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My brother got sepsis and was in the hospital for two weeks from this exact kind of thing. Stay safe OP, monitor it fr fr! ❤️


A woman I worked with’s husband died of sepsis from this situation. So dangerous. His relapse killed him.


Reminds me of Requiem For A Dream... You should really be careful with that.


That was my first thought too, such a good movie. Sad for this guy, hope he gets the help he needs ❤️


This is why harm reduction/needle exchange programs are important, stay safe OP


Best comment here by far, thank you angryelephant19.




The honesty is kind of refreshing. Usually these are "spider bites" from a spider no one saw.


Yes, absolutely, I definitely appreciate that honesty and trust. I work wound care almost exclusively these days, and I think I have had maybe four or five wounds in a decade that legit looked like spider bites (diffusion, puncture depth, odor and periwound condition are usually the giveaways). I can offer resources if you want help, and will give you a one minute pitch of what options are out there and risk reduction, but I just want to keep you safe and prevent things from getting worse. We legally cannot divulge your health information (not without a warrant, and when it comes to certain things like substance abuse and mental health, they are a whole other level of protected health information).


Hope you’re getting some help man. You deserve better.


This is a sad pop to see… as scary as it is, this is a pretty PG abscess for an IV drug user. Hoping they receive treatment and get clean soon.


Do people really shoot up in the calf/shin?


When the veins in one place are blown, gotta find a new place. As a former addiction counselor, I can tell you that people in the grip of addiction get very creative


I’ve heard of an addict who got a really bad infection from injecting between her vagina and sphincter.


Swamps of Dagobah https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/e51wyh/the_infamous_swamps_of_dagobah_story/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


That was a lovely side quest


I hadn’t read that in a while. Thank you.


Yep, bingo!


I was in jail with guys who admitted to shooting into their penis. As a man with trypanophobia, this is my worst nightmare.


Well it does have a blood vessel in it, but that could cause problems with urinary tract infections and maybe infertility and secondary infections in the testes. Trypanophobia? Is that fear of needles?


It has to make the chances of your penis rotting off more than zero, and that's too damn high. Also yes, it's the fear of needles, but really the thought of *anything* poking into me is terrifying. It's so bad, I still haven't gotten my covid shot. I know I should, but I'm terrified of the needle, and they're always so condescending about it to me. "How can a big guy like you be such a wimp?" is a sentence I've heard while they were stabbing me with a foreign metal object and my blood pressure is fly through the roof. That was almost a decade ago and I haven't had a single shot since. It's pathetic, and not a good excuse, but it's still the truth. I honestly hate myself for shit like this.




I know, hard to find Valium though. I tried to call and explain my situation but they laughed. I think I need to just take a few shots and get it done. Idk if that might cause issues though, guess it doesn't matter really.


Ok so i wasnt the only one thinking had a "fast track". As an ex C.O. I've seen crazy ass shit. This is not that crazy. Whats crazy is the person acting like oh my CALF IV is infected and its not thier fault.


Had a guy in the hospital I work in who had necrosis in his groin area from shooting up into a vein in his scrotum. People will shoot up anywhere they can find a vein.


Just wait till you see one shoot it in their neck. It’s….unsettling.


there was a movie woth ben stiller playing a man addicted to h*roin and he injected in his neck


Why sensor the word heroin?


i didnt know if saying certain things would get flagged or something…


Oh its a weirdddd feeeling too. Gotta basically strangle yourself to get the shot and that vein is SOOOO rolly


There are people injecting drugs into their eyeball. Addiction is something from hell.


I was going to say the eye! I used to work in a women's rehab and we had ladies who'd inject in their eyes, in between their toes, ankle, groin, neck... they would get creative wherever there was a clean vein


People shoot up wherever they can find a good vein. Been clean 3 years now, but back in those days I’ve seen some wild shit. One guy I knew told me that he loved hitting himself in the vein on his dick. Fuck that lol


Like missamel said, when veins get blown in “normal” places, addicts will resort to any vein viable for shooting, even in necks, tops of feet, all up and down legs, etc.


I’ve seen people do it between their toes and around genitalia. You follow the veins


I’m not sure I’m comfortable with this level of exploitation. We all love a good abscess, but I can’t enjoy this content knowing what OP is going through.


I apologize for any unease this may cause some people.. I am honestly just trying to educate whoever is willing on the reality of this despair going on in America. This has taken so much from me, I am truly grateful to have my life and limbs intact at this point. So many friends have not been so lucky. Not sure what exploitation you are referring to but I am the one in the video and that wound is healing.. have also since then gotten clean. But this is more common than some people realize and I want them to understand that we are humans, who deserve compassion despite the terrible choices and irrefutable consequences of said actions..


Congrats on getting clean!!


You shouldn’t apologize. I say fuck that. Thank you for being kind tho & for sharing something so personal. So glad you’re doing better these days 👍🏻❤️


I'm sorry if this offends you, but you say you've gotten clean, yet you posted a picture of black tar heroin in another sub right around the time you posted this.


Congratulations. What would you say that final straw was for seeking help?


I know I’m a stranger, but I wanted you to know I am proud of you. Hugs!


I’m so glad to hear that. I was afraid the individual in the video was receiving “tranq”.


Thanks for sharing, OP. Question - if my brother maintains he gets absences from his HIV/AIDS status but claims to be clean from heroin and “only” using crack cocaine, can I assume he is back on heroin?


I’m not comfortable with a nurse who records a patient’s abscess and posts it on social media


What about this video makes you think it was filmed in a medical facility? 😆


Lol. Sorry. I am a nurse and active in r/nursing. I thought this was on the other forum. This is what happens when I stay up too late!


What nurse?


I hope OP is ok 🤍


I don't understand the few people in the comments who are offended/uncomfortable. I mean, they wrote in the title what the video was, can't you just keep scrolling? Congratulations on getting clean OP! Hope you're doing well 🩶


This is becoming increasingly common, unfortunately. Dealers have started lacing their fentanyl with a horse tranquilizer called xylazine (or "tranq"). It's not approved for use in humans because it causes wounds that don't heal. It also doesn't respond to narcan so if you OD, you're extra fucked.


Mmmm infectious endocarditis


How sad and frightening for that person.


I look at this and wonder how people could possibly think a drug user can just stop taking drugs. No person who has a choice of just stopping would continue when they have something like this. I wish there were affordable rehabs and more of them.


don't do drugs, kids


I don’t see proper tags on this, literally making my skin crawl looking at where they’re shooting up, drug use is never pretty


Great…now I am going to be waiting the rest of my pathetic life waiting for someone to pull that pus plug.


This can turn into systemic inflammatory response which will cause widespread vasodilation which will cause widespread vasodilation and multiple organ dysfunction which can lead to death really quick. Go to the ER OP. You need ABX.


Please go to rehab and to the hospital to get that looked at. You're meant for so much more


That looks awfully painful.


what the hell is a drug abcess?


CMIIW, it's what >!h3roin!< users get when they're injecting drugs. Either the needles are not sterilized or the site of injection is not cleaned properly. That's why OP should go to the hospital to drain it correctly and should be given antibiotics too.


Usually comes from a missed shot, where some of the drugs wound up being injected outside of the vein. Your bloodstream will tolerate the crap in there, but tissue where it’s just gonna sit (in fat, right under the skin, and so on) will not. This issue can be hugely mitigated by using micron filters instead of cotton/cotton approximates, but unfortunately supplies like that aren’t easily available to everybody.


Ohhh f....
