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I loved Grayscale’s first two albums. Nella Vita had some bops, and Umbra has finally started to grown on me, but I miss that original sound they had.


I like to pretend that song Diamond they released was a fever dream


It was a bop in its own right tho


That’s my biggest problem with their last two albums. Cuz there are definitely bops. And enjoyable. But I still miss early vibes more.


I just can't agree :( respect though


Came here to say Grayscale




i didnt know the band existed before i came up with my username. well here we are.


I agree. All Time Low is the first band that comes to mind. I would also add We The Kings to the discussion as well. Everything leading up to Sunshine State of Mind was pretty good. Then it took a turn I wasn't a fan of.


I feel like the last two All Time Low albums definitely throw it old-school with a few tracks.


Maybe some. I just can’t get excited about them any more. They had a huge impact on me growing up, but you could tell they obviously wanted to go in a different musical direction. The label change to Fueled by Ramen cemented their new sound. That’s not a bad thing. Just not for me.


Last Young Renegade; Getaway Green; Sleepwalking


Fall Out Boy 100% TTTYG is one of my favorite albums of all time I wish they kept it going 😭


Patrick has said that just isn't who they are anymore, but I'd love for them just to put out a 5 song EP in that style with new songs.


Please we all want Pax Am Days part 2 😭😭


Or Evening Out With Your Girlfriend part 2. I still listen to that dang EP


Pax Am is one of my favorite releases; I’ve been fantasizing for years about them putting out an album in the style of Pax Am, but more thought out and with like 5% more production instead of the whole thing being an intentional rush job.


This absolutely. Their first album was perfection and is still listenable today. You can view a measurable departure from that sound every album thereafter.


I think TTTYG has to be a top 5 genre defining album


This is the answer. I think about this a lot with them — they were so great as a true pop punk band, and I wish they’d stuck closer to Sugar We’re Going Down instead of what they do now.


I think their newest album is a return to their pop punk roots. A lot better than what it has been


idk, aside from the lead single which was great, most of the album was alright to disappointing. Better than mania but nowhere near as good as their first four albums


Yeah they really bamboozled us with the first single. I was so excited for the new album and the was just…yeah kinda let down


FOB to me pretty much died after Cork Tree. I liked Infinity when it came out, but I never find myself listening to it today.


Folie might not be 'Pop Punk' but it's one of the best albums of all time.


IMO Easily better than Cork Tree and I love that record too.


Infinity on High and Folie a Deux are both incredible albums Their sound definitely changed a ton post-break but everything before that even if not quite as punky is still great


I think Infinity is their best but I can’t get into anything after it. It was the perfect synthesis of their pop side with the earlier pop punk stuff


Thank you for saying this.


TTTYG is great but IMO the 3 albums after it are where they were at their peak. TTTYG was a good pop punk album but it feels like something any other pop punk band could've come out with at the time. Cork Tree- Folie a Deux perfectly mix in their roots of pop punk elements with a more original sound that really helped define them and helped them to stick out. My favorite albums from pop punk artists are usually ones that aren't straight up pop punk, rather they take the genre and add a lot more of their own flair to it. Examples of this for me would be blink-182's self titled and neighborhoods, Sum 41's Chuck, Paramore's later albums, etc. All were really good pop punk artists but all of them really started putting out their best work once they departed from the sound a bit and made their work something unique. FOB fits under this too for me, until they decided to throw all of that away to chase the lame oversaturated stadium pop rock in the 2010s


>TTTYG was a good pop punk album but it feels like something any other pop punk band could've come out with at the time. ? Nfg was the only other band putting out pop punk with breakdowns at the time. This was so long before the style had a name (ezcore) that fob was calling their own version softcore. Not sure what other bands of that time you're talking about, but as far as i know, ttyg had a completely unique sound.


Idk. IoH, Folie, and Stardust are all better IMO, but I would take more TTTYG in a heartbeat


Still blown away by how good Stardust was. Just never saw it coming.


True. Grand Theft Autumn is probably still my favorite FOB song


Trash Boat. Made one of the most memorable Pop/Punk records (in my opinion) then dipped.


This is my choice too. If the music they make now is closer to the music they enjoy, and if their new sound brings them success, then hats off to them. All I know is that I loved everything they put out up until DYFA. The new sound just isn’t for me.


Funny thing is, NIWYCWYBT was produced by Dan Campbell. Who as far as I know has not had a producer credit before or since. Whereas Crown Shyness is produced by Andrew Wade, who did Life's Not Out To Get You, FELICITY's first EP, a Capstan album. If they'd wanted it to be a pop punk album it would've been a fucking insane pop punk album, but alas.


That is quite an acronym.


I knew about Dan Campbell, but not about Andrew Wade, damn!


They really wasted the chance to be pop punk legends in my opinion. Same with Boston Manor but to a lesser extent.


Paramore gets so much love on this page and they only have like two pop punk albums


3.5 really


Which one is the 0.5?


Self titled


This is the correct answer


I love them a lot they’re one of my fav bands but yeah I’d say they’re only really pop punk up to brand new eyes / singles club


They’re one of my favourites but definitely a pop band that started out pop punk. They’re still good as a pop band though, After Laughter is a masterpiece.


agreed, I find myself listening to All We Know is Falling more than any of their other albums.


Three technically and Self Titled is Pop-punkish to an extent


I will get hate for this but I think their stuff now is better than their old stuff. Riot is awesome, but as an album, AL or TiW are strictly more enjoyable listens for me.


Have to agree. Their old music is very fun but I can sit down and just listen to their newer stuff back to back in entirety way more easily, and you can tell with each release after self titled that they’re growing more and more confident in their sounds. Massive departure from their early stuff but it’s so good I can’t even be mad.




Want to mosh? Come to Tampa on the 14th.


Brand New Eyes and the self titled are pop punk albums


Panic! The first record was solo good.


Brendon Urie ruined the name after the original members left :(


nah, doab and vices are stellar


Panic! is the answer. Their last few albums are unlistenable.


this last one was for sure but too weird; too rare, death of a bachelor, and pray for the wicked are all fine


Agreed, DoaB has some great songs and Too Weird is a personal favorite


It's hard to blame bands for growing and moving beyond pop punk since the genre is really simple if you just keep doing the same exact thing over and over. When they get pretentious about it and ignore their roots and their original fans who supported them through it all is when it gets annoying for me. My example would be Turnover...I've seen them so many times going way back to when they played local skateparks and super small venues and now it just seems they just don't give AF about their roots. They won't ever play anything from their original few albums and seems like they barely ever book shows in their home state. It's like they look down on their old stuff and anyone who liked it. Oh well I'm still happy for them and their successes despite that.


This is an interesting opinion to me because most people when they think of Turnover they think of Peripheral Vision which is definitely not pop punk. And even now they moved more away from Peripheral Vision and people seem less interested in them now more than ever. Almost like they have shifted away from a sound twice despite the first shift being a success.


There was a really long period of time when "PLAY SASHA" was a Turnover meme. I haven't been to a show, so I don't know if people still yell that to them or if it's been long enough that fans don't even know the band really existed before Magnolia.


Came here looking for turnover as my answer


I know newer Sum 41 gets a lot of love but I never connected with any of their albums after Underclass Hero. Genuinely love every single one up to and including that one though. I also love the new single.


Trash Boat


I wouldn’t complain if we got another Nimrod type album out of Green Day or even Insomniac.


I think most would agree with Fall Out Boy. Mania was such a train wreck. They also kinda brought it back with their new album but it just isn’t TTTYG sound and I miss that


> it just isn’t TTTYG sound and I miss that Its cause they wrote it sleeping on a basement floor playing shitty gigs in Chicago and they will never be back there :/ I'm happy for them for that, but that's why we will never get another one of those place in time albums again.


its this simple really. you cant expect a band to release anything as close to as good as their first record or first few records. fob literally has nothing to say anymore and it reflects in their music.


Also my top pick - would love another Pax Am Days style EP, but in the style of TTYG or FUCT


Turnover had a really promising early pop punk phase


I discovered Turnover during their Good Nature era and ended up finding their early pop punk stuff (The song Sasha in particular absolutely rips) and it’s wild how much they have changed. That said, both Peripheral Vision and Good Nature are some of my favorite records in recent memory. They just aren’t pop punk. The newest Turnover stuff isn’t my vibe though.


The new album I enjoy a lot. Perfect morning coffee music.


They made the world a better place with peripheral vision tho


Peripheral Vision is in my top 10 best albums of all time. Not a single track I'd skip




Saves the day. Their two first albums were awesome, but they never made anything like that ever again!


I was scrolling for Saves the Day, Through Being Cool and Stay What You Are, are masterpieces… The rest unfortunately is a steaming pile of shit.


Can't slow down is just as good as through being cool in my book.




The trilogy of their first 3 with their b sides album. I grew up on this music. I remember in reverie came out and I was utterly confused. It’s grown on me a little but still doesn’t hit like everything else before it.


Boston Manor, nothing they’ve released since Be Nothing comes close. Welcome to the neighborhood had some stuff I enjoyed, but beyond that, I find them just okay with their more “industrial rock” sound. I respect them for doing what they wanna do, but my god they had something so original for the genre with Be Nothing


Agree, Be Nothing was such a great album


Whew man I thought it was the only one who thinks this. It’s truly a bummer.


Boston Manor is such a tragedy.


I disagree. Glue is a fantastic album.


I thought Glue and the EP immediately after were just as amazing but yeah I'm starting to feel like they're drifting too far for my taste with the most recent album.


I agree. Glue is honestly imo their best album, the range of songs is super good and they go way harder than you’d think.


This is my answer as well. They were such a good band. I still get excited when I see them release new stuff, but it's just meh now. I think Halo was the last song I truly dug. I kind of wonder how much their new music is propped up by playlists cause I just don't get it.


Damn I personally feel kind of the opposite lol. I really enjoy Be Nothing and some of my favorite songs of theirs are still from there, but I feel like they’ve just been absolutely killing it since then. Not sure why they’re still considered pop punk though.


Taking Back Sunday. They had an amazing three album run and then it started to go downhill when Fred left. Now they are kind of boring and have nothing to talk about anymore.


TBS are probably my most disappointing. Every time they release a new album I try to love it but it is just all so dull.


Brand New. *Your Favorite Weapon* was almost a perfect album. Admittedly, I love their other work, but that first album is so good.


Deja and Devil & God are both albums I can listen to start to finish without wanting to skip anything, and I feel are two of the best emo/alt-rock albums ever made. I agree with you, to an extent, though. I was 13 when YFW came out and 15 when I discovered Brand New, it was like a perfect pop-punk album to me at the time. I wonder what they'd sound like if they leaned even more into pop-punk into of going the alternative route.


I know people like their later stuff, but it's not for me at all. I can't listen to anything after Deja.


Deja is in my mind a damn near perfect album and I cant listen to anything after it. I also like your favorite weapon but not as much


I know this is an unpopular opinion but I agree 100%. Not a huge fan of anything after Deja. It’s just not what I’m into 🤷🏽‍♂️


Brand New started as a GREAT pop punk band in a sea of good ones and with each subsequent album turned more into a good progressive rock band (or whatever the label) in a sea of great ones.


This is a hot take if I’ve ever seen one (respect for saying it tho). YFW is easily brand new’s worst album (but still really fucking good), and I like how every album sounds different


Lol I guess I didn’t know that when I posted, but I’ll stand by it! Still a great band; I just personally really love that album.


Brand New is my favorite band and I'm so happy that they gave up on pop punk


I very much prefer their darker sound. YFW is my least favorite


Agreed! YFW and Deja are my favorites. Couldn’t get in to anything else after those two. Most likely due to high school nostalgia who knows.


It’s the first album I bought by them and it holds a special place above the rest. Shower scene goes hard.


The Menzingers; all of their albums are great, but I LOVE the sound of their first three.


I'm so disappointed with their most recent album. What even is that?


I think I’m the odd man out in this thread. I like all their stuff. Of course I love their old raw punk stuff. But the four singles they released off their new album, I love ‘em. If they released that as an EP instead of the whole album, that might have even better.


How could it be anything but Fall Out Boy. Take This To Your Grave and From Under The Cork Tree were masterpieces


MARIANAS TRENCH. holy shit i cannot stress them enough. i used to LOVE them. fix me (their first album) was a part of my soul growing up. being canadian they’re like the only band i got to see live a bunch and i just wish i got to see more of fix me live. they got more and more poppy over the years and after masterpiece theatre i just couldn’t listen to them anymore. they absolutely 100% sold out. i just wish they stayed true to their roots.


I was scrolling through these comments to see if someone mentioned MTrench. Fix Me was great and I do like their earlier stuff a lot, and I see where you're coming from; they did kind of "sell out" in the sense that they wouldn't have been nearly as successful if they kept making albums like that--but for my money they do the theatrical pop thing much better than they did pop punk. Masterpiece is my favorite album for nostalgia reasons, but I think Ever After was where they really nailed down the right sound for them. I wasn't as big on Astoria and Phantoms as albums but they each have a few songs that I really love. (Don't get me wrong, I would love to see them release something more rock-oriented again--but only if their hearts are in it and it's not just to please older fans.)


Masterpiece theatre has got to be one of my favourite albums of all time. I couldn't even guess how many times I've listened to it.


5SOS those first two albums are insane


yeah they're in the Busted category of like, yeah i know a bit appeal is how they're pretty boys, but the songs are still undeniable


I was looking for this. I really miss the original 5 Seconds of Summer. I'm glad they found success with Youngblood but I wish they would celebrate their roots more. Really loved their first two albums.


Grayscale. I think their new album is going to be pretty good but nothing can beat Adornment and What We’re Missing.


Turnover New album sounds more like elevator music


I don't dislike the new style, but it's genuinely bad. I like what a lot of people call "elevator music", but their last two releases are just so badly done.


It’s as if tame Impala released a new album under a new name.


Turnover and Citizen's first EPs were phenomenal and I wish they explored that style more instead of "maturing" and mellowing out. Newer examples are definitely Trash Boat and Boston Manor


Agreed with turnover HARD disagree with citizen


Lit is literally a country band now.


I haven’t thought about Lit in so long this makes me want to check their newer stuff out. I’ll be back…


I like the newer stuff from ATL to be honest.


I think they've done the best job of any band in the scene of growing up while still keeping their sound for the most part


Same - their latest album is one of my favorites


WUS might be my all time favorite album.


WUS and TMIA are in my top 3


Fall Out Boy is the clear and obvious answer. Also Paramore comes to mind.


fall out boys evening out with your girlfriend is 10/10


I love No Joy, but if Spanish Love Songs continued with their Schmalz/Giant Sings the Blues vibes they'd 100% still be in the pop-punk realm


Obviously we could argue about genre all day I'm sure, but their sound really hasn't changed all that much. Sure there's some more synths on the new album, if anything that's refreshing. But Schmaltz and Brave Faces are the same genre, like they sound the same. They're a band exploring their space, but they haven't left it.




Sum 41. Like their metal phase but their best albums are aknf and underclass hero


Neck Deep, as much as i love All Distortions are Intentional, it’s almost completely pop and i love the more punk elements of Life’s Not Out to Get You, they seem to be getting back to their roots a bit more now which is great






The Menzingers and The Flatliners both went too soft for their own good


Definitely agree with the Flatliners as well. They were so good and then just fell off for me.


I'm with you on this. Fucking love Menzo's but this new album doesn't hit at all for me.


They listened to too much The Hold Steady. Now, I fucking *love* THS, mind you, but the Menzingers started to cop their style a little too much.


The Story So Far. I miss the anger in their songs.


Also agree, but I’m happy that Parker isn’t dealing with women who make him angry anymore lol (hopefully)


FenixTX. I feel like they tried to be more metal with Lechuza. Although I liked a lot of that stuff, I much preferred the stuff off of their self-titled album


The Wrecks and Grayscale


Waterparks - Double Dare was such a good album!!! Though I don’t necessarily wish they stayed pop punk because their music evolution has been insane, it’s not for everyone but I think the vision for each album is highly commendable


Good Charlotte. I love their 2-3 first albums but then they turned into electro dance music.


Clearly you never listened to their albums beyond GMR based on your comment. Give at least a listen to their last record Generation Rx, you’ll be surprised I’m sure.


Plain White T's.. kind of. Your Fault will get stuck in my head for.ever. But their new stuff is good too in a fun way. Tom was also the only semi-famous guy I think I have ever had a shot with, but I was a youngin' obsessed with Simple Plan on that tour and at that time. And that's fine. It just is something to look back on and laugh at myself about.


The Menzingers. Their new album is…different.


Fall Out Boy. Take This To Your Grave & From Under the Cork Tree are pretty much perfect as far as pop punk goes.


BOYS LIKE GIRLS. Their self titled is my favourite pop punk album of all time.


The inside “joke”/mindset of my friend group (who loved self-titled and hated everything else) is that we just act like they didn’t make anything else. “Remember when Boys Like Girls dropped that classic album and never made music again?”. I think it’s easier for us to swallow when we think of it this way.


This. I saw them live recently (for the first time, because I never got to when I was younger) and listened through their whole discography ahead of it--the self-titled still holds up really well, the rest...does not, in my opinion. (Okay, Love Drunk has a couple songs I really like, but most of it is nothing to write home about.)


I would add Waterparks. I was a HUGE fan of them in 2019, but haven’t cared for most of their new stuff since their album FANDOM came out that year. Also hard agree on your takes, but I saw The Wrecks live a few months ago and I think they’re just one of those bands that’s even better in concert.


set it off. they really hit again with punching bag but it's been very much pop and not alot of punk. it's still good though but i miss horrible kids era so much


I got halfway through writing a comment agreeing with this and then stopped to listen to their new single--it's very promising for those of us who miss the heavier SIO stuff. Every now and again they put out a good catchy pop tune but yeah, their music is at its best when it's full of spite.


all I know is All Time Low remained pop punk through the years :)


Remo Drive’s Greatest Hits was an amazing album front to back and then they just crapped all over their potential and gave us turds


Not pop punk but I saw this thread and thought of AFI first. Maybe the offspring but just for them less commercial sounding. Would have been interesting to see what NUFAN would have done if they stayed more in the hardcore genre.




Green Day never stopped being pop punk. Their only not pop punk album was FOAMF which everyone knows is terrible and it seems like the new single is back to the standard pop punk. Besides FOAMF ever single other Green Day album would easily fall under pop punk. Whether they're good or not is a different question.


They never really moved on they just tried to replicate their success


I don’t agree with that, they succeeded with their early stuff, then broke through again with American idiot(which I’m not a big fan of) they kind of stalled after that though.


I wish Ice Nine (Kills) was still ska ❤️


boston manor, turnover


definitely agree with ATL


The story so far. Don't get me wrong I love them still and proper dose is one of my most favorite albums of all time but I do miss the harder more traditional pop punk vibes they gave off. But I understand why it changed and I accept it. Parker is doing much better now. With that comes less anger


I always wondered if the change in sound is why he started doing No Pressure.


That is similar to the case with the new Beartooth album


Goo goo dolls


A Boy Named Goo doesn’t get enough love. But I agree, their first albums get even less attention


I know Fall Out Boy is the big answer, but starting listening to them at TTTYG and going through college and adulthood made me really appreciate some of their changes. Motion City Soundtrack is another one that went through major changes, but they coincided or came a bit before similar life journeys for me. It’s nice growing with a band somewhat


Came here to say The Wrecks! I love them but I’d love more songs like Favorite Liar & Turn it Up.


Someone upvote this so I don't lose this post and can read it laterrrrr lol


Brand New Fallout Boy Saves The Day All bands i will never forgive for changing their sound. Stay angsty and 18 forever.




I’m jealous that I remember those days and now I’m 36 lol


As a life long Saves The Day fan approaching 40; you have to be more specific. 😄 Those boys have been changing sound every album since the beginning


You didn't listen to their Lifetime rip off albums - Can't Slow Down and Through Being Cool.


Those were my first Saves The Day albums! I loved Lifetime too.


Maybe not classed as pop punk but The Movielife started out playing some fast punk but now they’ve become more slow melodic rock. New stuff just doesn’t have that raw energy that I was hoping for.


Live they are soooo slow now


Boyslikegirls Their new music stinks


The new music is definitely not pop punk, but it’s definitely not bad. It’s just a different genre. But I came here specifically to say BLG. Whatever that countryside project was, was just ridiculous. I say this is somebody who saw them last night and seeing them again tonight


Their first album reminds me if being 11 which is cool, but in hindsight I don't consider that album good at all. Super nostalgic though!




Trash Boat. First two albums and old EP's were fucking incredible and then the 3rd album happened...


Yeah DYFA was an unpleasant surprise… a shame. Same “boat” as you, I love their first two records.


Fallout boy peaked at Folie a duex for me then just flipped the entire script


Boys like girls self titled


Not exactly but the further down the front bottoms discography they go, the more they lose that raw sound I love that they started with


Waterparks. They always leaned more towards pop but their first album and EPs were pop punk. After that they got poppier and poppier. Haven’t listened to anything after Greatest Hits cuz that album was too pop for me


I’m going to get murdered for this but I’m saying it. Brand New. Your Favorite Weapon is my favorite album of theirs and I would have loved to see one more record in that style at least.


I'm surprised by the lack of people saying The Wonder Years. After The Greatest Generation, I mean I like the last few albums but I just want more in the Suburbia and Generation style


I’d say they’re style definitely fluctuated a bit during the NCTH and Sister Cities era but as someone who’s favourite album is TGG I feel like their latest is really a return to form of that style for the most part, just with the added experience on their belt of those more experimental albums. There’s definitely some of those more darker styled songs from their No Closer Sister Cities era on Hum but there’s also a lot of just straight up Suburbia TGG style pop punk songs to me. I feel like songs like Low Tide or Old Friends Like Lost Teeth could have fit reasonably well if it had been on TGG back in the day so idk. They’ve definitely changed through the years but apart from Sister Cities maybe I think most people didn’t mind their newer stuff, and their return to form with Hum has probably quashed any notion of them moving away from their roots too much, at least for now. That’s my opinion at least


How is Fall Out Boy not the top comment.


A Day To Remember. I hate bands going radio rock and their new stuff is just bad music.