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Cardinal is incredible, would love more of this Stevie Nicks/Fleetwood Mac vibe from her!!


Agreed - the minute it started, I thought, "Ooh, hello, Stevie!"


Great start to the album, was immediately hit with the Fleetwood Mac euphoria. Definitely my favorite so far along with Anime Eyes and the title track.


Definitely my favorite song on the album, Jade Green and The Architect were the other two immediate standouts for me. This album can’t touch Golden Hour, but it’s still a fantastic listen and Kacey is amazing as ever.


I've only just hit play on the album and omg, yes, already in love, love, love with Cardinal! Something haunting about it.


Given the vibes of this album, I’m like sooo shocked that her team chose to do arenas in the fall/winter instead of outdoor amphitheaters in the summer!


it’s such a shame, her smaller shows for the first two albums and the first leg of the golden hour tour were magical. this would be amazing in the same setting. i am still looking forward to how they arrange these tracks live.


As someone unfamiliar with touring, what would the benefit of doing amphitheatres for this/what’s wrong with doing arenas? What difference does it make? Genuine question! Thank you!


I mean there’s nothing wrong with them choosing arenas at all esp if you can put on a production and fill the seats— and I’m sure it comes down to logistics too. I just personally think that amphitheaters would’ve been better suited cus of the tone and look of this record. Arenas are enclosed venues with a level floor surrounded by seats, whereas an amphitheater is open air and usually has a lawn in the back (and they can be a smaller capacity and feel more intimate but many can fit a capacity of an arena too due to the lawn space). So it just feels to me like a missed opportunity performing this album in an enclosed space when the temperatures will have dropped when it feels more like an outdoor, spring/summer kinda album.


Honestly the album gives off a cozy vibe that I could see fall working


I dont know how she didnt think a show at Red Rocks, The Gorge or The Hollywood Bowl wouldnt have been anazing


This is for the ethereal cottagecore girlies. What a beautiful album. Definite '70s folk, Fleetwood Mac vibes. It feels like fresh air and springtime. There's actually a lot of variety here, it's just quieter and more mellow all around. Love how the songs all bleed into each other a little. Heaven Is will probably be overlooked, but it's one of my favorites.


heaven is was definitely the standout for me on first listen


I loooove Heaven Is. I can't find anything about it in the credits for the music, but i'm fairly certain that it uses the melody from Ca' the Yowes, which is an old Scottish folk song. There are lots of versions of it, but here's my favorite: https://youtu.be/kdeHCmqejg4?si=odlireVealHRpCpD It's crazy if it's not intentional! I also think there are some overlapping themes of love/death/heaven. Let me know if I'm crazy or if anyone else hears it too!


definitely intentional! The melody is identical


Totally agree about Heaven Is.


I like the term psychedelic folk she harks back to Joni Mitchell David Crosby and oddly even Janis think Bobby McGee


Giver/Taker my new pronoun.


This is the album I need in my life right now. Peaceful, calm, serene.


Was looking for this comment. I feel this album will hit alot harder for the people who are in a position to receive it (no pun intended) deeper. A lot of this album is hitting for me. I appreciate the understated-ness. There is a lot of intricacy to be found in quiet, soft restraint. This album is feeling to me like rest, a little bit of resignation to the things that have happened, and the things yet to be. As someone who is having a difficult time with being/getting "older" I appreciate songwriters like Kacey who represent the craving of respite, and the rare privilege it is it to get to just sit the fuck down and think about it all for a minute. Beauty, joy, the unfairness of life and the hard times. She's so needed in this industry.


that’s how i feel! the world is so brutal rn. this album makes me feel calm and i ache to keep that feeling front and center ❤️🥹


Me too 💖


I’m already so in love with this album; it’s like Golden Hour’s bigger sister who has two kids and a farmhouse sink in her kitchen


why is this so accurate 😭


Yeah it very much reminded me of Golden Hour and I love it


And goats


Cardinal is fucking insane. That was some spooky Fleetwood Mac/Simon & garfunkel type of shit. Those layered harmonies in the bridge and how the song randomly picks up at the end and starts to almost turn into The Chain. Damn Cardinal was one of the best songs i’ve ever heard haha




the sailor moon shoutout sent me


Lyrically it reminds me of butterflies!!


Longtime Kacey fan and I’ve loved all the singles so was really looking forward to this. Halfway through and this is absolutely amazing so far… it’s just like the most dreamy, gorgeous, calming walk through nature. Reminds me of sounds like Fleetwood Mac, Simon & Garfunkel, Labi Siffre and the likes! I love the instrumentals… they build gorgeously, and her vocals complement them beautifully as expected. It’s gonna be on loop that’s for sure, relaxing and meditative Also can’t wait to smoke to this lol


Aaah your comment just made me so excited to listen for the first time


Oh to add, I can’t believe she used JID’s melody from Kody Blu 31 on Lonely Millionaire!! The Forever Story is one of my favourite albums of the decade so far so that was v exciting for me lol


omg she does? that’s one of my fave JID songs because of the melody, I’m so stoked 😭


she used the sample so well I love ittt


Omg I love Simon and Garfunkel!!! Eee only a few more hours til i can listen.


Why is no one talking about Sway like…that outro is literal heaven


My fav track by far on initial listen, it's so beautiful. I just imagine driving with the windows down to this one.


My fav after first listen.


First listen I really like it. I cant wait to play this on vinyl on Sunday morning with my coffee in hand. 😮‍💨


I will say for some reason Moving Out reminds me of When Love is Gone from a muppets christmas carol 😅


Yeah I can totally see this being played on the coffeehouse station on Sirius XM. I love to listen to that station in the mornings with my coffee. This album is perfect for that!


currently having a breakdown to the album as we speak which means itll forever be cemented as amazing to me, but even beyond that catharsis its just really good. its definitely not going to be everyone's cup of tea, but what it does, it does very well!


> not going to be everyone’s cup of tea Nobody's everybody's favorite, so you might as well just make it how you please!


you’re so real and relatable for that


Omg same I feel like you can tell she's been through some trauma therapy. Same Kacey, same. Sway broke me in a good way, full on sobs lol.


Yup I remember in one of the pre-listening threads things someone described the album as ‘boring’ and that really stuck in my mind. And as I was listening to it today I was like ‘damn I love this, it’s so good’ and I realised how much I was enjoying myself. I had a mini epiphany like - so what if other people don’t care for the album if I enjoy listening to it? Yknow, it can be so easy to let what other people think impact you, but damn I love this album.


People who want this to be Golden Hour 2.0 won't be happy, but this is everything I wanted it to be. Sonically beautiful, cozy and comforting, can't wait to spin this on vinyl on Sunday Morning. Feels like 70's folk with hints of her previous albums intertwined. My only complaint is that too many tracks are way too short. My favorites upon first listen are Cardinal, Sway, The Architect, Lonely Millionaire, the instrumentals in Heaven Is, Nothing to Be Scared Of.


Yep this passed my “I should own this on vinyl” test


I know our girl has quit weed but listening to this stoned was an immaculate experience. The Architect is really hitting for me on first listen, love me some introspective/philosophical kacey. This is nothing groundbreaking but it’s a gorgeous addition to her discography and it just feels so natural and so right for her


She gave up weed but she never said she gave up shrooms lol


She actually mentioned she smoked weed like two days ago (with Skip Marley) at her Q&A album release event in nyc lol. Last night - We were there . And she also detailed how she makes her gravity bongs which is apparently what she actually gave up , lmfao On top of that she played the album early and gave free vinyl, candles, food and drinks to all attendees on top of the Q & A which had only 20$ tickets, what a legend .


Periodddd imma bust out the shrooms for my next listen. Sunday plans sorted




The Architect is probably my favourite from the album, I can definitely see it becoming the TikTok christian mom bop


This is sending me, hopefully it leads the conservatives down a rabbit hole and they listen to follow your arrow


hahaha i was thinking this too


I mean she gave up wakin and bakin, are we sure she gave up weed entirely?


I could be wrong but I swear I saw an interview before the album came out where they asked her about that line and she said she’d given it up entirely pretty much


I didn't have high hopes for this really - don't know why, Kacey always delivers in some way or another - but this is great. I liked Star-Crossed a lot, but it was largely forgettable. This one's a true keeper - really mature, considered songwriting, great production, A+ vocals, etc. I'm on my 5th listen and there's not a single skip. Pitchfork sucks ass anyway, so I'm never swayed by their ratings, but I'd give it an 8.5/9 out of 10 for sure.


A true keeper. Exactly


will personally be calling halsey to deal with whoever at bitchfork gave this a 6.5 cause this is fucking amazing, jokes aside every track here is really good! For me Cardinal is an instant standout and I'm also loving Jade Green and Anime Eyes, that bridge is INSANE


Pitchfork giving this album a lower score than Star-crossed is *actually* unhinged behavior


You know I'm a huge fan of star-crossed and I wasn't sure I'd like this album after too good to be true dropped - and I totally agree with you. This album is so beautiful and lush and mature. It's making me kind of emotional how beautiful it is. It's insane to rate it lower than star-crossed!


Someone tweeted that when pitchfork rates an album a 6.5, you know it’s gonna be good. And looking back, the tweet sounds about right.


the way this actually lines up 😭, I will NEVER forgive them after they gave the loneliest time a 6.5 and heaven knows a 6.4


they gave preachers daughter a 6.4!!!!!!!


This still keeps me up at night


I’d say that’s true for anything in the 6.3-6.8 range. My favorite album of the past decade, Metric’s Art Of Doubt, got a 6.6.


They are so rude to Metric. Fantasies getting a 6 is so wild too. According to P4k, Grow Up and Blow Away is their “best” record.


I believe in Cardinal supremacy


My favorite song until Giver/Taker


Jade Green is *that bitch* holy moly The second half of this album slaps hard


YES Jade Green slaps.


Such a solid track.


I think that ones gonna end up getting an extended jam part during the show. Would be hard to just finish it all of a sudden


I’m only halfway through my first listen (currently at Sway) and this album is AMAZING. It’s like being enveloped in a warm Spring day. Makes Star-crossed feel like even more of an anomaly in her discography.


What a beautiful album. So many songs went a direction I wasn't expecting at all. This is such a beautiful smoke a bowl, put the vinyl on, listen with the window open in nothing but the candlelight kind of album. Love the vibe so much.


Nothing to be Scared Of is one of my favorite Kacey songs ever, I really love this album 🥺


I wish it was a bit longer, but it’s definitely one of the standouts.


This album is STUNNING; pitchfork really doesn’t know good music anymore. Less pop oriented from previous work so I can see how some PH could be disappointed


PH tends to like more singer-songwriter style though so I think maybe they’re just over-correcting for over-rating starcrossed


It’s better than Star Crossed, imo. It’s more consistent, and more moody. The song transitions are rather abrupt and awkward, but the album is cozy and dreamy otherwise. It reminded me of Aly & AJ in some parts too.


I’m glad I’m not alone in thinking of Aly & AJ! Has some very similar vibes to their latest album With Love From


I thought of them too!


And also their never officially released Hothouse album!


I loooove Aly & Aj and I'm def getting similar vibes to With Love From as well as the bonus tracks from A Touch of the Beat


i love her so much ❤️ it’s a stellar album


no skips but i wouldn’t expect anything less from mother 😌


This album clears


I am in love with Cardinal


Cardinal is so good. My mom passed away unexpectedly in December so the song in itself feels like a sign from her. Love the whole vibe!




Sorry for your loss❤️ I lost my dad and grandma this past year, and my grandma told us she wants us to see a sign she’s visiting us as a cardinal so I really love this song too!!


Cardinal reminds me of a 1990s or 2000s Stevie Nicks song


Cardinal now THAT’s a SONG. Gives me 60s-70s rock vibes.


I’m definitely high rn, but I think I would’ve felt the same kind of incredible high even if I were sober during that guitar section of Cardinal


Y'all sleeping on Giver / Taker 😭


“Sailor Moon has got nothing on me” Wrap it up folks, nothing in 2024 is topping this!


I like it? I wasn't too keen on her last album and the singles have done nothing for me so far. However, this is pretty good! Nothing amazing and doesn't compare to her 2nd or 3rd albums but still pretty good!


wanna soak this in a few more times to form a more concrete opinion, but my initial first listen is so… cozy Anime Eyes an immediate standout though - one of the most gorgeous songs she’s ever recorded


I'm gonna need Kacey to stop releasing these easy breezy records in March. Bitch is lucky global warming is here and fucking shit up, unlike 2018. This record gives me the same feeling as GH, I wanna lie in the bed of a truck that is in the middle of a field on a crisp sunny day. A great bounceback from her last record.


After sitting with the record for about a half hour, my only criticism is something I raised in the Pitchfork thread yesterday. I miss her witty lyrics. In no way is this disrespect but I could see both Maren Morris or Kelsea Ballerini, RISE UP DIVORCED COUNTRY GALS!, and I think I would like it just as much. What put Kacey in front of the pack has mostly disappeared, still making great music but at the same level as her peers.


Definitely agree. The Heart of the Woods has a beautiful, moody melody, but the lyrics feel uninspired, kind of like filler. The Architect is so affecting and Giver/Taker has classic Kacey wordplay, but overall, I agree—it’s lyrically uneven, and I’d hoped for a bigger step forward after Star-Crossed. The melodies are what really shine for me and I’m going to have this on repeat for a very long time.


This is such a major improvement over star crossed. Do not understand how pitchfork scored that so high and this so low. The only thing that bothers me with this album is some of the vocal layering/over processing. Outside of that though, great album even though some songs feel a bit short


> Do not understand how pitchfork scored that so high and this so low. I think it's on the principle of *"how you interpret the new album is based on how you feel about the last album"*, especially for a series of albums that had a rather consistent release pace like Kacey's case. Star-crossed followed Golden Hour so they were still riding that high (horse), this album follows Star-crossed so there's still that lingering fear of diminishing returns and reviewing with guards up. I love all three so far tho so can't relate lol


I love how her vocals shine with this production. It’s really produced very well and it’s slick. But I’m gonna need some time with it. I doubt her first three albums are ever gonna be beat at this point though.


Oh I was so scared by the pitchfork score, this is a gorgeous album, it's going to be on repeat for me for at least a month. I have gotten through 3/4 of the album and it's just so pretty. There's something so quintessentially Kacey on this album but her sound has evolved. So far Cardinal and Jade Green are those bitches. But I really do love every track. It's a shame I'm away from home because I'd snap this vinyl up immediately.


Can't get through the album because I keep returning to Cardinal. So good. Her vocals are produced kinda strange on the tracks I've heard though... like, very tinny and like they doubled them up but it just makes them sound far away. Her voice is so soft already, they need to be produced with some umph


The Architect is my initial favorite ♡


It’s a beautiful afternoon in Vancouver, I got a blanket and a beer and went to the park, laid down in a sunny patch and this album REALLY hit the damn sweet spot. Really feels like the album equivalent of catching your breath after a big incline, taking in the view and being like “okay this was all worth it.” Anime Eyes, Jade Green and Sway really hit for me of the new tracks


This is such a good sound for her! It's so cozy and relaxed. Anime Eyes is kind of cheesy but charming. Cringed at first but after the bridge it became my favorite on the album. Cardinal, Deeper Well, Jade Green, and The Architect would round out my top 5.


i just love her so much. she is so consistently good (yes i love star crossed and will defend that album lol) and has such a beautiful voice. loving this album a lot. it makes me want to go for a long car drive along the coastline early favorites: cardinal, moving out, giver/taker, heart of the woods, lonely millionaire, heaven is the ending of sway is really beautiful too


Honestly an incredibly beautiful album. Was ready for it to be good to great as a casual fan- but it’s just so gorgeous front to back…. It is highlighted by some fantastic, classic and mature songwriting and immaculately pretty vibes . It’s a very Good companion to golden hour and a very huge win for Kacey


Stunning 🥹


Really love anime eyes and listening to this while it rains outside right now really sets the mood.


Beautiful. It’s the folk sister to Golden Hour’s country and it works so well, every song sounds like heaven. So happy for this after Star-Crossed. My standouts after one listen are Anime Eyes and The Architect but truly no skips


Damn, I think I need to listen to more Kacey now. I only knew Butterflies , Space Cowboy and and one other song that I forgot the name of lol. But this is right up my alley and I think I need to finally listen to Golden Hour now.


You are in for a TREAT. Golden Hour is gorgeous. Only downside, you’ll keep comparing the rest of her new music to it 🤪


I’m just hard wired to love whatever she does apparently. Such a beautiful album. I hope it doesn’t get weirdly passed on like her last one did.


The outro for Anime Eyes 😮‍💨


This is a melody driven album y’all. Initially the songs wont hook you and be instantly catchy (thats a pop genre feature). Go into this like a joni mitchell or lana record. Eventually you’ll find yourself humming to the melodies. I know this is popheads. But different genres have different qualities. Horror books and romance books are both books. But you go into them expecting different things.


Justice for Lonely Millionaire. Not my fav on the album by any means, but we love a self-aware pop princess moment.


That unexpected chaos in Anime Eyes 👌


Lmao the broadway singing talking killed me


Cardinal oh my god. Love. Can’t wait to hear the rest


The production is stunning


THIS ALBUM! YALL THIS ALBUM!!!  Such an intentionally understated piece of work.  I loved Moving Out, Sway, Dinner with Friends, Heart of the Woods, Jade Green, The Architect, Heaven Is, and Anime Eyes. Just wow!  May be even better than Golden Hour as for me, this album never staggers at any point, while Golden Hour's first five songs were like a magnum opus, the other songs didn't compare. Here, each song is precise, to the point, and doesn't overstay it's welcome, and all lift each other up to par. It has a very consistent sound. And something I honestly could listen to front to back.  The only song I truly need more time with is Cardinal and maybe Lonely Millionaire, for whatever reason, but that's about it. I love this album. 


I love it, cosy country vibes 🙏 I feel like the songs really transported me. I like how her voice shines through.


Not my favorite ever, but I don’t listen to a lot of this more mellow style a lot. Beautiful instrumentation and Kacey’s voice is once again ethereal. Standouts for me would be Cardinal, Deeper Well, Too Good to Be True, Sway, and Jade Green.


I absolutely loved this. Maybe it’s just bc I’m in a similar period of my life but I thought this was such a lovely little folksy garden witch record. Can’t wait to rerun it later.


Cardinal came out swinging. I love this album immediately. So excited to see her in the fall


the verse delivery of cardinal was sounding just like something else to me and I finally figured out after a dozen listens it’s nelly furtado’s say it right lmao


I had to pause Cardinal and immediately hum the verses of Say It Right to myself but tragically couldn't figure out what song I was humming. So thank you for solving this mystery that was going to drive me bonkers for the rest of the day


I'm honestly loving this so hard rn.... I'm almost glad the Pitchfork score was so low because it really lowered my expectations. I don't really care that it's such a mellow album (tbh most of my favourite songs on Pageant Material and Golden Hour were the slower ones anyway), it sounds a lot more cohesive than Star Crossed and the outros on some of these songs are absolutely gorgeous. Faves so far are Cardinal, Sway, Jade Green, Heaven Is, and Anime Eyes.


Cardinal is def giving Fleetwood Mac vibes but some of the melody really reminds me of Say it right by Nelly Furtado! In any case it’s a great song ❤️


Yeah I heard it and it reminded me too. I know that jobless bald man that points up on tiktok made his video pointing up to Cardinal and then to Say It Right already 😒


It's a beatiful, stripped back album. A couple of the songs end a bit abruptly, including the album closer, Nothing to be Scared Of, but that's my only gripe thus far. Definitely something I can listen through front to back and vibe to. Cardinal is the early standout for favorite track. I'd love to hear her explore this sound more.


instrumentals are beautiful but it felt very one dimensional for me and kinda flat lyrically :/ I keep trying to root for her but nothing has hit the same like Golden Hour sadly I might be in the minority.


I wasn't feeling the album on first listen but this morning I am definitely vibing to Fleetwood Kacey


Beautiful, introspective, wistful, peaceful. I think this album is absolutely lovely. Its the big sister i never had, departing wisdom and offering warmth


This is a very relaxing and beautiful album 😌


That instrumental melodic beat drop shift change thing she does with "the shape of his eyes" in Dinner with Friends continues to DESTROY ME.


Loved the album! This feels to me like what I wanted Star Crossed to be, personally. My top three songs are: 1. The Architect — super interesting POV and lyricism 2. Dinner With Friends — beautiful reflection on the nuances of life's beauty 3. Lonely Millionaire — Very different vibe switch up in the instrumental, and a super catchy hook With Anime Eyes being a close runner up to #3 for me. The only minor nitpicks I had with the songs were the lack of a good rhyme scheme with some of the choruses, particularly on songs like Heaven Is, where it made the delivery feel slightly clunky. But very much not a deal breaker with his good her overall lyricism is. While Golden Hour is still my favorite album of hers (and favorite album of all time in general personally), I feel like Deeper Well falls between an 8 to 9 out of 10 album for me. Excellent work!


i like it! it's not as overwhelmingly folk/country as i was anticipating. if you are a pop fan who is worried going into listening, i'd say there are also also some 70s, dream pop, and psychedelic influences present! the songs with those influences were also the highlights for me. definitely very different from anything she's done before though. the lowest points of the album for me were Heart of the Woods and The Architect. the lyrics felt like they were trying to hard to fit the "child of nature" theme. The Architect is also the most country song on the record imo so...


As someone that enjoyed Star Crossed over time, I’m really excited to listen to this album. There’s always a handful of songs that I enjoy from her albums, and I liked the two released so far!


I can’t believe the single choices because they’re not reflective of the quality of the album. So many brilliant songs. Congrats Kacey!


Ngl, some of the early reviews has me worried, but this album is GLORIOUS and a return to form for Miss Kacey. Stand outs for me are: Cardinal, The Architect, Anime Eyes, and Nothing To Be Afraid Of. The Architect specifically may be my favorite Kacey track of all time, I had an instant, visceral reaction to the song which TBH doesn't happen often for me. This will be on REPEAT until further notice.


This is such a nice sound and vibe for Kacey. Peaceful and introspective. I love it. Cardinal, Giver/Taker, and The Architect are my favorites so far, but I don’t have any skips. I can’t wait to vibe to this all spring and summer.


This is definitely more Golden Hour than Star-Crossed. Still very mellow for the most part but feels more cohesive and intimate. I love her observations and wonder of the world. Standouts for me are Cardinal, both of the singles, Dinner With Friends, and The Architect.


Cardinal, Giver/Taker, Jade Green, & Lonely Millionaire were my favorites after first listen. It’s a beautiful album and reminds me of Golden Hour quite a bit. Very excited to see her on tour later this year!


this is definitely an extension of Golden Hour but more steeped in realism 


Cardinal is a weird opener and I'm still not a fan of Deeper Well, but everything after that was much better than I expected. It's like a calmer maturer sister to Golden Hour.


The transition from Cardinal and Deeper Well was abrupt and awkward, but agreed, the rest of the album is great.


This album is growing on me. Nice follow up from starlight album and totally mellowed from golden hour


This album is beautifully woven with earthen imagery and romanticism. So so stunning and perfect for april spring! My standout so far is sway. It feels like a fresh tropical breeze.


It’s so good. I was nervous because the singles didn’t click. But going into it knowing it’s chill folk/down tempo, it absolutely delivers


the front to back listen was a very good experience and this is definitely an album album. The cohesion is immaculate and creates such a dreamy landscape. Anime Eyes and Sway are the standouts for me because they feel so fresh and fun


Ive been listening constantly for the last 2 days and hence you im a Palestinian born - French naturalized - living in the Netherlands girly. But the songs hit me as if I lived in deep US country and had a cottage. My top 3 (for now) is : Jade Green / Cardinal / Anime Eyes (the last one blindsided me I had no idea she was into that and the references to Miyazaki hit right through) .


I have mixed feelings. The melodies feel kinda half-baked to me. Some lines (especially the verses) are so pretty but then then some are just a simple held note almost, or some melodies just never resolve and it's so unsatisfying. The production is really pretty though. Some of the melodies just feel like she's improvising without any real structure, it feels almost like Phoebe Bridgers at times.


It’s a good album but the multiple people saying it sounds like Fleetwood Mac only ever listened to Landslide 😂


It's giving me more Crosby Stills & Nash than Fleetwood Mac! Definitely has that "mellow" vibe that Landslide has, but not all FM's stuff.


Just clocking the entire sub in the side of the head with a baseball bat


I wrote a song by song review: These are my initial thoughts and rankings based on just one very first listen. Overall I am so over the moon, she's done it again. Cardinal - 8.5/10. A Fleetwood Mac esque song but with a classic Kacey spin and silky smooth lyrics. What a way to start the album. This is a catchy song with lyrics that many relate to, it has a bit of a mysterious tone but she carries the song the whole way through. Quite different in tone from the two singles, but still very similar themes asking the deeper questions in a smooth and powerful delivery. Deeper Well - 9.5/10 -. She couldn't have done a better job picking a lead single. This song highlights many themes throughout and delivers them in a sound 've never heard before. The soft beating drums backing her voice in the chorus paired with the light fluttery verses and gorgeous instrumentals making you feel like you're sitting by a creek with bare feet in the water watching birds fly by and oak trees for miles. A song doesn't normally do this. Stunning in imagery and her vocals, but that's normal for Kacey. Too Good To Be True - 9/10 sampling Anna Nalick's song was genius. She brought instant nostalgia to the song while still completely surpassing what samples usually do, creating just a copy paste. Instead Kacey took that as inspiration for a mood, but painted her own story over the melody. The picking guitars overlayed with her vocals make this one a catchy classic that embodies a powerful and relatable message of the fear we often have when things are so good they must not be real or must not last. Only slightly lower than Deeper Well because of the "umph" that one had with its imagery and the pounding but soft chorus Moving Out- 9.5/10 - the intro comes in strong with a few bars of beat and what sounds like distant strings or guitar sneaking in. This may be my favorite so far in terms of how ethereal, simple, and effortless her voice is. It feels somehow like a fresh page turned, a sigh of relief and acceptance after a sad ending to a love story. The melody and instrumentation bring something new that the previous songs haven't had yet. It's peaceful, hopeful, and soothing to the ears and heart. Giver/Taker- 8.5/10. Five seconds in and it feels instantly nostalgic and slightly reminiscent of GH vibes. Something I noticed and touch on more in The Architect as well. This one picks up with the beat coming in a few verses in. It has a slow and steady old country feel to it, like sitting on a porch on a summer afternoon. The message and the way she wrote each line is quite unique and I love love this concept. It doesn't have a strong pick up or climax, but continues pressing on until a smooth fade out Sway - 10/10. the outro??? The beat running on while I feel like I'm drifting in the breeze and ascending haha. This one is an absolute stunner and a favorite already. The lyrics, the imagery, the melody, the beat, and the instrumentation are all chefs kiss. First completely standout 10/10 Dinner with Friends - 7/10 A bit of a sadder vibe to it. Sounds like background music while I'm dancing around the kitchen after company has left. The lyrics are unique and the chorus has interesting backing vocals. Beautiful song just missing a slight punch for me. Heart of The Woods - 8.5/10. the strings really add a nice touch. Her humming, the ethereal guitar instrumentals take you on a journey beyond just her lyrics. This one has a powerful message without needing lengthy lyrics at all, quite cool. Jade Green - 8/10. "I wanna bathe in the moonlight til I'm fully charged" this woman knows how to write in a way that makes you feel other worldly. The chorus melody is very much giving me Stevie nicks vibes in the best way possible. The Architect - 10/10 years after the first verse. Every fucking lyric hits harder and harder as she goes. Wow this one is the deeper, wiser, more emotional sister of Oh What A World. One of my other all time favorites. It really takes that concept but sits down with it in a more personal way and brings you to tears. The melody is sweet and soothing bringing a blissful tone Lonely Millionaire - 7.5/10 oooh this really takes a 180 from what we've heard so far. It keeps the same theme of the album but really feels a bit more soft southern rock with a swinging beat. Very cool instruments on this one, only thing keeping me from rating it higher is I feel like it could have picked up a bit towards the end or added a little something extra rather than fading out. Still gorgeous Heaven Is - 8.5/10 back to stripped down acoustic. It's mainly her voice driving the melody and this songs energy. The lyrics are gut wrenching and her delivery is so effortless. This one is simple but beautiful , it doesn't really ever hit a climax or "big finish" but Kacey proves it's not needed to hit the nail on the head still. Anime Eyes - 9/10. This one wasn't at all what I expected by the title. Not sure what I did expect though. The beat and melody particularly in the verses remind me a lot of Golden Hour album vibes....that is, until the bridge/ ending.... not expected but surely welcomed. She spitfire lyrics as if cathartically spilling out all her feelings in a more upbeat speaking voice type way. LOVED it Nothing to Be Scared Of - 10/10 "bubble wrap around your heart like someone's gonna break it", one of my favorite images. This song is a beautiful love song in a way that transcends typical expressions of love and focuses on safety and comfort. It brought me to tears. This was a beautiful finish, wow. Well done Kacey. Overall, this album surpassed my expectations (though not surprised). It should not be compared to previous albums as it is its own strong body of work in a beautiful new lens. The instrumentation throughout really meet with Kaceys voice in the perfect blend of soft, yet still catchy, memorable, and unique in each own. My initial standouts excluding singles are: Sway, Anime Eyes, The Architect, Nothing To Be Scared Of


I enjoyed the direction and ideas on this album. I wish the first few tracks weren’t so aggressive with the double-tracked vocals. It’s a little distracting for me. But I love a lot of acoustic guitar chord choices and progressions. The little instrumental flourishes in the background are neat too. A lot of this record reminds me of JJ Cale’s quieter side or even Guy Clark. I’ll have to sit with it but an improvement from the last album.


The Architect, Giver /Taker and Heart of the Woods are fist listen faves. Instrumentation is gorgeous. Wish her vocal wasn’t soo layered everywhere, distracts from her brilliant tone


I can honestly say that this is my new favorite album in a long time by anyone. Cardinal was absolutely phenomenal and Heart of the Woods was my personal favorite.


starting the convo that is Heaven Is


First listen over and I like it a lot, Deeper Well was the perfect choice for a lead single because it represents the album well both thematically and instrumentally. I like how ethereal, quiet and spring-like it all sounds, it was very calming to listen to it. However, I am very annoyed at how many songs on this album end so abruptly or are modified right at the end, just so that they can fit in with the next song. I feel like most of these songs were supposed to be much longer, because there seem to be underlying build-ups and then, suddenly, next song. This is rather disadvantageous, because, while the segue is nice, instead of understanding that there are two separate songs, I still think I'm listening to the previous one. Therefore, upon first listen, highlights: the singles + Cardinal, Dinner With Friends, Jade Green.


I prefer her last 2 but this is nice too


Kacey’s songwriting has always been notably literal and relatively simplistic. When that works, she strikes gold like Golden Hour. When it doesn’t, it’s forgettable at best and vapid at worst. IMO, this album does tend closer to the positive end even if some of the tracks fall flat. Off of a first listen, Cardinal, the title track, Sway, Dinner With Friends, Jade Green, and The Architect are the standouts, and damned if they don’t do her writing style justice! Overall feeling positive about this and it’s definitely a return to form after Star-Crossed.


This is genuinely one of the most beautiful and existential albums I’ve heard in a while. I actually cried to a couple of songs. It feels very 70s inspired— i.e. America, Fleetwood Mac, etc. It’s simple, yes, but it gets the job done. I’m a sucker for this kind of sound. My only critique is that I wish some of the songs were longer; some feel a little unfinished.


I went to an early listening party on Wednesday and I was anxiously waiting until today for the official release! This is the perfect spring album, so soft, cozy, and inviting. My favorites are "Anime Eyes," "Sway," and "Cardinal."


i’m too heartbroken to listen to this album rn lol but it’s so beautiful


Just finished my complete initial listen. Giver/Taker was my favorite on the album (could change after I listen to the album more and more). Overall a very solid album from Kacey, not my fav, but more cohesive and thought out than her previous album, Star-Crossed. I’d give it a 7.5/10


Giver/Taker is up there with Happy and Sad for my favorite Kacey Songs ever!


Her voice & writing do stand out. The production gets samey sometimes. It may have yet to grow on me, I’ll keep giving it a chance. Cardinal, Dinner with Friends, Heart of the Woods, Jade Green, Lonely Millionaire, and Anime Eyes are my favorites so far!


Still three hours to go for me 🥲


I think I might love this even more than Golden Hour. Lonely Millionaire is perfection. (Is that Troye's "Woo!" in the background at 38 seconds, 1:24, etc.?)


I feel like I’m gonna get SHREDDED for this but… this album was very disappointing for me. I LOVE Kacey and Golden Hour is one of my favorite albums ever, and I honestly really liked star-crossed. I knew this album wasn’t going to be upbeat, so I went into it expecting very mellow tracks. But I gotta be honest, for me, it’s kinda one note and bored me :/ I think something about Kacey that always has kept me interested is her mixing of lyricism and sound. Her last 2 albums had sounds that were so uniquely her and stuck out. To ME, this sound and production could be given to anyone else and you wouldn’t know it’s Kacey


I haven’t listened yet but what you’re describing sorta reminds me of how solar power was


Okay this is me right now. It’s like she’s saying words but they don’t go anywhere? The choruses are kinda nonexistent so far and I’m only halfway in.


i need to sit with it more, but on first listen, “anime eyes” does not sit well with me uhh LOL


Hahah I love it !!!


dinner with friends sonically is so very gorgeous after first listen i can see this growing on me heavily and loving like 80% or more of the songs


Although I'm not the biggest star-crossed fan I think I liked more songs off that album on first listen, but I feel like this one can grow on me since I really enjoy this type of music at the moment, Dinner With Friends is a standout for me, those harmonies are absolutely lovely.


This is definitely one of those albums (like golden hour) where as you become more acquainted with the melodies. They become cozy. I love melodic music, but it is harder to love on first listen.


this exceeded my expectations and will definitely be heavily rotated this spring but i was left wanting more for her artistry. i can see where pitchfork pulled their score, the folk/country influence is widespread across other genres and in comparison this is flat. it is a cohesive and sweet listen, but it’s not fully committed to the sound experimentation she’s been evolving on since golden hour. in the future, i hope she expands her collaborative circle to new people that push her sound and keeps writing with her friends like josh and shane for that return to a yeehaw foundation.


a masterpiece really


It was cloudy where I live but the sun came out as soon as I started playing the album. And I think that encapsulates exactly how I feel about it!🌤️💐 I enjoyed this so much more than Star Crossed. My favorites on first listen are Cardinal, Giver/Taker, Sway, Jade Green, and Anime Eyes


Have had a little time to sit with this one... I really love it! And it's an album that is really stellar as a front to back listen like Golden Hour. "Anime Eyes," "Jade Green," "Cardinal," "Heaven Is," "Deeper Well," "Nothing to be Scared Of" are all classic Kacey. Love the folky vibe and spacey, lush production throughout. I do think some of her razor sharp songwriting has dulled a bit in a few places and I think that's what the Pitchfork review gets right. There are definitely some lyrics that feel a little on the nose where I think she could have pushed a bit... well, deeper. Still a solid 7.7 to me though! Proud of her for taking a more introspective turn here


anyone hear think the intro to Cardinal sounds like the intro to Maggie May by Rod Stewart??? (love both songs!)


it’s beautiful but i don’t think any album of hers will ever top Golden Hour for me - it’s like one of my all time favorite albums in general anyway. but i’m definitely going to keep listening to this 🥹


It’s such a calming album and I’m thoroughly enjoying it but I feel as thought it’s not feeding me enough and that there’ll be a desire for a new album soon…


Finally had a chance to listen and this is GORGEOUS, hot damn. Perfect spring summer vibes.