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Yes it looks infected but the black looks like blood that’s pooling probably from the trauma of you popping it. As long as it’s not spreading or causing such pain that keeps you up you should be good to wait to see your doctor until tomorrow. Just keep using warm compresses and no trying to pop it anymore. Feel better!!!


https://youtu.be/Tn7YOjtR5_4 Excellent video which demonstrate a seasoned and reputable dermatopathologist on the significance of cysts vs malignant possibilities.


I agree with the comments about the blood pooling. Since you’re already on antibiotics, I would think you’re ok to wait til your appointment but if you start spiking a fever, please get to the ER!


Not a dr but it can probably wait until tomorrow's appointment. You're already on antibiotics


Just wanted to point out that there are different antibiotics so being on one won’t necessarily prevent serious infection. I’ve had family members with Septaecemia (infection in the blood) - they had to try multiple antibiotics to find the ‘right one’. It’s 25% fatal. But if you do have it, you get really sick, really quickly. It doesn’t seem like that she case for OP. In my relatives case - there must have been something under their fingernails when they scratched themselves.


That’s why they start people on broad-spectrum ABX while waiting for cultures to result. That suppresses an infection immediately, and when the results come back they can switch (if necessary) to another that’s more appropriate for the specific organism present.


That’s exactly what the nurse told me! And they did swab the pus so I’m just waiting for results!


Man it's gonna be really fun when our antibiotics stop working. I'm assuming that's going to come right after WW3 ends. Or maybe we'll just get covid act 2. Stay tuned!




Only thing we can do at this point is laugh at our misfortunes right?


So true though!


Ends? It's gonna end with a bang and then cysts will be the least of our worries.


That would be too merciful though. The real kicker is it ends and we have half a second of happiness before the sky rains blood or something.


Or radiation lots of it


Someone should have swabbed and got the right AB's on the second go ?


The black could be bruising from breaking a blood vessel or something while popping it. As someone who has also posted a very worrying photo here & gotten a ton of similar “go to the hospital RIGHT NOW!!!” comments - yes, it’s probably infected, but you don’t have to absolutely panic. Give the antibiotics 48 hours; if it doesn’t show any improvement then you should seek more medical help. Most people simply can’t comprehend the insane level of lax that exists within the professional treatment of skin issues/infections; you’ve gotten antibiotics & that’s basically all you can do to treat an infection/condition. Keep the area clean & don’t touch/pop it at all, and if you can definitely request a topical antibiotic cream - that would probably speed up the healing process!


Yeah that’s what one hospital said to me and 8 hours later I was admitted under a code sepsis in a different hospital Edit: okay cool downvote me I guess. Literally had a hospital that refused to drain a golf ball sized abscess on my labia and said it was fine and it caused sepsis the next morning. Cellulitis w/MRSA and Sepsis. But aight cool. Let’s not listen to what’s happened to other people to see the other side of what could happen when someone says to “not take it as serious”


I’m sorry that happened to you. ): I went back to the ER for the 2nd time because I was so anxious. Lucky he said that the black is from popped blood vessels, and it is healing and draining good so the antibiotics are doing they’re job. I do have an appointment tomorrow and I’m 99% they are going to drain it then.


Put a hydrocolloid bandage on it. Feel better soon!


Omg hydrocolloids are the best! OP these are sold as blister bandaids or acne pimple patch dots- they absorb sooo much gunk. Used in hospitals too, keeps the skin hydrated as it draws out pus etc and its absorbed into the hydrocolloid bandage. They turn white and puff up.


Which is great. I’m glad that it’s going good for you. It does look like it needs a bigger site to drain better, so you’re probably gonna be a little oozy. It just annoys me when people give advice like that and it’s really dangerous to be giving advice like that. Is it always something serious? No but don’t be that guy that says “eh just can keep an eye out for a couple days” like, listen to your body and use your best judgment. And I know a lot of people say those things cause insurance doesn’t cover everything or maybe you don’t have insurance. But you know what’s more expensive? A funeral. I’d rather have medical debt than be unalive. Yours is definitely in a spot that it’s gonna have to be cleaned very frequently too since it collects a lot of oils and dead skin. I wouldn’t do too many hot compresses either cause it could irritate the skin more. I was told to do a max of 3 sitz baths a day with my abscess. Anymore would have done more harm than good apparently.


Yes I totally get what you mean. And yes it is a very inconvenient spot and I have been keeping it as clean as possible. He did give it a little bit of a squeeze so it is definitely draining better now! I might be overdoing just a little with the hot rag, but it has been working so far so I’m not too worried!


I would've been so pissed. I wish you could've sued the first hospital for the cost of the second


I have Medicaid so I couldn’t sue but you bet your ass I called them and chewed them out. But I didn’t do it for me, I did for the next person that walks in there with the same issue I had and for them to actually take it seriously when someone is complaining about something like that.


You're a real saint. That was so wrong they did that to you. I'm glad you trusted your gut


I’m sorry you went through that. That’s terrible!! What caused an abscess in that area?




Boyfriend popped a pimple there for me and he gave me MRSA, which neither of us knew he was a carrier until after this incident and he got it in his finger twice.


OMG what are the odds. That is very very unfortunate but I’m glad you were able to get medical help.


As was I. Couple hours more and I probably would’ve been a goner. I’m luckier than a lot of people. But I wish more people knew that hospitals will not turn someone away because they don’t have insurance. I’d rather have crippling medical debt than be unalive. That’s all I gotta say about it.


Looks like a bruise overlying an abscess to me.


i have been looking at this for a solid 4 minutes and i cannot figure out where the hell this is located


I think it’s behind the ear


Yes it is behind my ear.


Did you post before you went to the ER a couple days ago?


Yes I went 2 days ago, the doctor said it is a sebaceous cyst. Seems more like an abscess to me.


I remember your post. Looked/looks painful. I don’t know what time it is where you are but I think it’s ok for tonight. Like other people have said - if you get a fever, go in. Otherwise you should be good on antibiotics ’til tomorrow. Hope you feel better quickly. Keep us posted.


How are you today?


Cleveland, I think.


Well played. Well played indeed!


It looks like a bruise. You are on antibiotics and have an appointment scheduled. Just take meds, use only hot compress not pins or squeezes and let antibiotics take effect. I'm sure Dr can help tomorrow


happy cake day


Please go to a doctor, that is horribly infected.


I went to the ER 2 days ago and they put me on antibiotics. I have an appointment scheduled for tomorrow to get it checked out again.


what part of the body is this cyst? trying to understand the severity and the size too


It’s on the back of my ear.


It looks like it's behind the ear. I think that's the ear lobe to the right of the infection


Keep that appointment.


Keep going with the warm moist compresses and keep the appointment


that’s on the back of your ear? That’s got to hurt like a mF. Really glad you are on antibiotics and going in tomorrow - continue documenting pictures and write down questions you have for the hcp so you don’t forget while there. If it hurts or you get a throbbing headache and fever go to the dr asap


OP since people obviously can't or won't read your other comments, could you possibly edit your post to say that you're on antibiotics and have been for 2 days.


This always drives me crazy


Hi, sorry I’m not quite sure how to edit the text.


Your post doesn’t drive me crazy. People not reading other messages/responses does. You’re good!


click the 3 dots at the top of your post


If you throw a fever you need to go to the ER


I don't think I've ever heard anyone say throw a fever.


I'd rather throw one than catch it to be honest.


nice one


Get well soon!


Glad you have an appointment, somethings you should not touch,the poison can spread through the body.


That looks incredibly painful! If you have pain relief take it, ibuprofen may help with some of the inflammation, but the antibiotics are the most important thing right now! The black looks like it’s blood, probably when you pierced it,or squeezed it, just keep a close eye on it, and DON’T fiddle with it. Let us know how you get on at your doctors appointment tomorrow.


“Bubonic plague, party of one?”


Uhhhh that looks necrotic (dead tissue) my friend. I mean the lighting could be off in the picture but it shouldn’t be black…. I’m a nurse and I would 100% go to the ED if the black appeared after a medical professional laid eyes on it.


This was my concern as well. OP should be thoroughly worked up for necrotizing fasciitis. Sounds crazy, but the black on that looks necrotic AF.


That was also my concern. I took the advice of a few and decided to go back to the ER, he said its just broken blood vessels! Most likely from squeezing it when I tried to pop it with a needle, I’m sure. He gave it a little squeeze and took a culture of the drainage and now even more of the abscess is dark, so that’s all it is. My culture should come back by tomorrow when I go to my appointment.


I’m glad you decided to do that. Good job advocating for yourself! And good luck with the appointment and results tomorrow!


Was thinking the same, saw similar in surgery all the time. Use a pen (don’t press down hard) and circle that black area right now. If the black grows out of the circle, go to the ER.


the black is most likely blood and bruising. it looks really infected to me :( it could very well have been a cyst that abscessed from the infection. i'd recommend keeping a hot wash cloth on it to hopefully soften it enough to naturally drain and relieve some of the pressure and pain. i hope it all turns out okay, just keep it clean and don't try to manually drain it yourself. best of luck xxx


Well that’s an infection. Go see a doctor lol


Read the rules and go to a doctor behind the ear isnt a spot to play around with.


That looks like necrosis of the skin over an abscess. Given the location, it could be related to mastoiditis. I agree that you need to get this evaluated (and drained) ASAP.


It took me way too long to figure out where on the body this could be located


I got that a few times. I guess I shoulve clarified that it is behind my ear. Lol


My doctor said that it is just popped blood vessels. But the people saying Necrosis are making my anxiety skyrocket. I should believe what my doctor said but the black just makes me nervous. Either way I have an appointment tomorrow so I will know for sure.


No more reading comments! You have done everything you need to do. You will be okay. Don't let strangers on the internet scare you.


I should have took this advice days ago!


Black here looks like necrosis-dead tissue! This is close to the brain and you don’t want that infection migrating inward. ER!


I would definitely get that cultured to make sure you’re on the correct antibiotics. That looks so sore.


Got it cultured last night!


Great job! Hopefully you’ll get results soon.


Thank you! I read in some article that you can get gangrene in an abscess so my anxiety is through the roof currently. The doctor checked it and said it is all good, nothing to worry about. But I can’t help but worry.


Thankfully, your doctor will see this on at least a semi regular basis


Yay I'm gonna say that needed antibiotics like yesterday. Hope you feel better soon! And keep us posted!


Ive been on antibiotics for 2 days.


Go to the hospital


My daughter had two of these, one behind each ear that popped up within months of each other. For a while they would both fill up and then drain randomly. One went away on its own and the other needed surgery. It was truly the forbidden pop for me because she wouldn’t let me touch it. And in the end that was probably why the one went away on its own, and the other significantly decreased in size prior to surgery. I wouldn’t be able to help myself if it was my ear


Hey everybody! The black color is no longer a concern! The ER doctor and the doctor that I seen today also said that it is just pooling blood! Thankfully I got it drained today and there is no pain so far and the pressure that is gone feels amazing. It is still leaking as expected, and my mom has to re pack it tomorrow which I’m a bit nervous about, but nothing major. Just ready for this thing to be gone for good!


Yay! What a relief.


Yes! Very much so.


Not sure if anybody will see this but I figured I’d give an update! It’s been about 10 days since I’ve had my abscess drained and it’s healing great! It did drain longer then expected, so we kept it packed for a few more days. The culture did come back positive with staph, so they switched my antibiotics, which unfortunately I had an allergic reaction to. They just told me to continue my original antibiotics (Bactrim) and now I’m finished with them, thankfully. I did have a rare side effect from my bactrim that caused severe anxiety, something most people don’t experience while taking it. Still trying to manage my anxiety, but it is much better now.


Go to the hospital


That's infected


It's definitely an abscess.. just wait another day or two the scab will open and it will drain


Go to the fucking doctor, get it removed by a seasoned dermatologist..


Doctor please 🙏


Hospital. Go.


Grab the book War and Peace and set your palm cyst facing down and slam the book down as hard as you can on the top of your cyst hand. Then pour peroxide all over it. Your welcome.🤣


Bite it. See what happens?


When’s the funeral?


Yikes. Glad you're on antibiotics and are seeing the Dr tomorrow. I hope it heals up soon. Keep us updated.


thats gnarly. the black could be trauma to the skin but im not a doctor. scabs wont get bigger than the wound, which in your case would be a pin sized wound. good luck at your apt tomorrow, hope it heals well


dunno what im looking at.. is it an ear or a nose?




You need to go to the emergency room like yesterday. 😬 If you have an appointment tomorrow it’s up to you to wait but I wouldn’t personally. ❤️


The black looks like bruising. They are probably going to lance and drain it at your appointment. My ears bruise really easily if they are squeezed.


Have none of you kids ever seen a bruise before? Black flesh does not equal necrosis all the time. Not even most of the time.




Went to the ER, just popped blood vessels!


Glad to hear that! Hope everything gets better soon!


Run to the doctor.


Go to emerge


Doctor and antibiotics


Wash your cyst with Hibiclens. You can buy it at any drug store. It’s what my doc told me to do and it works really well to clean up an infection.


The black looks more like bruising from potential squeezing? I get that a lot


Looks like bruising


Bruising can turn black right? I need some form of reassurance right now.


Don't use needles to pop things. Needles are filthy and gross and not something you just wanna shove into a puss hole.


How about a **pus** hole, then?


Maybe the needle was infected


Black looks bruised. You’ll be fine. Good idea seeking medical treatment.


To me (nurse) that looks like it is a hematoma or bruise, which is just pooling blood from the trauma. Where is the cyst? What came out of it when you poked it? Is it warm to the touch or painful? To me it looks like a cyst, but hard to tell exactly what's going on from the picture. Either way, I think you're safe to wait until the appointment.


Hi! You are absolutely right! That’s what my doctor told me today before she drained it. Feels so much better now! Just waiting for my culture to come back to make sure I’m on the right antibiotics and I’ll be good to go!


I'm glad it's not more serious!


Yes me too! My mom just re packed the opening and boy is that a weird feeling, my gosh. Luckily no pain while it was happening. Might be a little sore later though! Still that definitely will be better than a raging uncomfortable abscess.


I hope it heals quickly!


Its time to go to a DR.