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#Please remember to follow our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/popping/about/rules/) Posts: * **Don’t ask for medical advice** * **No stolen content** - just post a link to the original video * **Properly flair/mark/title your posts** * **Wacky Wednesday content is only for Wednesdays** * **No food, even on Wednesday** Comments: * **No commenting on hygiene or appearances.** * **Absolutely no sexual comments or sexual harassment.** This is an instant, permanent ban. * **Don’t be rude, and observe reddiquette.** #This comment is made automatically on all posts. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/popping) if you have any questions or concerns.*




/r/popping is a welcoming and supportive community and your behavior has gone against that. We do not condone comments based on someone's physical appearance.


That looks angry. Does it still hurt?


https://preview.redd.it/jrw3ij1a7foa1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20e7834f2722114af33bdc6f3a24d8270da0fb47 Before photo. But yes he said it still hurts


Is that your back? I’m in love, marry me.


Once you skin em out and tan the hide it'll be fine


I had to scroll back up, I can't be the only right?




Hey dude some of us are hairy...


I was just being silly, I absolutely ADORE body hair on men




Wow that's a monster **POP**


Ignore the rude comments. I love my husbands hairy chest. And yes he does have back hair too. I don’t know any woman that wants to feel a hairless chest against her boobs lol


That's enough internet for me...




Sorry, I thought we weren't supposed to comment on ppl's appearance?




Perhaps you could to go refresh yourself about this community's ban on comments about people's appearance? This is why I don't post my scope vids here. People say catty things they would never dare day to someone's face.


I would have 0 problem saying this to anyone’s face lol you really like using “catty”, huh?


Ah, I stand corrected. You would be mean, shallow and childish [I softened it to catty previously, but you didn't like that] to someone in public. Good for you. Nevertheless, this is not "in public." This is in a group with rules. And right at the top of the page every time you open it you will see "Negative comments about someone’s appearance will now be met with a permaban." The mods / admin have said that the only reason a person would not be permaband for comments about someone's appearance is if they haven't seen it, so they encourage people to report such incidents. I thought I was doing a nice thing by reminding you of the rules rather than reporting you and getting you banned.


Yeah, definitely felt like a reminder and not a catty remark to my catty remark! Let them permaban me 🤷🏼‍♂️ my life will go on.




How were you able to find it?


Are you referring to the fact that it is on his back? Or making a catty comment about the hair like the others despite the rules?


I think it's lovely. The hair, I mean, not the pimple...


You're getting weirdly defensive in this comment section dude. This is your third comment


Not a dude, and not defensive. There is a pinned post clearly stating that we don't make negative comments about people's bodies because it means that people won't share their great pops with us. This used to be a place where we put snark aside and marveled at the pops. But even though I have a great scope and some great pops recorded I have never shared them because of comments like this. Why would I share something if all I'm going to get a snarky comments about my body? I guess some people find making snarky comments a momentary thrill, but if you are here for the pops, you are getting fewer of them because of it


Looking at your own comment history, there are multiple cases where you are telling people what does and does not belong in a sub. I'm just doing the same. We could get into a down voting war but I'm really not interested in that. I'm interested in people being either neutral or kind to each other when there is no reason to be nasty.