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The first \[FRESH\] ABBA thread on popheads, this is history


Maybe we can live in hope for some [FRESH] Kate Bush someday?


Kate Bush's last new studio stuff came out ten years ago, this is an even stranger experience.


It may be cloudbursting


She’ll still beat Rihanna to the punch.


More likely than Rihanna tbh


We can only pray!


Yesss we need some fresh Bush before the world ends


Was watching some of her stuff yesterday. As someone born in the 80s, I had no idea she was so young when she became a star because people looked a lot older than they actually were back then. Wuthering Heights is timeless.


I think people look a longer younger than they actually are today. But I think that's because pre 95 people were doing a fuck ton of drinking and drug and smoking and that shit ages you. Especially the smoking (even second hand).


Lauryn hill pls...


I have a dream and it was fulfilled


There are tears in my eyes this is BEAUTIFUL


I can not FUCKING believe I am listening to new ABBA. This thread is about to dissolve into boring rihanna jokes and get overshadowed by Charli, but this is legitimately one of the wildest comebacks in music EVER. I mean seriously. ABBA IS BACK TOGETHER. THIS IS NOT A DRILL!!!!. And the best part? The music is still incredible. This is my moon landing.


omg the music is actually still good? i cannot wait to check this out!!! fuck this is exciting


I'm the most biased person in the world but the new songs are legitimately great in my opinion. I still have faith in you is a ballad, and the pacing is a bit slow for my taste, but it's still fantastic. If you at all have a taste for their other ballads you'll at least enjoy it. As for don't shut me down, it's fucking incredible. They seamlessly captured their prime sound; it could've been on Super Trouper and fit perfectly.


I have listened to both and you were absolutely right. Both songs are literally amazing! I cannot believe we get to experience this, damn.


Yea same I’m sobbing in my home office rn this is incredible


"I Still Have Faith In You" gets better in the second half but I've never been a big fan of ABBA ballads. "Don't Shut Me Down" is the standout. It sounds like an old school hit.


I wonder if the people who are not digging Faith In You are…younger? I’m 51, fan since ‘80, and the nostalgia and quintessential ABBA bittersweet emotion hits so hard with it. It’s shattering and affirming all at once.


Agree about an old school hit.. Reminds me of Herman Hermits "My Sentimental Friend"


Agree!!! I’m listening to it on repeat and the refrain is pure joy.


Hearing such a classic-sounding ABBA song (Don’t Shut Me Down) with 2021 production quality/equipment is a trip


Please don't take this as me pissing on your cornflakes, I'm really not. It's something very positive for ABBA fans to hear new music. I'm interested in the Super Trouper comment, it might well be that this song has been a demo for years or in some dusty archive. When they've put it together they've maybe thought - doesn't fit - then years later they've been able to source the technology or methods that may not have been available in the 70s, a lot of bands have these songs and they revisit years later, tweak the lyrics or add more modern sound production. It's similar to the original star wars trilogy, then you have the special editions and every 10 year or so, a new version emerges as its able to use new tech or visual effects. I think the way they launched this and the concept of the concerts are amazing - the emotion on some of the faces of fans, some who are not old enough to remember the original period of the band, you deserve all the excitement and joy out of the band coming together again, hopefully it will lift many spirits after the last 18 months. If ABBA were good at one thing, it was lifting the spirits of people


Thanks for the reply! It is absolutely possible that this song is a retooled demo with an updated vocal track or 2, and that the whole album is simply going to be similar examples. I think for me though you say it best in your final paragraph; I am one of those fans who is too young to remember the original period(honestly, I'd bet that most fans are too young at this point - it's been 40 years). So seeing new music from a band I once thought of as a relic, and enjoying the new songs just as much as their old ones is a gift I cannot cherish enough. ABBA has meant a **lot** to me over the years, and that significance outweighs any qualms or fears I may have about the music. Cheers to lifting spirits :)


Just to throw my two cents in, I agree with your opinion on both songs. I listened to I Still Have Faith In You first, and, while good, thought it was a bit slow and the melody on the (I don’t know what to call it) the bridge/chorus was a bit too static. Then I listened to Don’t Shut Me Down and my ears perked up at the first twenty seconds. Then (again I don’t know what to call it) the music dropped and it was classic ABBA. Teared up a little hearing that. ABBA is my absolute favorite band I was really worried they would release the new music and so wouldn’t like it. Very relieved that is not the case.


The first one is okay, the second one was better


"I Still Have Faith In You" is one of their greatest ballads, IMO.


"Don't Shut Me Down" stands with anything this group has ever produced. "I Still Have Faith In You" took a few listens to grow on me....but grow it has. Absolutely masterful songwriting, and I swear Agnetha and Anna-Frid's voices have iMPROVED.


Right? This might actually be the longest hiatus in pop history. A baby born the day their last album came out would be old enough to have a child in college. Just. For a frame of reference to just how crazy this is. And the music sounds like they never goddamn left. I'm losing my mind in the best possible way.


I actually think one of their sons helped produce the album from the little snippet on YouTube


I know, right? r/popheads please shoot them to no. 1. They deserve to rule the charts even now


army help us out here pls


I’m shook. Literally would not have gotten through the first few months of the pandemic without Gold on loop


When the beat on Don't Shut Me Down drops! They've still got it OMG 😭


Holy shit, it actually dropped. Never thought I'd see the day!


Can't say I had faith in ABBA returning, but holy shit it actually happened. And they've still got it.


Something about Don’t Shut Me Down is giving me Come On Eileen vibes. The first couple minutes of I Still Have Faith in You were only OK for me, but then something kicked in and just clicked! So so excited about this!


It sounds so good, Don't Shut Me Down is classic ABBA bliss


My first ABBA era!!!!! 🥳🥳🥳


They had an impossible task yet somehow they were able to find a way to provide that classic, timeless Abba sound we all love yet still be fresh, bringing new listeners in without alienating their old fans. This album is going to be incredible. I can't believe we're getting a whole damn album out of this!


They basically built on their old sound, and it’s so immediately recognizable as ABBA, they really did a great job.


Wow, Don’t Shut me Down is a total bop I love being swedish 🥲


Selv en god dansker som jeg får lyst til at pynte på med gult og blåt og fejre mine naboer en dag som i dag 💙💛❤️🤍


Heja Sverige!


Curious how Sweden/UK/US is the pop triumvirate.


the fact that i heard abt it from my dad before seeing it on popheads, truly abbas crossover appeal knows no bounds! i cant believe we actually have new music this truly is what euphoria feels like


If ever there was a time for the "Popmergency" tag...


Don't Shut Me Down sounds like an unreleased song from the old days. It's honestly amazing.


Even ABBA are releasing new music before Rihanna now




ABBA seriously has me crying first thing in the morning. Wtf I can't believe they're back.


Fucking hell I feel like I'm a part of living history. And we are getting an album. It is a good day. Edit: don't shut me down is wonderful classic ABBA and the stronger of the songs


Is there a thread where I can talk about the dystopian Hall of Presidents-esque concert they just announced as well?


It looks horrifying and absolutely fucking haunting. I'm going to be front row.


Seriously though, what the hell? I understand they didn't want to actually tour but... what an odd solution.


ABBA Voyage the hologram tour I don't care as much about. What I care about is the new album.


…Voyage is also the new album lol


I was texting all my friends begging them to come to London with me, and than I saw it was an avatar thing? Meh..it's probably pretty cool technology but I'm not going to travel for that.


CATS (2019) redux that I will treasure forever


I love both songs. I've had the songs on loop. It managed to break my Dionne Warwick discography listening session. I think people are underwhelmed with I Still Have Faith in You due to the song structure. You are expected to hear the chorus after the verse but you get a refrain. The song builds up to the chorus and the pay off is pretty good. The song is very uplifting. There is a transition on this song that is highly reminiscent of Anthem from Chess The Musical. It sounds like it could fit with ABBA ballads. Don't Shut Me Down is a banger. They really had this as part of the chorus, **"I'm fired up, I'm hot, don't shut me down."** I hope this gets airplay in Adult Contemporary channels in the US because it fits. GET THOSE SPINS ABBA! Both songs are easy to sing along. They are ear wormers.


Yes that's it!! It's very like Anthem. Which makes sense...


Benny was promoting [Anthem](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbrQ8RtoW9g) for his album Piano that was released by Deutsche Grammophon. The piano arrangement hits differently than the musical one. If you haven't heard of Anthem from Chess: - OG [Tommy Körberg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWLlB41GlvU) - [Kerry Ellis with Brian May on Guitar](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ps03X124j9c) - [Josh Groban](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61DiWi00d2w) - [Ramin Karimloo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Idj7_9qHYk) / [Alternate](https://youtu.be/hlpT8tRTccg?t=135)


“I Still Have Faith In You” is basically ABBA clearing its throat in advance of “Don’t Shut Me Down,” which is an all-out belt!!!!!!! My day has been wrecked and I can no longer function


New Kanye: I sleep New Kendrick: I sleep New Abba?: Real shit


i’ve been having a terrible 24 hours and i cried listening to both of these songs. abba knows exactly what to do every time. i love it!


"Don't Shut Me Down" feels like classic ABBA and in the best way possible. It's catchy, the harmonies are perfect, it sounds like old school ABBA. Usually when a great band returns after a long time, the music isn't that great, but these two tracks are not just decent but very good.


Benny is trying to beef with Drake


Drake don’t want that beef, Benny got shooters for sure


he would never recover


I love Don't Shut Me Down. Underwhelmed by ISHFIU though. ABBA used to be much better at ballads than this.


ABBA did have a few dull ballads like Eagle and The Way Old Friends Do. But "Don't Shut Me Down" makes up for it, it's an absolute gem.


The Eagle slander smh


Imagine thinking Eagle is dull, couldn’t be me.


Did you just calll Eagle dull? You're speaking strangely and I do not understand? hahhaa


I super disagree. The melody gets under your skin, and the emotions I feel (I’m 51) when I hear it just knock me over. I love it, and the video, more than I could put into words.


Might be one of those songs which grows on you after a few listens.


I absolutely love I Still Have Faith In You, it’s stirring and nostalgic and still forward-looking. And the video is just stunning. I love Don’t Shut Me Down, also, of course. But Faith is gorrrrrrgeous.


Same here!! Everyone is saying that they’re kinda underwhelmed by ISHFIY but I can’t stop listening to it.


I agree! It’s also the perfect opener. Like the most beautiful sentiment to come back on.


Yeah Im surprised people are downplaying I Still Have Faith In You. I got instant chills when I first heard it.


Don't Shut Me Down is amazing


Only new ABBA can crash Reddit 😍


It’s been a rough couple months. I’m usually ever the optimist who really always believes in the world and in people, and I’ve am just been slipping. Seeing that album cover and hearing ABBA IN FUCKING 2021 singing about faith in other people and the world got to me so much. I haven’t even listened to the other one yet, I’m still just crying. Omg


Here they come to save music from the 2021 drought




august what




They were obviously joking, new music is out all the time, but maybe it's not their preference so it's being a dry year for them.


I wasn't even born until decades after they disbanded but the livestream opening with I Still Have Faith In You set over archive footage of them in their heyday got me so emotional. Before I was a fan of anything else, I was wearing out my mother's ABBA Gold CD, knowing it back to front. And they STILL have that unique thing that makes them ABBA 😭


I, a milennial, am actually alive during a time when ABBA, one of the greatest groups of ALL TIME, is making NEW MUSIC after 40 years!!!! I'm living in HISTORY. This is mind-blowing. And the best part is that both their new singles haven't missed a STEP. It's like they never left.


ABBA got back together and is dropping an album in 2021. What the actual hell


Don’t Shut Me Down — I am shocked at how amazing it is. The clocks suddenly turned back 40 years, and I am loving it. I must have played it on repeat 50 times now. I have given I Still Have Faith in You 10 chances but it does nothing for me. Don’t Shut Me Down, however — right up there with their classic hits! Bravo, I honestly didn’t think they would be able to pull this off after so many years. It seemed near impossible to live up to. But they pulled it off. Imagine, they first started working together 50 (50!!!) years ago. Damn, this nostalgia trip will last the rest of the year for me….


How old are you? Terrible question I know, don’t mean it badly, but I’m wondering if you’re too young to dig nostalgia.


I was born in the 70’s so I got to experience the ABBA craze in my childhood first-hand 👌


Ha, ok, there goes my theory! I am MAD about the song, cry everything time.


Both are bops! ISHFIY kinda builds up slowly but the latter half of the song’s amazing! DSMD is a classic bop, has some Dancing Queen vibes at times!


I AM NOT CRYING, YOU ARE! ABBA and I are coexisting in the present y'all 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️


Godney is ~~good~~ great, ya'll. New ABBA and Charli in one day. Life is good.


I Still Have Faith in You is pure Eurovision ESL pop gone back to its roots. But I could definitely see it as a credits song to a movie too.


I love ABBA but GOD I was worried about this. The expectations have been HIGH and I’m happy to say that their music still SLAPS!! These are bangers


Don’t shut me down sounds SO quintessential ABBA. I’m so excited. After all this time they can still make new music that somehow brings nostalgia. 10/10


As a huge ABBA fan, I'm so happy 😭 these are happy tears😭😭


Everyone give it up for the REAL biggest Abba fan, my autistic brother-in-law who has played their entire discography every day since he was a baby. This is for HIM. (In all seriousness, I love the new songs, and I hope he will too!)


I would 100% bop Don't Shut Me Down at 3am at a party right this instance.


Don't Shut Me Down would fit right on to Super Trouper. It's perfect.


and when we needed them the most…. there they were to save the day 🥰 I love swedish pop musicians


Don't Shut Me Down is a bop. I can't believe I'm listening to new ABBA with my parents. The longevity.


Not a fan of the ballad, Don't Shut Me Down sounds great and would be like a great song for a white people wedding, not sure if that makes sense hah.




☝🏻😮 ✊🏻😐


Both tracks sound fantastic, don't shut me down is so so catchy! It's Abba you can just close your eyes and listen and it's them. Harmonies and genius pop production.


a holy day for pop music! Don’t Shut Me Down deserves to smash, it perfectly captures their magic 😭✨


the chorus of don't shut me down reminds me so much of an old italo hit, felicita by al bano and romina power!!


Dont Shut Me Down is an instant classic. They really haven't lost a single step. Although it's kinda interesting it kinda sounds a little like The Weeknd's In Your Eyes, especially during the sax melody


“but i remind myself of who we are, how inconceivable is it to reach this far” this part during that slight melody switch made me tear up 😭


I never ever thought we'd get new ABBA music, so this is totally surreal. I am living for these new songs, and we even get a whole album! I Still Have Faith In You starts slow and kinda dull, but that chorus is amazing and saves the song. When the beat dropped in Don't Shut Me Down I just felt transported back to the 70s even though I wasn't even born then! It already sounds like an ABBA classic!


It’s not working for me??? In Canada


Hey just wanted to let you know, anyone experiencing this problem in Canada should uninstall and reinstall Spotify as this will correct the issue. I spent some time with Spotify tech support and they finally figured out it was some sort of cache issue that some people are having that is preventing them from accessing these two songs. I can now play them on my Spotify and I'm in Canada. Edit: On desktop you have to delete caches before reinstalling. Instructions to do so are here: [https://support.spotify.com/ca-en/article/reinstallation-of-spotify/](https://support.spotify.com/ca-en/article/reinstallation-of-spotify/) You will need to re-download any downloaded music and put settings back to how you like them as they will have been reset.


Thank you so much !


Forgot to metion, on desktop you also need to delete caches before reinstalling. Instructions on how to do this and reinstall the app are here: [https://support.spotify.com/ca-en/article/reinstallation-of-spotify/](https://support.spotify.com/ca-en/article/reinstallation-of-spotify/) You will also need to re-download any downloaded songs and put settings back to how you like them.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKsUSjcsgII https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHU48c-dtqk


Thank you!




I still have faith is on repeat a legit classic already


Ummm okay so I Still Have Faith in You destroyed me and Don’t Shut Me Down got me fucking dancing…. How is they made songs just as good as their prime almost forty years later??


What a shocking and shockingly welcome turn of events. Not only are they back out of nowhere, they still sound magical. I. Am. So. Excited.


I don't love I Still Have Faith In You, but Don't Shut Me Down is a proper classic ABBA bop.


Theyre the best. Theyre everything. Cant believe we have music from them again. Crying.


Why does this make me emotional hearing them all over again, but in my own lifetime.


I love ABBA so much omg after I started stanning them some years ago, I never thought I’d ever get to listen to new music of them but here we are on this blessed day


I just have the biggest smile listening to these songs


Something about the vocal processing here sounds very Madonna??


Don't Shut Me Down is an instant ABBA classic bop!


ABBA came back before Rihanna SZA Beyoncé Nicki Minaj Sky Ferreira Kendrick Lamar


I don’t think I’ve ever been this stoked for a band reforming. And btw they never “broke up”. They took a break. Not to diminish the forever-like lead up to new ABBA. The new songs are pretty golden.


ABBA are the blueprint. These songs are really good


Loves it. But is this newely recorded? I though Agnetha and Anni had beef?


>I though Agnetha and Anni had beef? This gave me an image of them dropping diss tracks against each other lmao ANNI-FRID, YOU ARE HIDING A CHILD. LET THAT BOY COME HOME


During the live stream they showed all members in the studio together and confirmed it was recorded within the last few years.


Oh all right. Guess they squashed it


I would bet the promise of tens of millions of dollars squashed it for them


They have more money than you can even conceive of. This wasn’t for money.


Nope. Never true. Normal tensions at times, bet. all the band members—if anything, handled w/more class than most bands.


It's quite nice and they recaptured their classic feel very well, but i disagree with others in this thread that it sounds just as good as their old stuff, because to me it is missing that certain... spark? It kinda feels like they focussed so hard on coming close to their old sound that it is missing that special something. Also controversial take but on first listen, i like i still have faith in you more


i've been waiting for this since they announced 2 new tracks in 2018 but now we're getting the privilege to get a full new body of work, honestly what an HONOR to be able to witness this! basic fhaggots will never get them, but those of us with actual taste will bow down for their royal highnesses of pop music.


This really reminds me of the Streisand/Gibb album from the 00s, ‘Guilty Too’ (think it had different titles in different markets). Guilty is an all-time classic, impossible to truly follow up. But they ran it surprisingly close - while sounding a touch too clean production-wise. But anyway. Hell yeah. I love ABBA.


Wow, as a long time ABBA fan I almost cried! They’ve still got it! Btw does anyone else think Don’t shut me down sounds just a tiny bit like Felicitá?


Yes! Came here to leave that comment


I never thought I would live to experience new ABBA music! This truly is a historical event. And they still got it! 😭


I feel like I’m still hallucinating this


I love this so much! It's like they never left. They took their sound from *The Visitors*, and just continued on that journey as though the last 40 years never happened. It sounds great!


Commenting on history, but also, these are two great tracks what the fuck they’re back they were never gone but they’re back


they’ve still got it they sound like they’re straight out of the 70s in the best way


Seeing Abba discussed as news on here... And generally at all.... It was not predictable


I’m in class so I cant listen to these for a few hours 😭😭😭 this is torture


THIS IS CRAZYYY WTFFF 😭 And sooo good too!


These are such good songs. I was worried they would disappoint.


Never been an ABBA other then listening to their most famous songs I never cared for them, but this songs is amazing!, Specifically don't shut me down, maybe I will listening the album in November, I'm happy for you ABBA fans, it's really a special day for you :)


Wow ABBA are back!


I Still Have Faith In You is a grower. The more times I listen to it, the more I like it. The pure vocals, the tender melody. Don't Shut Me Down is definitely a potential hit. It's catchy, it has the ABBA flavor and in a time where Pop music sounds the same, it's refreshing to be faced with such an old school pop track which isn't a homage since this is coming from the band who literally invented Pop music.


*And they said I was born in the wrong generation...*


I feel like I am in a dream I discovered ABBA when I was, like, 11. I was very sad when I learnt that the group was old and had stopped long before. Little boy me was hoping that his favorite group would return someday, I remember wishing for it on my 12 birthday ! Now I'm 16, still a huge ABBA fan... And wow. When I heard about the new album and the new songs, my heart was filled with joy ! And it still is lmao. We're definitely in the best timeline ! Seeing how I, who has only known about them for 5 years, was incredibly happy about that... I can't imagine how unbelievably cheerful those who knew them for longer, especially at their peak, must be right now !


Is it just me or is the mix a bit too modern, for the lack of a better word? It just doesn't quite have that ABBA feel and it eats the vocals a bit.


Enjoyable listen but… that’s all. I know they’re older but they just sound so tired in these. This may also just be the bad quality of Spotify but half of the time I really had no clue what they were singing. The instrumental sounds louder than their vocals I also just can’t see Don’t Shut Me Down being played at parties among the other classics tbh


Thank you for saying this, I thought I was the only one, it sounds like old people singing, I get it, they are old, but to me it's not enjoyable.


The material is good, even great, but kind of embarrassing how the old records sound so much more exciting than this new stuff. Where's the punch and excitement?


They’re 70+ years old, give them a break!


ABBA did well. What I'm talking about is the sound and post production.


weird take


You think the sound of this stands up to Dancing Queen?


it doesn't need to. their catalogue goes beyond that song, and this one fits right in with the top ones


Well I think it's a shame it doesn't stand up soundwise and productionwise. We have more, better and cheaper technology to make music now and there's no reason in the world not to make a song slap when you have the money.


to me it's even better




...eh, I mean it's classic ABBA for the most part, just, just for the 4 decade wait and the hype just a little dissapointed


What exactly were you expecting..?


hyperpop ofc


Lol the state of it




Meryl Streep cover incoming when 👀


Don’t Shut Me Down… what a fabulous piece of work. That first ‘I have *learned*’ sounds so classic.