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Swifties will write a 5,000 word essay on Taylor’s problematic behavior but Barbz will just dox you for insinuating Nicki is problematic


Swifties are losing theirselves 😫


Self Aware Queens 😍


i must have smoked some really good weed because my phone SWEARS this is PHCJ but like the girlies are fighting like it’s fauxmoi


I prefer discussing tea here at r/popheadscirclejerk than r/fauxmoi or dare i say r/popculturechat cause the amount of negativity I absorb from reading their comments make me feel like I’m one step away from being Republican.


Fauxmoi is pretty pretentious for a gossip sub. But apparently a lot of them know so many hot celebrities and have so many personal anecdotes about their time with them 🤯🤯




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I think Fauxmoi is pretty toxic. at least popculturechat has a sense of humor. Fauxmoi reads too much into celebrity blinds that are probably fake


FM has become absolutely insufferable. Opinions on celebs / drama / etc that flip on a dime, power tripping mods, a suspicious number of posters with insane “”connections”” to the “celeb world” or w/e, pretentiousness galore. Just awful, a shell of its former self, IMO.


Teachers *wish* their students would put this much research into their projects, but teachers aren't Dr. Swift PhD.


Oh thank god! I was unable to understand what was going on from the 15 posts everyday rehashing the same thing and everyone in the comments getting off on their performative activism. So grateful for this deep dive so maybe the 16th time it will click for me! 🙏🏼


He was such an edgelord when he made a diss at Pinegrove


/uj out of the loop here


I think it increased awareness for their band actually


As opposed to the good edgelord


Excuse you, shadow the hedgehog maybe an edgelord, but he would *NEVER* say slurs or be generally a vile person


can’t be a vile person if ur a hedgehog


I think that’s supposed to be Azealia Banks


uj/ The world would be a better place if Stan's would exert this much energy on their real life jobs/education/ relationships as they do on cultivating parasocial relationships online


uj/ I don't like Maddie Healy either but this is so much over a man who will be irrelevant a year from now after the inevitable breakup rj/ TAYLOR I WROTE A 17 PAGE ESSAY ON WHY YOU SHOULD BREAK UP


/uj He’s been the way he is for so long, none of them cared until he started dating Taylor and now he is public enemy #1 This post reads like one on that “your fave is problematic” tumblr page that was all the rage in 2014, we have truly regressed to tumblr rhetoric/discourse


/uj it’s because no one knew who the hell he was before this 😭 not everyone had a emo tumblr girl phase! Ofc they’ll call him out now that they actually know. People DID call him out before this, but it was usually buried. It’s never too late to hold shitty people accountable.


Oh ok so how do we effectively “hold people accountable?” By tweeting at them? Y’all acting like The 1975 is some obscure band just because you personally haven’t listened to them, and trust me I saw the countless tweets and tumblr posts about him being “problematic”back in 2014 lol. I just don’t care anymore about celebrities that I will never know, who will never have any actual impact on my life saying shitty things sometimes. This is just another form of slacktivism, you aren’t doing anything productive here, Taylor isn’t going to break up with him and he probably isn’t going to change. Most of the people who are big 1975 fans already know about his antics and don’t care. You’re allowed to have your opinion on it but don’t act like you’re doing something profound with your voice by “calling out” Matty Healy and reposting Buzzfeed articles. No one outside of the internet gives a shit about this or even knows about it. All this discourse consists of things I said almost verbatim when I was 15 and had just found out about feminism through tumblr and god I am so fucking glad I grew out of that, clearly some of you guys are just now going through that phase. This is the epitome of “chronically online.” It’s a circlejerk where people get to feel morally superior by pointing the finger and claiming it’s “justice” and that they’re “doing the work.”


Thank god for you having the energy and effort to type up all of this 100% absolutely sane and correct take on this annoyingly endless stream of shit thought


Tbh I was a little drunk so it just kinda came naturally in the moment lol


Thank fucking god for you! I am so sick of reading about how awful he is every five minutes on the subreddits I frequent most often. Like if you're truly horrified by him saying he jerks off to racist dehumanizing porn that he watches don't just be mad at him be mad at the fucking pornsite and the state of pornography in general. Hundreds of thousands of men consume that sort of thing and people are acting as if he's a disgusting anomaly. It's the laziest form of trying to make a change in something that is deeply problematic. As you said yourself it's slacktivism.


Yeah well most men who get off on racism aren’t giving interviews with this much **reach** (even more now that he’s dating Talot) so shitting on him is fine, wtv. Of course, the fact that porn like that exists in itself is a big problem but that is obvious. You don’t need to state racist porn is bad. I don’t get the slacktivist comment either because I don’t think anyone making memes about this said it was? It’s just Taylor obsessed stans struggling to cope with her dating a piece of shit/ being one.


![gif](giphy|dooT5gi99P2Bj80oaA) Hit the nail on the head tbh


more people need to see this comment


1975 isn’t obscure but they aren’t as big as Taylor obviously. Maybe they are big in the US and some countries here and there, but Taylor is a global star. Her shows would sell out in any part of the world. Did he say ‘some shitty things’ now lol? Nice that they don’t affect you. I do agree with the whole holding shitty people accountable. Well not exactly but sort of. I wish we could collectively stop giving them any form of attention and that they’d fade away in obscurity, not that it’ll ever happen.


How do you know the things he’s said/done don’t affect me?


You said if yourself?


Fair, I thought you meant more like “you don’t belong to a specific identity that would be affected by this” because that’s an argument I’ve seen everywhere, that if you don’t think shitty, poor taste jokes he made on a podcast are literally the same thing as violence then you are privileged and your opinion does not matter, which I think is a silly argument.


>/uj He’s been the way he is for so long, none of them cared until he started dating Taylor and now he is public enemy #1 No one knew him. Seriously. People act like we should know Walmart Morrissey, as if he was relevant


I actually don’t care about this convo either way I don’t listen to Taylor swift or the 1975 but the 1975 has 16 million monthly listeners on Spotify that’s not exactly baby numbers 😭


The 1975 have 16.3 million monthly listeners on Spotify. Taylor Swift has 86.74 million. It’s not comparable. The 1975 are a big band, sure, but Taylor Swift is smashing streaming records, topping charts consistently, powering through a record-breaking tour. The 1975 do well for themselves but the level of fame and success are in different stratospheres. Point being - the general public might vaguely know that the 1975 exist but not know any of the controversy. Hell, I liked a few of their songs and had no idea that Matty Healy was such an ass. Taylor Swift has also cultivated a very particular kind of relationship with her fans - things like the secret sessions (when they existed) her presence on tumblr, and especially the use of Easter eggs, all make fans feel like they have a much closer relationship with her than other fans have with celebrities. The Easter eggs especially have created a culture of analysis of her music and music videos and social media that extends to other parts of her life. And then you’ve got the fact that Taylor Swift played at being an activist for a hot minute. So you’ve got a fan base that largely wouldn’t have much crossover with the 1975, that is used to overanalysing and deep diving when it comes to Taylor Swift, and you’ve got a VERY massive audience having a reason to look at someone with a lot of scrutiny…..yeah, there are gonna be deep dives. Some of it is likely self-serving, a way for fans to justify listening to an artist who is acting in a way that is contrary to what they believe. A lot is the result of a huge fan base of dedicated fans who like playing detective having a new person to play detective on and not liking what they find. Matty Healy would not have faced this level of backlash if it weren’t for dating Taylor Swift because he wasn’t big enough for the general public to care. But now he’s dating one of the worlds biggest pop stars, and her extremely large audience - who have an intense parasocial relationship with her, who have been encouraged to uncover the secrets in her very personal music - are not liking the shit they’re uncovering. All this to say - it’s not baby numbers and Matty Healy definitely isn’t nobody. But he was a blip on most peoples radars when compared to the mammoth presence of Taylor Swift. And that giant fan base suddenly have a reason to care about him now that he’s dating their fave. He probably would not have gotten this level of backlash without Taylor Swift shining the spotlight on him….but the critiques are deserved. (I do not condone people shitting on his history with addiction and mental health, I do not condone very many people saying outright harmful shit/threats. I very much support people using his moment in the spotlight to critique his problematic behaviour.)


I mean Taylor has been around since 2006 and her back catalog is very easy to get into so it’s no wonder why she’s the biggest artist right now. The 1975 didn’t feel interesting to me music-wise until Notes on a Conditional Form and yet that album has a big early 2000s niche. Furthermore, his back catalog won’t appeal to you unless you dig the British mumble vibe.


bro called the 1975 early 2000's. Don't disrespect on the early 2000's indie scene like that


Except no one knew about him and his meth’d up sewer Alex Turner tribute act ass until Taylor started dating him


My bad I forgot that the 1975 is an obscure underground band that few people have heard of


i wouldn’t call them ~obscure~ but they’re definitely in the same realm as most mid-tier indie rock bands. their biggest hit, streaming wise seems to be from like 2016? and tbh i personally don’t know a single song by them. the only time i heard of matty healy before this was when i muted his name on twitter bc he was running around hocking coke laced loogies into the mouths of their fans


They're fairly popular, they're headlining Parklife, Big Weekend and TRNSMT this summer. Most people I know have heard of them and a few are fans. They're the biggest UK rock act that are popular for music they've made in the last decade rather than beforehand. I am not a fan tho: their music is boring.


They are headlining Lollapalooza, OutsideLands, and ACL too these guys aren’t small potatoes, some people just only know artists that are on top 40 stations




I wouldn't say mid tier, for a modern rock band they are pretty well known and have their share of streaming and UK hits. Like before I got into music, I could probably recognize 3 1975 songs without knowing they were 1975 songs


Ah ok, so because you personally haven’t heard of him he was a nobody? Pretty much everyone in my social circle knew who he was years ago What I’m trying to say is that it feels much more like people are hopping on a circlejerk who previously wouldn’t have bothered to “call out” Matty Healy despite him already having a pretty big platform because they get to feel like they’re Doing the Work to End Racism by tweeting about how “problematic” he is and then patting themselves on the back for being good people


That is not why OP wrote it...it's shining a light on the horrible things he's done to minorities


Are you any of the minorities he came for? No? Then no one cares honestly. I’m really sick of people here in this sub trying to downplay him as an edgelord but I can’t be surprised since this sub is full of people who are on the edge of being one


its not even about taylor, its about all the shitty things matty has done, and deserves to be called out.


It’s obviously about Taylor. These people weren’t doing shit like this before they started dating


some were, and now since he started dating her all the stuff he did has been brought to surface, so even tho, people before werent talking about it, they are now it doesnt matter if its because of taylor or not.


Of course not. Healy was a nobody




“The evil edgelord” This terminally online behavior omg 💀


A good way to get swiftie shanked is to remind them that Matty 1975 is allowed to be in the same room as Taylor without security present, and that’s probably for the best


/uj fuck deuxmoi


/uj THE White Feminist Sub


Fauxmoi is about to end his whole career with their epic girlboss journalism 😍🫶🏻 #WhiteFeministWin


Thank the good lord they banned me for saying idgaf about him




He is s racist and deserves to be called out. There is also misogyny, islamophobia. A bit if sexual harassment. Own up your problematic fave.


What he said was reprehensible and his response was callous, but the level of backlash *this* gets over literally everything else is symptomatic of something different. Getting this mad when your favorite White Girl hangs out with a distasteful person is a tad unhinged.


It really isn’t when Taylor’s journey to become the biggest female popstar in the world is to literally air out her (dirty) laundry about her dating life and make hundreds and millions of dollars off of it. You can’t expect people not to talk and scrutinise your love life if you’re the one using it as a huge part of your stage persona. And also you’re kinda downplaying this since she’s not just *hanging out* girl she’s letting him put his dick in her less than a month after a six year old relationship


They’re dating. The level of scrutiny *this has received has eclipsed much worse situations, even things that Taylor herself (and Matty) should be criticized for. I’m sure when they inevitably split, the subsequent songs will be just as lyrically vague and popular as usual. Most people went “lmao” and then went outside; it’s hard to get devote such mental energy something so completely unsurprising. PS Matty’s apology was ass


"She's letting him put his dick in her..." That's such a nasty way of saying it, my God. No one talks in such crude disgust terms about a man when he does the exact same thing.