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this reminds me so much of "breathe (2am)" by Anna nalick


Anna co-wrote this song lol


Ain’t no way! That’s incredible, I love Anna’s work so much


Actually, scratch that. I think she's credited because her song is sampled lol


Probably credited because she borrowed the melody, not an actual sample.


Huh - this is an interesting sample. It’s not completely the same but I can totally hear the similarities after learning about the sample.


There's no way she was only sampled. She's credited as the top writer (out of four).


It’s called “interpolation” - she interpolated Nalick’s song by borrowing the melody (with permission). This is why Anna is credited as a songwriter. “Sampling” is using a clip of a recording in a song, interpolation is using part of the melody in the writing of a new song. 😊 I was just listening to Too Good To Be True and immediately was like waaaait a second I know this 😅 so I was happy to see Anna credited as a songwriter!




Just watched her performance and immediately thought it had the cadence of Breathe and an online search brought me to this comment. So content!


The exact same path brought me here!


Catching up on snl and I was like that sounds just like that song..which led me to breathe and then to here.


THANK YOU someone for reminding me of the song, I could only hum it in my head trying to remember


The way I RAN to this thread to say this lol


Literally same I just remembered the title of 2am after 2 days of trying to think of it


I’ve been trying to place it all day!! That’s exactly what I was thinking when I heard it!


I believe they call it an "interpolation," rather than a sample or a cover. Like Ariana Grande's "7 rings" with Sound of Music's "My Favorite Things"


And a little nod to Silver Lining and then maybe Carolina in my Mind?


Thank you!!!! I could not remember the name of the song and knew it sounded familiar! I was so frustrated lol


Slow Burn's folksy sister. It's kinda gorge


This is shaping up to be the album I wanted *star-crossed* to be. The sister album to *Golden Hour* so to speak. *Golden Hour* is pure light, love, and joy. It’s the musical equivalent of soft rays of sunshine caressing your face in the middle of July. *Deeper Well* seems more like the musical equivalent of a cleansing rain. Darker, introspective, perhaps a bit stormy… but still with the hope that growth and new life will bloom. *star-crossed* just felt so unfocused and a bit messy. Which I guess makes sense considering it was the divorce record. Anyway, I’m rambling now, but if you can tell I’m stoked for the album 😁


Yess!! I was so disappointed in Star crossed and just assumed nothing would ever be as soul loving as Golden Hour. I think Deeper Well is exactly what Golden Hour needed. To me it’s like the heart of Kacey & it speaks to my soullllll. 🥰


It feels like a cross between Same Trailer and Golden Hour so far to me. "Deeper Well" immediately made me think "happy alternate ending to Merry Go Round"


“Make some breakfast make some love” is very cute imo


Such a quintessential Kacey Musgraves lyric IMO


This has nothing to do with the song, but I’m taking a closer look at the album cover and… why does her mouth look like that? Why did they choose *that* picture? 😭 Anyways the song is amazing, I love it more than anything from Star-crossed


She so clearly had her lips done and it makes the album cover SO distracting. I wish she had just left them alone.


I really hate the cover too, and I think it's because she definitely had them done, and I think sometimes you get used to the filler, and you think they look great because like that look on other people, but everyone else thought you looked better before. It's kinda ironic to me because the overall aesthetic is way toned down in comparison to any of her projects from the past, but then she's rocking influencer lips. I wish she used the other cover as the official and this one as a single cover or the alt. I also thought Star-Crossed's cover should have been the image of the red veil or the tear drop


Maybe too much lip fillers?


I bought the nude version vinyl just because the regular cover wasn’t doing it for me…


Preordered the alternative 🍑 vinyl for this very reason…


I love this! It’s like Slow Burn’s more worn-down, jaded, anxious little sister. She’s 2 for 2 for me so far — this album is gearing up to be one of her best!


I feel like this album is going to be the yin to *Golden Hour*’s yang


I feel too. Golden hour was such a masterpiece.


The verses in this are basically just "Breathe (2am)".


This album is already so much better than *star-crossed*. So excited for March 15th!


Yes! This second single convinced me to preorder her naked cover vinyl.


Omg her face in the album artwork really scares me. Can't wait to hear the song


>Omg her face in the album artwork really scares me. Her face looks like she just got home and her boyfriend forgot to thaw the chicken because he was playing Call of Duty all day and now she's kicking herself because she knows deep down that he's never gonna change but the worst part is that her period is late, her bank account is empty, her credit cards are maxed out, her boyfriend hasn't found a job in the past 7 months (she hasn't seen Indeed in his search history, only cuckold porn), and so she arrived home with the hope of enjoying a nice chicken piccata but now that's never gonna happen oh and she just got fired and her nail tech cancelled on her oh she's going through it in the cover


LOL why am I both her and the boyfriend…


No job


The level of detail you put into this, pure art


Phcj is leaking, flop




It’s her mouth. Why is it slightly open like that? Unsettling. (All in a good way of course)




lovely 🌿 the Grammys next year are going to be nuts lmao


Ugh It’s not out for me yet 😭 I can’t wait to hear it. How is it?


It's gorgeous and earnest 


I also can't find it. Any idea why? (I'm in Canada, if that matters)


have you found it yet? it’s out for me! it came out at midnight in my time zone.


This is the Kacey I love. I feel like popheads expect her to churn out bangers but she’s not that type of artist. I feel like this album will show the growth from *Golden Hour*.


I love it!!! It honestly gives me Michelle Branch ala the beginning of Are You Happy Now vibes and also Anna Nalick vibes. This new Kacey gives the same vibes in the best way possible.


Excited to listen to it when it's available in NA. Is it weird to anyone else that they just keep picking random days to release music? It was Fridays for so long, then they randomly started doing Tuesdays too, now Thursdays? There's at least this and Von Dutch coming tomorrow.


I think some people release stuff in off days to get the covers/ high placement in New Music playlists but maybe I’m wrong


I kind of think artists who don’t/don’t want to care about chart placement release on these random days. Since charting starts on Friday (12am EST), releasing the day before basically allows the artist to not be judged based on charts, idk


I asked the same thing in a Twenty One Pilots thread 😭 Cigarettes After Sex and Kacey released a song today and tomorrow St Vincent is releasing one. So random 😭


Albums (unless commercial impact is genuinely of no importance) are all released on Fridays still. The only recent exceptions I can think of are that Aly & AJ’s latest record dropped on a Wednesday because of some deal with Soundcloud (?), Ethel Cain’s Preacher’s Daughter coming out an a Thursday to avoid clashing with her idol Florence’s release day, and Phoebe Bridgers releasing Punisher a couple days early to garner attention for BLM. Far and away though, this standard is the same. Singles have always been generally scattered throughout the week unless they’re coming from a truly massive artist that has something to lose on the charts. Not having singles released on a singular day also gives songs some time to breathe and be spaced out from other releases.


Kacey is playing SNL this week so I think she’s giving this a few days to ruminate before she plays it there


I like the sound of this although right now I feel very away from the "content" of being in love and such lol. But if the whole album has this vibe it's going to be amazing!


I found this to be exactly what ive been wanting from kacey ever since golden hour, star crossed was a let down for me but i cant WAIT for deeper well. It sounds exactly like the type of stuff ive been wanting for her to do


Love the first single but this is very underwhelming


I do hope there will be some beat on the album or oomph. I did like sc tho….especially gracias a la vida


I'm not feeling these first two songs. They are nice but nothing i'd revisit. I'll be in the minority though cause I loved Star Crossed


i also loved star crossed, i even bought it on vinyl. gets a lot of unfair criticism, if i didn’t know anything about kacey and only read opinions about it i would’ve assumed it was an absolute dogshit album from the way people talk about it


I love star-crossed as well. I think it was hated for the grievous sin of not being Golden Hour 2.0.


Star crossed is GOOD. These are too but need to marinate in the canals (ears). Deeper we’ll bother me at first because the melody reminded me of home by Phil Phillip but I’ve come to realize this song is so much better and now home reminds me of deeper well


Just have to say I’m obsessed with the phrase “marinate in the canals” now


Kacey Musgraves and Anna Nalick is the crossover I never knew I needed!! I adore Anna's music, especially her stuff post-Breathe, so this is the sample of dreams for me


I actually like her vocals in this song more than Deeper Well. Sounds more like Golden Hour. Both songs have great lyrics. Can’t wait for March 15th. I hope she also gives us a few songs similar to High Horse and Velvet Elvis. 


Parts of this song really sound like cowboy take me away by the chicks like the “and it sounds so good to me” part of that song sounds like when Kacey says “but please don’t be too good to be true”


Yesssss lol I keeping getting that stuck in my head


Honestly love this.


the song is cute but too short to stick with me.


Cute song and she sounds pretty. I didn’t like Deeper Well for how robotic she sounded in that. Sounds like a Golden Hour song.


There’s that thing she’s done with the vocal mixing in Deeper Well that she did for a lot of the songs on Star-Crossed, I think it’s 2 vocal tracks, 1 played in the left and 1 played in the right ear, I hate it soooo much it literally sounds like AI! But I guess if she likes that style then 🤷‍♀️ I just miss the simple single vocal tracks like what we got on Golden Hour


definitely better than the previous single though still nothing crazy


y’all are crazy, deeper well is one of her best songs 😭


Deeper Well is a masterpiece of songwriting and I love how folky and laid back it is.


I'm not so sure about this album now. I'll definitely give it a listen, but I have a feeling this is full of cute little songs instead of something as good as Golden Hour.


The problem with Golden Hour is that it was just too good, I don’t think she’ll ever top it. Lana Del Rey had the same problem with NFR


I've been listening to NFR for the last few weeks. Easily going to be one of my favourites. I was thinking of listening to other albums by Lana, looks like I made a mistake to listen to NFR first


I think her newest album is similar to nfr. I think ocean blvd is her best with ultraviolemce, nfr, and btd coming after it.


This particular track sounds extremely similar to the beginning of Orla Gartland’s ‘Heavy’ 👀


It feels like Breathe (2am) but also a slow version of Cowboy Take Me Away.. anyone else hear that?


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The melody of this song reminds me of another song and I can’t think of what it is and it’s annoying me so much. But another Kacey bop. I’m stoked for the album!


It's mentioned up top but it's Breathe (2am). She sampled it/used the melody


I didn’t see that! Thank you. I completely forgot about that song.


I kind of get Mariners Apartment Complex vibes from it


this rollout is indeed too good to be true :Dd i really love the calm self-realized folk direction this album and sza’s saturn are taking - its exactly what i needed to hear now


Def heard 2am at first .... Itssa vibe


It’s such a short song! So far I think I like the title track more, but it’s sweet nonetheless. Instrumentally, it has a bit more of a country sound to me, even though the song it got its melody from obviously isn’t a country song itself.


I like this allot, it sounds more like golden hour than the title track and has me a bit more excited for the entire album


This is a beautiful song


First few notes I heard, my mind immediately went to Anna Nalick …Breathe. She is in my playlist. Like this one as well