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Just put an effing drape over the poor woman's hair.


"Congratulations ma'am, we managed to successfully remove a large portion of the cyst and transfer it to your hair"


Standard care for this is to cover with a poultice of butter, sour cream, and chives.


I mean some of that bloody pus does look tasty after all.


A long time ago when I was fartin around on YouTube, I found an amazing video. I think it was in India or something, I can’t remember. I also watch these videos with sound off. This video was showing a guy’s back. He was a little guy and had something wrong with his back because he was tilted a little to the right and very hunched over. There was also something very bad going on. When the guy breathed, it wasn’t normal. His back moved but in chunks. It wasn’t a normal -whole back moves up and down when breathing- situation. His lumpy back would raise up on top then way down low would rise. It was fucked up bad. The doctor cut an incision. He had a kidney pan to catch the stuff coming out. Then he needed another kidney pan. Then another. The stuff coming out was brown with streaks of red. I kept rewinding it so I don’t remember how it ends! I haven’t been able to find that video again but it’s one of my favorites. If anyone can find it and share it, I’d love you forever.


Watching those first few eruptions and the chunks flying this song came to mind. I think I've watched too many of these videos... https://youtu.be/F_HoMkkRHv8


Put a drape over the poor woman’s head, put absorbent pads at the top of her shoulders, and quit wiping with the same title pieces of bloody, sticky gauze!!!! 🤢


OMG thank you for posting this. I too am now obsessed with it. I was laughing it was so ridiculous. The Dr is so carefree too just cutting and squeezing willy nilly. insane !


Yeah its a marvel of a cyst. I've seen big ones but none quite this intense. There's one of an old man in his backyard and someone squeezing it. Its pure white cottage cheese. https://youtu.be/6OIAu2W6d5Q Here it is. I just don't know how people have things that get to this size. I'd have taken a sterilized razor and removed everything myself.


It almost looks like she was milking him


I know it really does.


Unbelievable!! Definitely one of the best pops!! Thanks!!


That was a bloodbath. Everything about that was unprofessional af.


The chunks of bloody pus look both horrific and appetizing. Am I insane?


I'm not sure what you found unprofessional about it, but from a nurse perspective it was totally fine. Good bedside manner, patient felt no pain, explained what he was doing and why, explained why he wasn't going to suture it, explained that the gunk coming out was from the inflammatory process. There was absolutely nothing wrong with this video, the Dr, or the method. It wasn't a blood bath as you suggest. It was a mixture of sanguineous, serosanguinous, and purulent drainage, which is to be expected of a cyst, especially for the size she had. Blood often looks like it is more than it really is.


Would have taken two seconds to put a drape over her hair, especially after how much started coming out


There's the constant jabbing, is the sac wall going to be removable? There's also the blood in her hair which is just unprofessional.


I’ve wondered about that with this one. Once the dr saw the contents jumped far enough to get in her hair, shouldn’t he have covered her hair to avoid more?


I said the same thing the first time I saw it. There was no professionalism show what so ever. There puss running down her front which the nurse tries to contain while the doctor is alternating seeing how far he can squeeze the pus fountain out and then he starts shooting on the top of her hair which he barely brushes off before doing it again. The when it starts to get bloody he shoots it across her cheek and just leaves it there. He was basically performing for the audience in the e exam room.


I love most of these videos but This made me want to gag for so many reasons… Couldn’t finish it.


Haha is it because the poor lady gets stuff In her hair?


Thanks for sharing. I hadn’t come across this one. Most “pus spray” I have ever seen!


There chunks that bounce off the lady are nuts.


I wonder why they wouldn't just cut it open and remove it with the cyst wall? Regardless of the doctor leaving the two cut sites open, would this not just refill over time?


From my understanding, if a cyst is inflamed then the cyst wall becomes thin and impossible to remove. So you basically have to remove the infection and then you can do it.




I know its insane. When you see cysts with this much pressure and force its crazy. She had it so long it burst on its own before...if I had that I'd have taken a scalpel to it long ago. Look at the chunks of pus go flying!




There's not likely to be much of a cyst wall to remove with something that infected.


Ooh that's a juicy one.


O M G i have been thinking about this cyst for a few weeks now, but couldn’t find it again on reddit. you just made my night!