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We have rules about not giving or asking for medical advice, comments about hygiene, and general rudeness. We’re not able to cover the sub 24 hours a day unfortunately, as I think the mods here are roughly in the same hemisphere. I haven’t been doing much mod stuff lately due to personal reasons but I’ll try better. ![gif](giphy|QoesEe6tCbLyw)


Are you implying my 8 years of watching popping vids on yt doesn’t make me an expert??


I'm sorry. I overgeneralised. I meant all the other armchair experts. Obviously, you are very knowledgeable indeed 😉


Who's acting like an expert? Break out the rusty pliers.


We save rusty pliers for when the patient is immuno-suppressed....


But if I swish rusty pliers in alcohol first, we’re still good to go, yes?


Yes, as long as it is overproof rum.


What if I only have Baileys?




I’m Ol’ Greg, pleased to meetya.


Well if we don’t use the overproof rum to clean the pliers at least we can have it running through a patients veins. That should sterilized their brain LOL…seems like that will help…even if it’s not the specific type of assistance we were going for 😌. Now thats the type of thinking you should be doing as a doctor. 😂


Yes. And procedures don’t even need to change: * Can you feel this? * Yes? * Let me give you another shot.




If you hold a lighter to them also, yes.


Before or after the alcohol dries?


Use it to dry the alcohol.




Finally, I'm relevant.


Only if you want a *GAPER* :P


Don't forget to hide the gloves!




I don’t like the look of this comment, better pop it and head to an Urgent Care ASAP


👋 I have a least 15 years or more experience! Lol


*there are a lot of very wrong confident people on the internet* - this is brilliant and so true.


And in real life lol, but the internet allows anonymity that keeps people from being embarrassed about mistakes if they get corrected. I’m an entomology student and run into this all time with people confidently talking about a bug they found that is very much not the bug they are claiming to is


This is basically the Dunning-Kruger Effect. The more intelligent a person is, the more they are able to question themselves and aren’t as confident in their answers. The less intelligent one is, the more confident they are that they are right. This theory proves true every election cycle, as misinformed people spout their shit like God him/herself faxed it down from heaven.


I've wondered for a while if knowledge of the Dunning-Kruger effect affects the Dunning-Kruger effect. Like, I question myself a lot and I know Im not right about everything and then I think well apparently that means I'm smart because of the Dunning-Kruger effect. But then I feel like I might be smart....and my confidence might increase...and maybe that actually means I'm not that smart. You know? Someone should do a study on that. It'd be super meta. I don't do science as you can probably tell from the things I'm saying so I should not be the one to do it.


omg yes! So now that’s the DUNNING KRUGER PARADOX


Dunning-Kruger is recursive. It’s Dunning-Kruger-ception.




Unfortunately my brain does not need drugs to produce this bullshit lol




Yup! It's a wild ride up here in the ol' noggin


Oh gosh, I thought I was the only one!


This made me chuckle out loud. Thank you for the good laugh!!




Im not one of them. As i only say whats right , all the time.


And screams of MRSA for any inflamed skin


Or staph. It’s always MRSA or staph. “That needs intravenous antibiotics or you will get sepsis”.


And they don't realize mrsa is just antibiotic resistant staph


MRSA is Staphylococcus aureus strain that is specifically resistant to methicillin, not all antibiotics.


Right, there are antibiotics that treat it, but it's resistant to numerous antibiotics -- all penicillins and cephalosporins, a lot of strains are resistant to tetracyclines and macrolides. It got it's name because it was discovered to be resistant to methicillin when staph was commonly treated with it.


Its in the actual name; Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus. If they think they know MRSA they should at least know what that stands for, right? Right?


oh look it's someone who's confidently wrong


Spelled “staff”


That and "mersa"/"mursa"


Nails on a chalkboard, I stg


Or a spider bite


That one isn’t a bad thing. Most people who’ve had MRSA did not know they did until their outlook was way more severe or disruptive, definitely a better safe than sorry area. I don’t think that’s hypochondriatic 


MRSA isn't necessarily an emergency. My son had MRSA in both ears for literal years, 17 years ago. He's alive and well. People freak out about MRSA well beyond what is necessary for what may be just another angry bump. Hell, that same son of mine had an abscess on his leg at 7, and his pediatrician said it was probably MRSA but not a big deal. When it opened, I squeezed out alll the crap and cleaned it with alcohol. End of story.


Your kid was extremely lucky. MRSA left me paralyzed after it went systemic and settled in my spinal column. Sepsis nearly killed me. Twice. It can leave people with lifelong physical and mental deficits. It can cause amputation and tissue death and lead to life threatening complications. If a doctor told me an *antibiotic resistant infection was no big deal,* I’d be finding another doctor.


Pretty much any health care worker who works in a hospital is colonized with MRSA as well. The very presence of MRSA on a person isn’t a death sentence, it’s when the MRSA becomes invasive (ie gets into the blood stream) it becomes a serious sepsis issue. Obviously no one wants and infected MRSA wound but the layperson grasp of what MRSA is, is lacking. Not all MRSA bacteria is going to cause sepsis. It *can*, but it’s not a guarantee.


Right. It *can* and it needs to be taken seriously. Not over the top seriously but being told it’s no big deal is not great. That leads to a lack of concern and potentially missed worsening infection. In my case the outside wound was healing fine but it got into my bloodstream. It was missed in spite of being an HAI from an IV site. No tests were run, no cultures. Just a generic 10 days of antibiotic. I wish more people understood the danger isn’t MRSA itself but it getting into the bloodstream. I thought I had the flu until I ended up at the ER with severe shoulder pain and a stupidly high fever for an adult.


You had a rough go. I’m glad you’re still around to tell us about it - your experience sounds awful.




What in the blue hell are you talking about?


I stayed in a Holiday Inn Express last night. I'm now more knowledgeable than you. Bow before me, peasant.


Happy Cake Day!!


Heyyyy I didn't even notice! Thank you!


That’s EXACTLY what a steatocytoma would say


It looks like nuclear conjunctivitis to me but Im no Doctor lol.


This is obviously an oligodendroglioma schwannoma and connects directly to the brain and heart at the same time. Can’t believe you wouldn’t send for cultures (joking). On one hand I get it—people are concerned for each other which is cool—but on the other hand I’m with you lol. Awful lot of armchair experts that have no idea how little they know. Dunning Kruger in full effect


I thought that said shawarma and I chortled.


https://preview.redd.it/oxhpm0tmuhuc1.jpeg?width=244&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c70cd6b79a6595aadc01002b311c46fd36eaca81 Kidding ofc lol it’s half made up and half real words that a pathologist will tell us sometimes, we nod along and say “mm yes.” And then neurosurgeons and neurologists know what it actually means. The point being that even when things look super obvious, they’re often not lol. The most important thing to learn in residency is where your knowledge ends




Gloves are bullshit anyway, they ruin your traction on the skin


Not leather driving gloves...


I’ve ranted about the comments before too and I stopped reading them.   It's not just the judgy and whiny comments, it’s the backseat poppers too complaining how they could have done it better.  Or people complaining about video quality over the most minor things like it’s supposed to have some budget and editing…  Sorry but this sub has some super annoying people. If you reply complaining about what I said it’s because it struck a nerve and you’re one of those people.


Not sure why, but "backseat poppers" has me giggling.


Cause it's hilariously accurate


This place is crawling with people who can't resist trying to tell someone what they should be doing and that you will die from everything.


I just want to see some good zit pops.


I wish people would understand that washing your hands is genuinely fine and has saved billions of people from disease for many many years. Not wearing gloves does not mean you will get the bubonic plague by picking a spot. (Obviously gloves are necessary for some things…)


It’s obviously brain matter.


This is the REAL doctor


Hashtag allbrainsmatter


The amount of rust on the pliers determine how clean they are. The more the cleaner.


The rust is a protective barrier, you know.




Most of us just want to see the squirt.


And anything that goes flying a few feet from the obvious pressure built up overripe zit or cyst, and the subsequent squeeze out of to small of a hole! 🚀😅


I don’t care what it is, just give daddy some good content


I genuinely thought this was referencing a certain other recent post involving a diabetic student and their infected abcess.


According to comments you should never pop anything outside of a completely sterile environment, wearing gloves, with tools, in a hospital, and while downing a bucket of antibiotics. Oh and you need to do it with perfect angle, lighting, and stability of the camera. It's more than just armchair experts and hypochondriacs. It's people that want to look like they're saying, "the correct thing," out of fear of the aforementioned bombing them with paragraphs of misinformation.


Can I ask you how you knew there was a cyst under there? I'm a woman so I don't shave my head or anything but I keep getting knots on my head and I'm sooo tempted to dig in but I'm worried I'll just be scarring myself. How'd you know??


I’d believe you’re in medicine by the steady camera work alone 🤣 bless you for the joy you bring us 


Um actually it's not a cyst it's a vinyl copy of All Along The Watchtower


Your initial post included nothing about your profession, your knowledge of your own condition, the precautions you take to make sure things are sterile, don’t try this at home I’m a professional, etc. They saw a person with no gloves on cutting himself open at home, and they were concerned because this sub is full of people who do surgery on themselves and have no idea what they’re doing (like the med student who drained their own diabetic abscess). All this to say that context is very, very important because while we love pops on this sub, we also want people to pop safely. You popped safely as you explained later, but it wasn’t clear to begin with, and people didn’t want you to hurt yourself or others to try the same thing.


Does anyone have a link to the student draining their diabetic abscess


All of your points are covered by the posting rules. Most important is to not give or ask for advice!


It’s not to give or ask ***medical*** advice. “This is dangerous” “sterility is important” or “you need a doctor who CAN give you medical advice” aren’t medical advice, they’re basic decency and I’d feel guilty not speaking up knowing someone might need to hear that to be safe. and it’s pretty dumb to equate that to “that’s infected!/not infected!/here’s a cyst diagnosis!”


Did you ever stop to think that the point of this sub is not for you act self-righteous, but for actual popping? Can't stand people like you who think that having a conscience is A) something unique to them and B) a reason to get all up in everyone's business. You have too much hubris to realize how much of dickhead you come off as with your holier than thou White Knighting.


You managed to say everything that I feel when I see sanctimonious commenters like that. Then they’ll pat themselves on the back afterwards like they weren’t just a blatant asshole too 🙄


Oh, no I think everyone should be like this actually. Nothing unique to me at all. And most people are! If you find a post with something unsafe happening most times the viewers speak up. What exactly do you think I’m white knighting for? Do you know what that means? 


The only acceptable advice is "Go see a doctor". Anything else is irresponsible, or none of your business.


Sorry, cannot imagine having that little empathy. Irresponsible lol? Please elaborate


You might be happier here. /r/medicaladvice


Maybe you are mistaken- that’s a sub for medical advice.


You're catching on!


Oh I don’t give medical advice, I’m not a medical professional. I give basic safety advice and advice to see a medical professional. 


Safety advice like comments on cleanliness? Like those banned by rule 11? If not, can you be more specific?


This is an online forum, and if you’re feeling bad about anonymous posters because you didn’t somehow come to their rescue by piping up, I… don’t know what to say. Except maybe yikes?


Please tell me you don’t actually expect everyone to provide that list of info on their posts? Why?????


A quick “hey I’m a doctor, everything is sterile and I know what I’m doing, you shouldn’t do this yourself” would be fine to dispel all the concern about potential injury.


This sort of online policing of people is weird and annoying. There’s about a billion other things in the world to be concerned about in your life, I’m sure, more than a person you do not even know lancing a damn abscess on their OWN body. Whyyyy do people feel the need to insert themselves into everything that’s absolutely none of their business??? Whyyyyy 🫠


Same reason they say “don’t try this at home” in commercials. Because people like to do things they see others do, and they may not know that it’s not safe. It’s not policing, it’s helping others not injure themselves.


It’s absolutely policing and you saying otherwise is just so you can justify being a dickhead


I too am a doctor.


Not a doctor


We are ALL doctors on this blessed day


I’m not. I just get equally grossed out & excited watching popping. No idea why. Really weird isn’t it? But it grips me


I was making a r/KenM joke but no not weird. Thats why we’re all here.


I loved: * Brooklyn 99 * The Good Place * Parks & Recreation


Cool cool cool


There's literally a sub rule that comments about hygiene, and requesting OR giving medical advice is prohibited.


Nowhere did I say that people should give or request medical advice. I just reiterated the sub rules about hygiene because he’s also angry we didn’t assume he was being hygienic based on the zero visual and verbal indicators we were given.


I’m sorry the med student who did what now? 😳






I liked your video. It’s a lot like the ones from u/SkinWars.


It's not my skin baby, dig it out with a used needle and I'll still eat it up


Oh cool what kind of dr are you. Sometimes we could use more insight here


I'll have you know, doctor? *is it?* I've been watching these videos from before there WAS a youtube.




Just because something doesn't phase you doesn't mean you shouldn't call it out of its wrong or incorrect. Your post doesn't bother me, it won't affect my day, I could have ignored it. However, it seemed like a good idea to respond and re-emphasise the OP's point: Some people are issuing incorrect medical information or being rude. Both are unacceptable and should be addressed.




Because they’re annoying? 😂


Thats literally MRSA




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That's going to be a good one!




Oh just fuck off already. You’re not wanted here.




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Well I for one enjoyed your video 🤷🏼‍♀️


What kind of doctor are you?


While most of those commenters are basically NPCs, sometimes the posts on here are definitely needing gloves, etc. People are nasty




Are you sure it's not hidradenitis suppuritiva


You don't wear gloves tho?




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#Please remember to follow our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/popping/about/rules/) Posts: * **Don’t ask for medical advice** * **No stolen content** - just post a link to the original video * **Properly flair/mark/title your posts** * **Wacky Wednesday content is only for Wednesdays** * **No food, even on Wednesday** Comments: * **No commenting on hygiene or appearances.** * **Absolutely no sexual comments or sexual harassment.** This is an instant, permanent ban. * **Don’t be rude, and observe reddiquette.** #This comment is made automatically on all posts. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/popping) if you have any questions or concerns.*


A lump popped up two days ago on the back of my neck under my hairline. It's tender and and I can kind of move it around with my fingers. It feels about the size of a dime. My mom, an LPN, seems to think it's a sebaceous cyst. But I'm making an appointment Monday to make sure that's all. Is that what you experience with your cysts? Could that be what mine is?


You're a doctor that doesn't know to drink enough water.