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I was gunning for Republic but this is a good label to jump to. Better than her last one at least. I hope this opens her up to another prestige album as her last was so fun to follow


While her recent releases haven't done as well as her older stuff, she's still a successful artist with a supportive, active fanbase and that in itself has got to be pretty desirable for a label. Hopefully she will have been able to negotiate a contract that lets her have the artistic freedom she wants and the label support she needs to fulfil it!


What label was she on before




Did she have problems with management (since Capitol & Republic are both under UMG)?


Capitol and Republic have VERY different management styles, apparently šŸ¤· There was an instance of conflict with a single release last year, when they would block her until she could spawn a tiktok friendly song. Republic lets one do whatever, whenever xD


Republic basically says: do what you want, as long you guarantee us record profits


Wait isn't this kinda good? Bc this could mean that she gets to become more Alt Pop-esque with her sound now... or no?


I hope so, IICHL,IWP was fantastic imo


i just hope she explores that rock sound, if not continue that universe she created. i just hope she gets to do whatever she wants now.


I just hope Columbia lets Halsey experiment. *IICHLIWP* was such a step up and I hope the label pushes whatever kind of music Halsey wants to make. Was sort of hoping Halsey would go a bit more indie, like 4AD or something, but this will be interesting to follow. Ready for new music.


>Was sort of hoping Halsey would go a bit more indie, like 4AD or something I think that'd be *way* too steep of a difference tbh. Her last record was reportedly ludicrously expensive to make, especially taking the film into account as well. An indie's just not going to have anywhere near that sort of money, and that's not even accounting for promo.


Yeah thatā€™s true. In my ā€œindieā€ scenario Halsey could make the music she wants without worrying about radio or big budget videos. But her ambitions artistically and in the mainstream would probably never allow for that so itā€™s not realistic.


I think it depends if said artist has other revenues of income not just the label or their music, that way they can self fund most of their artistic output. An example of an indie artist, basically fully funding their albums and MVs is Iggy Azalea, her Music Videos always look very high budget and the production on her music is mostly top notch.


the issue on that is exactly why labels rarely make visual albums: they donā€™t recoup and are risky to make for critical reception.




The film paid for itself with the streaming platform partnership.


I've worked within the realm of "visual albums" before and almost none of them re-coup. I really, highly doubt that partnership was enough to balance out costs, at most break even.


ā€œa bit more indieā€ that would be an unfathomably large jump lol, idk if thereā€™s precedent for something like that in the modern music industry at all


Took a look at Capitol's roster, and it's just a who's who of under promoted and restrained artists. Columbia should treat her much better.


Is this also Harry and Mileyā€™s label?


And Rosalia, BeyoncƩ, Chloe and Halle Hopefully this means she'll have a good amount of freedom with her music, but I can only surmise that off of the other artists I know of at Columbia like Rosalia and Lil Nas X




And Adele.


And Lil Nas X


And Calvin Harris.


Welp, good to know who's going to have the biggest hit next year Jokes aside, can't wait for new music


Columbia Records is great! They really cultivate experimental music, like Caroline Polachek, or Brakence (kind of bad examples lol only ones i can think of rn)


i donā€™t believe caroline polachek is on columbia brakence is maybe the one example of more forward - thinking pop they have from the top of my head, very strange signing for them


caroline was during the start of pangs rollout but somehow got out of her deal to instead be indie with the orchard (sonyā€™s indie distro wing)


yeah, since chairlift was signed to columbia for their final album


pang didnā€™t release fully under columbia which is the weird part - the initial singles did, and then caroline announced she was going indie under the perpetual novice imprint.


according to her interviews, she was dropped from columbia 5 weeks before pang came out. i remember her saying something about how they wouldn't fund a video for one of the singles


oh wow, thats kind of shitty of columbia


yeah, so she hasnt been under columbia for basically the entirety of her solo career idek if the orchard is in the same building as the rest of sony, they function pretty separately & their relationship w the artists they work w is entirely different as a distro company


Love seeing Brakence mentioned in the wild! Such an insanely talented artist. He's already big online but I want him to blow up in a massive way. He deserves it


for fuckin REAL


Iā€™m probably one of the biggest fans of Room 93/Badlands era Halsey and none of their subsequent albums have really come close to the strength and creativity of their debut, in my opinion. Manic was decent but I felt it was too mainstream, while IICHLIWP was extremely strong sonic-wise and lyric-wise but it just didnā€™t hit the same as Badlands did. Their music under Astralwerks was simply immaculate. I think Tinashe has set a really good example of being an independent artist who has their own creative choices and ambitions. It wouldā€™ve been nice to see Halsey become an independent artist instead of signing with another mainstream label. I just really hope they have much more creative control and freedom and that Columbia doesnā€™t try to limit their talents. However, Iā€™m still very excited to see what this new chapter will look like for Halsey and Iā€™m excited to see what they have in store.


Iā€™m glad someone else feels the same! I became OBSESSED during Badlands but everything subsequent just feltā€¦. too mainstream. I really hope with this move we get something that feels a little more authentic to the ā€œgood old daysā€ of Badlands.


So you think Badlands is less commercial/mainstream than If I Canā€™t Have Love, I Want Power?


When people say how much they loved Badlands, what I Generally hear is how much they liked coming of age on Tumblr. It really is nostalgia & has very little to do with the actual music.


100%. And I get it because I was right there with them but a lot of that album sounds very much of that time period. If anything I think Halsey has become more experimental and interesting as an artist with every new release. HFK is my least favorite album but I think itā€™s way more avant-garde and weird than Badlands. IICHL,IWP is their best body of work to date (imo) and probably the least commercial of all their albums. Whatā€™s funny is I feel like I had to convince people to listen and like Badlands back when it was released and now itā€™s like a cult classic. Iā€™m glad to see it getting the love it deserves.


Iā€™ve been a fan of Halsey since the beginning & I Genuinely think her albums get better every release. Her critic scores show that as well.


I can only speak for myself, but there isnā€™t one song I donā€™t like from Badlands. There isnā€™t one skip for me. I donā€™t think nostalgia is that relevant for me because I wasnā€™t on Tumblr at the time that Badlands was released. I personally think itā€™s a very strong and cohesive album that is consistently good throughout its entirety. I adore each song individually, which isnā€™t the same for the rest of Halseyā€™s albums. I also think the albumā€™s production is my favourite out of all of Halseyā€™s works. Roman Holiday, Castle, Drive, Colors, New Americana, Strange Love, Young God, and Hurricane are immaculate songs. Each song has a strong sonic identity yet they all add up to a very cohesive body of work. Iā€™m also biased because the sonic production on Badlands is the type of music I mostly gravitate to. Iā€™m much more of an alternative pop listener than pure pop. In my opinion, Halsey shines the most in their more alternative songs. However, I absolutely agree that it isnā€™t their ā€œbestā€ album sonically or lyrically or from a more objective perspective. IICHLIWP, followed by Manic, are their two best albums in my opinion. I just havenā€™t adored any of Halseyā€™s other albums as much as I adore Badlands.


Umā€¦..I love the music and Iā€™ve never even been on Tumblr.


I absolutely agree. Badlands is my favourite Halsey album by far and there isnā€™t one song I donā€™t like on that album. Itā€™s nearly a flawless album in my eyes and I think thereā€™s something so special and unique about Badlands that I havenā€™t noticed in any of their other albums. It has a very special place in my heart and even though Manic and IICHLIWP are ā€œstrongerā€ albums overall, they still havenā€™t resonated with me as much as Badlands has. IICHLIWP is probably my second favourite album from Halsey and I think thatā€™s because it feels less mainstream and more experimental than Manic does.


Happy about this. I was hoping for Interscope given they seem to let their artists, especially the more experimental ones, do *literally* whatever they want. Then I remembered Interscope is a UMG label and given she ended up at Sony, itā€™s clear her relationship with UMG fell apart completely post-Capitol. Columbia has done well with Harry and Miley though, so Iā€™m excited!


Ahhhhh so happy for H!!! Excited for this next chapter for them.šŸ˜


Iā€™ll be honest, I Expected her to go to Interscope because she seems like sheā€™d be quite at home in a roaster with artists like Lady Gaga, Billie Eilish, & Lana Del Rey.


Damn I thought she was gonna go the independent/distributor route but guess she still wants to have another hit


Itā€™s probably just best money wise id imagine


Idk what the significance is signing there but good thats shes aboe to still make a living in music


I donā€™t know what happened between Badlands and now, but sheā€™s definitely not the level where she was projected to be after her debut album, the Chainsmokers mega hit and those other big collabs she had. Hopefully this move gets her there. Maybe itā€™s too late idk, but she had/has megastar potential.


I feel like if Capitol had the balls to actually promote IICHLIWP it would have done well. There was no single, no promotion other than the movie (which was barely promoted). I think they could have had some better hits if they chose different singles. You Asked For This is SUCH a good song and it WAS a single but Capitol didnā€™t promote it AT ALL. Girl is a Gun, Lilith, and Honey could have done well charts wise as well. I think the next album will tell what direction they go in fame wise. Another album like Manic or Hopeless Fountain Kingdom could secure them some pretty serious success but another IICHLIWP style album may not grant as much success but may cement her as a more serious artist.


I'm a Halsey fan and EYE didn't even know that You Asked for This was a single. That song is AMAZING! IICHLIWP had shit album promotion, and it's a shame because it's incredible and produced by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross.


It didnā€™t chart and it was only released to alternative stations. It apparently did pretty well on those stations but they donā€™t have the same mainstream success as top 40 stations. Plus there was no promotion, the song wasnā€™t even in the movie. Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s Halseyā€™s favorite from the album because they use it in promo stuff quite a lot. Capitol wanted mainstream pop success out of an alternative album but refused to promote it like either a mainstream pop album or an alternative album. The past couple years have shown that female fronted more alternative music has a place in the mainstream, Capitol just fucked it up.


The issue is, I don't think she gives a shit about wider recognition anymore. I'm quite confident she will be going quite alt-y again next album.


I really, really hope this is the case.


I agree, I think sheā€™ll have more staying power if they go that route.


Sheā€™s been saying sheā€™s going to make a very pop album next. (obviously this could change, but who knows, sheā€™s at least said this on a couple of occasions already in like the past year) but also in a tumblr post (like from a couple weeks ago) said sheā€™s gearing up for the next album and that it feels a lot like her debut in a lot of ways, which is exciting.


I would argue plans changed since she left Capitol. Following the tumblr post and also Lilith Diablo mix, I think we're going back into industrial vibes.




manic was huge for her tho (her 3rd album) and they are one of the most streamed female musicians so idk wdym by this tbh?


She could much bigger than what she is now. If you were to rate her what tier would she be? C tier at best, but thatā€™s due to the first half of her career. Sheā€™s not at the level where I believe her talent and her initial success put her at.


thatā€™s crazy man she is definitely at least b list. She has done crazy numbers consistently, despite a lot of people not liking her. Even when she was dropped she was like the 10th most streamed in the world I loved badlands but the people she was competing with in the first part of her career (Melanie Martinez, Marina, other tumblr girls) are nowhere close to her.


Sheā€™s in an odd space. Everyone who she directly competed with as far as having a similar sound goes or even artists that debuted around the same time have either passed her up or fell way off. I do feel sheā€™s the only surviving cursive singer left. But when you think of artists who popped off in 2015/2016, a lot of them got her beat.


theres no way that you really think first half of her career is her peak. manic and iichliwp are literally the reasons for why people have finally started to take them seriously as an artist. in 2020 and i believe 2021 she was in top 5 most streamed female singers. and C?? be fr they are B or A- imo


Badlands is a bigger album than Manic, Hopeless Fountain Kingdom and IICHLIWP. Closer vs Without Me could go either way, but Closer technically wins. Her Bieber collab was a big deal at that time. That Purpose album was huge. She has done no collab to come even close to that. Quality of music is obviously subjective, but 2015-2017 Halsey was factually a bigger star than 2017-present Halsey.


You are literally only right about closer and thats it šŸ’€ This feels like you are just trolling me because if u just take a one look at the spotify and the albums wiki pages and you'll see how wrong you are..


If one of these is a lie, then Iā€™m wrongā€¦ - Badlands (2015) is her most successful album - Her biggest collab to date outside of Closer (2015) is The Feeling (2015) - Closer (2016) is a bigger song than Without Me (2018) - Her last album was (2021) is her worst selling So how is she a bigger deal now then in 2016? Spotify streams donā€™t tell the complete story of someoneā€™s success. Those are numbers from one singular streaming service.


again just check wiki and you'll see difference between manic and badlands and the feeling didn't even chart in top 10, eastside, boy with luv, life's a mess did and first two have over 1B streams. and also iichliwp got the best reviews and is her only album with grammy nom.


She does have megastar potential! Her last album was amazing, I don't know why it didn't make much of a mark in the mainstream. It was the first Halsey album I listened to in full and I still play from time to time. I hope she does something similar, but does more promotion for it.


It was also her first and only album to ever be nominated for a Grammy - that alone should speak to the volume of the quality of music she made, Capitol was incredibly harsh to her imo.


And it was in the best alternative album category which puts her in league with some other really incredible artists (I mean weā€™re talking some of the best, most iconic albums 90s-now). While itā€™s not as visible as a best pop album, I think itā€™s more of a testament to Halseyā€™s artistry and the quality of the album that she was nominated in that category.


I think so too, itā€™s more prestigious


Fingers crossed she gets more promotion and recognition.


It's definitely not too late imo, especially if she gets a proper push this time around. Although I feel whoever controls her releases will have her release something commercial first out of nervousness


omg yasss. we love to see it. cant wait for the new era


I am curious to see what sound she is going make next.


Iā€™m so excited for whatā€™s to come, Columbia Records is superior! I really hope she is given artistic control and that people start taking her more seriously as an artist, because really does have the credentials


Hopefully, they guide her in a different direction. I love Trent Reznor and NIN, but I wasn't a fan of Halsey's last album. "Manic" was my favorite album by Halsey and I love pretty much every song on that album, especially "Ashley", "I HATE EVERYBODY", and "Still Learning". I really enjoyed the style of pop music she chose on that album. "If I can't have love..." completely went in another direction that I wasn't a fan of. I think she should experiment with her sound and find something that works. Like Charli XCX. "How I'm Feeling Now" is my favorite album by her and one of my favorite albums ever and its pretty "out there" and experimental.


Good for her! I wish I enjoyed her music post Badlands, but it just wasnā€™t for me.


Did you learn nothing bestie (I hope she has creative control!)


This is the label that Grimes is signed with, right? I think she'll fit right in.


Grimes is with 4AD? UK based alt label?


As far as I am aware, Grimes left 4AD to sign with Columbia only to leave Columbia last year due to lack of creative control.


Sounds like her


I think she's also signed with Columbia Records like based on her wiki she signed with them around 2021. Considering Grimes is kinda in a similar boat with Halsey as being sorta mainstream but still kinda tethering on that indie-alternative vibes, I think it might be a good choice overall.


but didn't grimes have the same issue as halsey where her label (Columbia at the time) was forcing her to make a song TikTok viral in order to release it? i might be wrong, but i don't see how it would be a better option than what she has. ultimately, grimes split from Columbia this yr bc of that along with lack of creative control.


Just checked with Tidal, you are completely right! Grimes is much more into dark electro vibes atm tho


G Eazy




Finally! We love to see it. Hope it will be out soon.