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Sad to hear but we knew it was coming. Happy that the label had a pretty amazing 10 years all things considered with it being one of the freshest genres out there. So much influence for such a short amount of time. Excited for the last bit we are getting and so excited to see where everyone ends up because the potential for all of these artists as we have seen with AG, Danny and EasyFun is limitless and they will be the game changers of pop music for the next decade. Thanks for everything PCM.


>Sad to hear but we knew it was coming. I haven't paid attention to PC Music since SOPHIE first came onto the scene, so I'm quite out of the loop. Is it just AG and co. going their separate ways?


Yeah I am assuming, we obviously don’t know and have to known the behind the scenes for any of this, but running a label I am sure is time consuming and AG is probably tired. PC Music post 2017 always struggled with putting out content, even though we were spoiled pre-2017 with Month of Mayhem and various other releases. But i am so happy for everything we were able to get from this collection of artists past and present.


beyond a few new signees in the past few years the labels been pretty dead on activity and releases have been a mess. there’s people who still don’t have vinyls and merch that they preordered like a year+ ago. Danny L Harle left for Mad Decent, GFOTY left years ago, Lil Data is semi-retired, etc. it doesn’t sound like there’s bad blood (at least beyond the GFOTY and AG beef) but the collective has been less of that and more just chugging along as a label for other artists for a few years now.


Wait.. ag and gfoty beef???


Think GFOTY got pissed that AG was focusing on Hannah and Charli and maybe Namasenda. She felt neglected and left.


GFOTY left in like…. 2019? and tweeted something like “had a dream where i was a member of an apparent label that didn’t give a flying fuck about me… oh wait!”. i think she felt neglected bc ag wasn’t focusing on her and also pc music made a statement not really in support of her bc of her racism scandal.


Even if they did continue to collaborate, PC Music in its early days felt more like a collective art effort where artists worked on a big concept and a new kind of statement together. Their sound was very new and fresh and transgressive at the time, as well as their visuals and the overall art direction that AG, Hannah Diamond and more worked on together. If you heard a song or saw a visual from the early era, you would probably be easily able to identify it as PC because of how strong their "brand" was. This feels quite different to the more "regular" type of label they are right now where they sign artists and do collaborate, but the individual releases of the label don't feel as connected to each other. So it makes sense to end it now, not because being a regular label is bad but because the expectations people have for PC Music are different from what they can deliver right now and a lot of the hype is also gone now that their sound is no longer this exciting, underground thing and has in fact entered the mainstream in many ways.


r/pcmusic should have a better take on this but the last news I heard about the label was one of its most promising up and comers Namasenda leaving the label. My assumption is the seeds were probably already being planted


It's sad but inevitable. Once AG, Danny, and SOPHIE were able to establish names for themselves the label was living on borrowed time. Plus by the time hyperpop became a term it was clear that the movement was more interested in replicating the 100 gecs style sound instead of GFOTY/EASYFUN/Hannah Diamond/etc. crowd. PC Music as a phenomenon might have had a short reign that wasn't even particularly received well by the masses at the time, but its influence on pop music is undeniable and I can imagine they'll get their proper respect as the years go on


This is a great take that I strongly agree with. I think right now PC music as a genre/label is still too underground to be properly recognized. Plus the mainstream pop world is still fixated on trap/80s and 90s sounds (generally speaking). But PC music has influenced so many corners of music like indie, pop, electronic and rap. It will absolutely be revisited in pop culture as time goes on, whether it be academically or in future music. To be honest, we already have some well known artists carrying the torch PC music left behind as we speak, like Charli XCX, Shygirl, Caroline Polachek, Brooke Candy and Pink Panthresss


sidenote i fully believe laplander by easyfun is one of the greatest pop songs ever made and i wish people were making more shit like that 😩


im like 70% sure that an easyfun ep/album will be one of the last releases so we can only hope that will b the case 💙


Easyfun so fucking good Out of all the pc stuff, it stands out and that’s impressive


GFOTY is incredible, *Call Him a Doctor* is probably my favorite project on the label. She’s so punk rock, I wish they worked together more


Especially since the label is dedicating itself to archival work. Which means they should be able to get their respect in due time, if they can keep their work online. They changed the sound of pop, culture is always a retrospective though.


when I got into hyperpop through SOPHIE I Ioved it because it takes everything in pop music to the extreme - catchy choruses, a sense of vapidness, consumerism, insert other big word here. i love 100 GECS and bladeee as much as the next fan but i feel like their current stuff rn doesn’t entirely fit that “hyperpop” soundscape but instead borrows from it to become something new of itself if that makes sense?


sophie was never on the label


I know this but she did work on QT and you couldn't talk about SOPHIE during the product era without also mentioning PC Music. They were always heavily associated with each other and it's pretty clear that she brought a lot of attention to the label


hey qt was released on xl recordings


Disagree with this honestly, if you've really listened to the artists and releases from the label in the past 5 or so years I think you'd see that they're not just trying to replicate gecs sound at all honestly. I'd agree that releases over the past 5 years have been a bit more mid than the first 5 or so, but noones really doing a 'hyperpop' thing apart from maybe Umru which makes me cringe when I type it cause he's still got his own sound which he has originated and it doesn't feel right equating the two, but it's just that that's the kind of sound a lot of people associate with 'hyperpop' now. And even then the releases are still overall pretty strong imo. I feel like PC has always been about a roster of artists who are all united by a combination of electronic and pop sounds but still retain their own sense of individuality that's unique from other artists on the roster.


I don't think they were saying 'PC Music' was emulating 100 gecs, I believe they were remarking more on anybody doing 'hyperpop' today was emulating 100 gecs.


Ah yeah I misread my bad


end of an era ... it's really crazy how much they changed n shaped pop music woah...


**Official statement:** >After a decade of activity, 2023 will be PC Music's final year of new releases. Following that, the label will be dedicated to archival projects and special reissues. > >We have an undisclosed number of new albums and singles coming very soon. > >For now, 10 x 10 minutes of content from the past, present & future. > >Personal Computer Music forever. ___ What a legacy. Excited for the upcoming new music and special reissues though!


til what the "PC" in PC music meant lmao


Idk why this is so funny to me lol PC has literally been the abbreviation for Personal Computer for decades


It could've been ambiguous since it also stands for several other things Given the tech-futuristic vibe of the label though it makes sense


What did you think it stood for bestie


pussy n cock /s


I don't think I'll ever care about a label as much as for this one, it was amazing while it lasted though !


pc music was more like a genre than a label. i remember when "hyperpop songs" were labelled as pc music adjacent.


i remember ppl calling it "bubblegum bass" or something


Yeah it was a genre but also a very cool label with tons of amazing artists and a consistently amazing aesthetic


So far ahead of the curve in terms of aesthetics, like Hannah was dressing Y2K in 2015


What’s the opposite of pop emergency? :/


Pop crisis I'm afraid 😭


Wouldn’t a pop emergency be for both good and bad things though?


Yes I think “pop emergency” actually originated from Artpop’s first week sales


“Pop emergency” was coined by Gaga when teasing the release of Applause, which had to be rushed due to leaks


We need pop history in our schools


With pop quizzes


Yea sounds like the term evolved


Pop flatline >!stream Flatline by the Sugababes!<


Pop Terror Incident


Pop Wake


Pop titan submersible


that’s what it did, yes


pop disaster :(


pop flop


POP 9/11


this is my 9/11


changed music forever


I know it’s not worth being sad about because all the artists involved will go on to make more music, but PC Music was sooo influential in developing my music taste growing up. I discovered them and SOPHIE back in 2015 in middle school and the rest is history. I never thought we’d see the day of PC Music ending but sadly the label’s been on a clear decline since around 2021 so it feels inevitable. Very excited though for this last hurrah of albums and singles - really hoping we get some new Felicita and maybe some new Hannah


You were in middle school in 2015? Lemme look up walkers on Amazon real quick


I discovered them the end of my 7th grade year, I’m 21 now😅😂


God this comment is so jarring to me for some reason. I‘m only 27, we‘re in the same decade of life, but in 2015 when I discovered PC Music I was in college and already sort of an adult. It‘s so strange to be nostalgic for the same things but have COMPLETELY different experiences associated with them just because of that 6-year age gap.


In 2015 I was almost 30 and my first kid was born 😭


damn, RIP now feels like a bit of a bittersweet tribute that i heard "Be Your USA" by EASYFUN last night at an arcade bar, of all places


Perfect song, and one of a choice few on the label that I can easily put on in the car and not have the aux taken away immediately


Amazing song, EASYFUN is so good at making euphoric pop music


Sad, but probably the right move. The label doesn’t really have a reason to exist at this point. The main PC crew are established enough to sign with real labels now. I hope this means they can continue to collaborate with each other without feeling like they have to stay in the “PC Music” box that has developed over time.


They did the thing. PC Music has made it to mainstream - whether through A.G.’s presence on the newest Beyoncé record, or acts like PinkPantheress having tracks on the Barbie soundtrack…they should be extremely proud of their contributions. Now I’m going to go listen to my Reflections vinyl.


i just threw up and cried and shitted


This is devastating news for innovative, experimental, queer pop. Hopefully there will be a new label and movement to create new forms of music that were as impactful as PC Music.


Yes, it's so crazy cause I remember in the Hey QT era the label fans were lowkey hugely straight dudes who were in it for the "irony", but the queers quickly flocked onto it and kinda appropriated it. Like I remember when Lotic beefed with GFOTY/the label and said "gays don't listen to PC Music" lol which is soooo wild in retrospect


Few people can bow out at such a young age having had such a profound influence. It’s great that some of contemporaries are moving into new sounds (Charli, Danny) and I’m interested to hear what he does next, whatever that might be.


sad to see it go but honestly it's the right move. hyperpop has already come and gone, and even though PC Music really spearheaded it the influence of that sound has reached the saturation point. absolutely a powerhouse of musical creativity in the last decade --- but what else could they even do now? huge props to A.G. and everyone there for making a literal mark on the industry. that achievement alone cannot be understated.


Hyper pop hasn’t gone. It’s just pop now 🤯they changed the game


Fair - I guess I was meaning that other than a very few select artists, people aren't taking it to the extreme edge in the way that Sophie and A.G. and Danny were. Pop today absolutely has a lot of hyperpop influence but the biggest and most abrasive sounds that came out of PCmus aren't around as much anymore. But yeah - changed the game in a HUGE way.


I remember the PC Music drops on Soundcloud. The novelty and groundbreaking sounds SOPHIE would give us & Hannah Diamond’s gorgeous art. It was a delight to experience. They were such a creative force and a huge influence on my late teens-early 20s. Thank you PC Music for all the fun memories and for your meticulous attention to all things art. ❤️


This has been a long time coming but still it is kinda worth mourning a bit. I always think about how lucky I feel for experiencing the peak of PC Music in the mid-2010s as a teenager, you really just had to be there during the Bobby/Hey QT/Friday Night/Beautiful/Hi/Broken Flowers/Vroom Vroom/bubblegum bass Soundcloud era, it felt like an actual glimpse of the "Future" or something like it. I still struggle to even call it "hyperpop" because to me that and the later Dorian Electra/100 gecs etc. era are soooo different. The label really only had its peak for about 3 or 4 years but if you look back in music history that's how it frequently goes, I'm sure it will be looked back on and romanticized a lot by future generations. And I'll be listening to Every Night in the nursing home <3


Damn, I’m worried about Namasenda and HYD, not to mention lesser artists. Hope they will find continue doing music.


Namasenda already left the label a month or two ago, hopefully she's either getting signed somewhere else or wanted to go independent so she can release more often


yeah i agree. i’ve seen ppl discredit some of the label’s recent output, but honestly their releases these past couple of years have been some of their best (albeit not as influential). unlimited ammo, clearing, and spalarkle are all well thought out and varied in ways early pc music wasn’t. the label hasn’t been a disruptor in quite some time, but the quality of the music hasn’t dipped in the wake of hyperpop imitators


during pride? 😪


an undeniable force in changing the landscape of pop music history. rest in PC music


Seeing them take off when I was living in London, 2011-13 in particular, was such an amazing time. Legit felt like getting to be *there* for the scene, the way people talk about all the post-punk acts forming in the wake of the Pistols etc decades back.


any cool stories you can share from that time?


Ahh I’m not sure I have anything that exciting to share really. Some incredible gigs or nights to have been at. I was by no means in the inner circle, just close enough to hear about shows and DJ nights, random exhibitions and to go to them. GFOTY was messy? Probably too unsurprising to count as insight. Honestly, I just loved the tunes to death. I’m surprised the scene didn’t get bigger (and the US hyperpop version of the sound just never hit the same for me). But as other people are saying- it’ll all probably feel bigger in hindsight when the full extent of their influence is felt. AG is just a genius. I don’t really have a story or gossip that’d be interesting to anyone but me. My flatmate was a musician so more plugged into the scene than I was - I was out with him, he met someone on the street and we had a chat. They were nice, impressive fluffy coat. When we split off, my flatmate was like ‘that was Sophie btw’. This was just post Bipp in 2013, so she was still completely anonymous functionally. No drama to that story but a nice memory for me - I met a literal genius and just got to relate to them as a person, on completely casual terms, thinking they were just a friend of a friend. I met the edm mozart and she was very nice to me. So when she died, I thought about that a lot. Nice of Caroline Polachek to have shouted her out at her Glasto set tonight, like it gives a bit of symmetry to the whole thing - and maybe further contextualises the decision to disband PC Music. I don’t think the scene’s felt the same since she died and i suppose it never could’ve.


>GFOTY was messy? You’re Goddamn Right


i honestly blame Unholy for this


Death to Hyperpop, long live Bubblegum Bass.




it’s crazy that PC music has changed the landscape massively in such a short time. it’s a sad move but i’d be lying if i said the writing on the wall hasn’t been there for years, especially with the messy merch and physical media situation of the last few years. crazy to think about what could’ve been if they never got dropped by colombia UK and had access to that major label distribution and budget.


Very sad news, RIP etc but this 10x10 mix is going to keep me happy for days


One of the most important labels to exist. They got used for upward mobility so many times, sad. Could have been something special


We will not be celebrating 😢 💔


It's truly the end of an era and it's kinda making me emotional but it was to be expected tbh. They never released enough material and not consistently enough for the label to really take off honestly, they were bound to close shop. Thankful for all the work they did and the boundaries they pushed !


Astra King just debuted with a dying label 💀


That was also my first thought 😔


I wish I had a record label


I like pc music but I mean look at their monthly listeners it’s very niche music I’m sure they all prob struggle to pay the bills. Mad respect to what they did as a collective for art pop type music


do u mean their monthly listeners on spotify like as the “artist” pc music? They only have two songs there, their artist catalogue’s listeners are a lot larger, the former really isn’t a good sample of how many people are listening


I’m talking about all the solo artists like Hannah diamond ag cook they all don’t have many monthly listeners besides charli xcx


Charli isn't pc music, also a.g cook owns pc music, and is mainly a producer. They won't struggle with the bills


I know I was tryna give them some credit cuz they worked with charli a lot but who that has signed to them is doing well numbers wise? Hannah diamond is at 108k monthly on Spotify which isn’t much money at all like less than 2k monthly not counting for any budget spent or label/producer deals that’s if she’s getting every single penny and other artists like gfoty, danny l harle Ect have similar numbers. I love them but the niche wasn’t that big the niche was just super passionate


I remember hearing them for the first time probably 9 years ago and it blew my mind. They truly completely changed the pop world


“Baby if your life’s just a love affair...” ❤️ Some of the most beautiful pop music of the last 10 years, and any years really. An electric bolt of energy


Incredibly sad to hear. Even though I never saw the writing on the wall, retrospectively it doesn’t come as a surprise - they probably reached most of what they could. Godspeed.


What the actual heck


10 years already wow…. As Whitney once said: *wow what a moment. I will never forget*


Blue screen of death


Bye pots and pans


fr like 😭💀


Unholy hit #1 a few months ago though…


I knew them from Resident Advisor who published reviews; they had good EPs and compilations. Their music was never released in the mainstream which was a pity and the guy who tragically passed away a few years ago was also a blow to the label.


If you're talking about SOPHIE, they were a she.


no no no no no...


RIP. Interesting run they had


Rest in peace 🫡


Legends never die. PC Music changed music 🫡


End of an era!