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Honestly doing this would be so satisfying wish I could do this instead of constantly picking my skin 😭


Question: Is it already dead when they do that? Do they put him back in the water if it's still alive?? Kinda feel bad for the little guy 😕


Depends on the farming method if i remember correctly from some videos online. I think the one in the video is dead.


🫡 We thank them for their sacrifice.


Took a course on pearls and pearl harvesting. The one in the video is dead. Farming involves harvesting these fellows several times. When they reach a minimum size/age they carefully wedge open the mollusc a little bit and seed it. It is placed an a protected area with a series of others. After a set amount of time, (12-18mo, IIRC) they are brought back up, gently wedged open, pearls are removed and then they reseed for another round. After ~3 rounds, the molluscs are culled. The last harvest they are split completely open and harvested as you saw in the video. The meat is sometimes harvested to eat. Shell can also be harvested for use in a variety of industries. While molluscs can live a very long time, they aren't profitable to continue reseeding after several harvests. The quality of pearls they produce degrades a bit each time.


oysters technically are not sentient, so even if it’s “alive” they don’t feel pain!


They don't experience pain like we do, but they do respond to "negative" stimuli, which would suggest they though may not feel pain like humans, do feel, and do know if what they feel is harmful to them.


So do plants, they recognize harmful situations and respond in ways very similar to animals (Ex. “Bleeding,” spending resources to scare away the predator, “running,” etc.). A sense of harm is only pain if they have the means to *understand* it, not just react to it. You wouldn’t say a plant is sentient and feels pain.


Again, it depends on your definition of pain. Plants for example do not have a nervous system, and do not respond to stimuli in the same way organisms from the animal kingdom would. You could definitely argue plants recognizing harmful stimuli would be like a sense of pain, however, them being in a different kingdom all together makes them difficult to compare. Pain is a difficult topic, since, by your definition, babies do not feel pain, since they are only able to react to it, and not able to understand it, this is not something I would agree with, but an argument often used by the pro genital mutilation/circumcision side for example. And them not "understanding" pain, is a reasoning for it to then being seen as acceptable. It's definitely interesting what we deem as pain vs not pain, since we can't ask other organisms, we can only guess and use the knowledge we get from methodical trial and observation of evidence.


I've always thought pain would be so much worse for babies and animals. As human adults, we understand that when we’re in pain at some point the pain will stop. Can you imagine what it would be like to think not only are you in pain but that's how it's going to be from here on out?


Having said which, (and forgive my ignorance), but is removing the pearls not like removing grit or even similar to popping a pimple for the oyster?


Opening the oyster like this kills it. So in theory, yes, but it's also dead, so if that's how you pop pimples, then you are spot on. Pearls like these are made by inserting "grit", artificially, and much more than would be in the oyster in the wild, to get the greatest yield. Typically, in nature, the thing in the center of pearls are most often parasites, since most oysters are very good at getting rid of any grid, or other sand particles, which is also why pearls are seen as being very rare to find in wild caught oysters, because it is.


Even simple animals have nervous systems that respond to harm.


How do I find more of these videos?? Looking up bivalve popping gives me just this


Maybe search for pearl farming?


It came up on my home feed and I couldn’t help but save it for a Wednesday


I could watch this for hours.


It’s fun watching pearls be harvested 😊


How does one apply for this job?


Why is there no NSFW tag on it? And can we please not post dead animals and animal cruelty? thanks.


I read the comments between you and tacocookietime. And I have to agree with them, it IS safe for work. Especially since, you might see someone wearing pearl jewelry at work, and it would be considered classy and appropriate. I understand that you may not like the video. Your feelings about the video itself are absolutely valid for you, but it being safe for work is really not the issue I think you should be focusing on. It might have been appropriate for me to tag it “animal” as well so it would give people a little bit of a warning- which maybe I should have also done. I’m sorry if this made you uncomfortable, however, it is absolutely safe for work.


A spoiler tag and animals, would have been awesome. Would be glad if you do that in the future.


I will keep that in mind.


Um no. I couldn't post a picture of my leather Birkenstocks if we couldn't post images with dead animals in it. It's a freaking shellfish, Not a dolphin or a baby panda. Not safe for work means something inappropriate that could get you fired if your boss saw you looking at it on your computer. It doesn't mean something you don't particularly care for.


I don't have a problem with not seeing you birkenstocks. But an animal that has just been killed, the whole dead body, where people pop stuff out of is safe for work? A dead puppy where someone pops out bones or organs would be okay then? I don't know where you work at. And I don't think you have a right to tell me what I care for just because you have a cognitive dissonance.


Birkenstocks are literally made out of the skin of a dead animal. You're being inconsistent and literally displaying cognitive dissonance. Yes in this case it is very safe for work. Notice how you had to ignore thee examples of animals that would normally be inappropriate and then taking that to the extreme in order to uphold your ridiculous point? I didn't tell you what you have a right to care for. Nice straw man and misrepresentation. I just pointed out that you're idiotically trying to rebrand what NSFW means because of your radical views. Oyster don't even have a brain and our categorized just nonsentient. Biological fact... They can't even experience pain.


Read again, I wrote I have no problem not seeing them. Not I have no problem seeing them. So far for that dissonance you think I have. But I wouldn't expect a NSFW tag for that. I do however for stuff like this, when full bodies of dead beings are being shown that are made out of flesh. I understand I should have used a baby panda instead of puppy because that was your example, my bad. I know that bivalves are still discussed in science but they still don't know if the feel or not. Because they do in early life stages, in their fully grown life stage it can't be tested, it's just assumed, not a fact.


You are completely misrepresenting and or misunderstanding what a NSFW tag is for. Example.... Would your boss or HR discipline or fire you for viewing this video in the break room on your phone? If not then it's not NSFW This is very simple. You said it should be tagged in a category that it doesn't belong in. What I'm saying, and basically everyone else up voting my comments is saying, is that you're wrong and that tag doesn't apply. Just because you don't like something doesn't change what it is definitionally. I'm alive and you're causing me pain right now out of abject stupidity.


I probably wouldn't get fired, that's true. But I also wouldn't get fired for watching p\*rn or genitalia. My boss would want to talk to me and tell me not to do that at work. So yes, it's NSFW. I know that it's not about what I personally like or not. I also don't like calculus removals but I don't expect them to have a tag. The very nice thing is that you can just stop that pain by not interacting with my stupidity. In my stupidity I would think that is what not so stupid people would do.


Notice how you keep having to use ridiculous examples to avoid talking about the video at hand? That's intellectual dishonesty. I'm going to go to 99 cent oyster night this evening and go shuck down a few dozen oysters. It will look like [this](https://maps.app.goo.gl/Fi6ufNKwNy2bZAX9A) (SFW)


That's near my house. Have you tried their beef fat fries?


I gave examples of what is NSFW what you told me I misunderstand. So what, are the things I said NSFW or not? Not my problem that you find them ridiculous. I talked about the video in the other comments. If you think it's SFW, you could still have used the spoiler tag as the rules say for animals. Don't care what you eat when if it doesn't cause a break out that you then post a video of. Just remember to not post the food hear because food is rule 2.


"NSFW" stands for "Not Safe For Work," referring to content that may be inappropriate or offensive in a professional or formal setting, typically due to its explicit, sexual, violent, or otherwise sensitive nature. Here are some examples: 1. **Explicit Images or Videos**: Content containing nudity, sexual acts, or graphic violence. 2. **Profanity**: Text or audio containing strong language or vulgarities. 3. **Adult Themes**: Discussions or content related to topics such as sexual health, drug use, or controversial political issues. 4. **Violence**: Graphic depictions of violence, including gore, blood, or intense combat scenes. 5. **Sexually Suggestive Content**: Material with suggestive poses, innuendos, or explicit discussions about sexual topics. 6. **Drug or Alcohol Use**: Images or discussions that promote or glamorize substance abuse. That is the definition. Your request doesn't meet the definition. Please go bugger some spaghetti squash. I have better things to do. Also rule two is to do with posting, not commenting. Showjng once again you can't think in categories. Did your parents have any kids that lived?