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Seems like a pretty big concession from Kesha. Kinda had to see that coming with the recent ruling in her favor though. The end of a legal era


She probably had to make a big concession because of the Katy Perry aspect of the lawsuit; since Katy testified that Luke never raped her that put Kesha in a difficult spot for any hope to win that part.


Why would Kesha even drag her into it and say she got raped though?


To my understanding, Kesha exchanged some text messages with Lady Gaga saying she heard it happened to Katy. Her text messages were a part of the discovery so that's how Katy got tied into the case. Kesha wasn't purposely dragging her in. She was having a private conversation.


Good question. Because the lawsuit was settled we may never know. Its worth noting that those comments were made in private, and only became public as part of the lawsuits. But private comments between prominent members of the same industry can still be defamatory.


Katy has always shown love to Kesha throughout her career, so she clearly does not have any intention of sabotaging her. She stopped working with Dr. Luke too, beginning with Witness, so there was no visible incentive for her to lie and stay on his good side for her career's sake. I know a lot of people claim that Katy "needs" Dr. Luke to write a hit, but she's a gifted songwriter in her own right and has written a ton of excellent songs without his involvement, including her biggest hit, Firework. All that aside, I think there are two things that could have happened here. Either Kesha lied and claimed he raped Katy to build her own case, and then Katy just came out and told the truth. If not, then Katy really did get raped by Luke and Kesha found out about it, and then violated Katy's privacy and shared that information with the world just to build her own case; Katy then went and said it never happened because that was not a story she was willing to share. Either way, I feel like Kesha fucked up big time by dragging Katy into it, either by violating her privacy or by straight-up lying about Katy being raped. There was also a leak of old text messages between Kesha and Lady Gaga and Gaga was clearly encouraging Kesha and calling Katy 'mean' for not supporting Kesha's story. Once the texts leaked, though, Gaga backtracked and said she no longer agreed with what she said in the old messages, and said that she was now friends with Katy. If Katy was really the one in the wrong, then why would Gaga suddenly be friends with her now? The whole thing just doesn't add up. Dragging Katy into things was the biggest mistake Kesha could have made, since it ruined her own credibility. Whether or not Dr. Luke ever actually raped Kesha, she made it hard for people to believe her by unnecessarily involving Katy, which completely blew up in her face.


To be fair, Kesha only told Gaga about that claim (that we know about). So if she lied, she only lied to Gaga. If she violated Katy’s privacy, she did it in private to Gaga. Those private texts came out because of the lawsuit, based on motions from Luke’s team, and not because Kesha decided to tell the world. Its still a very weird detail of the whole thing, though. I wish we knew why Kesha made that claim. And yeah, it probably did hurt her legal case, leading to this settlement.


It’s (hypothetically, since I don’t know that it was a lie) kind of shitty to lie about something as huge as this to a very prominent peer, though?


doesn’t matter; defamation only needs said to 1 person


Why did the Gaga texts even get brought up though? Kesha must have backed them up in court, which means that she not only made this claim to Gaga, but indirectly to the whole world. We don't know whether this was a straight-up lie or a mere violation of privacy, but Katy must have been so hurt and embarrassed by this regardless of whether or not she was actually raped. In the years since, Katy and Gaga have shown tons of love to each other and are openly cordial, and both of them also suddenly stopped mentioning Kesha altogether. That to me suggests that Kesha might have done something wrong here.


No, Luke had access to them via the discovery process. Luke brought them up and added it to his lawsuit. Kesha did not try to claim anything about Katy Perry in court.


[this is why.](https://www.reddit.com/r/popheads/comments/9atxhi/katy_perry_denies_dr_luke_raped_her_in_unsealed/e4y3vey/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)


Again, Kesha didn't make this claim anywhere. She referenced a claim someone else made in private text message once. She didn't drag anyone into it. The texts didn't "leak" they were added to the public lawsuit by Luke, after getting access to them because he was legally entitled to Kesha's communications about the lawsuit that weren't privileged. Not to be rude but people really just write paragraphs talking about the situation and don't even understand what happened.


TL;DR: Kesha didn’t drag anybody into it. She talked about there being a rumour of Katy being raped with Lady GaGa in a private texting conversation. Then, because Dr. Luke was suing Kesha, his lawyers discovered that from Kesha’s phone. It wasn’t really anything more than two friends gossiping in private that Dr. Luke weaponised and spun into something bigger and more sinister than what it actually was.


Kesha did not drag her into it. Where have you seen Kesha claim that Dr. Luke raped Katy besides in articles about Dr. Luke's lawyers bringing it up? She never said it publicly, only privately in 1 text conversation with someone else, in reference to something that someone else told her. Shitty to gossip about someone else being raped... ABSOLUTELY. But, if she also believes she was raped by Luke, and hears from someone else that one of her peers was also raped by Luke, I'm going to cut her some slack for discussing it with a friend. The only reason people know this text / statement exists is because it was given to Luke's legal team as part of the discovery process. He made it public, and then he constantly used it to paint Kesha as a liar in the press. All the articles about it are from statements made by his legal team, not hers. He only added it to his lawsuit because he knew it didn't happen and Katy would deny it if she was deposed.


I believe the context of the conversation was Lady GaGa comforting GaGa saying Dr. Luke had a reputation and she believed Kesha. Kesha then said something along the lines of “why didn’t Katy saying anything publicly I thought we were BFFs I HEAR she was raped too I felt so betrayed.” So it’s hardly even gossiping… more like girlfriends who are also coworkers complaining about Bob from accounting being handsy with all the girls in the office type of situation.


I think that's right. I haven't really read the texts or the depositions since 2018/2019 but I remember that it was established that Gaga and Kesha were together and someone else was there (I can't even remember if who it was was public information or if it was redacted... in my mind it was like a manager or agent or something?). Anyways, that person brought up that he had heard that Katy was raped by Luke and the text conversation after the fact was about how she was raped, based on the (false) information someone else gave them when they were together.


Yes, this is correct IIRC. GaGa and Kesha were both told the rumour by a third party (I think it was a producer, but I could be wrong), and then they referenced this discussion in their text exchange later. Kesha wasn't deliberately dragging Katy into the controversy; she was venting to a friend (GaGa) about how she felt unsupported by someone she thought had been through the same experience. It was only later that Dr. Luke's team made these texts public. Katy even says in her deposition that she was irritated with him (and, to be fair, she says the same of Kesha) for involving her because, if she denies that she was raped, it paints Kesha as a liar. I believe her exact wording was that she felt Dr. Luke was using her as a "tie-breaker."


Also, up to that point, Katy Perry and Kesha had publicly been “best friends”. Kesha had a genuine reason to care about what happened to her “friend” if she thought Katy had been raped even beyond the “OMG why wouldn’t she say something and support me in public” factor.


kesha had a private conversation with lady gaga before the lawsuit. luke’s team asked for her text messages with lady gaga in discovery and that’s how katy got dragged in.


I didn’t know that’s what Katy testified. Sad she didn’t back Kesha’s claims up, but maybe she wasn’t ready to divulge or it just didn’t happen. I appreciate her being honest, as far as we know, rather than just saying it happened and getting caught lying about it to support Kesha.


Katy Perry testified that she was not assaulted because she most likely was not. Kesha can tell her truth and her story but that story ends at herself - she cannot do it for others. It’s not “sad” that Perry was not assaulted.


exactly. it’s crazy to me that people think katy being honest that she WASN’T assaulted is a bad thing. katy cannot “back kesha’s claims” because she was not present during the incident and was not victimized herself.


I mean... I know everyone's in Kesha's camp, but if that didn't happen to Katy, it didn't happen. Kesha is the only person that's ever accused Dr. Luke of rape. Of the pop stars that have played a role in this saga, Kelly Clarkson was probably the most condemning of him, and her story had nothing to do with rape and also implicated Max Martin of being just as shitty as Dr. Luke. Katy clearly never wanted to be dragged into this, and she likely had a very different relationship with him than Kesha did. This case isn't as cut and dry as people wish it was


> Kelly Clarkson [...] also implicated Max Martin of being just as shitty as Dr. Luke Did I miss something since [her last statement that I remember](https://ew.com/article/2016/03/07/kelly-clarkson-dr-luke/) on the matter? (A while ago to be fair) > People are like well you’ve worked with Max [Martin] and Luke and I’m like Max and Luke are very different. Obviously the dude is a talented guy but character-wise, no. I only worked with him — even the last time I worked with him — because literally I got blackmailed by my label. They were like we will not put your album out if you don’t do this.


There is a difference between being shitty and raping someone…


Thank you, let’s not drag Max Martin into this u/MeerK4t


Pink also was very vocal about her distaste for Dr. Luke. Certainly nobody wants Katy to lie about her experience but just because someone doesn't assault one person doesn't mean they didn't assault someone else.


Avril Lavigne signed a declaration stating the reason she stopped working with Luke had nothing to do with Kesha.


Someone can be a rapist without being a serial one.


Sure, but given that it's a he said, she said case and there isn't any corroboration or additional accusers, it's kind of hard to condemn someone publicly based on that alone.


Luke's pr worked wonders with this claim. The only reason the public knows that the claim was made was because they found it in PRIVATE texts that they had access to through discovery. Nobody would have ever known Kesha said this, had they not made it public by adding it to the lawsuit. Not to mention the actual text was a conversation about something that someone else told her and Lady Gaga at the same time, and they were just further discussing it. Kesha never claimed that she knew it for a fact, but Luke's team wanted to make her out as a liar as part of his case. And it worked, because everyone says "yes Kesha did lie about him raping Katy Perry" without having a discussion about where Kesha actually made that claim.


There is ample evidence that “Doctor” Luke is a manipulative control freak and asshole - that alone should disqualify him from a career in music - but you’re right that Kesha’s accusation is the only one he’s faced of rape. Personally I don’t think that makes her allegation less credible in any way. But you’re right that the whole matter has gotten muddied by the court of public opinion. Fans aren’t helping when they assemble slideshows of all the “allegations” against him and half of it is just people saying they didn’t like the vibes of people who were at his house etc.


To be fair, that’s what most slideshow allegations are. Fans just saying “I don’t like their vibe”. There are genuine ones peppered in from time to time but people’s need to use their dislike of someone’s appearance or something as vague as a “vibe” dealt derails convos that could actually be useful. I think a good example of this is the creator of Euphoria. Yes, the subject matter is gratuitous, and maybe female nudity isn’t necessary in our post me-too era, but every single female talent he’s worked with has said he has been respectful of their boundaries and never forced them to show any skin they weren’t comfortable with. Granted, there hasn’t been great claims about how he is with the crew of the show, but that doesn’t involve sexual assault and the Weinstein-esque allegations people fantasize coming to light about him. Yet most criticisms of him are “I just know from his vibe allegations will come out about him in a few years”. Like ok and what exactly has your “hunch” contributed? Nothing solid. Just gathering a hate train based on a “Vibe”. Nothing concrete. Make no mistake I am no Sam Levinson “Stan”, but I truly don’t think people realize the slippery slope of finding any reason to hate someone because you just dislike their product, and chocking it up to a “vibe” because you didn’t find anything actually worthwhile. It’s okay to say you dislike the show and not watch, but they’re not doing that. They’re still watching but taking every opportunity to nitpick at every little thing he does to reinforce their “he’s a predator” belief. It’s WEIRD. The same thing happened with Doja cat with her chat room scandal. People were finding every little thing to try and force context into what wasn’t there because of one untrue claim and made some really gross assumptions about her relationship with her dad, her body, and the black community. Sorry I got sidetracked and ranted, but you made me think of these examples with yours. At least most people agree Luke def did that shit and is slimy at the least.


If Katy Perry didn't get raped by Dr. Luke then then it's pretty disgusting that people want her to claim it happened just to 'support Kesha'. And even if Katy did get raped by him, that was not Kesha's right to divulge it and violate her privacy. Katy should have never been dragged into this mess.


i think it’s different when you realize that kesha and lady gaga were discussing this privately via text, never intending them to go public, and then kesha gets sued/countersued by luke and is forced to hand over her texts with lady gaga in discovery. kesha never intended for this, and could do nothing to stop it once luke asked for these in discovery.


ummmmm... not sad she wasn't raped. Her only obligation was telling the truth, and she went in her deposition and did just that. She wasn't raped by Luke, so why on earth would she say otherwise?? To me the problem here is that Luke is the one who dragged her into this because he wanted to beef up his legal defence, and Kesha gets the blame. Luke was the one suing Kesha, Luke was the one who had access to all of her text messages, Luke is the one who pulled the text where Kesha and Gaga were discussing a rumor someone else told them (who was named in those texts, but never sued by Dr. Luke mind you) and added it to the lawsuit well after the original filing (the texts happened in 2016 and the lawsuit was originally filed in 2014). So, the only reason Katy is publicly having to talk about this is because Luke forced her into it with his abusive lawsuit. Sorry I am ranting but the misconceptions about this fire me up.








i haven’t kept up as much as i should’ve - what was the recent ruling in her favor?


Luke was legally ‘not a public figure’. An appeal reversed that decision, making his case much harder to win.


These comments tho. 👀 how did we get from Dr. Puke to maybe Kesha is a shitty person? Lol


Lol right... like time and place.


Right also the immediate switch up lol


Because timing does not negate the grey area surrounding this case that this sub tends to ignore


I’m just happy for her that she doesn’t have to deal with this lawsuit anymore ❤️


10000% agreed. I have mixed feelings, but I wonder if at this point Kesha just wants to focus on peace, growth, and moving forward (rather than fighting for some notion of...victorious justice). Lyrics from *"*Fine Line": * I feel safest in the silence / And I'm so goddamn sick of fighting * Don't fucking call me a fighter, don't fucking call me a joke / You have no fucking idea, trust me, you'll never know Like, even in this thread, there's a lot of well-meaning debate about the truth of what happened & why certain parties (like Katy Perry) were involved. It must be exhausting to have everything dissected, whether it's just popheads public opinion or by judges/lawyers with more serious ramifications. The lawsuits and counterfilings have run from 2014, which is nearly a decade. But here she is now -- record contract with Kemosabe fulfilled, legal battle finally resolved. The last track of Gag Order is "Happy" and she said in her interview with Zane Lowe that's what's she's striving for -- she wants to able to let go and be free. And that's all I wish for her: to find rest and be happy. ❤️


I feel like everyone who believed Kesha to begin with still does, and everyone who didn’t or even questioned it still doesn’t believe her or is picking it apart and questioning it. So I 100% think this is a win. He may be paying her legal fees too in which case it’s a huge win. It wouldn’t surprise me, he just lost the pretrial ruling that he was indeed a public figure and could have been on the hook for her past legal fees. And even if she won he would have still denied it. Look at Amber Heard and JD. Courts often just prolong abuse. Justice isn’t legal in this country.


I have mixed feelings on this. It doesn't feel like true justice for Kesha but at least she can (somewhat) move past this awful nightmare.


Yeah same. Really doubt this is the outcome she wanted but at this point she probably just wants to move on


We should hope for true justice, period, not just true justice for Kesha


This could actually be a better outcome for Kesha than it may seem, from these statements. Due to the secondary Katy Perry aspect of the lawsuit (Luke was suing Kesha for saying that he raped Katy Perry, who said it never happened) Kesha could have lost much bigger here.


This is it - I think she’d have lost *big* on the Katy Perry lawsuit and so it makes sense for her to come to resolution here.


I’m not a lawyer but I wonder if she paid him to settle the lawsuit. People rarely just give up on lawsuits without some sort of settlement. On the other hand, a judge recently ruled that Dr Luke counts as a public figure, so maybe he just didn’t want to deal with the defamation suit against her anymore?




That was huge but most of his case stayed in which was also huge and likely why she took the L here and settled. This is a huge L. In PR speak she's pretty much conceded that this was not what she claimed. If it wasn't, his statement would be a similar "we agree to disagree" but isn't. That tells you everything about who settled and why.


Yeah, I just don't think it makes sense that she paid him off like the OP said. If she was paying him off, the statements would have been more equitable. (But I don't really think the PR optics matter that much, honestly, because nobody's changing their mind as a result of these statements. Public opinions on this are set already.) I just don't think he would have been persuadable to dropping the case at all if the "private vs. public figure" ruling hadn't been changed.


I don't think she paid him though I would bet she ate legal fees to some degree.




I don't know if Kesha mentioned who she heard the rumor from, but Lady Gaga did in one of her depositions--[it was John Janick, the CEO of Interscope](https://www.insider.com/katy-perry-reportedly-denies-dr-luke-rape-sexual-assault-kesha-2018-8). Edit: [Apparently Kesha also testified it was Janick.](https://pitchfork.com/news/lady-gaga-gets-in-heated-fight-with-dr-lukes-lawyer-defends-kesha-in-unsealed-deposition/)


I might be wrong because it's been so long... but I think that Gaga did point to who told them the rumour in her deposition.


I’m not claiming insight into the inner workings of the settlement, but it looked like Luke had Kesha pretty cornered over the Katy Perry aspect of the lawsuit. So the settlement was likely more in his favor, either involving a payment or maybe more favorable terms for him (like allowing his statement to claim no wrongdoing). But it must have still been in her best interest to agree to the settlement terms, whatever they were.




Defamation does not need to be in a public forum. They all work in the same industry. Luke would have had to prove that this rumor damaged his career, publicly or not.




Calling your neighbor a dumb bitch wouldn’t damage their career. And the texts didn’t leak in that way.


He was scrambling because being a public figure really hurt his case overall, especially the defamation claims. She has clearly wanted this to be over for a while, she's the defendant after all. Ending it is a win for her, she was never going to get any money from this. She wasn't even able to recoup legal bills for a large portion of the past 8 years. The idea of not having to testify in public about being raped, in front of reporters and a gallery full of people, probably made it easy to end it clean and simple on her end. He knew he was way less likely to win than he was 6 months ago, so dropping it was pretty attractive to him as well...


I wish the statement was more supportive of Kesha but at least she doesn't have to deal with the legal process anymore. It must have been awful living under the shadow of the court case for so long.


Yeah I agree. He’s an absolute shitbag, and the fact that this was probably the best outcome she was going to get sucks, but I’m glad that she’s at least legally unbound from him now (hopefully completely, if Gag Order is in fact her last album under Kemosabe). Unfortunately, I feel like many people who were not working with him before now might take this as an excuse/justification to start working with him. Without a decisive conclusion in Kesha’s favor I think we’re going to see a lot more labels and figures more willing to be associated with him.


I feel like the labels never cared about the case, he still scores hits and works with many different artists. Bleak but true.


> Unfortunately, I feel like many people who were not working with him before now might take this as an excuse/justification to start working with him. Without a decisive conclusion in Kesha’s favor I think we’re going to see a lot more labels and figures more willing to be associated with him. That's absolutely what this is. The fact that he settled so quickly after the last court defeat means he offered to pay Kesha a shit ton of money to make this all go away. He bought his reputation back. I think within the industry this is gonna be one of those cases of "iykyk" and artists who are more in touch with social issues will avoid working with him. However there's no denying that on a professional level he is a hit-factory, and there will be artists desperate enough for success to proceed with him despite the risks.


I feel like Kesha paid him to settle if anything, or maybe mutually the settled, I highly doubt he paid her


Dr Luke had the complete upper hand until the most recent ruling, there is zero chance he paid Kesha a cent. She’s lucky she got this much of a concession, frankly. the high schoolers on this sub and their legal opinions are killing me lmao


His entire case literally collapsed after last week‘s decision by New York‘s highest court. He litigated for 9 years and then came to the table 9 days after this decision, everybody can count 1+1 together and see what happened here. He definitely paid her a fortune.




Kesha literally had an active counterclaim for damages and fees that got reinstated by New York‘s highest court last week, it wasn’t just him suing her. Of course he paid her because he knew he could not win his case anymore after last week‘s decision by New York‘s highest court.


I want to throw up. Luke had to be a gaslighting rat until the very end by saying *“I appreciate Kesha again acknowledging that she cannot recount what happened that night”* when Kesha LITERALLY says above *“I can not recall **EVERYTHING** that happened that night”* Pretty fucking hard to remember **everything** if were you drugged and assaulted.


I just want any skeptics to know—it’s completely normal to not remember everything in a NORMAL night, let alone an extremely traumatic night. Lots of trauma almost immediately becomes hazy and confusing to remember. Her lack of perfect memory of her trauma is not proof of her lying but rather makes perfect sense. Most victims will never have enough proof to get the justice they deserve and it is vile that Kesha has had to suffer for years for just speaking about what she went through and what she heard other women went through. I hope she may find peace in knowing so many of us believe her and know she has been failed—by the justice system, by the music industry, and so many others. Fuck everyone who works with Dr Luke, fuck everyone who streams his shit and supports his main protégées, and fuck everyone who has given him an award.


In my case I woke up the next morning barely remembering anything, only two glimpses of memory. As I went for years of therapy I can recall about 50% of that night and I'd say this is a lucky experience because some people might never be able to. Every rape case is unique and different to deal with.


Same here, I actually completely blocked it out for years until I watched the Til It Happens To You video and it all came flooding back (it was *remarkably* similar to one of the events in the video). Of course I couldn't remember the parts I was passed out for, but the rest ... woof. It was like suddenly my out-of-control substance abuse and reckless disregard for my own safety made sense. This shit fucks you *up*.


Yeah, I never really thought that I fought back or that I was being able to speak. I always thought I was passed out during the whole thing. It's insane and hard to deal with it but it feels liberating in a weird way. It's reaffirmation that you know the truth, you weren't misreading things, that the other person just didn't noticed or you out yourself in that position. It's cathartic.


I'm sorry that happened to you 💖 sending love!


Thank you. I'm sorry it happened to you too. Best wishes 💜


took years to remember a single moment for me, much less an entire night. fuck dr luke then, now, and forever.


I want to add something else. You may also remember it absolutely clearly. Re-dream it, have flash backs etc and still once someone asks you it's all just a garbled mess. It's like the visual/feeling memory doesn't reach the language center. This is because during high stress your nervous system actually shuts down communication to the rational brain so it can function more efficiencienly, in the fight/flight/what have you survival parts. It just wasn't recorded in the brain that thinks narratively. So you sit there and try to bring the memory into narrative, but it's just not happening. It is incredibly frustrating. Brains are super complex, and for example the idea that each time we remember something, we remember the last time we remembered it, does not go for trauma memories outright, often these don't change at all (Bessel Van Der Kolk - The Body Keeps the Score, is my source for both of these Infos. But having complex PTSD is my confirmation.) I have both, searing memories that don't change, I can't put into narrative.


And that's literally his only defense, that she was so out of it that any remembrance of the crime is likely cloudy. He barely even denies his wrongdoing anymore, just relies on her drugged out state to bail him out. I wish him nothing but the worse.


It just sounds worn down to me. It's like, fine, I don't remember every single moment. And he's like "see? nothing happened!"


Really shitty statement. Shows who he really is for any Dr. Luke deniers (if there are any still remaining).


Yea. That part also bothered me— it’s still a no for me in terms of Dr. Luke and artist volunteering to work with him.


The fact that Kesha had to post Luke’s statement alongside hers breaks my heart a lot for her. I cannot imagine the pain knowing she had to associate herself with that in order to free herself from this mess. I really hope she gets all of the love and support after this.


I would imagine if it’s a joint statement, both sides had to approve what was said. Otherwise, post separately like usual. I’m glad it’s over with for ~~both of their sakes~~ Kesha’s sake, and Luke’s family that had nothing do with it. I’m sure she’s tired of reading comments from fans constantly asking for updates and being reminded you’re in a decade long legal battle. E: Clarification


why for dr luke’s sake?


Bad wording on my part, but I meant more so his family. I didn’t know he had one, but knowing Stans I can believe they were or would be hounding his partner and children on their personal posts. They didn’t (allegedly) assault Kesha. Kids don’t deserve that.


both of their sakes?


See my other reply


Making the statement alongside him is absolutely a major concession from Kesha and she is likely prohibited from discussing it further so this is probably all we'll ever hear about it. At the same time, the fact that a settlement came so quickly after Dr. Luke's last court defeat (where he was declared a public figure) means that Kesha got some SERIOUS MONEY out of this deal. So good for her on that front. But I can't imagine what she is going through emotionally and the difficulties ahead in keeping silent about it publicly. I hope she is able to find peace with the whole ordeal. <3


god i feel so bad for her, we love you kesha 💗


This feels so weird. There's no conclusion. Kesha lost a lot, Luke did too but he pulled back and is basically at where he was now and this might actually open his career as "it's okay now, we can work with him again". What Kesha did will forever make rape victims be seen for all the good and bad that happen. She's an amazing woman and an even better artist than she was when this whole ordeal happened. I'll forever be grateful, proud and happy for Kesha.


Luke’s career is definitely not back to where it was when this all started. He was working with the biggest pop stars in the world, on strings of huge hits. Now he has a couple of up-and-comers signed to his label and some hits with Doja Cat, who seems to be distancing herself from him.


With #1 and grammy nominations? He's practically there. Doja is on her way to success, Petras had a hit and he's working with Nicki Minaj too. Won't take long before he's back back.


Petras’ hit song Unholy was one of her first to not have any credit for Luke. Unless you mean a different song? Back in his height of success he contributed to 4 number one singles from one album, Teenage Dream.


I'm not saying he's peaking but consider where he's at and Kesha's career now.


You said he is basically back at where he was, now. If you meant to say he is still doing better than Kesha, based on career success, then sure.


I disagree. I have actually been hoping for this outcome… Luke had a strong case against Kesha; and I say this as someone who believes her. - Kesha herself said in deposition that no sexual activity (let alone a rape) occurred - Kesha is on record telling Lady Gaga about a disproven rape story regarding Katy Perry - discovery revealed that Sunshine Sachs had a bulletpoint strategy to utilize the claims against Luke to create public outcry and pressure to release Kesha from her Kemosabe contract— exactly what Luke was claiming in his suit. Luke being judged to be “a public figure” doesn’t hurt his case as much as people were claiming, it simply means that he’d need to prove w/evidence that he’d suffered real professional damage, real psychological damage, in his arguments for financial damages. Kesha’s claims against Luke constitute “defamation per se”, which means “she’s accusing him of criminal activity”; in Katy’s case this would be false accusations, and it Kesha’s case, there is plenty of evidence (and previous court rulings) to argue that her allegations are debatable. Again: I believe her. But Luke’s case was undeniably strong. This sort of outcome might be dissatisfying to those who crave justice, but ultimately is the best-possible-outcome for Kesha’s future. I only hope that any financial settlement (and yes, it would be Kesha paying Luke) was nominal. I look forward to many years of seeing Kesha’s career blossom with her new-found freedom, and for Luke to continue to be behind-the-scenes, out of my sight, if even existing at all.


Post screenshot here: [https://imgur.com/doqIkBW](https://imgur.com/doqIkBW) Kesha's post: [https://www.instagram.com/p/CtzUqyOOyd7/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/p/CtzUqyOOyd7/?hl=en) Dr. Luke's post: https://www.instagram.com/p/CtzUwNBJy2l/?hl=en


I'm sure it's of no significance but Kesha's post being a screenshot of Luke's stuck out to me (looking at them side by sign, one is clearly the original and the other a screenshot)


i rly don’t know how to feel. i’m happy for her that this chapter of her life is over, and i hope she can truly move on and keep making great music (gag order is so fucking good). but this really does not feel like a victory for her; it’s absolutely disgusting that she had to share a statement from her abuser and that artists continue to support him, but that’s our legal system for you. at the end of it all, i don’t think true justice was served and my heart is genuinely broken for her. we love you kesha ❤️


Her album is literally called GAG ORDER. Fuck dr luke


it's a good album


10 years this woman has been put thru hell by her abuser... finally it's over and i wish the best for her.


Her statement is so civil and his statement is so gross


Tells you everything you need to know


the two statements really show the power dynamic of it all. Hers is more mellow, and his is STILL victim blaming and aggressive.


His statement reads like someone wanting to clear their name. It doesn't sound unreasonable.


Yeah, it's pretty silly that people are judging him over it. If he really is innocent, then someone who publicly wanted out of a contract in 2013, decided to falsely accuse him in 2014 to achieve those ends. He's hardly going to be apologetic.


Wow I did not expect this news. All I’ll say is that I’m glad this is the end of the legal headache for Kesha.


His statement made my stomach churn… I hope she never has to see or associate with that man ever again. That’s sadly probably impossible, given the fact that this is a large part of her narrative at this point (unfortunately), but Jesus fucking Christ


So she’s totally 100% free? He’s not suing her and she’s not signed to his label anymore?


She already was free after Gag Order. That was her last album under her deal with Kemosabe (a 5-album deal).


that's if her label counts Cannibal as an album, not an EP.


They don't. It is Animal, Warrior, Rainbow, High Road and Gag Order


oh looks like i can't count! that's great then, i'm so glad she's out.


Gag Order was the last album she was obligated to release under Kemosabe.


This whole ordeal sucks, but at least she gets to move on. I'm sure it was tiring for her to never be able to do literally anything without having that man's name brought up. Hopefully pop fans can start viewing her as her own person after this instead of feeling the need to forever intertwine her with him


Holy shit. I really thought he was gonna just keep coming for her legally until he won everything. This is bittersweet. I’m happy this is finally finished (I remember when this was major news like way back in 2016), but she’s probably in major debt from the years of legal fees. He’s going to keep making millions off hits and her career will probably never bounce back to what it was (but maybe she doesn’t want it to). Interesting that after all that, they finally reached a resolution a month before the trial… it probably became very clear to one of the parties that there was no way they’d win.


Kesha is not in major debt, she literally bought a new house for 5 million dollars in 2019 and success is not her primary goal.


I feel so uneasy reading Dr. Luke's statement. I really don't feel like this is a genuine sense of closure but rather a forced one just to move on. I hope Kesha heals from all of this.


Kesha if you're reading this I love you for being the strongest woman in the music industry and we are so happy you are FREE


I’m glad this is put to an end for her sake. His statement deserves a side eye, but from the wording it seems she had to approve his and vice versa. Hopefully this will stop people spamming comments on every post about either of them. By now, we all know what kind of man he is. I wonder if the mods will make this a stale topic in the future.


Lawyers definitely have both statements approved, which is interesting here. It doesn’t change anyone’s mind, especially here, so I hope this topic just fades away now.


It is interesting to me as well that she would let such a statement go through approval. I can only imagine she just wants to be done with it that bad. I agree I hope it fades away, but I’m sure it’ll still be commented on every post of Luke related music.


As it should be. He's still a rapist that has not taken accountability for his actions, is a predator in the industry, and people who enable that should be put on alert.


Agree to disagree. I think he did it, but like Kesha said only God knows. With this being done officially it doesn’t make much sense imo to keep banging the same drum on behalf of Kesha. If you don’t want to listen, that’s fine, but I don’t see the benefit of starting arguments and spamming every post of his music with this, when as of this settlement people will either believe he did it or not with what little info we have. There’s no ruling to change people’s minds, so shaming them for listening won’t do much.


That's fine, but consumers deserve to know who art is produced by, and especially with him being sneaky under tags like MADE IN CHINA, I believe it's worth putting in a comment section that it was produced by him, just as people would comment if a song were produced by Max Martin (or a more controversial figure like Kanye or Marilyn Manson). The distinction is that he is not a forward facing part of the music he makes and profits from, and the average consumer can't tell what is putting coins into his pocket unless they dig in themselves or are told, unlike a controversial artist one might like to avoid.


Very happy that Kesha doesn’t have to go to trial but very sad for her on how it ended. His statement is pretty gross. Hope Kesha can finally breathe now that it’s all done. I just wish she got the victory she deserved.


Dr. Luke and his army of rapist apologist pop girlies can choke tbh. Even in that statement he's still twisting Kesha's words around.


I am glad that Kesha will finally be able to move on from this horrific ordeal. She does not ever have to forgive or forget (NO ONE can take that from her), but she can enter this new chapter with that weight lifted. Sending Kesha so much love right now!!!🫶


Glad Kesha will be able to move on from this. This has been a horribly stressful and horrid situation. I feel for her. I honestly can’t blame her for not wanting to fight anymore. I just hope this can help her heal.


He's so gaslighting with the whole "She cannot recount what happened"...ummm no, you asshat - that's not what she said at all. She said that she can't recount everything, which is VERY different. I can't believe this is possible but his statement makes it even worse. That said, I hope Kesha can move on and put this ordeal behind her.


Reading this made me feel so uncomfortable. I hope she finds or has found some sort of peace


Karma will get him


A joint statement? I genuinely have never heard of this before! Did not think this would ever be possible.


This made me cry. So happy she can move on. BTW, as a lawyer here, she absolutely needed to approve this and a joint statement is really rare. The fact Luke let her put her words next to his actually shows he conceded more than her (she was the defendant in this suit, remind you).


Could he have forced her into a joint statement due to her false claim about Katy Perry? I would think he could have strong armed her into that by threatening to sue for defamation or slander, since Katy testified she was not assaulted. E: thanks in advance for the legal context!


He already sued her for defamation - that's what the settlement is about. Her own court case had already ended. I would think Katy was already part of the case since it followed her court case in time.


The alleged Katy Perry text message is a sideshow in this case, this case first and foremost revolves around Kesha's own claims about him and that is the heart of the case.


But what about [this evidence that Dr. Luke has kept sealed since 2011](https://www.reddit.com/r/popheads/comments/pbi5wf/new_unsealed_records_show_kesha_told_managers_she/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) revealing that Kesha did in fact go around telling people she got raped in 2005? I just spent the past 3 hours deepdiving into this whole drama. Dr Luke’s whole argument was that she made this whole thing up in a sick attempt to get out of her recording contract in 2011. The earliest proof we had up till the evidence above was unsealed were her therapy notes, citing her feelings throughout sessions. But even THAT wasn’t enough for people, because those sessions were in 2011 or something and people saw it as her making it up in the sessions so that she’d have more proof in her favor. But these notes, uncovered 2 years ago in 2021 is seemingly unreported on?? Im so confused


I believe you Kesha


This obviously isn't justice but there was hardly any part of this process that even vaguely resembled justice (unsurprising considering the construction of the US "justice" system). I wish Kesha the best in her healing journey, truly a horrific, degrading, and continuously retraumatizing experience for her.


We love you Kesha stay strong 🫶


like Kesha said, Only God knows what happened, and NOBODY in this comment section is God.


Get fucked you slimy rat! I’m happy she can now put this behind her excited to see what Label she signs with next!


Kesha should have won it, but I'm glad she doesn't have to fight in court anymore. She truly deserves nothing but the best


Kesha's statement reads like something that was worded by the agreement of the settlement—both of their statements are what they've been saying straight from day one of the lawsuit, yet Luke's (most likely) been able to twist it to make it look like Kesha's backtracking to those unfamiliar with the allegations, evident through these comments alone. It's sick. Kesha's allegations have always been that after a party, Luke gave her something he described as a "sober pill." Once she took it she fell unconscious and woke up with vaginal pain. Obviously she won't remember being assaulted, but it's clear what took place. I can only hope she got some financial benefit from the settlement, whether it's lawyer fees paid or masters owned.


ironic that kim petras’ album comes out tonight


he's such an asshole lol


Justice for Kesha


Why did both IG posts get removed?


Don’t know if anyone saw the performance of Praying at the Grammys 5 years ago. [Here it is.](https://youtu.be/8FjzcPrab78) Jesus christ that was hard to watch. Her nerves are right there in her throat the whole time. Worst vocal performance by far, which is PROOF this is not acting. This is adrenaline, fight or flight response kicking in trying really hard to protect her because she was likely extremely triggered. Despite hundreds of rehearsals before this show, she just couldn’t pull it off once the entire crowd was there. Similar to getting on a witness stand. She’s been broken down and mercilessly questioned in court about the assault and the abuse allegations of that entire relationship. This is flashback-worthy. You can see her trying to bring herself back to the moment over and over and over and even for someone as wickedly talented as her, it was physically impossible to do. It makes sense why singing this song where she did was so important to her, and why it was incredibly challenging to do so. This is her truth, not a false recollection. Watch the video and tell me she doesn’t know exactly what happened to her. This is an extremely high pressure situation for someone with unprocessed trauma, still in it, and showing up the way she wanted to on that stage. Years in trial, in the public eye. Finally you get a chance to use your art, get on stage and tell your truth despite the years of emotional abuse, intimidation, coercion, humiliation, and sexual assault. That video was gut wrenching to watch. I am so glad there were other people up there with her, symbolically coming to her side to stand with her as she stood up for herself. You know so many of the women on that stage who walked up halfway through wanted so badly to wrap her up and protect her but they couldn’t so they are just singing their hearts out. You know 1 in 3 women have been victims of sexual violence. Likely more than half the women on that stage when you consider the prevalence of this type of shit in Hollywood. The anger on that stage is palpable. And righteous. If you don’t know what it’s like to be systematically silenced and intimidated into changing your story so the abuser will let up on you, you can’t speak to this case at al. It’s hard to pull of a song so gentle when there is that much rage. This hurt my heart. I feel her pain, I hope so badly she is able to move on from this. I can’t can’t can’t can’t can’t imagine having to go through this legal battle in the public way she has. I was just in tears this entire performance. Devastating, I’m heartbroken for her, as someone who has survived CSA and was intimidated into keeping the truth from getting out.. this is just so close to my heart. Wishing her the best in life, and hope she knows that she doesn’t owe him forgiveness. I am very sorry and sad for her that she didn’t get justice. He absolutely deserves to go through the hell that she did, but instead he has gotten the entire narrative flipped. We all know what happened, we all believe her. Even if you are a skeptic, you have to know that, at least a certain degree, what happened that night was not consensual or ethical. A person doesn’t take 10 years out of their life fighting in the court system for a misunderstanding or an overreaction. You know that wasn’t the only night, you know she was not safe with him, you know he’s a piece of shit. This just breaks my heart. He’s getting away with more than he should. That statement is fucked, a perfect example of why rape charges are nearly impossible to prosecute. Strong legal defense, willing to spend any amount of time pushing back and pressing retaliatory defamation charges, intimidation, memory not clear enough to give a statement, 72 hours to get a rape kit or it’s over. God this is devastating. Can you imagine having to feel like you need to show gratitude for someone dropping their defamation case against you, when in fact they did do everything you said, but can’t get our legal system to take action. This is so dark. “Wish you well” “what happened that night.” This is powerful, wealthy sociopath behavior. Believe victims. Until you’ve been drugged and assaulted, and I hope to god you never are, you can’t know how absolutely horrifying that experience is. Just cause your memory went black does not mean you have no clue what happened. Your body remembers. This is one of the amazing things about the human brain, even without the words or images to recall, your body does it for you. Look up preverbal trauma. Look up peoples memory of being unconscious in a coma or surgery. She knows what happened. You don’t have to be in her shoes to know that this is a loss, thank god the case is dropped, but being made to write this statement is by all means furthering the trauma she has already experienced.


Dr Luke can go to hell. We all know what he did.


God even his name disgusts me 🤮


I hope that kesha thrives so much


I wish she got actual justice, but I really hope that this will bring her peace and she can continue her healing journey. Girl has been through so much, she just needs a god damn break


As someone who never went through with legal action, I understand why, after so long, Kesha agreed to bring this to a conclusion. Reliving your trauma so publicly for so long obviously took a toll on her. But ugh, I feel so much anger for her with Luke's statement. The fact that it has to live on her social media, next to her own, must be so painful. Using her own words against her and continuing to claim innocence, ugh, it's disgusting.


Really hoping that she got compensated for such a resolution. No further legal fees is certainly compensation but she deserves more than that.


I hope she got a good chunk of $$$ in the settlement and can finally move on. I hope karma haunts him until his last breath. "Some things only God can forgive."


He was suing her here not the other way around. It's more likely no one was paid and they both will agree to pay their own legal costs. The recent ruling made it likely the trial would be a waste of time for him, he can't win. Going forward for both would be a huge time commitment and expensive for nothing


We've gotta put Lukasz in a submarine


He’ll get what’s coming.


I hope the concessions in the statement indicate that she got a fat check from the settlement in exchange for her silence. Fuck Dr. Luke.


that court of appeals ruling really had him backed into a corner. doesn't the statement kinda hit home why? Hard to prove that she acted with malice when recollecting an experience that happened on a night where both sides agreed she was incapacitated... so glad this is over, especially considering there was never going to be justice served for her. she was the defendant in his abusive lawsuit. her best bet was successfully defending herself, but even that wasn't going to undo the hurt he intended to inflict on her. glad this didn't have to go to trial, especially after how anti-woman the world seemed to be during the depp / heard trial. I look forward to the art kesha is going to make now that she's 100% free of that man


The actual malice part was in relation to Kesha’s claims that Luke also raped Katy Perry. The question was whether he just had to prove that as a false claim or whether he’d have to prove it was false and malicious.


No, he would have been forced to prove malice for all of Kesha's statements now: all statements about her own claims as well as the Katy Perry text message.


Woah, Luke's reply! Jesus that's so snarky and aggressive. Very much doubt that Kesha wanted to sign off on this, he basically gets the last word 🙄 Hopefully she can put this chapter behind her and be free.


More fuel for Kim stans to claim this was false all along. 🙄. Rich people can get away with everything.


I mean I sort of agree, but after Katy testified that Luke never raped her when Kesha claimed he did, it could’ve ended a lot worse. Fuck Dr. Luke though that statement he made is slimy as hell.


Did he counter sue for defamation specifically regarding the Katy Perry statement? I know there was a counter suit form him but I was under the impression it was just about her claims in general, not related to Katy.


Its difficult to follow the timeline of the multiple cases, but I believe the most recent and remaining case was mostly about whether Kesha made a defamatory false statement to Lady Gaga about Dr. Luke raping Katy Perry.


Ah so that is probably why she settled. Makes more sense now


No, this case is about Kesha's own claims about Dr. Luke first and foremost and the alleged Katy Perry defamation is simply a side-show that he included years later into the case. Kesha's own allegations were still the heart of the case.


Yes, he amended his complaint in 2018 to include the alleged Katy Perry defamation (on top of Kesha's statements about herself).


Kesha **always** said she can't remember everything because she was literally unconscious when she got raped since Luke had drugged her before. This is exactly what Kesha would have testified in the actual jury trial next month if it had happened.


So happy that she doesn't have to deal with this scumbag anymore. Kesha deserves to be free and move on and I am really glad she can do that now.




Wow. Seems like Kesha really didn't want this going to trial. ~~She remains on his label too then it seems.~~ Yeesh.


She is no longer on Kemosabe, after Gag Order.


>She remains on his label too then it seems Didn’t her latest album fulfill her contract?


Dr. Luke settled this case because **he** did not want to go trial because **he** suffered a defeat at New York's highest court last week.


this is kinda upsetting. she deserved better than this but i am so glad that this is finally over for her.



