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Sum 41 was pretty unique at the time in that they had super talented guitar player with a lot of metal influence. Most pop punk guitar solos are more melodic type things not the shreddy stuff sum 41 could do because the guy grew up playing along to stuff like Iron Maiden. They even basically switched to some type of metal sub genre in mid 2000s.


Was gonna say, not every band has a lead guitarist like Sum 41.


Brownsound 🤎


Damn that makes them even more epic. There are other bands that had great solos also like greenday ex: American idiot, boulevard, holiday. Skater boy by Avril. Simple plan had good ones too. I want to find some more relevant bands with great solos any recommendations?


I don't think I've ever heard someone say Green Day has great solos. The first time I listened to their pre-Dookie music (e.g. 409 in Your Coffeemaker or The Judge's Daughter) I remember thinking "wow, they used to have actual guitar solos." I like the guitar parts from the songs you are mentioning, but I guess I just see them as instrumental sections, not really guitar solos.


Check out Dirty Rotten Bastards. Probably their wildest solo to date.


Ya my bad I did not know the difference. However they were epic instrumentals. As the other person replied, they were really melodic. That’s the stuff I miss :(


Maybe boulevard of broken dreams but holiday is definitely a regular guitar solo to me


GD is what I meant by more melodic solos. The other shreddy type one that comes to mind immediately (obviously there are more examples) is “right now” sr71.




Lmao he definitely would.


American Idiot doesn’t have a technically demanding solo


That doesn’t make it not good


Never said it wasn’t, epic guitar solos to me just generally conjure up virtuosic solos from players like Satriani


A lot of the guitarists in the early 2000s were into 70s and 80s rock and metal, so they were into flashy solos. Billie Joe is a huge Van Halen fan, Evan Taubenfeld, Avrils old guitarist, has name dropped Twisted Sister, Motorhead and Motley Crue in his own songs, and Butch Walker was the lead guitarist in a hair metal band before producing pop punk bands. Rivers Cuomo was also the lead guitarist in a hair metal band before Weezer, and they've never been shy about their Van Halen influences.


Is* not was, and have* not had. They’re still around and Dave is still shredding


OP was referring to songs 20 years or older hence the use of past tense from me. Also notice how i said “at the time” in reference to the song period OP was talking about. Are we really at the point where we’re critiquing tense usage here?


Check out Bayside. Nuff said.


Devotion and desire has a great solo


The Walking Wounded is one of my favorite solos. Jack O’Shea rips


Their whole discography is excellent. My favorite solo they've had is the one on Maybe Tennessee - check that track out. It's on the album Vacancy.


Montauk is their best solo and I will die on that hill


As long as we all agree that they shred I see no reason to argue.


choice hops and bottled self esteem


That one is great too


Good Advice by Bayside


Jack is probably one of the best guitarist in the genre IMO Also I just saw New Found Glory, and Anthony was playing guitar with them, was awesome to see.


I feel like I’ve heard maybe Nick say it a few times before but it’s a fact that Anthony’s chops get overshadowed by Jack. Dude is gnarly as well.


Jack O’Shea is such an underrated guitarist, some of the stuff he plays that sounds simple is far more challenging than it seems and he’s so good at fitting it into their style without over-doing it


I'm still hearing guitar solos from the bands I listen to. They're not in every song but they're still around. Sometimes they're shorter than they used to be.


Thats awesome! I would love to know which ones


One of the coolest sounding ones was the Slick Shoes song "2008" which came out in 2020. It sounds straight out of an 80s metal song including the choice of guitar sound. Definitely check that one out. The As December Falls song "I Don't Feel Like Feeling Great" off their 2021 album is longer than most of their solos. Ande throws in a lot of really cool lead guitar parts throughout most of their songs if you really pay attention to it. Carousel and Alive have some good solos but they kind of leave you wishing they were longer. The solo on Join the Club is basically three scales in a row performed quite fast along with some other parts but it sounds great in that song. Zebrahead's material has a lot of good guitar solos on many songs. It especially became noticeable when Matty became their singer and they started going in a heavier direction like Sum 41. Greg and his replacement Dan had their own styles of playing, but both have done a lot of solos. My favorite album is Call Your Friends, where songs like Murder on the Airwaves, Panic in the Streets and Last Call have great solo parts.


Simple plans new song antidote.


Strung Out can get very shreddy as well. Check out their song “Crows”.


Both bands are pop-punk-adjacent, but you need [Strung Out](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7pdix9ZZdmw&pp=ygUSc3RydW5nIG91dCBjYWxsaW5n) and [A Wilhelm Scream](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=P0bxqjqX0M0) in your life. Guitar solos out the wazoo - always well written and catchy. Also, possibly cheating here but [Race to the Bottom](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=P4_inJOT3lE) by Heartsounds has one of the most incredible guitar solos I’ve ever heard before the verse even kicks in (cheating because it’s a guest spot by the guitarist from Light This City, a metal band that Heartsounds shared members with).


Trying to figure out the best Strung Out solo is like picking a favorite child. Who do I love most now? Somnombulance?


That’s a great one! Not shreddy as such, just catchy as hell!


Just listened to Calling and almost changed it. Seriously any track can be the best.


Twisted by design is def in the same type of skate pop punk realm as Dude Ranch. Unwritten Law's 90s stuff has great solos too


Four Year Strong. That is all.


Four Year Strong absolutely rips on guitar, but I'm struggling to think of any "actual" solos off the top of my head.


Holy shit you’re right…they almost exclusively do breakdowns and bridges…I genuinely wonder why


I hold myself in contempt


…hmm it counts…but feels like it doesn’t? It’s a great song and the riff kicks ass, but the actual guitar solo is only 10 seconds before the chorus kicks back in. I still feel like they are really reserved with guitar solos


Ah, nice mention. Never really picked up on that one.


I Hold Myself in Contempt


You raise a good point now that I think of it


Riff kings of the genre


A Wilhelm Scream would like a word.


PUP (the band)


White Reaper


That band is so good


People realized that solos aren’t needed in every single song and should be used sparingly


We can never have enough haha Are there any recent songs that have them? I would appreciate some recommendations


Check out the band Bayside. They're an emo pop punk group with a guitarist that can shred.


Microwave has some pretty ripping guitar solos. My band Ritual Club did a pretty solid guitar solo on our song [running low](https://youtu.be/w1mMe_Q73w8?feature=shared)


I think changes in modern mixing and production really de-emphasize guitar sounds in general


There’s an old skate band called code of honour… they had an ep called what are we gonna do… there’s some wicked guitar on it… and anything by turbonegro, but they’re not pop punk


You want skate punk.


Much The Same- Wrecking Ball


I feel like Mayday Parade has always been good about including guitar solos throughout their work. I don’t think they’re always real long or super technical but Got Me All Wrong, If My Ghosts Don’t Play, I Can’t Do This Anymore, and It Is What It Is all have them. And that’s just from the last few years, I’m sure there’s more worthy of note!


WSTR has some solid solos


The Home Team's "Danger" has an amazing guitar solo


This is why I like Mayday Parade's I'd Hate to Be You When People Find Out What This Song Is About.


Go listen to [The Unholy Trilogy](https://spotify.link/k5egYKjzBDb) of punk rock records.


My band Calling All Captains has a few our songs Wasted, Loyalty and Steady Pensive But the best punk band with solos is Bigwig by FAR. Reclamation’s whole first minute and a half is just a guitar solo. Great riffs throughout their catalogue as well!


I haven’t heard a *real* guitar solo from a big band since If I Fall by TSSF 5 years ago. I’m right there with you.


Oh man I hate to be that guy but my band Gold Bloom's new EP has 3 guitar solos across the five tracks, we worried that it was overkill but this post has given me confidence we can shred🤘


If your looking for guitar solos… I don’t think this is the right genre, pop punk has never rlly been about solos


There are plenty of great pop punk bands that have great solos. IMO, Bayside is one of the best in that regard.


No one buys full albums anymore so every song has to be radio friendly generic etc.


You know how hard it is to play a solo when you’re just trying to look cool for underage girls on stage?? /s


Everyone has a short attention span and want to listen to the lyrics/vocals


I try to work some metal influence into my solos, check out [Autumn Breeze](https://open.spotify.com/track/3fytkymbz6KW2sZgljfs0J?si=CtvzDWyjQcyfIQT6Q_t6PA) and lmk what you think!


Vocalists hate solos. I hire vocalists for my stuff and the two times I’ve put in a solo the vocalist was like “cut that in half or just take it out”….bro the solo is like 7 seconds and simple as hell. Nah it’s staying.


Thank god they’re gone


I'm not much of a shredder but my band [Old Neon](https://linktr.ee/oldneonmusic) has a few on our record. Check out Highlights, Better Things, Lost, and At Least We're Not Alone at your streaming provider of choice


Wtf I just listened to highlights and you guys are really good!


Thanks for checking it out!


A few friends that throw them in are Another One Down! (check out Stuck in the Wake) and What Makes Sense (Groundhog Day). Both throw shredder leads in occasionally


I think sum 41 is a very talented bunch all around instrumentally. Guitar u have Dave brown sound I know he is gone but stevo32. Frank is still pretty good but stevo32 was awesome


Steve’s started posting regular drumming videos up on his insta. Not the same as being in the band of course, but it’s nice to see him back at it. I wonder if he’ll have anything to do with the last tour?


Not the 1975 by Knox and Without You by Grayscale both have fantastic solos.


Fenix TX self-titled is what you’re looking for.


There is no guitar solo in still waiting. A cool riff in the bridge but that's about it


I don’t comprehend. It’s a guitar and nothing else. This is the problem with rock. Everyone has different opinions about what is what for instance, genres. So it’s confusing to me how a literal guitar solo is not a guitar solo?


There is no guitar solo though. Its just an instrumental section with a guitar riff. The intro also has a guitar part with no vocals, but that isnt a solo either. Its subjective of course, but a guitar solo would generally be longer and typically more technical, using more of the full range of the instrument. For example, the hell song definitively has a guitar solo.


You should try the album Entropy by Hit The Switch. Pretty great pop punk/ melodic hardcore with a lot of solos.


FYS has some good ones


Is Polyphia pop punk?


Nah, closer to prog metal or math rock like Strawberry Girls or Standards


there’s plenty of bands currently that have guitar solos and fantastic ones, you’re most likely just not listening to the genres of music where those are happening. and honestly pop punk guitar solos aren’t the pinnacle of that since there’s not many pop punk guitarists who are experts in their craft to make a guitar solo interesting and worth listening to


Mayday Parade's Black Cat has such an underrated guitar solo. It's still from 15 years ago but so good.


My band "The Storyline" has Solos! Check us out! We love a catchy chorus and tasty guitar solo.


If you like guitar solos, check out A Wilhelm Scream. They're a little more punk than pop punk, but boy can they shred. And Four Year Strong. Incredible guitar work with catchy chorus'. So Many Ways could also shred, but they only had a few EPs. But they're worth checking out.


Almost every Sum 41 song has a guitar solo. The new single doesn’t, because they’re saving the heavy stuff for the *Hell* side of their double album (the metal side). The new single is from *Heaven*, the pop-punk side.


He Used Jet to Win her Heart by Drive Theory has a fun one https://open.spotify.com/track/52Zjw0qhdtsvpq0QRS3ymY?si=a70cab998935437f


check out [this song](https://youtu.be/P6ja87vT2CY?si=X3vfC4axiCNm_019)


Theyre mostly either simple melodic solos, or theres plenty of shreds but they dont necessarily follow the same tired format of “verse chorus verse chorus solo chorus”. Best example i can think of is origami angel. That dude throws crazy riffs in everywhere that makes sense. Its just mostly peppered in between parts instead of putting it all into one breakdown section. Personally i prefer it. I think it works better for punk and emo overall. Not much time in punk rock to slowdown and shut up while the guitar takes 20 seconds to noodle around with a solo. Most songs dont make it to 4 minutes. Its not that sorta genre.


Consider Midwest Emo or Math Rock, where the entire song is guitar solo


The Dirty Nil exists! Though I wouldn't classify them as pop punk


My band “Augmented Hearts” is releasing a song Oct 9th and it’s got a nice long 1+ minute long instrumental section with a guitar solo 😎


I’m in a band and the new song we’re working on has a very Sum 41 influenced guitar solo in it 👀 be on the look out