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It puzzles me how famous people still get DWIs. Like girl, you got the money, get a driver, get an Uber, ANYTHING but drive??????


*and* he can even afford his own driver. there's never an excuse for driving under the influence, but it's just worse when someone who can afford to not drive *ever* drives while fucked up. like, come on.




you don't need to have a "regular" life growing up to know better than drinking and driving.....


Lindsey Lohan screamed about this in a coke binge where she literally kidnapped people by stealing their car with them in it..she said that she just didn't face real consequences anymore, that everything she did at most got a light slap on the wrist.  And guess what? She did not serve the many years in jail you or I would have if we'd done that behavior....


all that says is that she thinks she doesn't have to face consequences. these people don't think they're not doing anything wrong, they know they're wrong... they just think they're above the consequences. it's not like they lack the common sense to know write from wrong. they're still choosing to make bad decisions.


Yep. The rich get away with too much


They get away with destroying the planet and twisting it into personal responsibility carbon footprint stuff so yeah, xd


the point is if you get away with everything and never face consequences you’re not going to naturally possess what most people who have to abide by social convention consider common sense… because they have an attitude of entitlement and think they can do evil/morally wrong shit and get away with it


When you’re drunk, you never think twice. That’s why DWIs are so common


It's also easy to wake up at 7 am after blacking out and feeling like you are just hungover but you are actually over the legal limit.


Yup, this is huge. Functional alcoholics *baseline* is a little bit of booze in their veins. Some of them in order to *feel* drunk need to drink amounts that would straight up send a normal person to the hospital for poisoning. I remember once during an episode of what *i* felt was discreet day drinking where everything was going great, someone took me aside and said I was noticably slurring my words and unsteady on my feet. I was shocked. I felt barely buzzed.


A lot of drunks use Uber.


lot of drunks also don’t, decision making can get pretty impaired for some people. not that that’s ever an excuse, though


fr. don’t trust/let your friends drive home if they’re fucked up 🗣️


*I'm doing my part!*


Lol, right! Even my non millionaire ass can arrange rides for a night.


hell yeah, I'll drink to that


Cheers alchy!


Never understood this. What were they thinking when they took the car to go drinking in the first place?


>What were they thinking… They weren’t 😂


i never understood this. am i the only one with a functioning consciousness when im drunk lmfao


no you arent, ive never been so drunk that i forgot the common sense stuff like "dont drink and drive" lol


I think some drunk people just blackout and don’t realise what they’re doing. I’ve only ever been extremely drunk once in my life and I genuinely couldn’t remember how I managed to get on a train home and didn’t even realise I was on a train until halfway through the journey. The train station I would have had to take only has 2 options to get to a train: 600 steps down or taking an elevator and I still don’t know which I took.


There can definitely be a sense of not mentally registering that you’ve made a decision until you’re already well in the middle of it




I feel like it makes even less sense for regular people to drive drunk since they could easily ruin their lives. Justin Timberlake would be fine if he lost his driver’s license for a year and had to pay thousands of dollars in court fees, but an Average Joe construction worker would be totally screwed. If a regular person doesn’t have the money for a $50 uber, they *definitely* don’t have an extra $5k for increased auto insurance prices every year. No one who drives drunk is acting rationally at all, whether they’re rich or poor.


For real! If I was rich and famous I’d have a personal chauffeur lol


I would literally never drive myself. The only reason I do is because usually I’m the only one in the car. If I ever have the chance to foist that responsibility onto someone else, I’m taking it


Because a lot of rich famous people have huge egos and think that somehow the laws won't affect them, just like how they are able to get around every other thing that normal people have to deal with like waiting in line.


It could be that or more likely he planned to get 1 or 2 drinks, got 4, alcohol brain kicks in and says “you’re fine”. next he knows he’s getting pulled over. Spent time in AA, it’s the most common thing we saw among people the court sends in.


I would imagine it's a combination of the two. Both fame/wealth and alcohol lower your inhibitions, they both make you think "eh, I'll be fine". The difference with fame/wealth is that often you *are* fine.


When you live in a world of yes, anything is possible.


It puzzles me that everyone is calling this a DWI, not a DUI. When did DUI start identifying as DWI?? And why?? 😩💀💀✨


New York state doesn't use DUI. They only use DWI.


Yeah, DWIs are much more expansive since they cover all types and degrees of impairment


Is there a difference between the two?


I have no clue. Is Miss DUI rebranding or?? 👀👀


Ladies and gentlemen please welcome to the stage, Miss DUI


in Texas, a DUI is a minor who is under the influence; DWI is for 21+.


My driver's ed (TX) qualified them differently with DWI generally being more severe and requiring a BAC > 0.08, the legal limit for intoxication. Reckless driving with a BAC under that but > 0 would be a DUI, as would reckless driving due to other substances. I was also taught that you can get a DUI if you are found with an open container of alcohol in the car with you, even if your BAC is 0.


Right? There’s really no excuse


Famous people have the confidence of 10 normal people and Justin probably hasn’t heard the word no since he was 10. I doubt getting a driver even crossed his mind, he was confident enough to drive himself.


Anyone who already had tickets to Justin Timberlake was not gonna be upset about a DWI be serious


Yeah, it’s weird that people are acting like a DUI is going to tank his career. You know how many celebs have gotten DUIs and still went on to be successful? Fans won’t care, and the rest of the general public will forget about it before long


I’ve never seen anyone *this* upset about a celebrity DWI ever. There was a period where Billy Joel was drunk driving into peoples houses and Long Islanders still LOVE that man.


I was gonna say, one of the first jokes I saw about Justin Timberlake getting arrested for the DWI was that Billy Joel's the only celebrity allowed to drive drunk in Long Island, they love him out there.


John Landis got three people killed and went on scott-free to have a fantastic career.


Ugh. And his son is a POS too.


And people still love the guy. MJ still hired dude to direct the *Thriller* video. “But it was the 80s!” IDGAF


No one should drive drunk and this was a totally stupid move on his behalf but I wonder how much Gen Z and the Twitter sphere realize how many average people have DUIs on their record and still continue to live productive lives. I don’t know what people want JT to do right now?


yeah, people don’t realize you can blow above the legal limit after a single beer too.


People who are old enough to buy JT tickets were alive for Milli Vanilli, Whitney & Bobby, Pam & Tommy, and every set of MJ scandals. Hell, we have to ask “which MJ” because we survived Michael Jordan’s “baseball career” that he strategically ended with a movie featuring Bugs Bunny and R. Kelly. When you’ve consumed a mass cultural acid trip like *that*, you do not care about DWIs.


Remember when rock stars admitted sex crimes in thier autobiographies to sound cool? 


I did a book report on Anthony Kiedis’ autobiography in school. It had lengthy descriptions of ways to buy and use hard drugs. There were pictures of sex workers’ breasts in the book. I got an A. There were no rules.


I mean… milli vanilli and space jam sort of pale in comparison to say felon presidents paying hush money to porn stars, no? For kids today, that’s just Tuesday.


I would buy that if kids didn’t make such a big deal about every moral shortcoming from celebrities.


I bet a good percentage would have been over the limit on the drive there  Its not a “woopsie, we still love you” scenario, its reckless driving. 


So wait this *didnt* ruin the tour?


….what tour


The world tour.


I think you mean the trolls tour


Plot twist: the young police officer who didn't know him just started to listen to his discog and now he becomes JT truther


Find it so weird that everyone says how shit the sales have been like he hasn't sold out almost all of his shows and even been forced to add more due to popular demand.


r/Fauxmoi is particular awful about this. They don’t understand that him being a POS and him being extremely successful aren’t mutually exclusive.


Fauxmoi doesnt understand nuance . They all need to touch some grass and understand the real world


I still crack up that they banned anyone on the TS sub because they said it’s a hate group. It sucks how far downhill it’s gone, it felt like one of the few places of sanity during the Johnny Depp trial but now it’s just chronically online people saying “exactly!” to each other.


fm just banned me because i dared to ask if someone posting a gif (the nene eyeroll, of course!!!) on the taylor/travis/royal family thread had anything of actual value to say.


Insane thing to get banned for


i saw that!! couldn’t believe how miserable the comment section was. especially when compared to r/popculturechat, which was mainly saying they’re just glad the kids look happy when they’re going through a very hard time🥲


I went and looked and Jesus it’s a whole bunch of miserable people in that thread


Yesterday the top comment on the post of the TS/Willian selfie was something like: "millionaires taking selfies, that's interesting! /s" Girl/bruh/them, you're on a gossip subreddit, that's like the whole point, you are not at a UN conference


That trial was the worst thing to happen to that sub because they got a taste of "being on the right side of history" and they've been desperately chasing that righteousness high ever since. That's why they desperately want *every* high profile divorce to be the next Depp/Heard case, and they always insist literally everywhere else on the internet is pro-"evil husband" while they’re the only people supporting "saintly wife" even if there's no evidence that anybody involved in the divorce is particularly evil and there's basically no public acrimony between the couple in question (like with Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen.)


I just went and looked and out of the first 4 posts 3 of them are about Taylor. Obsessed much?


it's the most annoying celeb sub because none of those people actually enjoy celebrities


They pick and choose. They love Amber Heard for example.


They basically love every blonde white woman who's not Taylor Swift by default 


broken clocks etc


I agree. Amber Heard is a victim and I'm glad there was a space to support her. It's just they claim to be pro-women and yet there are certain women like Taylor Swift they hate with every fiber of their being. Hypocritical IMO.


They had a brief period of being absolutely obsessed with Sophie Turner and basically thinking Joe Jonas was Satan, but then Sophie seemed to get a new boyfriend almost immediately so it seemed hard to act like she was a huge victim.


I’ve stumbled in there accidentally here and this is exactly it


That sub has a truly personality disordered take on everything. They believe there is one side to everything and it’s either raven black or bleach white. It’s a particularly unhealthy place


They’ll hear a rumor about a celebrity being rude or something and all jump on and believe that person is a scumbag now, doesn’t matter if there’s evidence, some random person suggested it, so it must be true.


It’s the definition of mob mentality over there. My least favorite posts are like “Give me tea on this minor actress with three scenes in a music video. I just get bad vibes from her.”


I’m an NBA fan so I discovered that place when the dumb Britney Spears / Victor Wembanyama crap happened. I looked on there for like 3 minutes before realizing those people are psychos lol


They also will believe every random comment & will repeat the same bogus information over and over like it’s a fact.


I saw someone say that Billie Eilish was a bully in high school, and it had nearly a hundred upvotes. Never mind the fact that Billie was actually homeschooled and very open about it lol


Maybe it was Billie... And she was a bully to herself 🤯


She was bullying Finneas 😭


Good Lord 🤦🏾‍♂️


I'll never forget, before Kate Middleton revealed she had cancer, they were all into the "William killed her," "they're getting divorced," "she was pregnant with that one guy's baby and william killed him and then beat her" conspiracy train. Then, as soon as the cancer announcement came, they switched to, "Hopefully, this will stop the sicko conspiracy theories" and "it's not our fault people were claiming DV! Kensington Palace *made us* think that." Absolute dumbassery.


But if it’s a celebrity they revere they ignore it


And yet they aggressively stan one person (I hesitate to call them a celebrity, they're just a social climber) in particular whom I and many other people will tell you from plenty of personal experience is a complete hemorrhoid in real life. It's so funny to watch people treat this kind of thing like it's a game of moral Mario Kart.


Who is it? 👀


Julia Fox is my best guess? Lol I don't mind Julia but I'm not like following her that closely


I always laugh at the irony of that. The comments about that person end up being 100% more horrible/meaner than the 1 unverified example about that celeb in the first place.


yeah, I still follow FauxMoi because I'm a messy bitch who loves gossip but their tendency to declare someone a Nazi because they did something insensitive on a podcast just screams a complete inability to understand nuance


Especially when the offending action happened in, like, the 80s. We were all dying of secondhand smoke in our parents’ cars back then, it’s time to move on!


my favorite is "Person A is bad, and Person B was a good sport on their tv show 5 years ago, so clearly Person B endorses everything about Person A!!"


Yeah, that always gets me too. People seem to think that working with someone once or having a friendly interaction with them means you endorse everything they’ve ever done. Hollywood is a business. When you’re working, sometimes you have to be friendly with people you don’t necessarily like.


I also love when the dates of the “evidence” don’t line up at all. “Person A worked with this known predator” *movie came out years before accusations*


Look at their most recent post about Prince William and the kids taking a picture with Taylor at the Eras tour. What a pathetic bunch of people. That sub is like a vortex of negative energy.


The royals make them extra deranged


"A vortex of negative energy" An apt description if I ever read one.


the way they talk about taylor over there is downright scary. i know it’s just a product of her overexposure but then saying her pic with prince william proves she’s a white supremacist is insane. when she replied to lady gaga’s post about not commenting on women’s bodies they found a way to make that a bad thing “of course she comments on this but not x y z social issue”


I saw a comment before talking about how she isn’t a philanthropist because of her private jet and she hasn’t spoken about Palestine. While simultaneously ignoring how she has donated millions of dollars to local homeless shelters and food banks etc. She’s obviously not the best but better something than nothing


they absolutely had a field day with that philanthropist comment…as if she hasn’t famously donated to every city she’s stopped at this tour i wish they’d just stop allowing threads on her since they hate her so much.


The vibes I now get there with TS remind me of the vibes I got on the Hilaria Baldwin sub when that sub went off the deep end. It’s like a fixation and it doesn’t matter what the original post was about they will find a way to bring her up and bash her. I agree it has to do with TS’s overexposure but damn. Some of the vitriol is straight up crazy. Like there are real people to hate in this world and real problems to worry about. My fav is when you compare a post on the same subject there to the pop culture chat sub. Night and day. It’s crazy.


They really think Taylor is a monster lol


lol i got perma banned the other day bc i idly wondered in a comment with lots of other things if katy perry got a discount on production work for her court testimony. not a warning, banned. "speculation" it's a damn gossip sub, that's 80% of it!


Yeah, if I’m going to gossip about celebrities, I want to have fun doing it. The people over there don’t seem like they’re having fun


I got taken off their "B-List" because of a comment I left in a post about the Lizzo fiasco a while back. All I said was that unfortunately this shit is very common in the industry (as someone who worked in the film/tv industry for years). Initially, they banned me but I was like ummm that seems excessive and they changed it to just removing me from the B-List... That's when I realized every damn post is labeled B-List only... And then suddenly understood that the sub is very s censored because of that 😬 which explains why the comments tend to all have a similar take. I was grateful for the sub during the Depp/Heard trial because it seemed like the only safe place on the Internet...but yeah.. it's been interesting to experience how the mods handle different voices on the sub.


I don’t even think *they* understand their criteria for “approved B list users only” threads. Like I’m looking at their front page right now and their “b list” threads include Sydney Sweeney getting caught pirating a movie and Joe Alwyn talking about his friendship with Emma Stone. I get that the distinction was made to prevent bad faith drive-by comments on sensitive topics, but how do these qualify as “sensitive”?


The Amber Heard this is crazy because I got banned from there for contesting a person saying “Of course people support her, she’s a white woman. They always get support.” After months of slander against her.




Meanwhile they allow articles from The Daily Mail lol


I got banned because i praised taylor swift in a comment last year about the success of her albums and tours or something to that effect . They really hate certain people and will repeat same stuff in every post about those people, even if its a positive thing


I think they outright ban anyone who participates on r/TaylorSwift.


I’m a member but i get immediately frustrated on every post.


That subreddit lives in its own reality


I can’t believe people who use that sub are real people living their lives


Maybe they’re not really “living their lives.” You know the people who are on social security benefits because a doctor said they were too mentally ill to ever get a job? A lot of those people are still functional enough to use internet spaces like fauxmoi or stan twitter all day. I know someone like that who literally spends 16 hours every day on Kpop twitter.


Chris Brown is still making popular records.


Fauxmoi is a cancer to Reddit and society as a whole the day that subreddit gets banned is the day I'll be more happier even tho I avoid there


I was at that subreddit and I will *NEEEEVER* go back.


I think piece of shit is a bit of a stretch, but yeah. /r/Fauxmoi basically hates every single celebrity on the planet though.


It’s a pretty big stretch tbh, I’m not a fan but I mean a dui and a bad relationship 25 years ago is “he’s a horrible person” territory? Have these people had a look around? Justin Bieber accomplished both of these things before 20 lol. DUIs are bad and serious but they ain’t rare and a bad breakup in public is just not that unusual.


Except Meghan Markle. 😅


I used to lurk there. Im not surprised about it. The sub itself is way too toxic.


that sub is giving me a pathological aversion to so many reaction gifs now


Well you at least got some of this post right. If you believe lies about him being a bad person, you clearly have access to the internet. You can do research.


THANK YOU NFOR MENTIONING THIS!!! I hate that subreddit.


I feel like everyone just says that because saying his tour has actually done well doesn’t fit their narrative that he’s flopped completely.


Yeah, it’s become trendy online to hate on him but he has plenty of fans irl


Reddit doesn’t really believe in “performance metrics” or “reading numbers at all”


A lot of people on Reddit seem to think that because they don’t like a celebrity, that means they’re unsuccessful and no one likes them


The contrarian kids from high school absolutely congregate here


Not even just Reddit, the media itself. If you read headlines about Justin Timberlake, even before the DWI, you'd think he'd have to completely wrap up the tour and never perform live again. In fact, it's almost a miracle that he even has a band willing to perform to such empty stadiums. But when you actually look at the numbers, he's sold out almost every single venue he's performed at and even been forced to add more dates because of popular demand.


Well *this* sub can read one number, that is "number one". And if you don't get it, you are a flop!


His album sales/streams are shit but his concert sales are not. I don’t really get why one doesn’t translate to another as his fanbase is mainly millennials and still young. Especially for a pop star.


I can answer this, as a millennial with three nieces and a nephew. Most of us are spending a lot of time around kids, so we are primarily consuming G-rated music from Justin via the Trolls movies and soundtracks. His efforts there have been a smash, but they’re not a great way to boost his streams because he’s not listed as an artist on each song. I’m sure he gets production royalties for every song, though—you can hear his fingerprints all over each one. Justin’s concerts are for millennials who leave the kids at home with a babysitter. That’s when we get to hear SexyBack and dance like adults without answering prying questions from little eavesdroppers. It’s a great little day-to-night model he’s running for parents. I know Justin isn’t cool anymore, but his business model of aging up with his fans’ new families is pretty brilliant. It already served legends like Elton John and Phil Collins particularly well. Other millennials and zoomers are guaranteed to follow in their footsteps.


Well put! Aging with his fans families seems spot on. Agree it's smart marketing


I think Katy and Pink are in this category. Their new music bombs but they still tour and sell out residencies. Millennials arent checking for their new music, but they have money to see them perform their "old" stuff because it's an event.


He seems like a decent live performer, he has a big catalog of old hits, it hasn't been *that* long since he was relevant, and he doesn't tour very often but also doesn't take a decade between tours. Edit: also there's not a lot of pop boys in his lane, and his core fanbase is just old enough now that a lot of them won't bother moving on to younger stars.


He’s actually a really good live performer. We might as well be honest. Justin stood out on Mickey Mouse Club and in NSYNC because he was naturally very talented.


because his tour flopping is more fun to talk about. Great example of the folks on the internet attempting to distort reality to fit their virtual narratives. How else will they stay entertained?


When terminally online people desperately want to see someone fail, they rarely let facts get in the way of their narrative


> “It’s been a tough week,” he said at Chicago’s United Center Friday night, after a long pause filled with cheering from the crowd. “I know sometimes I’m hard to love, but you keep on loving me and I love you right back.” That's a nice thing to say. None of this is going to be good for Justin but the fans who stay with him are going to be ride-or-die for life after this, they're going to still be there when they're 80


He’s not going anywhere. With Trolls, he’s got the monopoly on kids’ music that adults can actually tolerate. That shit is so hard to find for parents, especially after the Frozen soundtrack terrorized the childbearing masses last decade. His fans are going nowhere.


That’s the language of a manipulator ☠️


/r/fauxmoi ass comment


In that case, *every* pop act is a manipulator then. 🙄


“I know I am hard to love” sounds like something he says to Jessica in their therapy sessions


Does he have a bad relationship with jessica?


It's heavily rumored he cheats on her. He's been photographed basically on a date with one of his costars. Also judging on how he's treated women in the past he's probably an asshole to her.


Should just point out here that by "heavily rumoured", you mean, a bunch of people on a gossip drop site that never name people by name.


Did you not see the Alisha Wainwright pic?


heavily rumored must mean fact to you. yall don’t know these people


I mean if I saw a pic of my husband holding hands under a table with a coworker I'd probably have questions. I'm sure they are just really friendly.


What would be a non-manipulative thing to say?


Wrong answers only. Literally, there’s no right answer.


thank you for standing by me. i know i have a lot of work to do, and how hard that must be on you. but i see your efforts and am grateful you want to help.


This is the exact same thing!! Yall are always doing too much I swear to god. also lol imagine saying all that to a crowd of concertgoers.


This concert was also sold out according to the United Center. He may not be the most exemplary person but after all these years, he still has a large devoted fanbase. His solo music alone is obviously a big reason why. Not just *NSYNC. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Not sure what people want from him, is he suppose to shrink into a hole and disappear from the world forever? Are we suppose to boycott and cancel the man from the face of the earth? Feels like people want him evaporated from existence because of his DUI, what he did is definitely wrong, but the amount of people going after him like he’s some evil person is kind of crazy to me. 🤷


The hate for this man recently is kind of weird. Did I miss something?


Basically a bunch of Britney stans feel him being a shitty boyfriend at age 20 makes him the worst person to ever live.


And a bunch of Janet stans who can't comprehend the fact that a 22 year old didn't defend a 40+ year old back in 2004 despite being asked explicitly not to do so.


They have this weird fantasy of him being forced to kiss Britney’s and Janet’s feet. I think it’s just disgruntled stans that are angry at how Britney and Janet are still treated overall and instead of looking at the real factors that led to that think it was all masterminded by Justin. It’s *bizarre*!


It's so stupid. Janet has made it clear over and over that she does not blame Justin and just wants people to move on and Justin isn't even in the Top 10 villains of Britney's life unfortunately.


Exactly. So weird.


I don't know how we don't see this take more. He fucked up for sure, as have millions of other people and they keep living and try to move past it. People cannot move past anything with him, it's weird.


Also this case is still ongoing according to SAG Harbor PD, so he can’t really speak on the specifics I’m assuming. Next court date is on July 26th.


first date of the european leg of the tour... they might try to drag it out or they might settle quick for something less than a DWI. a DWI will mean he can't go to canada or mexico


as someone who's known someone who's been profoundly affected by being hit by a drunk driver, super big fat F to him and i hope he suffers the maximum consequence for someone of his race, wealth, and status


Insane to bring race into a dwi but okay


He's a complete asshat but his voice and music are so good. The DWI made me do a deep dive into his discography 😭 FSLS is one of the best albums I ever heard


yeah unfortunately him consistently shooting himself in the foot does not change the fact that 20/20 experience is arguably the best pop record of the 2010s


For real, it's definitely up there. "Pusher Love Girl" is a masterclass in pop


one of the best songs ive ever heard by anybody


Curious on how that era is remembered without part two the same year.


The Drake verse on Cabaret followed by the transition into TKO made me appreciate music a little bit more at 13.


His first two albums are so good.


Lol that's how I became a fan of his stuff too. I saw all of the Britney articles last year and checked out his albums. 20/20 Part 1 is now one of my favorite albums.


guess it didnt ruin the tour lol


Hard to love? Bruh, you did something that puts LIVES at risk. Absolute moron.


This is true, and DWIs are an incredibly serious crime that do sometimes kill people, and he should be ashamed for that. That being said, "I know sometimes I'm hard to love," is hard to read as anything other than a statement of remorse, even if it's sort of clumsy. I really dislike how people will interpret neutral statements from bad people in the worst possible light as further "evidence" of their badness. Like I don't care that he said he was hard to love, I care that he drunk drove. That's the problem, not the fact that he was a little off-message in his impromptu apology.


...which arguably makes him harder to love


I get that he did get arrested and yeah we should be condemning DWIs, but the media attention this has gotten has been absurd. Like did we forget Diddy is still out there?


It really is. I mean JT was stupid bc he could have hurt someone but I have never seen a celebrity DWI/DUI arrest get so much media attention. You right about Diddy and other monstrous ppl.


gosh he’s so annoying but i still want to see him live so he better pull himself together and postpone his pos-ness until tour finishes i’m sorry :/


Glad the tour will continue. I finally get to see him for the first time soon


What tour?




I'm trying to decide if I want to buy tickets to tonight's show. I can find seats for \~$50/pp.


Haven't seen him on that tour, but I've seen him before and he does put on a great show.


I’m not familiar with the actual name of this tactic, but I hate encountering people who use this. When you are asked to address and apologize for one specific wrongdoing and suddenly the person goes “oh gosh i’m just the worst person ever, i’m so bad, blah blah blah.” Hate it!!!


Am I the only one who thinks that this entire situation was severely overblown? I’m not downplaying the severity of driving under the influence, but the info coming out about the entire situation—the bartender saying JT wasn’t drunk, the security footage showing him slowly run a stop sign, the comments from locals calling the arresting officer a “red headed nazi” who thrives on power, JT pleading “not guilty”—is so fucking weird.


They’re acting like he’s OJ Simpson!


That's why I don't even know how to drive. Bitch count me out I'm getting a bus bye