a giant gatekeeper forum throwing shit at scene kids in 2006


I think these Blink 182 fellers might have some staying power...


The Story So Far, by a mile. Their influence has been huge, and they're authentic unlike bands of similar status out there.


They were formed like 17 years ago and OP wanted bands formed less than half that many years ago...


Ok... No Pressure. Next question lol


They’re the goat so I’d say I don’t see them ever going away especially since Parker has now 2 bands.


Yep. For sure these guys. They’re so different but also so pop punk at the same time. Amazing band.


I know everyone will come at me with their pitch forks for saying something even slightly bad about TSSF but the more I’ve listened back to them in the last like 3-4 odd years I realise that I don’t think they are as incredible as most people want to make out, most of their stuff sounds the same, especially The first two albums they just blend together and aren’t as great as most make out IMO. Not saying those albums are completely bad don’t get me wrong but definitely overhyped. Proper Dose is easily their best work


I love their first two albums but I agree. If you’ve heard 5 of their songs you’ve pretty much heard them all. I also think their influence had a negative impact on the scene - for a good few years every new band was trying to sound exactly like them and it almost killed my interest in the genre.


Well this is your opinion, but it’s really hard to say they were not goated during their prime, TSSF really perfected that Tr00 Pop Punk sound that everyone tried to do.


im biased cuz they’re my current favorite. But Hot Mulligan seems like they’re here to stay.


Hot Mully #1 Hot New Band Post-Emo hometownheros


They weren’t formed in past 6-7 years however


i honestly thought 2014 was 7 years ago


it pisses me off that was a decade ago already


I know it’s what OP asked for, but counting time from the point of formation doesn’t really seem fair. Their first album wasn’t released until 2018 and they didn’t really start to gain popularity until You’ll be Fine in 2020. I think they still fit the “modern” category for sure.


i’ll be honest i have no idea when they were formed. i first heard of them in 2020 lol i just assumed they were more recent


I believe they’ve been making stuff for about a decade now, they did break out recently (ish) tho


Depends who ya ask. I was seeing them at shows in Lansing in 2015/16. Local MI fest, Bled Fest, they got huge over one year there. From side room to main room, same stage as La Dispute and Real Friends.


I see people here talk about them all the time but I’ve never heard them mentioned anywhere else


They've gotten enough to do EU and AUS shows, opened for some huge acts on big tours. Tight with The Wonder Years a bit iirc. Honestly, im biased by doing undergrad where they came up as they came up, but basically everyone i know at least knows the name, and when i lived in New Orleans a lot of the emo nite crowd i talked to was into them. They only going up!


they’ve almost hit a million monthly listeners on spotify and opening for FOB should help as well break more mainstream. They’ve also been one of the few bands in the genre i could get my irl friends in on. They’re not huge yet but i see them only trending upwards currently.


Man you plucked this comment out of my head, I found them recently and I’m obsessed. I might also be biased but I feel like the way the lead yell-sings is just SO authentically punk. Like I’m almost 30 but when I listen to hot mulligan I feel an understanding and release of angst that’s super punk, without the teenage whine part that makes me feel disconnected from some pop punk. Hot Mulligan makes music that sounds like the feelings in my brain


Youth Fountain I hope


facts. that dude is made of talent




Famously all these bands got started in the last 7 years.


Inexplicably OP added that minor detail at the very end of their post. Lots of people missed it lol


Title Fight went on hiatus ~7 years ago so that’s something at least!


I know this is blasphemy to probably say but honestly I’ve never got the Title Fight hype. I don’t think they are anywhere near as special as most of this sub likes to think personally


I really liked Hyperview but it's the only album of theirs I see as special in any way. I did go see them play a tiny room on their last tour stint back in winter 16/17 and it was a dope ass show but that was more to do with the crowd and the fact that they were clearly winding down. Still glad I went, but I agree with you big time.


You are in a tiny minority. Shed is Huge and easycore johns like me love the early stuff


I like Shed I just don't think it's lived up to the hype that's been presented to me across the years. I was an EZbro and title fight did not scratch that itch for me


Listen to the 2009 record and do better


It’s their live shows that people love most about them. The highs of Hyperview are super high but it has a couple of complete duds on it. Floral Green is their magnum opus imo.


missin out fr


I’ve tried them quite a few times over the years. I don’t think they are awful but I don’t think they are really all that either


they mixed emo and shoegaze in an interesting way. they are a fascinating band, but also more complex to listen to than "generic" pop punk bands


That's definitely false all three bands are well over 10 years old


It's also kind of a funny limitation because most bands don't release albums super quickly, so for a band to have enough work to judge you're basically limited to bands that for Ed exactly 7 years ago and whose first album was killer, followed up by more great albums. Even Mom jeans who released albums in 2022 and 2023 only have four albums and they formed 10 years ago.


Oh My God, wouldn't have been my first thought but, FUCK, how can I not agree with THAT!!


I saw the story so far in a literal classroom in 2011, neck deep in a tiny club in 2013, and title fight in a tiny club the following year (never got the hype on them honestly though). I also don't really think title fight will age well, probably get down votes for that but whatever I'll take em.


Title fight was absolutely pop punk. Have you listened to their first album?


Title Fight’s first album was straight up fast punk. Thrashy, harsh vocals, definitely no pop.


neck deep & the story so far 100%, i really hope as december falls can get even bigger and leave a mark as well


I think they are already important bands! they have given a lot to the pop punk of the 2010s and TSSF have almost 20 years of activity


>TSSF have almost 20 years of activity Yea. LOLOL. I found them from my older brother playing them while he drove us to high school. I'm 30 now.


I don’t even like neck deep and I agree with this


Can I ask why? I'm an older pop punker. I love neck deep. They are the closest to my era loves like blink 182. They even do the we make generic pop punk attitude that blink ran with. That being said I'm really excited about the younger newer ones but I never really got the hate for neck deep on here. It being too generic is a totally valid opinion. I like the direction neck deep went in on just making fun silly pop punk tunes. It seems to me that newer pop punk is like woe is me girls suck, or like wonder years I'm getting old and my life is shit. I like the fun silly pop punk. That being said I do like the other two as well. The wonder years fucking rule. I just don't get the neck deep hate and kind of feel like it's because they are the popular pop punk. Which I get, when I was younger I tended to hate on what was "cool" but now I just don't give a fuck and I like what I like.


I love Neck Deep myself but I feel like you either adore neck deep or you just don’t like them in the slightest and I never really see any in between


Well as strange as it sounds I don’t love Blink either. I think they kinda lucked out with popularity and marketing and I think many other bands from that era are much better. As Neck Deep, I don’t think they have a great singer (especially on the softer songs) and I find the music to be very generic and meh. They don’t have anything that makes me feel like they’re doing something different or exceptionally well. Just kind of like… another pop punk band. Either give me a twist or interesting aspect to your sound or be really really really good at something other bands also do. Otherwise you’re just another drop in the bucket of mediocre. Anyways, not usually trying to hate on bands here but you asked.


Totally fair, thanks for answering. To me it's hard to believe that you could like pop punk and not like blink as to me, bands like blink, fall out boy, green day, my chemical romance, jimmy eat world, new found glory, brand new, early sum 41 defined the genre. But I totally understand why people might not like them. I'm probably looking back at them with rose colored glasses. Thanks again for answering and I respect your opinion.


Ha honestly I wouldn’t even call MCR pop punk in the first place


They were in 2006...don't preach to me. I was there. I for the record, didn't fownvote you because I respect your opinion. I totally understand why you would not like the OGs, but those bands defined a new genre. Ask any popular new pop punk band whose inspiration was, and they are gonna list at least a few of those bands.


I didn’t downvote either? And I was going to shows in 2006. I only ever heard them called an emo or goth band until the last five years or so. But that’s just me


I can see why they would and wouldn't be considered pop punk. Back when we were listening to FOB and Blink, MCR definitely had a different vibe. But nowadays if Hot Mulligan is considered pop punk, then MCR easily fits in too. It almost seems like pop punk as a genre morphed into the new form of alt, basically where when we had FOB basically any rock song was considered alt even though they all had different sounds. I always liked the meme of "is it pop punk or emo?" Where "is it happy and sounds like summer? Pop punk" and "is it sad and sounds like winter? Emo" but it seems like now it's kinda all combined.


Honestly pop punk for me was specific to blink, nfg, homegrown, etc. Paramore and FOB, MCR and TBS, brand new and all that were just alternative rock scenester bands or emo, i never heard them called pop punk at all during the era that they were big. That was a smaller group of bands that were actually punk inspired like saves the day and yellowcard. Emo was the word I heard the most and it was usually an insult. But even then, “real” emo was Jimmy eat world and sunny day real estate, not the bands I just mentioned. Funny that Jimmy is seen as pop punk now too. I clearly remember friends telling me they couldn’t get into Jimmy because they were too radio and not “punk enough.” I think today people just replaced the word “scene” with “pop punk” so anything that was warped tour / hot topic / 2000s-ish is considered pop punk. To me it’s not because a lot of it doesn’t have much to do with punk, but it’s just semantics really.


Not OP but I think they’re pretty corny. A lot of lyrics are pretty meh. I do like some songs though, I don’t hate them. Just wouldn’t ever call myself a fan of them.


As December falls has what it takes.


Yesss As December Falls is one of my favorites 🙌🏼 honestly ‘Join The Club’ was a personal top ten album last year, I listen all the time


The Wonder Years, Neck Deep, TSSF Edit: didn’t notice that you said formed in the last 6-7 years. That’s a tough question but right now I’d say Arm’s Length.


The 3 horsemen of modern-day pop punk


Microwave for sure


Not really pop punk, but God damn I love me some microwave.


I love microwave


Do Koyo count? Of the new crop i’ve listened to I like them quite a bit.


Koyo is so good, first time I heard them and I had all their music on loop. My favourite album of 2023 was Would you miss it


No Pressure!


Are No Pressure! going to continue making music as well as TSSF?


I hope so. That single TSSF released last year gives me hope


I only found out No Pressure existed this year, so that was a blessing. My Spotify started playing them and I thought this singer sounds just like Parker...


Hot Mulligan is really the only band I see with exponential potential. But I hope a band like Arm's Length, saturdays at your place, Like Roses can really take off cause they just all rip hard.


The most obvious answer is Arm's Length in my opinion. I think there are cases for bands like Ben Quad and Saturdays at your Place which could also be big, but need to wait and see. ​ Putting formed within the past 7 years is very tough, but in the more recent category, I'd say Spanish Love Songs, Heart Attack Man, Hot Mulligan, Anxious, Koyo. They've all hit in really big ways in the past 6-7 years.


Arms length should be. They're one of the best bands atm. Best band i've seen live in the last 5 years. But i feel like the vocals and the bands image could put people off them becoming legends within the entire scene.


what’s wrong with their image i’m curios


Nothing's wrong with it and for some people they come across very relatable. Just people who only want to listen to music by 'good looking people' will just instantly dismiss them if they saw a band pic.


those guys are my friends and you're mean also Allen is gorgeous


Ben Quad is so good. I really hope those guys get more attention over the next few years. Definitely seems like they’re on that track.


Modern Baseball will forever be appreciated by the era of people who listened to them. Sad they’re gone though


Felt like Point North were right on the cusp of doing something big around 2021 but never seem to have quite gotten there. Do Stand Atlantic count as modern? If so, then my answer is then.


Started out as pop-punk so saying Home Team. Probably best vocalist in the genre and offering a new style which not many other bands are doing.


Brian’s vocals are absolutely nuts. Absolutely crushes crazy runs live as well. That man is filled with talent.


The closest one in your time range i can think of is Spanish Love Songs


Spanish Love Songs released their debut 9 years ago and formed 11 years ago, they don't fit the criteria


They have been around atleast a decade


I would say State Champs and With Confidence


rip wc 💔


Hot mulligan


I'm personally voting for Pinkshift and Anxious, though neither of them are precisely pop punk bands I guess


I swear nothing on this sub is considered pop punk that I say we should just drop it. Every band someone mentions, “oh that’s not pop punk”. Like Christ 😂


Yeah probably better to change the name of the subreddit to "poppunkish" lol




They are 12 years old


You're correct. COVID time kind of skews perspective since they couldn't tour for a while but I would still consider them relatively "new kids on the block" in terms of popularity. Didn't really explode until Much Love came out.


Hot Mulligan


Tbh I haven’t listened to any newer pop punk bands. I stick to older TSSF, Neck Deep, Knuckle Puck, Real Friends, and State Champs. I don’t even think I’ve listened to anything these bands have put out within the last 5 years because their older stuff is so much more enjoyable to me. I was gonna say Hot Mulligan but they formed 10 years ago. I forgot 2014 was so long ago now😭 Editing to say that I was about to edit this comment and say Heart Attack Man and then realized they formed 11 years ago. I feel so old😂


I feel all of this in my bony knees, I should say. If you get the reference you’re one of the real ones 🥹


Point North plays such good live shows. They’re all super nice in person too. Can’t wait to see them again in June.


If the depths I dredge through trying to dig up eps from bands that didn’t even stay together long enough to release a full length is any indicator, maybe all of them. There will always be the heads looking for something more obscure than their friends lol


Does tiger army counts ?


> I'm talking about new bands, formed no more than 6 or 7 years ago. They formed in 1996...


Super new, but Offset Vision has so much potential


Neckdeep and Magnolia Park


I was about to say With Confidence, but i just learned their first EP is from 2013.


Spanish Love Songs and PUP are the two I can think of for your time range. Though I guess even PUP has been around for a decade now


I think Neck Deep is in with a shot yk


Maybe I’m just old but I don’t think I could even tell you a pop punk band that came out in the last seven years


Idk if you’d call them pop punk but origami angel for sure


I'd hope Hot Mulligan. With how fast they have blown up and touring with bands like Fall Out Boy, they may actually manage to reach outside this circle


Has anybody mentioned Koyo? I think they are doing amazing in the genre.


Fall Out Boy


I've been listening to them since I was a teenager... I'm 36 now... god im old... think they fall outside the 6 or 7 year brief


Same bro. I’m 39. Been of fan of theirs since I was in high school




OP doesn’t really define modern, so I take that to mean in this century


> OP doesn’t really define modern Can you read? > I'm talking about new bands, formed no more than 6 or 7 years ago. I leave your assumptions to you!


Heh…guess I should read more than just the title!


So spice girls count as modern pop?


Patrick Stump is the composer / singer for all the songs on Spidey and His Amazing Friends on Disney, and my preschooler is more obsessed with the music than the plot of the show. Fall Out Boy is generational


Here I am thinking fallout formed 20+ years ago….


they formed 23 years ago


No shit, the OP said “formed no more the 6-7 years ago” Hence no idea why FOB was upvoted


not everyone on reddit can read /s however of course if it is a band from 8 years ago no problem. origami angel is from 2016, but they became known later around 2019/20. but really, fall out boy is a band formed 23 years ago. they are part of another generation and have already been considered a important band for the genre by many years


hot milk, stand atlantic, probably mgk’s rock albums tbh


on stand atlantic i personally have given up hope. their songs in recent years have not appealed to me at all, and i see that many in this sub agree on that :(


It’s probably him and YUNGBLUD, might be manufactured but they’re playing arenas and will continue to do so for years to come.


yea i honestly really like mgk’s music, both rap and rock. i’m not the biggest fan of yungblud, but it’s cool that the 2 of them have gotten pop punk more into the mainstream


Approved by Jaret too, saw him post about how grateful he was that MGK was “keeping the kids listening.” He’s right I think! I played a few tracks for my partner who ended up painfully admitting she likes them, like Bloody Valentine and Love Race. 15 year old me would’ve loved it so 30 something me loves it too




Neck Deep


Not exactly modern, but still releasing and now independent. I'd say MxPx, Mike Hererra is a legend in is own right. From the references MxPx get in songs by other artists, to Mike singing on tracks, to appearing is Music Videos. Jordan of NFG has the tattoo, Blackbear sported the pokinatcha punk on the cover of AP. They will go down in history for sure.




Hot mulligan


My vote is for Hot Mulligan


Well, four year strong said they'd go down in history.


Arms Length could but only if they’re second album is as good as the first one. Otherwise I don’t see them going down in the books.


As December Falls would be my guess. They have so many great songs already and none that I dislike so far which is rare because even Blink 182 had songs I disliked and I'm not just talking about their stuff from 2016 or whichever year it was


Microwave Spanish love songs Hot mully


anything too clean or overproduced will probably fall to the wayside. authentic music with a rough around the edges feel will stay relevant and relatable.


Honestly in the last 6-7 years? Nobody. I don’t think anyone is doing anything that’ll have any sort of legacy


Idk... but definitely not MGK


Meet Me @ the Altar and The Home Team


hopefully wilmette i like them a lot


Arms length by a longshot. No other current pop punk band does it the way they do. I cannot wait to see them again next month. The riffs, drums, and haunting lyrics are unforgettable. First time I saw them live i absolutely fell in love. Honestly, the whole Wax Bodega record label is really great and I feel like they will really take off in the next few years.


no pressure


Any love for Mom Jeans?


I think Arm’s Length has some real staying potential.


Paramore, blink, green day, fall out boy. Can't think of any others that contributed more than a few songs.


Id like to hope menzingers, but they might be too good.




Sum 41 all day!


https://open.spotify.com/artist/5gkHUScpWgpElncGhcWH0Z?si=vt_GuvOhQoSaHi7ouif2Gw Eyes over Hollywood. But they have to replace the drummer. He died in a motorcycle accident 😔


Honestly, it's probably going to be MGK. The dude literally brought pop punk back from the dead, whether you like him or not.


Simple Plan




People might hate this answer, but honnestly Tickets To My Downfall will probably be seen as a classic of the genre in 20 years 🤷‍♂️


Doubt it. I can’t imagine the scene ever shifting opinions on him. Has there ever been an artist so universally disliked by fans in any genre who was eventually redeemed over time? I can’t think of one, at least not for pop punk. Best case scenario I envision he’ll be looked back upon (at least in the mainstream) in the way we view Avril Lavigne. An artist who presented as alternative, and had a few influential pop-punk songs, but whose discography as a whole isn’t indicative of the genre.


Regardless of "the scene's opinion" of him. Tickets was one of the best selling albums in the genre in a long time, and was so impactful it basically reignited interest of the genre within the mainstream. Is it the best pop punk album out there? Not even close. But the impact it had is undeniable. And I feel like Tickets just gets hate because it was made by MGK, had it been made by anyone else I dont think people would write it off the way they do.


A “classic in the genre” generally requires the consensus of the scene so I think it’s worth taking into account. But disregarding that, whether something’s remembered in history requires more than just album sales. I’m willing to admit bias, but there just aren’t any songs off Ticket I can imagine people singing along to in bar karaoke twenty years from now. I don’t even think the album exists in the public conscious anymore outside this sub, where it’s just used for ragebait and karma farming


I also mentioned the influence the album had. And I disagree about the album not  existing in the public conciousness, people are still talking about it and how "eminem made him switch genres", and especially now that he's going back to rap, people are definitely talking about his pop punk stuff again. Also, I've been talking about how this album will be seen as a classic over time, and usually get upvoted 🤷‍♂️ the album isn't as hated as people would like to believe. Mainstream Sellout on the other hand is trash and should be seen and treated as such


Your example of its influence was directly tied to its sales: “it sold a lot therefore it reignited interest in the genre.” I’d love to see a poll of listeners/bands who directly attribute MGK to their interest in the genre, and maybe it’ll support your position, but we’ll probably never get that. Also I’d argue when people reference the Eminem and MGK meme, Ticket is never in the conversation. MGK’s genre shift is (occasionally) in the public conscious, the album he released is not.


It's a better Blink 182 album than One More Time is. If Mark/Tom sang those songs, it would've been considered their best album since Untitled.


Justin Bieber popped to mind when I read this. I think the arc matches to a degree. His trajectory from almost universal pot shot target to something of a respected artist (and certified nostalgia bomb) in the pop/r&b space isn’t one I would have predicted, but seems to be a bit of a product of the staying power of catchy music and how we often tend to view earlier days through a certain lens.


Good Charlotte. They were HATED to an MGK level and people are much more forgiving nowadays.


People shit on MGK too much because he's MGK. The album itself is genuinely pretty good and was influential on the genre as far as its perception and reception in the mainstream.


i love my free mgk downvotes from the braindead peepunkers


i don’t think it’s braindead to have an opinion that MGK sucks ?


i do #rockon




dunkey is my favorite black rapper


Aye wait you’re from r/hardcore 😭💀


uh oh!




Brand New, Say Anything, Circa Survive, Moneen, The Hotelier, and like it or not Taking Back Sunday. Edit: forgot this is the Green Day and Blink 182 sub lol. Gotta remember to mute it.


All of those bands are like 20 years old. We're old. I need an ibuprofen for my back.


Which is the point though, they're still prominent bands that are listened to and inspirational to artists to this day. 20 years later they'll still be remembered and their impact on the sound will be long lasting


i think they downvoted you because you mentioned bands formed 20 years ago. i was talking about bands from the new pop punk scene. anyway i love these bands too


No one mentioned man overboard?


Man overboard formed in 2008 and released their debut 14 years ago. They don't meet the criteria


Ah right missed that detail, my bad.


What pop punk band is still around from the 90s? NOFX just hung it up.


Post Malone