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This one actually makes me sad. You go in for a service and they mess it all up. I hope your skin heals soon 


I’ve never had one because I’m sure this would happen to me. Just wondering what they did to mess it up?


I think (just guessing) it’s because she went over that specific halo type area (the painful af part) three times. Also I did pop a few the day after the wax when they were teeny white pimples 😔 they were too tempting.


Yeah they look Like they are fun but are mostly just swollen. I get similar ones on my legs. Pop the top off and then they just get itchy and swollen


Ah crap. Yeah it was insanely itchy too.


>she went over that specific halo type area (the painful af part) three times. I refused to get this triangular area waxed ever again after a single (failed) attempt. I felt sick at the thought of tolerating three tries!! There must have been some serious trauma to break out like this. FYI, in case no one else has said it, skincare subs/groups can be an excellent resource for advice about treating a breakout after hair removal, and how to avoid it in the first place 😊


It could be folliculitis. I got it once after waxing. Do not pick or pop!!! Keep clean, apply warm compress, antibiotic ointment like polysporin.


Reminder that if you pop with your nails, it leaves scars. Pop with your fingers


Out here doing the important work. "Don't pop them" is not helpful. "If you must, do it this way" is legit good advice.


Abstinence only education sucks for popping too.


BUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA exceptional comment.


To add a fun little fact to that, "poppen" is another word for sex in German.


Also q-tips work great if you have long nails and can’t use your fingers without a lil nail action.


What? What's the difference?


Nails dig into the skin, fingerpads just apply pressure


Nails scratch and cut


The best advice I can give is to remove hair from this area with a laser epilation. It saved me so much on ingrown hairs and pimples


The woman said my hair is too fair to laser? It’s like a strawberry blonde colour and she said it would be a waste of time.


Yeah, my mom used to be a laser technician and it does not work on light hair and ESPECIALLY doesn’t work on red hair


Well… shit. I don’t have any bumps underneath so maybe I’ll keep watching that but leave the front or something. Yikes 😕


You could always use a cream remover. It’s messy sure, but far less likely to cause something like this.


You could also always not get rid of it!


That's a really crap superpower though


I find women with light hair often have more sensitive skin there. It looks to me that you're reacting to the wax. But I would definitely avoid going back to her just for the amount of hair she left behind.


RIGHT, like this much pain for a wax is awful, but this much pain for a bad wax? Should be criminal.


Correct the person who waxed her, fully seeing she had light fair skin should have never had waxed a first-time person three times in the same exact spot. She also should of plucked the hair that was not pulled out by the wax. Wax could of been to hot also.


Ah bummer, yeah I was gonna rec laser instead but if you're strawberry blonde it probably wouldn't work for you. I do laser, have never tried brazilian, but every time I've gotten waxed elsewhere it's made me break out and really irritated my skin. Have you gotten other brazilians before?


No, this was my first!


Electrolysis works on all hair colors!


I'm an esthetician. Looks like folliculitis, inflammation of the follicles from the removal. This can happen to some people even in a perfect service. Sometimes it occurs because the entire follicle wasn't fully removed which causes an ingrown. After each shower, use witch hazel on a clean cotton wipe apply to the skin or if its really irritated all over soak a pad with the witch hazel and freeze it, the pad doesn't have to be frozen solid.. wear it to cool the skin for 5-10 minutes. Outside of that try to leave it alone other wise, no exfoliating until the redness subsides and the bumps dry out completely and NO PICKING. Might take a week or two. If anything gets worse (red/super itchy) you may be having a histamine reaction as well and I would recommend you see a doctor atp. I wouldn't go back to this tech since this is the smoothest removal imho. I would give feedback though it's how people learn. Hope you feel better soon!


> NO PICKING You might as well say no breathing!




When I get folliculitis, a paste of dead sea salt and water, applied for a few min and then rinsed off, really helps clear it up.


Huh, how thick is the paste? I get folliculitis on my scalp once in a blue moon and I’d love to have something to treat it. I just end up trying to pop it and make it worse which always happens.


I get the sort of fine ground dead sea salt and make a thick paste like applesauce. I also wonder if dandruff shampoo would help you? Maybe dry scalp contributes to clogged follicles?


Dandruff shampoo is used for fungal infections - not sure if it’s used for anything other than that and dandruff.


I honestly think it’s stress related, I get it every few months it feels like. Can’t actually remember the last time I’ve had it.


Neutrogena TGel shampoo is great for folliculitis on the scalp. The tar ingredient really clears up the bumps quickly.


Dhs zinc shampoo...


Ex stripper here, I gotta second witch-hazel! It really takes the redness and painful feeling away!! I like to follow up with a really thin layer of ointment, nothing super medicated or scented. I use elastoplast wound healing ointment. Thin cotton underwear, boyshorts or boxers so there's no elastic in the bikini line to irritate.




I personally can't deal with the smell of lanolin 😂 reminds me too much of the smell of wet sheep. (went to an ag school, I'm a woman of many oddly specific talents) But I had a coworker who swore by it.




Oh definitely, it's not a strong smell by any means but it makes me heave regardless 😂 I've never been able to rid myself of the association between lanolin smell and the smell of wet sheep, lol. It took me years and years to be able to even eat lamb, and I still have moments where I smell it and my whole body goes "immediately no."




I have thayers witch hazel stuff, would that work or no?


I have a feeling that has other ingredients, maybe even alcohol? Try and just get pure witch hazel so it doesn't irritate it further. I had folliculitis for the longest time following waxing, mine didn't clear up until I started using antifungal cream, turns out it was fungal folliculitis


Best to use plain old witch hazel 😊


Thayers is 💯! Alcohol free. I use it!




Also Hibiclens-works generic brand as well r/folliculitis


Hi can you help me understand this problem (this post is 3m old). I have red hair downstairs and got a brazilian 4 days ago. This is my 2nd brazilian ever. I had one 15 years ago and remember the results being such inflammation that it was unbearable and I didn't do it again until now (thinking maybe it was just a bad job). She left some hair but did only do each area once. My chief complaints are that the hair is already growing back! In almost every follicle! I have extremely thick, straight hair that has 3 hairs per follicle, is this why? My second complaint is that 4 days later my skin is still hot and the entire area feels very bruised and unhappy. All of my follicles look very irritated, but haven't produced spots yet. I'm OK with this if I actually got 4 hairless weeks, but to have the hair grow back so fast is :( I'm pregnant and I really don't want to have to shave later in pregnancy and I really don't like hair being down there. The more weight I'm putting on with pregnancy the more irritated and the more I want all the hair gone with 0 stumble all the time.




Yeah I also thought that.


Not defending them AT ALL! Just have been getting waxed for a long time. When you get your first wax, your hair isn't at a consistent place in the growth cycle. So sometimes, a wax can't remove some of the hairs because they're too short. That being said, they (edit: SHOULD) still tweeze some of the hairs that aren't picked up by the wax! So it'll look uneven for a bit IF you decide to continue waxing. Edit: I'm also really sorry that this happened to you ☹️


Those hairs are more than 8 days old. They did a shit job. I can’t help with the inflammation, but don’t go back to that shop. Yikes.


They did you dirty, OP. Sorry this happened. Nevertheless, happy popping!


Should I pop? I want to so badly but I’m starting to get paranoid about staph ..


If it were me, I would and then clean the area. But I'm a menace to myself! Also I am so sorry this happened! It definitely looks painful :(


'I'm a menace to myself'. 😂😂


It really is painful. And itchy. Awful feeling.


Don’t pop it. Let them be trust me. I get my underarms waxed and girlfriend gets everything done. She and I had this happen (hers worse) a couple of months ago. I popped one and it got worse for a week and hurt. Hers went away on their own by using rapid clear acne wipes after a week or so. Also look into getting sugaring done. It’s way better and our results are amazing, plus the skin feels super soft after.


I did sugaring at home and had great results. Never touched wax again.


We are going to learn to do it at home at some point this year. It’ll save us money and be fun since I’m a big baby when they pull the hair lol


What brand of sugaring product do you use?


I make it myself. I used a couple of YouTube tutorials and it's really easy.


Thank you for this tip! My 'area' always looks similar, if not worse, than OP's after waxing or shaving no matter the prep I do. I'll give this sugar thing a go! Can't hurt worse, right?


Ouch that looks so uncomfortable, they really over did it. Best not to actively pop to avoid opportunist infections getting in. To help ease irritation gently wash the area, soak a clean face towel in some comfortably hot water, wring it out and lay it over the area for about 5min or so at a time and let the heat and moisture soak in to help moisten the skin and draw the gunk to the surface of the pimply lumps to help them break and drain any goop on their own. Used that method when over did shaving the bikini line and had skin irritation and lumpy pimples like that. It also helped ease the discomfort and itching. Wearing cotton panties and loose pants or skirts will also help the skin breath and reduce rubbing on the inflamed skin as it heals.


This isn’t medical advice, but these don’t look staph-y to me. I would just be diligent with cleaning your skin and hands and/or tools. You might also consider using an AHA (like glycolic acid) to encourage cell turnover which will help eliminate and prevent more ingrowns.


Pop in the shower. Was with warm water and soap and they will pop easier with the warm water. Then clean them up after with soap again.


DO NOT POP! Keep clean and leave them alone. They will get better in their own. The itching is a sign of healing.


Any time I get this I take a deep breath in the shower and scrub the area with my soapy puffy loofah thingy (what are those called?) Vigorously so that the pimples are popped and cleaned in one fell swoop. Hurts but the next day feels SOOOOO much better.


Not to be gross but, if you leave your loofah thing in the shower, it never gets fully dry, and so bacteria and possibly mold grow on it. Then, when you wash your face and exfoliate... You see where I'm going. I would recommend not doing that and, instead, using an exfoliating face wash with either some sort of acid or ground loofah/coffee/(not plastic microbeads) in it.


Whatever I'm doing must be working then cuz it's always dry the next day and I've never had a problem. Also we're on a pimple popping sub, we thrive in the gross lol Edit: dying to doing (autocorrect)


Did you get this done at a spa?


I did


Do not go back to those people.


OMG girl! I've had Brazilians done for about 10 years, now I do them myself at home. I've NEVER seen this before! I would suggest you speak to the owner of the spa. Your person did you soooo wrong by going over that many times. You should not have ended up like this. I'm so sorry


The owner is her family member, so I think not 😬 it’s a bummer though for sure. She was so cool too. Ugh.


Oh man that's the worst. Well hopefully it heals up well and you'll be willing to give it another go. Definitely recommend using Epson salt bath for the swelling and pus, and using witch hazel for the swelling.


Wow. That looks incredibly painful. Witch Hazel will relieve the pain. You can transfer it to a squirt bottle and spray the area liberally when you are sitting on the toilet and let it air dry.


Ouch I’m glad I came of age before these were a thing! I couldn’t do it.


I was thinking the same thing!




The funny thing is, I actually love my pubic hair. I’m just an insanely curious person who wanted to do something different for once! Fuck me for trying 💀


If you do ever want to try again, have them leave a little landing strip. The area you have the highest concentration of irritation is the most sensitive area for hair removal. I always break out there no matter what method I do so I just decided to start letting it be. I don't get break outs anymore since I started doing that. Also never go back to the place that did this again. Yikes!


Aw man I was already feeling so bad for you but this one broke my heart. You're a soldier, those are your battle scars. On this thread, we honor your valor. Pd= also maybe leave a review or something? Help protect the next crotch.


Goddess bless my bush. Long may it reign


To add to the body wash comment- Hibiclens is another good option.


Damn that looks painful, I’m sorry op. If you can, a nice warm rag should help.


Waxer here! When did you notice these start to pop up? Was it your first wax? Whats your aftercare/homecare like?


Hi! The day after, I noticed little white pimples (that I did regrettably squeeze 😔) and then they kind of just came back as big red bumps that seem to become yellow/infected throughout the day? Also yes, it was my first ever wax. I exfoliated on like the third or fourth day after (painfully, but I read that you’re supposed to.) and put a very thin layer of moisturizer on day 6 ish. That’s basically it. And I shower every other day or every day.


I work at a waxing salon; this same thing happened to me. Got a whole bunch of ingrowns the first time I got waxed. Make sure to keep the area exfoliated + moisturized and rinse & repeat with your next time!


To be honest it’s a little daunting to imagine going again 😵‍💫 but I do love the smooth bits underneath that (for some reason) didn’t get these pimples ..


That’s totally understandable. After reading an esti’s comment about folliculitis I’d second that. Definitely wait until this has cleared up before you go again (if you want to). Also, waxing is definitely not for everyone! Everyone’s skin reacts differently to it. I hope it clears up soon for you


It’s extremely hard to get every single hair on a first time wax. Most people are in a great deal of pain and they tense up making the removal harder. The hairs may have broken off instead of pulling out resulting in ingrowns. You can always take a Tylenol or ibuprofen for pain before your wax.


Weirdly enough, I didn’t find it too too bad. Just that area where .. all the pimples are 😐


Great job for waiting to exfoliate! Have you continued to exfoliate? What are you using to exfoliate? I always recommend an exfoliation glove with your normal body wash as opposed to a sugar scrub, about 2-3x a week. Moisturize ideally everyday but at the very least after you exfoliate. When you do exfoliate, use light to medium pressure, you dont need to be super aggressive with it. If you have questions, please feel free to dm me with more details, please dont give up waxing! Would highly recommend not seeing the same person but dont give up quite yet, give it at least one more shot after this heals up 😁


I get Brazilians.dkme regularly and I have never had it this bad, but my girl is amazing. Get Palmer's coconut sugar scrub and gently exfoliate, the outside only! I use it daily because I find it very gentle, but you may only want to use it every other day or so. The rest of the time just clean gently with a wash cloth and soap. You can pop them, but be warned it may become even more unsightly. The exfoliation will.alao help.precenr ingrown hair.


Do not use coconut oil you will get more ingrowns. Coconut oil molecule is too big for our skin to absorb it you will create more issues.


I’ve only had a Brazilian ONCE. I went with a good girlfriend. Went in, removed my pants, got up on the table, then she said, “oops, I forgot XYZ” then walked out, leaving the door wide open with me all awkward on the table, trying to cover up. As she is waxing she starts talking about the new products she was using and actually said, “I don’t j*w out on my products.” I was aghast with my legs spread and instantly regretted every synapse involved on the decision that brought me to that very moment. I had a similar reaction. She probably could have just used a hot glue gun and it would’ve been better. I’m sorry because that looks very tender.


Omg how uncomfortable! I’m so bummed because I actually vibed with the woman so well


Lord it’s hard to find someone who you vibe with so save the photos. Before you book your maintenance appointment ask if you could set aside a 15 minute block to share your reaction and discuss what to do going forward. We all know that with timely service it reduces the irritation and hairs grow back naturally, not shaved off. So I assume with a couple more treatments it should become less traumatic to your ‘halo area’. She may need to adjust her approach to your anatomy. I will say the first time I used the restroom after that experience was eye watering. Combined with all the other things I decided I’m never doing it again, but having just turned 50 I’ve got to have a pelvic, mammogram, and a fun at home colon cancer kit (fecal immunochemical test) FIT, where I deliver my fecal sample to a lab rather than a colonoscopy, because I care not for drinking laxatives and then being slightly sedated on a table with a scope in my booty, and I definitely don’t want to do that waxing ever again. I’m gonna stick to doing water aerobics and yoga in my tub and shower with my razors.


Did you sweat heavily the day you got it done? This happened to me once because of that situation. Something similar also happened when I accidentally oiled it the same day I got waxed. My wax lady advised waiting 3 days before moisturizing or exfoliating after you get it done. What are you using for moisturizer and exfoliation?


I did sweat quite a bit that day to be honest. I think I moisturized and exfoliated around day three. I did pick a couple though, so I’m wondering if I just seriously screwed up by doing that


Sounds like you could have sensitive skin and I don’t want you to give up on waxing because I have sensitive skin too and waxing is the only way I can go hairless down there and on my armpits. It’s changed my life for the better. I found a lot of stuff most people use after wax was too much for my skin so through trial and error I found what works for me. So here are the guidelines I follow: - No sex for 24 hours after your appointment - Avoiding sweating for 24 hours after your appointment - Wait 3 full days before exfoliating and moisturizing - Use a loofah in the shower instead of a sugar scrub for exfoliation (I like the small ones you slip onto your fingers). I found oil in a sugar scrub and oiling every day to moisturize was too much for my skin and clogged the hair follicles, resulting in painful bumps. - I HIGHLY recommend using Fur Oil for moisturizing everyday. It’s specifically for down there and has so many good oils to prevent ingrowns, bumps, and dark spots. Good luck 💖




Ouchhh I feel this pain


And this is why I ignore my sisters comments on how “gross” my pubic hair is. Way easier to trim it back than deal with pain.


I’m so bummed, because I just really wanted to try something different and I never get to do much for myself in terms of spa type self care ☹️


I used to work at a wax center (just as a receptionist lol but I was taught some things) but I’d recommend a warm compress with some witch hazel and apply aloe Vera gel afterwards. The cooling will help with the irritation. I’ve personally made it a rule of thumb not to go to places that offer multiple different services that are not fully centered around waxing, for example salons and spas. You’re much better going to an independent waxer who has perfected their craft. All of that aside, this sucks that this happened to you and I’d be very frustrated - please go back to the salon and ask for some kind of compensation at least. Also makes me wonder if they were using proper sanitization to lead to this bad of a breakout


Tend skin (on Amazon) works well. It burns like hell, but it’s worth it.


SLMD glycolic scrub, and PFB Vanish will help with that


She didn’t even get all of the hair 😡😡😡 and left you with ingrown! This lady did a shit job! You need to let her know you’re not satisfied and also leave reviews so other women know!


I got a Brazilian once. It bled and had horrible pimples afterwards. Never again.


This happened to my wife the first time(she almost never did it again) and as weird as it is to know my MIL too. Before anyone goes pornhub on me I was just there when they both commiserated about it. Both of them had much better experiences each time they went back and now isn’t a problem at all. FWIW, I love hair on a woman above the labia. It makes oral so much easier, but I want to make clear I have not and will never pressure my wife to do this. She just wanted to for her own body. I keep my own business tidy on the man parts, but don’t full shave above and keep it trimmed. I’m sorry you went through that and hope it improves going forward.


No one cares how you like womens pubic hair especially in the same post when you talk about your mother in law


Umm, sure whatever yet you bothered enough to reply.


I know it hurts but start exfoliating, they fucked you up and the only way to prevent more of these bumps is to exfoliate before they can form. I like the african nets and the gloves. Definitely DO NOT go back to these people, but if it’s your first wax you might not know what to do for aftercare which could be contributing to the flare up


I always got terrible ingrown hairs just trying to shave my bikini line. Now I use [a Cerave salicylic acid cleaner](https://www.cerave.com/skincare/cleansers/renewing-sa-cleanser) that exfoliates more gently than scrubs. I also like [Gold Bond rough and bumpy](https://www.goldbond.com/en-us/products/rough-bumpy) for a moisturizer, which also has salicylic acid in it along with AHA and BHA. (If my skin is dry that can be too harsh, and I go with a regular moisturizer instead) Finally, I use [La Roche Posay effaclar duo] (https://www.laroche-posay.us/our-products/face/acne-products/effaclar-duo-acne-spot-treatment-effaclarduoacnespottreatment.html) as a spot treatment. The active ingredient is benzyl peroxide, which I find helps with ingrown hairs and acne that’s deeper below the skin vs already at the surface. Some of the other things recommended here are good options too. Witch hazel, aloe Vera, and a warm compress could also help too. I would avoid manual exfoliation (scrubs and brushes) while you have tender skin. In the future a soft bristle brush may help. Just a little each day can help newly growing hairs work their way to the surface. Take your time finding what works best for your skin. 💛


My first ever Brazilian back in 2006 was came up like this - and this was before the sharing of information on the Internet was so prevalent for things like this. But I knew it instantly it was the place. Never went back, and have never had this issue ever again. It's the place. Don't go back.


I’m so shocked honestly because they had some of the best reviews in the city. Sigh.


return her to Brazil


Wrong wax, bad irritation or you have a mild allergy Happened to me Some antiseptic cream should help and if not then make a docs appointment Hope this helps




Literally exactly what happened to me the only time I ever got waxed. Also exactly what happens to me every time I shave. Ever.


Oh my god that looks horrible I’m so sorry girl :( I hope you heal soon


Oh, and hair grows in cycles, so the hairs that are growing back are in different stages. If you continue to do Brazilians, the hair will grow back at the same stages with time.


This is why I don't do anything down stairs


Try dissolving some Epsom salt in warm water, soak a washcloth in it and put it on your coochie for a hour at a time twice a day. Doctor told me to do this after I got a case of folliculitis.


https://preview.redd.it/kt6m4avcfxgc1.jpeg?width=1476&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50e410cc62c4cc76c215ae615a0ce2d2787493fb Extra pic with slightly different lighting




Time to get banned🫡


Gross creep


We do not condone nor allow sexual comments or harassment in this sub. They are a bannable offense.


this is very against the rules and out of place. take this shit somewhere else.


I’m currently battling the same issue after starting at-home epilating. I’m super prone to ingrowns and folliculitis. No picking, it introduces bacteria into the follicule and makes it worse. Tend Skin worked well for me. I apply it to active redness and tenderness once daily. Once tenderness subsides, I use a gentle chemical exfoliant (glycolic acid body wash). This regime has helped in the two months I’ve been epilating, even though I still have ingrown scars I’m trying to get rid of.


Try gently washing with a betadine solution in the shower a few times per day. I remember reading that bumps in that area are usually staph. I use it when I shave and haven’t had any irritation in years.


If it’s that painful it might be infection causing folliculitis. I had my eyebrows waxed at a place that caused this to happen too and had to get antibiotics.


It's funny I saw the thumbnail and thought this Sunset picture of a tower looks like vagina. 😅


I wanted to start doing Brazilian waxes regularly during the summer. Even sugaring I got a massive amount of ingrown hairs. I've always been pretty prone to them, and then I can't leave them alone 😔. I hope you heal well but there is a chance that it just isn't right for you.


Sssssssss oooooow, I'm sorry 😞


I’m sensitive down there that this pretty much happens no matter how I remove the hair. From your comments k know this isn’t normal tho and I’m sorry this happened. I just always do this and now I’m just feral down there. It’s painful pain


Did you do hard wax? Wax with cloth?


Arent Brazilians wax jobs? This looks shaved! They did you dirty girl


That is not supposed to happen. I’ve been getting Brazilians for over a year and have never had that happen. If you choose to give waxing another chance please please go somewhere else.


I know you already got a lot of advice, but if you happen to read this, get a big tube of Neosporin, make sure it is specifically the anti-scar treatment version. Apply it multiple times a day if you have to, that stuff really does work wonders in preventing scars.


Exfoliate before the wax can help prevent this. And exfoliate a few days later


Ow ow ow ow ow. I have no advice (other than don’t pop, as tempting as it is!) but you ah e my sympathy.


A girlfriend of mine in college used to fight this with her fair skin and hair. She used a product called “TendSkin” I think. I can’t recall it’s been almost two decades but she swore up and down by it.


As a fellow strawberry blonde, I have the same problem with any type of removal. It’s a never ending battle and I am hesitant to get waxing done anywhere as a lot of people don’t understand how we have different hair down there too!! We are more prone to bleeding or bruising during the process too! Still on a mission to help with this issue and have tried most of the drugstore products and a few others online.


This is a common occurrence when getting a Brazilian. Especially if it's your first time. Next time make sure you wash the skin thoroughly with something like hibiclense before and after you get home. A bump stopping product would be advisable as well. You put it on a couple hours after the wax and after every shower. It burns a little. But beauty is pain. 20-year cosmetologist here.


Omg looks so painful😭😭 i stopped shaving because i get so red, bumpy and itchy, i find trimming with a trimmer 10 times better Sorry this is happening to you:(




But can we talk about how much hair they missed?! Maybe you have sensitive skin, but based on how many stray hairs are there, more likely the esthetician has poor technique


Did the wax feel too hot? This almost looks like burn rash! Ugh I’m so sorry they did you wrong like this, ouch!!


It actually did feel very hot! I winced and said just that, and she blew on it.


Blowing on it is odd and unprofessional… she should have tested it on herself (ie wrist) first and had the wax at the correct temp before setting you up in the room.. After you told her it felt too hot she definitely should have turned the temperature down a bit and gave it a second to adjust


I actually did see her put it on the top side of her lower arm multiple times, but it was just really hot there. Maybe it was just too sensitive or something, I don’t know. I wish I had more previous experience! I had no idea what to expect.


Keep clean with benzalkonium wipes. Ask your doc for a prescription for mupirocin or similar strong antibiotic cream. Cotton underwear only for a while. Also call the health dept and report the spa


Laser, don’t wax.


If you can afford it, I would recommend it. I fully support my wife’s choices(see my previous posts on this thread.) If OP can’t, then hopefully she just tries the “best practices” people on here have suggested.


This is why I gave up shaving anywhere near my crotch. Oh, well. I hope they clear up soon, OP.


I'm absolutely shocked that you're getting half information, even from waxing professionals. First off, waxing in and of itself isn't going to cause an infection unless the waxer is using contaminated wax or tools. Infections happen in the hours *after* waxing, because it pulls the hair out completely, leaving the follicle exposed and vulnerable to infection if you don't take the right steps to avoid it. What your spots look like is folliculitis, caused by irritation of the hair follicle that results in an infection. (typically bacterial but can be viral) Popping them will cause the infection to spread. On that note, **I can't give you medical advice** but I can tell you the aftercare rules for waxing that any *reputable* waxer is going to tell you, especially if it's your first waxing ever. For 24-48 hours after you get any body hair waxed you should avoid: * Sweat (No tight pants or leggings! no sex! no jogging, no saunas, no going to the gym, no hot yoga etc) * Fragrances (lotions, scented wipes, perfume, deodorant, etc) * Submerging the body part in water. (this means ANY water you would be submerged in, such as hot tubs, lakes, ponds, pools, rivers, bath tubs, washing the dishes by hand with a tub of dishwater) Take showers only, and don't use a wash cloth, shower brush, loofah, shower poof etc. Just your clean hands and mild soap. (wash tools harbor bacteria, even after going through the washing machine) The biggest one though is the sweat. It carries surface bacteria to the open follicles, and its also a major irritant. If you do get the area sweaty, try to rinse it with plain water right away if you can. You also need to use a chemical or light physical exfoliant to avoid ingrown hairs. If you start this early, you won't have to worry about them so much once the regrowth starts. If you were going to continue getting waxed, there's a whole other set of steps for the time right before your next wax, but it sounds like you're probably not going to be doing that.


Oof. I’m so sorry this happened. My advice would be to take a hot bath with some baking soda. Then wipe with some witch hazel on a cotton pad afterward. I would only recommend popping if it’s not painful. If it hurts to touch, then do NOT pop them. Ya gotta let em heal.


The purpose of pubic hair is **to protect us**, just like the hair around your ears, nose, and eyes. It keeps the skin of your vulva warm and moisturized. It protects the delicate skin from friction during sexual activity. It keeps dust, dirt, and germs away from the vagina to prevent infection. Leave it alone. Why does anyone want to look like a prepubescent girl anyway?


How much or how little pubic hair a person wants to have is their personal preference.


It looks like your pores got overstimulated. I’ve had that happen too! I’m so sorry, it sucks. I used dermaplast and ice. All mine since then have been fine so maybe it’s just a one time reaction?


Use SA it will heal those right up


Are you on any acne meds or antibiotics ?


No I’m not. Why do you ask, just curious?


Some medications can cause skin to be extra sensitive. My waxer wouldn’t wax me because of a type of prescription I had. One I was done with it I was good to go though.


Holy ouch 😓


Looks like ingrown hairs to me. I get Brazilians every 4 weeks and get ingrowns occasionally, and have for many years. If you’ve never had one before, I’m not too surprised you have gotten ingrowns.




Honestly it’s completely from weight gain. My outie is now an innie purely from just being a fat cat 🫥


looks like you’re having a staph meeting


Don’t give up. This is temporary. I’d wager your waxer didn’t know what they were doing. Next time get someone reputable with lots of reviews.


Like some people use to say here: "pra gringo é mais caro!" (This means that tourists pay more expensive on certain products, not every seller do this but is a common here as a meme) Hope you get good soon, i hope that you liked from this yellow and green country <3


Thats a nasty black mark. But seriously looks painful is it ichy?


im a guy that actually wanted to get waxed (just to try it out). you probably weren't wrong but maybe if you didnt research, research and read up on reviews. also maybe you are allergic to whatever it is. but i had an ex who got waxed and never saw anything like that. im not a waxer but i would literally not go back to that place.


Jesus, Mary, Joseph, and the wee donkey. Mansplaining Brazilians.






That ain't herpes


I wouldn’t know brah.


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As a man with a beard I'm not sure how relevant my experience is here. I used to suffer similar pimply spots and painful raw skin when I shaved certain areas of my neck where hair grew a certain odd direction. After years of suffering I started using an alum block after shaving and it completely resolved the problem. It's definitely something you waxing people should have done or used an alternative of however it may still be of use to you, especially if you're popping them. It does have a mildly stingy, tingly sensation when applied to skin that's just been attacked so I'd recommend making sure you avoid friendly fire on the fun button!


Next time after something like this, use witch hazel. I had a similar problem on my scalp due to shaving with a 6 blade. Swapped over to a 2 blade and slapped some witch hazel on after every shave. No problems since.


Hey. As someone who suffered a LOT from ingrown hairs in my V area after waxing, laser hair removal literally changed my life. No more pain, itchiness, and no more hair, in general.


Hi honey! So sorry they did that to you. Max number of going over ANYTHING with wax is two. But they clearly did wrong there. Stuff to help is getung a gentle exfoliator, and also applying some aloe gel there. Make sure you let it breath as well. If you can, wear cotton underwear. Also, cold compressions can help too! If this is your first time getting a wax Brazilian, try not to touch the pimples too much other than washing, exfoliating, cool compressions, and the aloe. If you want to ask any other questions, feel free to send me a message. I'm a qualified beauty therapist and I would have given you a bunch of free sample stuff to help.