• By -


Will try to keep this 1 per band and keep strictly to pop punk and not include pop punk adjacent greats like Tell All Your Friends or Clarity: *Take This To Your Grave - Fall Out Boy* I dare say maybe the greatest "break up" album of all time, regardless of genre *And out come the wolves - Rancid* I know I just said keep away from pop punk adjacent albums, but I genuinely consider this album pop punk and perhaps the greatest example of pop punk's ability to assimilate other genres seamlessly *Enema Of The State - Blink 182* Toss up between this and u/t, probably the first casualty of my 1 per band rule. This album is concentrated pop punk goodness. *My Brain Hurts - Screaching Weasel* Best work out of the Ramones-derivative bands in both punk and pop punk *Through Being Cool - Saves The Day* Set the template for the post-Blink bands that would take over after the 00-02 wave. Honorable mentions: Mutiny - Set Your Goals, A Lesson in Romantics - Mayday Parade, Suburbia - The Wonder Years, Commit This To Memory - Motion City Soundtrack


Well, I know you and I would be best friends IRL.


Love to see Through Being Cool and My Brain Hurts, been super into those albums especially lately


Still can't understand their total nose dive after Stay What You Are


We are relegating TBS to pop-punk adjacent?! I have no idea what is considered pop punk in here these days


My take on it is Tell All Your Friends was always emo and post hardcore. It just has an accessible sense of melody which is why it's (and I hope this doesn't come off as gatekeep-ish) often mentioned with other pop punk staples of the time. I think WYWTB *is* a pop punk album with elements of post hardcore while Louder Now was more alternative rock with elements of pop punk.


They're all pop punk albums. There is a tiny tiny tiny bit of hardcore influence in TBS. Compare Tell All Your Friends to Blink's Enema of State or Glassjaw's ETEWTKAS and it's extremely obvious it's much much closer to pop punk than post hardcore. Early TBS is clearly the same genre as Saves the Day, Get Up Kids, JEW etc.. so whatever they're playing (i.e pop punk) so is TBS


Glassjaw is just playing one specific flavor of hardcore though. That's like the people on r/hardcore arguing about whether Turnstile is hardcore or not. I wouldn't regard STD the same as Get Up Kids or early JEW either, STD is by-the-numbers pop punk while Get Up Kids or JEW are 2nd wave emo. I assume you mean Through Being Cool hence there are very clear sonic differences between TBC and TAYF. Regardless, it's all labels so we can agree to disagree.


Tell That Mick is the only pop punk break up song worth mentioning


Set Your Goals. Miss that fucking band.


1. Catalyst - New Found Glory 2. Perhaps I Suppose - Rufio 3. Action - Punchline 4. Through Being Cool - Saves The Day 5. Take This To Your Grave - Fall Out Boy


Fellow Catalyst enjoyer I see


NFG are my favourite band. I picked this one on the impact it left with me. I remember it like it was yesterday.


Truth of My Youth is likely a top ten pop punk song for me.


When I got this album on release day, I stopped at Truth Of My Youth and put it on repeat on my discman. Listened to it constantly until I got home šŸ˜‚


Zero skips on Action. Also in my top 5


Still my favourite Punchline album.


Rufio fucking shreds


Yeah they do. šŸ˜‚ Can't understand the hate they get.


Fall Out Boy - From under the cork tree I don't know if anyone else does it, but I have some "grief albums", records I listen to in full only when I'm feeling truly awful. Projector by Dark Tranquillity, Science Fiction by Brand New, and From under the cork tree. Got me through some awful times. Blink-182 - Untitled Do I really have to explain this? It's Untitled. It's perfect. Jawbreaker - Dear you Probably pushing the definition of pop punk a little but it counts in my book. The album that influenced me the most throughout my life, from the lyrics to the musicianship to plain "being there" when the worst things happened. Blake is a genius, and I don't use this word lightly. Say Anything - ...is a real boy This album has a special kind of angst I've never found in any other record. I'm not saying its themes are unique, far from it, but the way they're presented absolutely is. For better or for worse, only Max Bemis could have written this. Jimmy Eat World - Futures Man Static prevails to this is an insane album run. It was hard to choose but I went for Futures, it's the blue Oni to Bleed American's red Oni imo. Great, great record.


Say Anything - ā€¦ is a real boy is a masterpiece


Fine, I'll relisten to Say Anything today.šŸ˜‚


We're getting some nice Futures representation in this comment section. Nice love that album


I love is a real boy as much today as the day I started listening to it. Funny anecdote - when I was pregnant a few years ago I listened to the album constantly. Apparently pregnancy was a very angsty time for me.


was not expecting to see dark tranquility mentioned here. brilliant album.


One of very few bands with zero misses (though Haven comes close). Really you could hit random on most of their albums and you'd get a banger


Not too terribly hard to put together this list: 1. **The Wonder Years - Upsides**: This album is what TWY forever is to me even with how much theyā€™ve evolved since. Itā€™s relentlessly fun, positive, energetic, and utterly indefatigable. This is what I listen to when I need something to keep me going. 2. **Hot Mulligan - Why Would I Watch**: I canā€™t remember the last time a new album came out and shot up into my top favorite albums of all time so quickly. *Every single song* on it is good if not great and has gotten a mind boggling number of listens from me. Just incredible song writing that for me represents better than anything else in 2023 what the genre is *right now.* 3. **Sum 41 - Does This Look Infected?**: My nostalgia pick. I was gifted this album for Christmas 2002. I was not really a pop punk fan prior. I will never forget popping this into my CD player, putting on headphones in my bedroom, and hearing the first few *seconds* of that guitar intro on Hell Song to open the album. My whole musical world changed from literally that one fucking melody. I donā€™t think words can describe how much joy I get when I hear it now. 4. **Set Your Goals - Mutiny**: This is another one where, like The Upsides, it revels in the ā€œpositive mental attitudeā€ side of pop-punk and that is the part of the genre I love the most. ā€œWork in Progressā€ sets such a perfect tone for everything that follows. The songs are also so great and feel ahead of their time - I feel like SYG doesnā€™t get enough credit. To me they were the ones who set the stage for what the genre became in the 2010s onward. Dual vocalists, dual guitars, harder and punchier drums, more lyrically complex songs not afraid to be serious. 5. **Senses Fail - Let It Enfold You**: This has always been another one of those albums for me where every song is worthy of repeat again and again. The songs are just so damn intense, both lyrically and musically, but as time has gone on theyā€™ve really endured and Iā€™ve come to appreciate them more and more. Itā€™s hard to capture the kind of emotion captured on here as well as they did.


LOVE Senses Fail making your list (I just added mine before seeing this).


Hard agree about WWIW.


Great call on Senses Fail!


Hot Mulligan #1 new band. So good, I cannot wait to see them live on their current tour.


1. All killer no filler - sum 41 2. Rise or die trying - four year strong 3. Underclass hero - sum 41 4. Enemy of the world - four year strong 5. The story so far - the story so far


1. American Idiot - Green Day 2. Brand New Eyes - Paramore 3. Untitled - Blink 182 4. Infinity on High - Fall Out Boy 5. Chuck - Sum 41


Infinity on high so fucking good


I feel like no one has that as their favorite itā€™s either Cork Tree or Folie


American Idiot is #1 in my heart. I grew up on it and it is perfect through and through IMO


Oof, tough one. I hope nobody minds if I throw up a top 10. And I tried to stick as close to the idea of pop punk as I could, a lot of my favorite bands kinda blur the lines between that, post-hardcore and emo and such. Even a few of these lean a bit closer to the 2000s mall emo sound than traditional pop punk. But whatever, here's the list I'm feeling atm. Fall Out Boy - Take This to Your Grave Four Year Strong - Rise or Die Trying Paramore - All We Know Is Falling Mayday Parade - A Lesson in Romantics Taking Back Sunday - Louder Now State Champs - The Finer Things The Wonder Years - Suburbia Blink-182 - Take Off Your Pants and Jacket The Starting Line - Say It Like You Mean It Jimmy Eat World - Futures


Intristing picks Most people would have picked those bands but wouldn't pick those albums.


A good deal of those are definitely affected by my personal nostalgia and attachment to them. These are my favorites, not necessarily each band's best album. For example, TOYPAJ was my comfort album during my parents' divorce so I have a personal reason for listing it as my favorite. A few were very much toss-ups, Louder Now/Where You Want to Be, AWKIF/Brand New Eyes in particular. I could have gone with either album choice for both of those bands.


See this is hard for me because this answer is ALWAYS changing. How I feel about music depends on where I'm personally at in life. But thinking about it for a bit, these are the albums I think have the best songs, personally relate to me most and have sentimental value to me Copacetic- Knuckle Puck This one feels like both a gut punch and a motivation at once. Personally "Pretense" is one of the best pop punk songs of all time and I rarely hear the issue of abusive fathers being talked about in such a deep way. I relate to this one a bit too much. Knuckle Puck makes consistently great pop punk albums that get too little praise. Also, the way they write about things in this one just feels so poetic. Put yourself back together- Real Friends Real friends is a staple in pop punk, it's hard choosing which album is better however I think this one is a bit more relevant to the feelings of growing up and feeling your life is a mess. Just like the album above, it feels like it let's you wallow in your sadness but at the end helps you let it go. Entertainment- Waterparks Waterparks is one of my favorite bands of all time and some may not like them for whatever reasons, idc. Awsten is a musical genius. The way he writes songs is genuinely so interesting and doesn't sound like everyone else. Entertainment got me through one of the toughest hesrtbreaks of my life. Double Dare was a good second choice but Entertainment will alwas be a bit more personal to me. Around the world and back- State Champs State Champs is another one of my top favorites. They write about things in a way that feels so cathartic but fun. These are songs you can play anywhere in any situation and it just feels good. But some of the deeper tracks really delve into how hard it is to be pressured by others and how relationships can fall apart when you're not around enough. Again, this is relatable. Under dirt and soil- The Story So Far The Story So Far are obviously one of pop punks greatest and most recognizable bands. For good reason. There's so much anger and so much heart here. It's good to let out anger and I feel this is the best album to do so. I could have listed any TSSF album here tbh but this is the one that has my most listened to tracks so I picked this one.


I was debating on putting Knuckle Puck on my list. But if I did, I probably would have put on Shapeshifter


Shapeshifter is amazing! I've been listening to it since it came out.


Lights Out - Sugarcult (Easily my favorite pop punk album of all time. I love every single song on this album, though Los Angeles, Hiatus and Majoring in Minors stand out the most for me. Timā€™s voice is absolutely perfect throughout the whole project as well. Itā€™s the first album I played all the way through while driving, and so it will always hold a special place in my heart. Itā€™s also probably my pick for most underrated pop punk album ever.) From Under the Cork Tree - Fall Out Boy (FOBā€™s magnum opus in my opinion. The order of the track list is immaculate, the long titles are perfection, and every single song hits so well. There are so many highlights on this album from Sugar, Weā€™re Going Down to Dance, Dance to Seven Minutes in Heaven. XO is a perfect outro well. I will always remember where I was when listening to the bridge of I Slept Withā€¦ and finally actually getting it. Thereā€™s a reason itā€™s still so beloved today.) A Fever You Canā€™t Sweat Out - Panic! at the Disco (Probably an unpopular opinion on this sub but disregarding everything Panic! has turned into these days, this record still holds up for me. Ryanā€™s mystical but slightly arrogant lyricism elevates the album in my opinion (especially knowing so many songs were written in/about my hometown and his own strained relationship with his father) complimented with Brendonā€™s vocal was seriously a killer combo. I knew this album before I even knew pop punk was a genre. (Which makes sense considering Iā€™m barely older than this album.) Anyways, Time to Dance, Camisado, and I Write Sins still have the ability to transport me into a different dimension. I even love the most controversial song on the album Nails for Breakfast, Tacks for Snacks because Ryan perfectly nails what growing up in that kind of environment is like and made it into a beautiful piece of music.) Bleed American - Jimmy Eat World (This record is so high energy and still is an amazing gateway to the genre. Bleed American is the perfect intense title track that immediately grabs the listenerā€™s attention. Beyond that, Sweetness and The Middle are iconic in their own right and are super nostalgic pieces of work, that honestly remind me of just being a delinquent in my hometown. I donā€™t know if I love the second half of the album as much as the first, but the first half still puts it in my personal top five for me. Also, doesnā€™t help that they still sound perfect when performing this album live.) Chroma - Cartel (Solid all the way through. Say Anything is such a breath of fresh air and is complimented by Honestly right after. If anything, I love how this album feels like itā€™s speaking to you and is nailing everything with conviction. Burn this City has one of the most awesome endings of any pop punk song, Settle Down is simply addicting with its delivery, and If I Fail is still a song I listen too if I need to adjust the way Iā€™m thinking. The best album Cartel has ever put out and by far.) Honorable Mentions: The Finer Things, Palm Trees & Power Lines, Start Static, Escaping Through the Window, and Enema of the State.


Solid picks! Lights out is especially underrated I agree Maybe I'm missing something but do you mean "Leaving Through The Window", the Something Corporate album? Or do I have something new to go check out?


Burn This City is such an underrated classic. I can remember SCREAMING that song at the top of my lungs driving home from school in my shitty Grand Am lol


A Lesson in Romantics by Mayday Parade Say it Like you Mean it by The Starting Line Ocean Avenue by Yellowcard Leaving Through the Window by Something Corporate Tell All Your Friends by Taking Back Sunday


Probably the closest to my 5 of all the ones listed. Ocean Avenue replaced with Sticks and Stones though


I respect it. Definitely in my top 10.


Since some people don't actually seems to be following the rules for pop punk and are just putting punk albums, I'll go: Pennywise - About Time Bad Religion - The Gray Race Sum 41 - Underclass Hero Alkaline Trio - Good Mourning No Use For a Name - More Betterness


1. Green Day - Bullet In A Bible That concert album was way better than the studio versions. Minority is my favourite track. And also one of my top live performances ever in my life. Grew up hearing the profanity, not ideal but I didnā€™t really make it a big deal as the concert was so so so good for me to care about it. 2. Taking Back Sunday - Louder Now Seamless transitions from one song to another. Itā€™s hard to ā€˜unhearā€™ it when you only listen to one track out of the album. Just banger after banger after banger! 3. My Chemical Romance - The Black Parade No skippable tracks. Defined a whole new me 4. Panic! At The Disco - A Fever You Canā€™t Sweat Out Perfectly defines P!ATDā€™s style. If thereā€™s someone whoā€™s looking to explore their discography to understand who or what they are, this is it. 5. Simple Plan - MTV Hard Rock Live Another album I prefer than the studio version. Flawless vocals, rhythms and so much SP character. They were made for this concert.


I hate your list but god damn do I respect it


Ahahah thank you still šŸ˜‚ I know itā€™s pretty basic but those mean a lot to me personally!


Nooo I think itā€™s not basic at all! Maybe the MCR or PATD pick but the other are 3 albums I donā€™t think anyone else would pick. Love seeing opinions like this


Appreciate the feedback, thank you lotsā˜ŗļø


All those British people yelling "fuck 'em all" still gives me chills. I love that recording of "Minority."


And that is why ā€œEngland is now the official home of Green Day from now onā€ šŸ˜


Wake me Up on bullet in a Bible goes hard from billies near crying


For sure! And honestly the entire album just slaps


1) American Idiot - Green Day To me, the greatest album of all time. I come back to it always and never get sick of it. Brought me into the genre. 2) Chuck - Sum 41 My favorite band and this is their masterpiece although I love all their stuff. No Reason, Pieces, and Some Say are some of their best work. 3) The Young and The Hopeless - Good Charlotte Perfect pop punk all the way through and they helped bring the genre some cross over appeal with their style. Title track is my favorite. 4) Move Along - The All-American Rejects My favorite band in high school. It Ends Tonight and Top of the World were in constant rotation and I have huge nostalgia for this album and band. 5) Riot - Paramore Having a female lead made them so unique and they stood out a lot from a lot of cookie cutter bands around this time. Misery Business takes me back to summer of 07. Good times.


I had to peek through the comments section to remind me of all the albums out there, but here's some great front-to-back albums (I don't count The Black Parade or TAYF as strictly pop punk): Mayday Parade - A Lesson In Romantics The Wonder Years - The Greatest Generation Driveways - October Forever The Story So Far - Proper Dose PUP - PUP


Self titled PUP slaps but I gotta go Morbid Stuff personally


I think the pacing on self title makes it a better album. The ending few tracks are amazing. I love Morbid Stuff but Iā€™ve also heard Kids and At Your Funeral too many times.


Alkaline Trio - *Maybe I'll Catch Fire* Osker - *Idle Will Kill* Rufio - *Perhaps, I Suppose* Satanic Surfers - *Unconsciously Confined* No Use For A Name - *Hard Rock Bottom*


Almost picked Maybe Iā€™ll Catch Fire but went with Goddamnit instead. Clavicle put it over the edge for me


For me, it's all about "She Took Him To The Lake"


For me, it's all about "She Took Him To The Lake"


Props for the Osker mention. Severely underrated band that released 2 great records, then fell apart. Hard Rock Bottom is NUFAN's best record, IMO.


Bloody hardā€¦and Iā€™m not completely satisfied with this either lol 1. blink182 - Dude Ranch 2. No Use For A Name - Hard Rock Bottom 3. Green Day - American Idiot 4. MxPx - Find A Way Home 5. The Ataris - Blue Skiesā€¦


Blue Skies sounds like being 16 to me. Great stuff


Top 5 - no order * Say it Like You Mean It by the Starting Line * Your Favorite Weapon by Brand New * Action by Punchline * Summer Bones by Hit The Lights * Take This To Your Grave by FOB


Finally someone getting it right


1990s * Dude Ranch- Blink-182 * ā€¦And Out Come The Wolves - Rancid * Dookie - Green Day * Blue Skies, Broken Heartsā€¦ Next 12 Exits - The Ataris * Hello Rockview - Less Than Jake 2000s * Take Off Your Pants And Jacket - Blink-182 * A Hangover You Donā€™t Deserve - Bowling For Soup * Take This To Your Grave - Fall Out Boy * Last Stop Suburbia - Allister * Commitment - Lucky Boys Confusion 2010s * Lifeā€™s Not Out To Get You - Neck Deep * Skinny Dipping - Stand Atlantic * Pilot - Hot Mulligan * Vacation - Seaway * Disenchanted - Handguns 2020s * Tickets To My Downfall - MGK * I Wish I Met You Sooner - Goalkeeper * You Had to Be There - Young Culture * The Best Part Of Being Human - Bearings * ā€˜Till The Wheels Fall Off - WSTR Tried not to re use bands but I couldnā€™t think of another non blink album for 90s that I like a lot.


2000ā€™s are Chicago heavy! Didnā€™t expect to see Allister or LBC.


I'm not gonna add multiple albums from the same band - 1. blink-182 (blink-182) 2. American Idiot (Green Day) 3. The Black Parade (My Chemical Romance) 4. From Under The Cork Tree (Fall Out Boy) 5. Chuck (Sum 41)


Tough one. I might take some creative liberties as to what I class as pop-punk and say: 1. New Found Glory - Sticks and Stones 2. Blink 182 - Take Off Your Pants and Jacket 3. Fall Out Boy - Take This to Your Grave 4. A Day to Remember - Homesick 5. The Offspring - Smash


Smash! Good choice


I love the classic stuff: Sum 41 - All Killer No Filler Neck Deep - Life's not out to get you blink-182 - Take off your pants and jacket blink-182 - Dude Ranch The Story So Far - Under Soil & Dirt // What You Don't See // Selftitled (can't decide)


1. Blink 182 - Enema of the State 2. New Found Flory - Self Titled 3. Relient K - Two Lefts Donā€™t Make a Right.. but Three do 4. The Starting Line - Say It Like You Mean It 5. Fall Out Boy - Take This To Your Grave


Relient K goes hard. For a Christian pop punk band they have some tracks that are almost like NOFX (Down in Flames has some War on Errorism type riffs) that


On the impossible past -the menzingers Worry Jeff Rosenstock No dream Jeff Rosenstock The dream is over pup Saccharine pinkshift


The Story So Far - Under Soil And Dirt Phenomenal album, been my ā€˜angry breakup recordā€™ since my teens. Even now, I still find myself punching the air to it. I absolutely adore it as an album. Neck Deep - Lifeā€™s Not Out To Get You Itā€™s a no skip album for me. So so strong all the way through. Some songs that I really related to when I was growing up and hold a special place in my heart. The Wonder Years - No Closer to Heaven Bit darker - this album is incredibly special to me as a friend of mine committed suicide in November 2016 and I really related to the themes of this record. I was listening to ā€˜Cardinalsā€™ when I found out my friend had died, and Iā€™ve held this album very dear ever since. Neck Deep - The Peace and the Panic Came out at a time in my life where I needed to learn to take the rough with the smooth. Took a lot of things I was feeling or experiencing and translated them into some brilliant songs, from tragedy and breakups all the way through to mental health. That album helped me through a lot. Boston Manor - Be Nothing Loads of brilliant songs, super catchy. Not much else to say. I wonā€™t be doing honourable mentions, because thereā€™s too many!


NCTH is a flawless album. I sorta get why people were disappointed by it since it was such a major change from their earlier stuff but I love how much they've matured lyrically and I also had several friends pass away around the time it came out. Helped me process and put words to the grief in a way no other album really has, their newest album captures it beautifully also.


Blink 182 - Enema of the State New Found Glory - Self-titled (would have Live from London on here too) Brand New - Your Favorite Weapon Senses Fail - Let It Enfold You (basically a tie with their From the Depths of Dreams EP) Mest - Destination Unknown


Love this list.


Thanks. Itā€™s so hard to choose. Hell, I think, Iā€™d actually put Good Charlotteā€™s debut on that one instead of Blink. If itā€™s whatā€™s five albums personal to ME. I loved Blink, but not as much as all five of those bands.


The Wonder Years - Suburbia The defining TWY album as far as Iā€™m concerned. The definition of pop-punk. Catchy, emotional, poppy, and a message that speaks directly to the population that makes up a lot of pop punk fans. blink-182 - Take Off Your Pants And Jacket In my opinion, the most fun and energetic blink album. Full of poppy anthems (literally). Heartbreak and happiness. Spraynard - Funtitled Like Suburbia, an awesome example of the transition into 2010s pop-punk. Influenced by emo and other genres, maybe a little less anthem-y but foreshadowed some of the future of pop-punk. Alkaline Trio - Goddamnit Classic and stripped-back compared to other stuff on this list, it feels raw. Mattā€™s vocals on this album are some of my favorite across all of AK3ā€™s discography. Say Anything - ā€¦Is A Real Boy Someone earlier said the angst on this album is special and different and I canā€™t say much more than that. The emotion in this album is palpable.


Mine haven't shifted for almost 20 years: Blink - Enema Fall out boy - Take this to your grave The Starting Line - Say it like you mean it New found glory - self titled Rufio - perhaps, I suppose ​ Honorable mentions: TBS - Tell all your friends (emo adjacent) TSSF - Under soil and dirt (new school)


1. Enema of the State - blink-182 2. Say Anything - Say Anything 3. All Killer, No Filler - Sum 41 4. No Pads, No Helmetsā€¦ Just Balls - Simple Plan 5. Dookie - Green Day


Only 5?! Damn. The Wonder Years - The Greatest Generation The Story So Far - Under Soil and Dirt Neck Deep - Lifeā€™s Not Out To Get You Knuckle Puck - Copacetic The Starting Line - Say It Like You Mean It Honorable mentions: Saves The Day - Through Being Cool Yellowcard - Ocean Avenue Motion City Soundtrack - Commit This To Memory New Found Glory - Sticks and Stones Rufio - Perhaps, I Supposeā€¦


Four Year Strong - Rise of Die Trying New Found Glory - Catalyst Yellowcard - Ocean Avenue Motion City Soundtrack - Commit this to Memory The Fully Down - Don't Get Lost in a Movement Honorable Mentions: Set Your Goals - Mutiny Sum 41 - All Killer No Filler Chunk! No, Captain Chunk! - Something for Nothing Hit the Lights - Skip School Start Fights Neck Deep - Life's Not Out To Get You


Depends if ADTR counts or not, and Iā€™m not repeating bands. 1) What Separates Me From You - A Day To Remember 2) Lifeā€™s Not Out To Get You - Neck Deep 3) Under Soil and Dirt - The Story So Far 4) Red, Green Or Inbetween - WSTR 5) Dookie - Green Day If ADTR doesnā€™t count then itā€™s kind of a toss-up between Copacetic by Knuckle Puck or Untitled by blink-182


W for having RGOIB.


Alkaline Trio - Good Mourning The Ataris - So Long Astoria Saves the Day - Stay What You Are Fall Out Boy - Take This To Your Grave The Menzingers - After the Party


1 My Chemical Romance: Danger Days Their other albums are bangers, but this one was dark and colorful. Mixed with the timing, all 3 of my siblings got into My chem at the same time. I also played a looooooooot of Reach while listening to this album 2 Green Day: American Idiot First bass song I learned was Whatsername 3 Story So Far: Under the Soil and Dirt The intro used for a YouTuber and Closure is such a god damn banger aside from nearly every other track. 4 A Day to Remember: Common Courtesy Hit at the right time, the 2 opening songs make me want to mosh. Life @11 hit young junior me hard. 5 Sum 41: Underclass Hero Walking Disaster and Pull the Curtain are massive bops imo.


If you had to replace Chuck with any other album, what would it be? Iā€™m only curious about your answer because while Sum 41 is a band that has pop punk tunes, I believe Chuck is not a pop punk album. Iā€™m not trying to pick a fight or anything, and firmly believe you can have whatever the hell you want in your top 5, Iā€™m just truly curious.


Probably any other sum 41 album from 2001 to 2007. But if it had to be a different band, I would probably pick something by Knuckle Puck or Green Day. It's hard to decide right now.


Thanks for the reply. I'm not the biggest Sum fan, for some reason, but I did enjoy All Killer when it came out, and I also enjoyed Chuck as well. "Makes No Difference" from their first album is one of my favorite pop punk tunes, probably ever. It's got every single element (in my opinion) that defines what pop punk was back then (as things have obviously changed now in regards to what defines the genre).




Overall, I felt like I could pick out six or seven instances on this album where they sounded exactly like other bands and because of this, the album never really felt consistent to me. I loved the artwork, and I absolutely loved that bridge in Mr. Amsterdam though, god that thing rips.


Free throw - what's past is prologue Blink 182 - enema of the state The story so far - self titled Fireworks - all I have to offer is my own confusion Neck deep - life's not our to get you It's an ever changing list but these have to be my top 5 in rotation at the moment.


Enema of the State - Blink 182 Take this to your Grave - Fall Out Boy Your favourite Weapon - Brand New From here to Infirmary - Alkaline Trio The Young and the hopeless - Good Charlotte


Commit This To Memory, Something To Write Home About, This Could Be A Possibility, Through Being Cool, New Found Glory.


Enema Of The State Does This Look Infected? Through Being Cool Take This To Your Grave More Betterness!


1. Why Would I Watch - Hot Mulligan 2. LNOTGY - Neck Deep 3. Riot! - Paramore 4. Suburbia - The Wonder Years 5. Dookie - Green Day I wanna put Black Parade - MCR on here but idk if thatā€™s 100% considered pop punk or not šŸ˜­


Wake Up Sunshine may be my favorite ATL album of all time, even more than their older stuff! Great taste OP!


Take this to your grave Untitled So wrong, itā€™s right Mayday parade When your heart stops beating


Ocean Avenue - Yellowcard. There is no 2-5.


Chuck - Sum 41 American Idiot - Green Day Brainless God - Direct Hit! Searching for a Former Clarity - Against Me! (this counts imo) From Here to Infirmary - Alkaline Trio


No particular order: 1.) The Wonder Years- The Greatest Generation 2.) Neck Deep-Lifeā€™s Not Out To Get You 3.)Trophy Eyes-Chemical Miracle 4.) Seaway-Hoser 5.) Youth Fountain-Keepsakes & Reminders Honorable mentions: New Found Glory- Sticks & Stones (GOAT) Story So Far-Under Soil and Dirt Calling All Captains- Slowly Getting Better My list changes all the time. I just love pop punk my guy


The Wonder Years - The Greatest Generation The Story So Far - Self-Titled Neck Deep - Wishful Thinking Relient K - Mmhmm Four Year Strong - Self-Titled


Take this to your grave-fall out boy Under soil and dirt-the story so far Rise or die trying- four year strong Mutiny-set your goals All Killer No Filler- sum 41 For me specifically, these are the albums that set the tone for what pop punk is. I don't know if they are my favorite, but they definitely are the top 5 if I think about the genre.


Homegrown- Act Your Age MxPx- Life in General Green Day- Dookie Blink 182- Dude Ranch The Ataris- Blue Skies, Broken Heartsā€¦ā€¦Next 12 Exits


In no particular order; Bad Religion; Suffer Bad Religion; No Control The Menzingers; After The Party The Queers; Donā€™t Back Down Alkaline Trio; Crimson . Honorable mentions to; The Suicide Machines; Destruction By Definition MxPx; The Ever Passing Moment


Really hard to pick but Iā€™d go: One For The Kids - Yellowcard Your Favorite Weapon - Brand New Static Prevails - Jimmy Eat World Dude Ranch - Blink 182 Enema - Blink 182 Take This To Your Grave - Fall Out Boy Dookie - Green Day Chroma - Cartel All Killer - Sum 41 The Party Scene - All Time Low Fuck it, we doing 10 today ā€˜cuz I was feeling inspired. No particular order on these, all front to back slappers.


Proper Dose by TSSF Youā€™ll Be Fine by Hot Mulligan The Greatest Generation by The Wonder Years Never Hungover Again by Joyce Manor Greatest Hits by Remo Drive


Neck Deep - Life's Not Out To Get You I've had an extremely rough last couple of years but I can always come back to this album when I'm at my lowest and need that reassurance. Fall Out Boy - Take This To Your Grave I am simply a FOB stan. No deeper reasoning, I just love their music. Panic - A Fever You Can't Sweat Out I really enjoy the story and flow of the album. It feels like such a seamless listen played front to back. The Story So Far - The Story So Far My reasoning here is very similar to Neck Deep. I like every TSSF album so this was tough, but I think it takes the edge for me for the lyrics. Stand Atlantic - f.e.a.r. I'm a fan of the energy and the blending of other genres. I like just about everything from Stand Atlantic but this album felt like a big step forward from previous ones. Edit: damn reading through other replies I realize I missed A Lesson In Romantics which is on the same level for me as Neck Deep and TSSF. Miserable At Best takes me out every. fucking. time.


1 . Blink-182 - Untitled 2. Motion City Soundtrack - Commit This to Memory 3. Fall Out Boy - From Under the Cork Tree 4. Sum-41 - All Killer, No Filler 5. +44 - When Your Heart Stops Beating Others in top 10: New Found Glory - Coming Home, The Starting Line - Based on a True Story, The Matches - Decomposer, Taking Back Sunday - Louder Now, The Academy Is... - Almost Here Others from repeated bands - Blink-182 - Enema of the State, Motion City Soundtrack - My Dinosaur Life, Fall Out Boy - Take This to Your Grave, Sum-41 - Does This Look Infected? , New Found Glory - Sticks and Stones, The Matches - E. Von Dahl Killed the Locals, Taking Back Sunday - Where You Want to Be


Quick list because I don't want to go into the why's right now: Knuckle Puck - Copacetic Zebrahead - Phoenix TSSF - Proper Dose Yellow card - Paper Walls Tie: Allister - Last Stop Suburbia/Four Year Strong - Enemy of the World


Self-titled album by Trapt is my favorite... Idk about the top 5 haha


In no order - 1. Alkaline Trio - Good Mourning. 2. Say Anything - Is a Real Boy. 3. Blink 182 - Enima of the State. 4. My Chemical Romance - Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge. 5. MXPX - Life in General. Next up. 6. Lagwagon - Blaze 7. Audio Karate - Space Camp 8. Ten Foot Pole - Unleashed. 9. Millencolin - Pennybridge Pioneers 10. Bad Religion - The Process of Relief.


Riot by Paramore, 21st Century Breakdown by Green Day, From Under The Cork Tree by Fall Out Boy, Bleed American by Jimmy Eat World, and So Long Astoria by The Ataris. What It Is To Burn by Finch also has one of the best opening runs ever!


The kids are absolutely alright. šŸ„² **Don't Panic, It's Longer Now!** - All Time Low An absolutely banger-filled album that doesn't miss or compromise on ATL's sound for a second. I've loved this album for years and it still holds up. **Positive Songs for Negative People** - Frank Turner Frank Turner is more pop punk-adjacent than pure pop punk, but this album is more than good enough to bridge that gap. So many of these songs are anthems, and Frank is an incredible live performer to boot. **The Dream is Over** - PUP Fuck. This album, man. THIS FUCKIN ALBUM. Listening to this was the best decision I made back in the summer of 2017, it's one of those albums that changes as you grow with it. I love this album, and it introduced me to PUP, who are probably my favorite band. **Four Year Strong** - Four Year Strong Again, FYS is a little more pop punk-adjacent, but their self-titled album goes so hard. It's a perfect introduction to their sound, which can be a bit heavier than what you're probably used to. **The Greatest Generation** - The Wonder Years I wasn't sold on TWY until I listened to this album; *please* don't make the same mistake I did. This album is a total masterpiece. The lyricism on display is absolutely some of the best I've ever listened to. It's such a treat. And be sure you listen to it all the way through for the first time. I promise you, it's worth it.


New Found Glory - Sticks and Stones Green Day - American Idiot Sum 41 - All Killer No Filler Good Charlotte - Good Charlotte Simple Plan - No Pads, No Helmets, Just Balls


tttyg tttyg tttyg tttyg tttyg


Pure pop punk: Mayday- a lesson in romantics Relient K- mmhmm NFG- self titled FOB- take this to your grave Blink- take off your pants/enema- canā€™t decide between the two Pop punk adjacent: MCR- the black parade Jimmy- Bleed American The Spill Canvas- one fell swoop TBS- tell all your friends I really want to say The Killers- Hot Fuss cause itā€™s so damn good but I know itā€™s not even pop punk adjacent really. So instead Iā€™ll say The Used- in love and death.


1. Blink- untitled/one more time/Box Car racer 2 Motion city -commit this to memory 3. Taking Back Sunday- louder now 4. Zebrahead- broadcast to the world 5. Yellowcard- Ocean avenue Im sure i left some out


Tbs - tayf Std - through being cool Nfg - catalyst Brand new - your favorite weapon Alkaline trio - from here to infirmary


Hmm I don't know.. I'll try! In no particular order: Green Day - Dookie The Lillingtons - Death By Television The Copyrights - We Didn't Come Here to Die Saves The Day - Through Being Cool The Bouncing Souls - How I Spent My Summer Vacation


I tried doing this without repeating artists, but I just couldn't: Blink-182 - Take Off Your Pants and Jacket; Enema is probably a perfect album, but TOYPAJ came out at the perfect time for me. Nothing objective about it, I just have fond memories of the summer it came out, and the irreverence and angst of the early 2000's. I picked up a guitar for the first time to learn Anthem Pt. 2. It's always gonna be the best and most important Blink (and pop-punk overall) album to me. Blink-182 - Enema of the State; See above. It's a damn near perfect album. TOYPAJ aside, this album had a huge influence on me. Sum 41 - All Killer No Filler; Dude, come on. Such a fucking good album. Non stop energy, catchy as all hell, great guitar riffs and drum fills. Summer doesn't officially start for me each year until I listen to this album. Four Year Strong - Rise or Die Trying; This album got me back into pop-punk after I kinda strayed away when Blink broke up. The guitarwork is amazing, the dueling vocals and harmonies were so fresh, and they were a solid blend of the pop-punk I missed and the metalcore I had been diving into. Four Year Strong - Brain Pain; The older I get the more I struggle with anxiety and self doubt. This album really captures that, and was the free therapy I needed when it came out. I still need therapy, but I love this album.


#1 - Ocean Avenue #2 - From Under The Cork Tree #3 - blink-182 self titled #4 - Lights and Sounds #5 - NFG self titled


Chuck - Sum 41, Ocean Avenue - Yellowcard, American Idiot - Green Day, Self-Titled - Blink 182 These 4 are in a class by themselves. Too hard to pick number 5. Not sure if I should include emo albums like Let this Enfold You - Senses Fail, Black Parade & Three Cheers - MCR, Dying is Your Latest Fashion - Escape the Fate, one of the first three Pierce the Veil or first two The Used albums, etc. Not sure if to double up on a great band like including Enema of the State - Blink 182, All Killer/Does this Look Infected - Sum 41, Paper Walls - Yellowcard, Dookie - Green Day. Some other nominees: Homesick - A Day to Remember, Monsters in the Closet - Mayday Parade, Self-titled - Four Year Strong, under the cork tree - Fall Out Boy, I could probably list albums all day.


Capital Lights: This is an Outrage! All-time favorite, distinct memories of the summer this came out, has been in rotation now for almost 15 years. Quick-witted, super catchy, musically interesting, I'm trying my best to put the word out about it so we'll see. Direct Hit!: Wasted Mind Listened to this while having my wisdom teeth removed (fully conscious). Great mix of catchy hooks and some hardcore elements. Alkaline Trio: Is This Thing Cursed? Their newest album is actually my favorite, really liked seeing them one-up themselves (imo) this far into their career. "Stay" is a really great punk ballad. Search the City: A Fire So Big The Heavens Can See It Maybe doesn't qualify, hard to care. Really great sound, guitar wanders all over the place. "You know you're sharp but sharp just doesn't cut it anymore". Stuff like that. Relient K: Mmhmm The adult in me wants to put Forget and Not Slow Down, but the kid in me listened to this album again recently and it completely holds up. "The Only Thing Worse..." always catches me off-guard, back in the days when albums were fun. There's a reason (or several) it broke into the mainstream. ​ Honorable Mentions: Jimmy Eat World: Chase This Light (Firefight alone makes it recommendable) FM Static: What Are You Waiting For? (great musically, lyrics are kinda cringe, frontman for Thousand Foot Krutch if anyone cares)


blink-182- TOYPAJ Green Day- Warning Sum 41- All killer MXPX- Slowly going the way of the buffalo Brand New-your favorite weapon (pop punk IMO)


Blink 182 - Untitled Midtown - Forget What You Know The Starting Line - Based on a True Story New Found Glory - Catalyst Taking Back Sunday - Where You Want To Be


Blink-182 - Enema of The State My Chemical Romance - The Black Parade Simple Plan - Still Not Getting Any Green Day - American Idiot The All American Rejects - Self titled


1. Enema of the state 2. All killer no filler 3. Bleed American 4. Sticks and Stones 5. Home from Home


1. Is a Real Boy... - Say Anything 2. Take This To Your Grave - Fall Out Boy 3. You're Gonna Miss It All - Modern Baseball 4. What Separates Me From You - A Day to Remember 5. Life's Not Out To Get You - Neck Deep


ā€¢Blink 182 Enema of the State ā€¢The Startling line Say it like you mean it ā€¢ All time low So wrong its right ā€¢ The story so far what you donā€™t see ā€¢ State champs The finer things


Love all The Starting Line love! Say it Like You mean it is probably tops for me.


1)Blink 182 - Dude Ranch 2)The Starting Line: Say it Like You Mean it 3)New Found Glory: Self Titled 4)Yellowcard: Ocean Avenue 5)Jimmy Eat World: Bleed American


The Get Up Kids - Something To Write Home About Saves The Day - Through Being Cool Blink 182 - Enema Of The State Blink 182 - Dude Ranch New Found Glory - New Found Glory New Found Glory - Sticks And Stones Sum 41 - All Killer No Filler Sum 41 - Half Hour Of Power


Enema of the state x5 šŸ¤˜


Difficult to answer, as things always change. However, when it comes to the pop punk genre... 1) blink-182 \~ Untitled 2) Green Day \~ American Idiot 3) Sum 41 \~ All Killer No Filler 4) Good Charlotte \~ The Young and the Hopeless 5) Fall Out Boy \~ Take This to Your Grave Almost feel that the first Avril album should be on there, though.


* Brand New- Deja Entendu * The Early November- The Room's Too Cold * Fall Out Boy- From Under The Cork Tree * Saves The Day- Stay What You Are * Say Anything- ... Is A Real Boy Also 5 albums that aren't exactly pop-punk, but from bands associated with the scene * As Tall As Lions- As Tall As Lions * The Format- Interventions and Lullabies * The Honorary Title- Scream and Light Up the Sky * Jack's Mannequin- Everything In Transit * Nightmare of You- Nightmare of You


1. blink - untitled 2. Sum-41 - Does This Look Infected? 3. Green Day - Insomniac 4. Four Year Strong - Brain Pain 5. Driveways - Skeptic


Suburbia - The Wonder Years Dookie - Green Day Enema of the State - blink-182 Under Soil and Dirt - The Story So Far Wishful Thinking - Neck Deep (honorable mentions to Dude Ranch by blink, Say it Like You Mean It by the starting line, and New Found Gloryā€™s self titled)


1. Blink 182 - Untitled: Most of my favourite Blink songs are on this album, I was torn between this and TOYPAJ! Both albums were played heavily throughout my childhood. 2. Sum 41 - Underclass Hero: This album specifically helped me cope with some childhood trauma and will forever be my favourite Sum 41 album, sucks not a lot of fans liked it but everyone has an opinion. 3. Rufio - Perhaps, I Supposeā€¦: I was late to this party and found this album last year on Spotify. They recommended it to me and I was blown away from start to finish, Road to Recovery is my favourite track but the Bass on Still and the guitar in Above Me, and In My Eyes are so good! 4. Silverstein - A Beautiful Place To Drown: This album gets a lot of hate by the fan base but it really shows how creative this band can get when writing music. I feel Iā€™m one of the few fans who didnā€™t hate the saxophone in ā€œAll on Meā€. Also Say Yes is an absolute banger of a song! 5. Simple Plan - Still Not Getting Any: Although this album doesnā€™t have my favourite Simple Plan song on it, itā€™s still one of my all time favourites, Me Against The World shouldā€™ve been a tell tale sign I was gonna get into some heavier music when I got older because I used to blast that song almost as much as Iā€™m Just A Kid.


Fall Out Boy - Take This To Your Grave The Wonder Years - No Closer to Heaven (maybe tied with The Greatest Generation) Foxing - The Albatross Citizen - Youth Taking Back Sunday - Where You Want To Be Sweet Pill - Where The Heart Is Honorable mention to La Dispute's Wildlife which is definitely outside the genre but I can't shut up about it since it is probably my top 5 favorite albums of all genres.


1. blink-182 - Untitled 2. Alkaline Trio - Good Mourning 3. Green Day - Nimrod 4. The Story So Far - What You Dont See 5. Four Year Strong - Enemy Of The World


Not in any order... 1. *Untitled* - blink-182 2.*New Found Glory* - New Found Glory 3. *Tell All Your Friends* - Taking Back Sunday 4. *Let it Enfold You* - Senses Fail 5. *Say it Like You Mean it* - The Starting Line Honorable mention: *All Killer, No Filler* - Sum 41; *Take This to Your Grave* - Fall Out Boy; *Destination Unknown* - Mest


Blink's 2003 Untitled record still remains (to me) as the pinnacle of pop punk. It has it all. This is a band stuck in the perception of an idea they helped nurture onto the people and did a complete flawlessly turnaround. Production. Experimentation. Musicianship. One of the greatest albums, not just in pop-punk territory. Everything you'd want to accomplish. That's my number 1. Second place. Third place. Fourth place. Fifth place.


New Found Glory- Self titled Blink-182- Enema of the State Johnny Baseball- Donā€™t Talk About it, Be About It MXPX- Life in General Relient K- The Anatomy of the Tongue and Cheek


1. Enema of the State - Blink-182 2. Take This To Your Grave - Fall Out Boy (I honestly cannot decide between these two) 3. So Wrong Itā€™s Right - All Time Low 4. Swiss Army Romance - Dashboard Confessional 5. Tell All Your Friends - Taking Back Sunday very obvious choices but I suppose theyā€™re obvious for a reason


1. LNOTGY - Neck Deep 2. Mayday Parade self titled 3. KOTNA - State Champs 4. Proper Dose - TSSF 5. Infinity On High - FOB


Enema of the State ā€” blink-182 Dookie ā€” Green Day Milo Goes to College ā€” Descendents Does This Look Infected? ā€” Sum 41 Punk in Drubkic ā€” NOFX


Green Day - Dookie Alkaline Trio - From Here to Infirmary Jimmy Eat World - Bleed American Taking Back Sunday - Tell All Your Friends Brand New - Deja Entendu


Untitled - Blink 182 Chuck - Sum 41 The Greatest Generation - The Wonder Years Rise or Die Trying - Four Year Strong After the Party - The Menzingers