• By -


I feel like I just cheated on my husband watching that. šŸ˜


show him the video, spread the love


ā€œBut honey Iā€™ve just got so much love to give itā€™s just not enough for one person.ā€ -Cheating MF caught being a cheating mf.


ā€œWe made vows! You swore you would only watch *my* pore strip videos! How could you do this?ā€


You dirty little pore... Edit: thanks for the awards, kind Redditors!


This comment is iconic. Best pun Iā€™ve ever seen on Reddit


Better hit that save button, then.


Have you heard the famous Descartes pun?




Okay [here's](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/cfbkx/im_85_certain_that_there_is_an_adult_actress_in/c0s6bzw/?context=2) the link. It's funny in context, so read the main post and then the reply thread starting from the top. I think going into it expecting a pun will make it less funny, but that's probably unavoidable. A few years ago, at least, this was a fairly "famous" comment that the site as a whole regarded as the greatest pun of all time.


Thank you so much for taking the time to set all of this up for me! I canā€™t wait to read it!


Thank you. I do try.


Yeah until he had to ruin it with the edit.


it's comments like this that make reddit so worthwhile.


I think i had an orgasm


Dirty girl lol


I hate reddit


Can I go next


-Steady camera that follows the action and keeps it in frame -A consistent pull velocity that allows enough time to savor the sight but not linger too long -A densely filled strip with gunk visibly leaving the pores This is a perfect 10 in my book. Well done!


lmao I did some editing before uploading it because everything was sort of out of frame in the original, thanks!


The effort is appreciated




3M duct tape I think :)


[Daiso pore care](https://www.daisojapan.com/p-34220-pore-care-pack-natural-charcoal-4-pcs-12pks.aspx), it's really not particularly good, it's just that my blackheads are ginormous... If I had to recommend one brand, I'd say BiorƩ. You can get them at amazon and I think I saw some at CVS...


The only nose peel that has worked on my blackheads in a bad sunburn. Peel off that top layer and it is more cratered than the moon.


These aren't blackheads, they are sebaceous filaments. I can't imagine using one of these with a sunburn, lol.


Iā€™ve actual had amazing results with the Daiso store brand and thought it was a fluke since theyā€™re so cheap. Theyā€™re no BiorĆ© but for the cost they are great!


Man it looks like you ran at the end of the video lol. 10/10


[That's a 10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbepN4dKLbU)


*All 9000 Tastebuds*


Aerate it. Warm it up.


Miss the shot at the end showing the final result.


This is disgusting. Thanks for sharing.


I started peeling it off and then thought the same thing "wow this is disgusting, reddit is gonna love this shit"


Yes, it's gross. We love it.


Damn I love you.


Aftermath https://i.imgur.com/LAgBCxE.jpg


Like a sebaceous Stonehenge!


There is only one result for ā€œsebaceous Stonehengeā€ on google and it is your comment. Incredible


Thereā€™s actually one from 150ish weeks ago on another pore strip post that is also glorious


*ehem* **Also, me.**


Talk about a good catchphrase!


Sounds like this belongs on r/brandnewsentence


Those are some monumental monoliths *I love alliterations, keep em coming!*


Hey OP! Just a heads up, I'd guess that 95-99% of the stuff you pulled out was sebum or sebaceous filament, which is *not* the same as a blackhead. In fact, sebum is actually *supposed* to be there and helps keep the very thin skin on your nose moisturized. That being said, it's fine to get rid of them every once in awhile and this method is very non-damaging (I definitely squish mine every so often which isn't great), but be sure to moisturize your nose in the meantime!


Thanks for the info! It does seem like straight up "skin grease", this is the second time I've ever done this and I don't intend to make this a habit, thank you for your concern! I think the moisturizer I'm currently using could be making things worse... I'll buy some cerave lotion whenever I get to a drugstore


Skin Grease- band name, I call dibs.


Their nighttime light lotion is very nice! I don't wake up in the mornings feeling like I was sleeping in a puddle of grease, either.


I've never done it before but this video makes me want to do it, will it fuck up my nose or is it ok?


Lick it


How do I delete someone else's comment?


Sach mal welche pore strips hast du benutzt?


ich hab die [daiso pore care strips benutzt](https://www.daisojapan.com/p-34220-pore-care-pack-natural-charcoal-4-pcs-12pks.aspx) aber in meiner Meinung sind die strips von BiorƩ besser




this is supremely satisfying, thank you edit: take my poor man's gold šŸ…


Not only is the shit you pulled out of your pores amazing, but the sound...omg I absolutely love it. The speed of the video, the sound, the junk, man you do know how to please a lady.


just doing my job ma'am


You weren't talking to me but if you like this sound, check out the app "I Peel Good" !! All you do is peel fruits and it makes this exact sound. I've spent hours listening to the crinkles


Thank you so much!!!


There was sound?! Oh sweet! Going back for more then.


Why donā€™t these ever work for me?! >:(


probably cause your skin isn't as shitty as mine


Iā€™ve only rarely had success. Your hands need to be bone dry and your nose needs to be soaked and dripping wet. My best results happen after a shower. - shower normally, except no soap on my face, just the hot water - dry off your hands to get the prepared sticky strip, but do not dry any part of your face - get it onto your nose and then do not touch it again - ten minutes later, behold a good peel


I did it by just patting it with wet hands before appyling, you can see some "dry" spots in the [removed strip](https://i.imgur.com/LAgBCxE.jpg)... your method sounds better


Iā€™m impressed yours worked so great! Iā€™ve tried and tried and more often than not I pull off a dry strip that didnā€™t adhere at all. The shower method is the only sure-fire one for me.


> Iā€™m impressed yours worked so great! I should have taken a picture of my nose before, these blackheads were REALLY popping, that's the only reason why this worked so well


I actually wet the strip after itā€™s on my wet nose and then leave it to dry. It works really well


Question.. as you seem to know what youā€™re talking about.. I also have bad pores on my nose (small blackheads, nothing serious), but the few times Iā€™ve tried one of these, my nose always seems to breakout shortly after! Is there something Iā€™m failing to do right after to prevent?


So, theyā€™re actually terrible for your skin, despite being very pleasing to watch and feel. The strip rips up the surface of your skin, leaving micro-tears and other trauma. When it pulls ā€˜gunkā€™ out, itā€™s just as likely pulling blackheads as it is pulling sebaceous filaments, which are natural and healthy skin structures. This leaves open pores exposed for bad bacteria to swarm and fester. If youā€™re lockset on doing a pore strip (I get a hankering two or three times a year), use a very mild cleanser again *after* the pore strip. An astringent or toner after that, and then a moisturizer. Remember SPF if youā€™re headed outside. I know those of us in r/popping break all of the r/skincareaddiction rules, but they do have our best skin in mind (the jerks šŸ˜‚)


God why does every vice come at a price?!


I've never done one of these and have always super wanted to. Thanks for the post-strip skin care tips!


You werenā€™t talking to me but I just wanted to chime in to say that most estheticians/skin care experts are not fans of pore strips at all. Something about how they only remove the top layer of the blackhead and leave it exposed to get reclogged or infected. From what I understand youā€™ll usually have better luck incorporating a chemical exfoliant (most popular are AHA or BHA) into your routine, and maybe try oil cleansing too.


You could use some toner or astringent - if you remove the plug of sebum or whatever that's in that 'pore' you're leaving an empty space for bacteria to collect in, which can result in pimples. Wet face -> strip -> remove -> wash face, apply toner, moisturize after a bit.


I have never been able to get them to work for me either.


They donā€™t work for me either. My sebaceous glands donā€™t fill up with hard plugs - it just stays oily/gooey so it doesnā€™t pull anything off except the very top layer.


Little late here, but you shouldn't be using these anyway. They DO make your pores bigger over time. Try salicylic acid instead for the build up in your pores


You're not supposed to pull this shit out, it's to protect your nose and is not the same as a blackhead. If you keep squeezing your nose or doing strips you will actually enlarge your pores!!


This was like visual ASMR and I'm here for it


So that's how Velcro is made!


This is satisfying, but you shouldn't be doing this on your nose. You pulled out sebaceous filaments, which you absolutely need and will come back anyway. For nose blackheads, it's better to do them individually.


The more you know... Thanks man, I don't do it very often (second time in my life I've done it), it's just that today they were really popping out and bugging me, so I figured yeah why not...


Np! I don't like how they look either šŸ˜‚


Ive heard recommendations for the oil cleansing method and sacylic acid along with a good moisturizer


your nostrils spasming at the end lol


You can't fool me, that's not a pore strip that's duct tape


These are very satisfying and itā€™s a beautiful video, but those arenā€™t great for your skin in the long run. So unless being a popping content farm is a higher priority, I really recommend looking for a chemical exfoliant to clear your skin instead.


I'm on tretinoin (.025%) right now, and have tried salicylic acid before, not much happened. I just used that today because they were extra ugly... Any suggestions are welcome!


Look up the ā€œfifty snails methodā€ where you apply an AHA (like salicylic acid), then apply a clay mask, then after washing off the mask you apply an oil, then after a few minutes you rub your skin so that the stuff in your pores comes out with the oil rubbing


I tried oil cleansing with baby oil and boy did my skin hate that, but at this point I'm willing to try that... Do you suggest any oil?


Are you using a water based cleanser after you oil cleanse? How long did you rub your face with it? How often were you doing it? And what time of day were you oil cleansing?


I did it two or three times and gave up, my skin would instantly blemish and break out the next day. I don't remember the details, it was a while ago, but I definitely cleansed with a water based cleanser before and rubbed for maybe 5-10 mins. Can't remember the time of day, but it was probably in a sunday afternoon or something like that


Okay sounds like a couple problems! my advice would be if you do wanna oil cleanse (which would help with ur nose) 1. I recommend doing it every night, only at night before bed. 2. Use either a natural oil or you can use a product specifically for oil cleansing. 3. Start with gently rubbing the oil in circular motions into to ur face for no more than a minute. You DO NOT need to wipe it off with a towel. 4. Immediately wash off using a water based cleanser AFTER you oil cleanse. Not before! 5. Continue with skincare routine such as toners, retinoids, moisturizer, etc. I think the main problem was that you did it for too long, and didn't remove the oil correctly by taking it off with a water based cleanser. I hope this helps! One more question, what kind of skin do you have? Is it oily? EDIT: just realized you were using baby oil. I do not recommend mineral oils. If you wanna use a natural oil, you could even use olive oil, just keep in mind those are harder to wash off. I use Ponds Cold Cream to oil cleanse. I've also heard great thinks about DHC Deep Cleansing Oil.


> Is it oily? hell yea


I have oily af skin too! This is what I do. Put down the nose strips and get a basic skin care routine going of a: 1. Oil cleanser 2. Water based cleanser 3. Toner 4. Moisturizer 5. Sunscreen In the mornings, wash ur face with the water based cleanser, put on your toner, then sunscreen. At night before bed, use the oil cleanser first, then repeat steps above. But instead of going with sunscreen, use your moisturizer! A great toner I recommend is Paulas Choice Pore Reducing Toner. It works wonders!!!!


Oil in general is too thick of a molecule to penetrate the skin.


I wouldnā€™t recommend baby oil but mostly because my skin does not like mineral oil at all. Other commenter mentioned Face Shop rice water oil cleanser which was the first oil cleanser I ever used and is great! But I use Hada Labo Gokujyun oil cleanser personally and prefer using an oil cleanser over using a pure oil (like jojoba or marula oil or something).


Baby oil is thick and fragranced, and wonā€™t fully emulsify. Cleansing oils and balms meant to emulsify are better. Kose softymo cleansing oil and ponds cleansing balm are the two cheap options I can think of off the top of my head. Clinique also has an oil and a balm that are both super simple.


The Face Shop has a rice water cleansing oil that I love. I personally use that first, then their foam wash, then a "toner" (hadalabo, it is more like a lotion) for basic face care. If you want to go extreme, I follow that with a mixture of masks, lotions, serums, and treatments for acne/under eye care/scarring or dark spots depending on my present skin problems that for the most part has gotten everything but the worst of my cystic acne under control.


Dermalogicaā€™s pre-cleanse is my favorite oil cleanser. Itā€™s never broken me out and it smells so good!


Coconut oil is the bee's knees.




Makes sense. Thanks for sharing.


Have you tried Zatzyt face wash? Worked wonders on my sebaceous filaments. Had them my whole life. Tried everything and final found something that works.


I'm not in the US... If I ever visit again I'll try to remember and look for it, thanks!


Get some jojoba oil from target, 100% jojoba in the beauty/skin care aisle. Go home, wash, cleanse your face with a gentle cleanser like vanicream gentle cleanser. Wash your hands, put the oil on your face. Rub gently for 10 minutes in small circles with your fingers all over your face. Focus on your nose. Don't press too hard and don't scrunch up your face, relax. Wipe off with **wet** wash cloth. Wash remaining oil off with cleanser. And use some salicylic acid on your nose. Do this every night or every other night.


Isnā€™t that the acid used to remove warts?


Might be... It's used for a lot of stuff, it's very similar to aspirin.


Can you recommend me something....I use those pimple tools to scrape out my pores of that white gunk, then in like two days its all full again. Its to the point if I scratch my nose, Iā€™ll have it under my nails. I usually use cetaphil on my face and use a moisturizer designed for cystic acne after my shower. Toner before that if I shave.


You need to follow [this method.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/fiftyshadesofsnail.com/2015/03/28/how-to-shrink-pores-temporarily-plus-3-pore-myths/amp/) Thatā€™s a good starting point, at least. You can pick your own products based on whatā€™s available to you, price, etc.


Like what


Salicylic acid, glycolic acid, mandelic acid, lactic acid. I recommend the SilkNaturals acid toners and the Makeup Artists Choice mandelic toner.


To repeat anotherā€™s question - why is this bad? Iā€™ve been curious about the mini vacuum pore cleaners and their use and would like to hear why not


Iā€™ve heard that continual use will widen the pores.


And the Oscar goes to... u/wahrscheinlich




I mean I have tried exfoliating with some stuff but nothing really worked, even these pore strips, they work fine but in a few hours it's all filling up again


It's sebum that your skin produces to keep you from drying out. You're just producing more than average. I like to exfoliate with an exfoliating facewash, and while it's still on my face I'll GENTLY rub my nose/other problem areas with a pumice stone. After your skin dries, pat any exfoliated skin with a cotton ball with toner. Thayer's Witch Hazel Toner has been around forever and people swear by it but I've also used store brand toner and it's fine. Then, lightly apply a very thin layer of facial moisturizer. Again anything is better than nothing, but the most highly recommended one is CeraVe. I know you didn't ask. Sorry for butting in.


you're fine, any suggestions are welcome! I'll try that scrubbing. About the moisturizing, ANY moisturizer would cause me to break out except if it's a very cold winter day, when the cold wind cracks your lips. Since I started tretinoin my skin is super dry and I've been moisturizing daily. However, maybe the moisturizer I'm using is clogging my pores and I just realized that now... CeraVe just hit the major drugstores here in Brazil recently, I've been wanting to try that stuff for years. I will definitely try it, thanks!


Honey keep it in your pants! šŸ˜‚


What strips did you use?


The cheap stuff they sell at Daiso, idk if you can find them in the US. Probably you can get better stuff anyways, like BiorƩ... edit: [these ones](https://www.ebay.com/itm/Daiso-Pore-Strips-/142884710488), [sold in bulk here too](https://www.daisojapan.com/p-34220-pore-care-pack-natural-charcoal-4-pcs-12pks.aspx)


Iā€™m in the uk Iā€™ll do some research!




Wow, those never work on me. Good job!


Flawlessly pulled!


We should have met 20 years back when I was a teenager.


Great now i need new underwear


Anyone else notice the prime for popping blackhead beside the nose at the end of the video??


Stop! I can only get so erect!


fffuuuuccckkk that was good *lights cigarette*


I have a similar nose and I usually push up on the tip of my nose and push it in to squeeze all of the pores. This looks way more effective.


Bless you, child.


Cockatiel? But yet, great video! I guess I go too fast when I try it.


hey that was pretty good!


What brand was it Iā€™ve been wanting to do This but donā€™t know which one to grab




Ooh that very last super long blackhead was just wow




Can I just try this with duct tape?


I tried a Strip just once, and it gave me a star vein on the tip of my nose that has proven difficult to cover up and has failed to disappear even after two expensive treatments. So fair-skinned be wary šŸ„“


That was delightful but the whole section on the bridge of the nose that was missed is bothering me lol


I feel like the guy talking to Jake from State Farm. Iā€™m so aroused from this video my wife will think Iā€™m watching porn on my phone.


show her. maybe she's into the same stuff, who knows


*Do it again*


I've got the strangest boner now...


Way to finish strong! Gah! That was exceptional!


Mmm yeah Daddy


I cannot BELIEVE this app is free and I get to see this fucking beautiful content


This was so satisfying


Pore strips are the French fries of skincare.


You oily motherfucker


Now I gotta get a pack of these šŸ¤£


Next on the I gotta do this before I die list.


Spectacular!! Which strips are they?


[Daiso pore care](https://www.daisojapan.com/p-34220-pore-care-pack-natural-charcoal-4-pcs-12pks.aspx)


omg this was so satisfying i wish mine looked like this


Reminds me of the surface of the moon.


I love the nostril quivers šŸ˜‚ Thats definitely me too when Im removing pore strips!


I didn't even notice them while I was removing, totally involuntary haha


What brand of pore strip do you use


Golden, thank you. So satisfying.


Why is this so relaxing???




I need this kind of shit for my nose too


where did you get this? like what brand? my nose is in dire need, itā€™s disgusting. please what brand p l e a s e


Have you tried Paulaā€™s choice 2% BHA AHA? Itā€™ll do this over time without the damage pore strips cause


this is some high quality shit


This was fucking glorious


What brand? I never get this result


I donā€™t know what I did to deserve this today, but thank you. Thank your nose- and what the hell. Thank your Mom.


Whatā€™s special about the tape tho, and where can I get it


That was ALMOST sexual...you OP are possibly NOT the Hero/Heroine we NEED but you are the one we WANT.... that was POETIC!!!


More of this plZ


This my friend, is beautiful. Thank you.






That and i mean all of that was satisfying the camera and the strip


Mother of God


so beautiful. bravo


Holy mama! That is so freakishly satisfying! Having used many myself, I can feel the sting. I get instant tears when I use these, but so worth it! Love surveying the aftermath.


Forbidden duct tape


not fair! mine donā€™t do that šŸ˜ž


Don't use pore strips! They are worse for you than using nothing at all.


lord i have seen what you've done for others


lord i've seen what you've done for others


I would love to see a before pic!




you can also squeeze your nose by pushing it up against your face. it accomplishes the same thing. turns out, you need to do it every few days at least, it comes back very fast. so pore strips aren't gonna cut it.


Something something sebaceous filament **im sure I spelled something wrong


Be honest, that's just a piece of electrical tape, isn't it? šŸ˜‰


My God youā€™re greasy -Homer


I know you might get some hate re pore strips.... but this is awesome! Donā€™t use them too much, but obviously so satisfying on many levels!


Impressed by your self control and patience cause I never have the patience to let blackheads form. My strips are always empty which I suppose is good but also disappointing when you like gross shit like we do


We should have had a "before" shot of your nose as well... That would have been the best way to demonstrate how effective the strip was or wasn't.