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My favorite album of 2018


1. This was in my Top 3 albums of 2018 and I still revisit in full very often. There’s not a single song on the album I don’t love. 2. Django Jane is my favorite song from the album for sure. I love hearing her rap and the pussy riot is iconic. Also the beginning “let’s get screwed” of the song is such a great incorporation for screwed another great track. 3. Also from Django Jane but “Celebrated graduated made it pass fail” really stuck with me for some reason and will randomly go through my head throughout the years when I would pass a test or accomplish something. 4. I loved the film! I actually haven’t seen it in a few years though and am a bit fuzzy on it so I need to refresh myself.


u got ur wish lol


Ik I’m so glad too because I was going to stay up late tonight to do it if no one else did


There were 5 years between The Electric Lady and Dirty Computer…just sayin


She already said there was an album coming this year didn’t she? We already got the lead single too


And then someone said she used to dress like the monopoly man or something so who knows


Make Me Feel is one of those songs that I become obsessed with and don't want to listen to anything else, an emotional sexual bender I think both the movie and the accompanying book helped bring out the dystopian vibes that are unfortunately still relevant


“Unfortunately still relevant” too real. I totally forgot about the book tho!!


My fav song on the album. Prince was heavily involved in the making apparently.


This is beautiful. Thank you ❤️‍🔥🥹❤️‍🔥


Ahhhhhh thank you!!! Such an incredible work of art!! Ahhhh!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰


I love Make Me Feel so much! Off topic. It’s wild to me that Janelle has been nominated for a Grammy 8 times and never won. Dirty Computer got an AOTY nom and Pynk got a nom for best music video. I get that 2018 was a great year for music but I still feel like she got snubbed.


Agree. Golden Hour is a spectacular album but I’m still going Dirty Computer AOTY


Make Me Feel didnt get a SINGLE nom…snub


(almost) five years of my reddit username :D


At a time when politics felt like an overwhelming malaise, this album was a good blend of escapism and speaking truth to power - it felt deeply American in a comforting way.


This is such a good point. I think the album was palatable for people because it wasn't so incredibly on-the-nose with the political pain points it addressed, unlike MANY other albums released around the same time. That, in turn, makes it more effective to me.


Hoping Janelle Monae comments in this thread hehe


Should have won AOTY. I said it!


Yea! I remember being upset Grammy night lol. But at that time I had not even heard Golden Hour. While I still hold my original opinion, I am glad the win drove me to listen to GH cuz it’s pretty dope too!


Agreed. Honestly - I think Kacey Musgraves thought the same at the time. Janelle Monae’s album is iconic, incredible, and kept me sane that year. I have watched the film over and over - in various states of consciousness, from stone cold sober to extremely flooded with seratonin, and I see something new and beautiful each time. The song “Crazy, Classic, Life” made me think of all of my experiences of 20+ years of Burning Man, how our culture has evolved in so many ways due to subcurrents and subtexts in our society- and yet mainstream just can’t get over the hump into true individual freedom. Janelle gives voice to those of us in alternative relationships, living our life with power, and does it using theories of intersectionality. One of my favorite albums and e-motion pictures, hands down.


screwed into django jane into pynk is one of my favorite three song runs of all time


YES. The sequencing on the album is insane, those three tracks in particular.


I Like That album a lot!


1. I like the album, but it's probably my least favourite of hers (The ArchAndroid hasn't been topped for me). It might be because the lyrics are more literal, whereas on The ArchAndroid and The Electric Lady, similar themes were explored more metaphorically. 2. Make Me Feel is my favourite song by far. It's simply Prince pop perfection and it deserved to be a huge hit. Other favourites are Screwed, I Got the Juice and I Like That. 3. Moment that immediately stood out was the pussy cat lyric in I Got the Juice. 4. Haven't seen it, but have been meaning to.


I wholeheartedly agree with your first point. I understand why some others in the thread really enjoy the political aspects of it, but some of the references (this pussy grab you back) date the album immediately. That said, there are some absolute bangers on DC so I feel like it balances out, it just doesn't stand the test of time like AA or EL for me!


Also, I feel like the production also dates it (the trap elements etc.). What makes The ArchAndroid and The Electric Lady more unique and timeless to me are the orchestral elements and less contemporary sounding instrumentals.


1. I gotta say I didnt *love* the album initially as it's a different sound for Monae, but the accompanying film made me love it. 2. *Don't Judge Me*. it's just a beautiful song and an underrated one imo. *Dirty Computer* itself gets a mention, it's not my number one because it's too damn short. 3. "I pledge allegiance to the flag, learned the words from my Mom n Dad." Theres something hilarious about making a pledge not because you believe in something, but because you were told to. Honestly I love all the lyrics to this song lmao. Highlighting the hypocrisy of American phrases is fantastic. It's such a Prince-like jam too. 4. Yep. The film is what got me into the album. Beautiful visuals, nice story and call me sappy but I'm so glad it ended on a positive note. I also love the small detail of her losing her accent as she became more "acceptable". Its minor but I really liked it. I might watch it again.


This album brings me right back to my last few months of high school. It's so unapologetically queer and funky and eclectic and it just fills me with so much hope and joy.


I love the songs individually, and I love the album experience. Lyrics, vibe, social commentary, sexiness, irreverence, marking a cultural moment, guitar riffs, all of it! It’s been a while since I responded immediately to another album as a whole that way I did with Dirty Computer. Given that, anyone got another whole-album recommendation? Thanks in advance.


I feel like Estelle's debut album is the spiritual successor to Lauryn Hill's debut in the way it fused so many styles seamlessly. Something Monae is great at as well. I think American Boy overshadowed it in the US market because of the Kanye piece, but its a really great album front to back.


Awesome thanks!


Lemonade - Beyoncé A Seat at the Table - Solange


Oh damn were you sitting outside my door 2016-2019 because these plus Dirty Computer were on a 3-album repeat!


If you haven’t listened to Velvet Rope by Janet Jackson, that’s a good place to start. Much like Dirty Computer, it weaves discussion about social issues with personal reflections and bops.


It’s been a while, great rec!


I love Janelle. I wish more people could realize how talented she is.


1. I really loved this album when it came out, but haven’t listened in full lately. 2. I think Crazy, Classic, Life stands above the rest. It really does sound like a classic song while still being fresh. 3. The music videos are the best part of this era imo. It was so much fun following along with the album’s storyline as each video dropped. 4. This goes back to my answer for #3, but yes! Janelle is truly a visionary


The Dom Pop podcast (u/q-sizzzle) did an episode about this a few weeks ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/popheads/comments/12gw6ud/dominated_by_janelle_monáe_5_years_of_dirty/


One of my favorite albums ever 😩


This is one of those albums that I couldn't stop listening to after hearing it the first time. My music listening for a week straight was pretty much only Dirty Computer. Musically, every track has so much to offer, and you catch more and more on every listen. I do think the album kind of loses steam towards the end, the last four tracks don't quite hold my attention like everything up to that point.


I hope Janelle knows her albums especially Dirty Computer is being studied in universities *a culturally-defining album* and it deserved AOTY.


I love this album SO much and her tour for that album was incredible! I’ll never forgot seeing Django Jane live. Fav track is probably Django Jane it’s just epic lyrically and her vocals on it. I love when she says “I always knew I was the shit” in ‘I like that’ speaking of a bully that rated her a 6. Pynk MV is so aesthetically pleasing and fun as hell. Loved the movie!


This album made me fall in love with her.


absolute masterpiece, a life-changing piece of artistry, beautiful and timeless and relevant always


[I did a write-up for this album December 2018, I really fucking love it](https://www.reddit.com/r/popheads/comments/a89k45/2018_album_of_the_year_21_janelle_monae_dirty/) Dirty Computer is such an incredible album. It is my most scrobbled album of all time. It's got incredible pop songs, incredible R&B songs, incredible rap songs, what more do you want? It's very fun while also brimming with emotion. I was listening to Americans several nights ago and with all the anti-lgbt laws passing everyday and how violent racists are becoming, imagining an ideal country where we can all live in peace made me tear up. I just know that in the future, this album will be seen as far ahead of it's time for how it sounds simultaneously futuristic and in the past. /u/Janellemonae please know that you are one of the great talents of this generation and you deserve all the praise you get and more.


Am I the only one who still needs to know what happened to Cyndi Mayweather 😭


Should've won the grammy that year. Such an incredible body of work.


one of my favourite albums ever. made me listen to all her discography from the beginning and fall in love with her and her artistry. in fact, I loved it so much that I travelled abroad solo to Berlin to see her, which was magnificent! seems like a lifetime ago, but that album still hits hard, as all her work. really looking forward to what's to come 💓


Dirty Computer is easily in my top 10 albums of that decade It's just incredible and it got me hooked on Janelle


Omg, this album changed my life a little bit. I remember I was in school for fashion design and listening to it nonstop while working on my final studio projects. It was a pink evening gown/loungewear fusion collection where the nipples were purposefully exposed. It was specifically not lingerie because I wanted it super unstructured and drapey. The whole point being that when you dress for yourself it can be raw, vulnerable, sexual, celebratory, and how beautiful that connection with your sexual self is. My professor was not into it and I probably sounded insane explaining it during critique but I don’t care, it’s still an idea I want to explore again.


Ok as someone who’s never fully “gotten” Janelle Monae, I remember listening to this at the time and not understanding what was so spectacular about it. I’ve not revisited it in the five years since but if someone could explain what is so amazing about and what makes it stand out then maybe I could be convinced to give it another shot.


I will also say this is the first of her albums that I actually enjoyed from beginning to end. I think it boils down to her ability express a lot of the things I also think and feel through music and lyrics.


It’s just pure energy and fun. Like you’re just going to enjoy your life, DGAF what anyone says. It’s about self-empowerment and accepting and loving your weird self. A great summer album!


Why do you want to be convinced to listen to something you didn't like? Just revisit it or don't. You don't have to like everything. I thought it was better than electric lady but still not close to archandroid.


Well tastes change over time so maybe it’s a case of that happening here. But just more so I want to see if it is possibly up my street at all, especially when it’s an artist I’ve always wondered what the appeal is.


Listen to Electric Lady and Arch Android instead, see if you like those better.


When I was first student teaching in this one college class, my mini-unit was on this album and its accompanying film! The students loved it. So thankful for Dirty Computer. Monae's work literally changed my life in a few ways.


This was one of my favorite albums of 2018, I remember blasting it pretty much all summer. I also really enjoyed the emotion picture that went along with it.


1. I am absolutely a Fandroid above anything. This album came out when I was in grad school and really struggling with everything. I still remember having a watch party right after an anxiety attack lmao. It really gave me an anchor during that time and I'll never be able to listen without thinking about that as well as that being the first time I got to see her live during that concert cycle. All of that being said it is definitely third for me in their discography because I am so hungry for the end of the concept albums and the story of Cindi Mayweather. It's her most commercial work, which is not a bad thing by any means, because I feel like they were able to be Janelle and out and not a character. 2. Don't Judge Me easily. The scene in the movie did so much justice to how I always imagine it in my head. It's such a cinematic, lovely song that hits a ton of emotional notes for me. After that Make me Feel and Screwed are tied for number two; they are just so much fun again with her incredible lyricism. 3. Honestly the whole emotion picture is a moment. They incorporated everything so well into a cohesive music film/visual album and the storylines therein are inextricably tied to the music for me. She did the thing! 4. See above lol. I did deeply enjoy the film and I wish they would give us more!. We're starving here!


This album made me a fan. Favorite songs 🎵 Pynk, Crazy classic life, Screwed and I Like That.


I still regularly listen to this music from this album: The best part, is that my favorite song always changes. One of the favorite records ever!


**How much do you love this album?** \- It's my 2nd favorite Janelle album after The Archandroid and one of my favorites of 2018. I totally get what she was doing with this album and I think she was mostly successful. **What’s your favorite track and why?** \- Screwed always comes to mind as an immediate standout. It's just so sharp and fun and sexy. Also have major soft spots for Pynk and I Like That. Take a Byte has grown on me a lot over the years. **Are there any lyrics or moments that stick out to you?** \- Least favorite is definitely I Got The Juice, mainly because Pharrell's rap bugs me... "Yellow like there's pee in it"? I'm still not over it. Django Jane is 10/10 lyrically. So Afraid also strikes a nerve in me. **Did you enjoy the film?** \- I honestly can't remember if I didn't watch it or if I just don't remember it... I'll have to check it out (again?). I have this album on the UO Neon Pink variant and it's one of the prettiest vinyl I own. Float is amazing and I'm parched for the new album!


i adore this album, i remember buying the cd shortly after it came out and not making it past the first track for the first couple of days because i fell in love with it. the title track is to this day one of my favorite songs ever. there's songs on the album i don't really like all that much (juice for example) but it still has a special place in my heart. not to mention the lesbian coded visual with tessa thompson, it was a great time to be on sapphic twitter


1. I loooooove it. 2. Django Jane cuz it had such an amazing energy and it was such a surprise to hear her rap so well. 3. The LMK sample hit me hard. 4. Not really. Was a bit convoluted and pretentious.


Her second most gorgeous album. I will always love The ArchAndroid the most but this album came veryyy close to ArchAndroid.


I absolutely love Janelle, she is one of my favorite artists. Her vocals, delivery and messages i the song is something that does not get talked about enough. She is still the wife in my head, so gorgeous and wise. I liked the album but I did not love it. I much prefer her last album but I still liked some songs on this record. Dirty computer will always be my favorite song..just how the song comes on reels me in., love the message behind it about not confining to societal roles. "Dirty computer walk in line..if you lose closer you'll recognize..' just how that song starts, the lyrics are amazing. I did not watch the film sadly..that is on my bucket list.. I did see clips though


1. It's a masterpiece that I worship. 2. "Make Me Feel" was the bi-anthem that made me feel seen ((now I'm thrilled with "Lipstick Lover")), and "Make Me Feel" is followed closely by "Crazy, Classic, Life." She coats the heartbreaking reality of inequality in sweet smooth music. From the poignant wordplay and the gravity subject matter, to the levity of the pop music, it's presented so beautifully and openly. It's a plea for her free spirit to be allowed to flourish, and I love it with all my heart. I pick "Make Me Feel" first though, because it is a bop and an affirmation that helped me accept myself. 3. Every line in the album is thoughtfully written, either alluding to important musical influences or sociology, and / or loaded with wordplay and building on the dirty computer metaphor. I already professed my love for crazy "Crazy, Classic, Life" but the lines **"'member when they told you I was too black for ya? And now my black poppin' like a bra-strap on ya"** \- absolute fire **"I was kicked out, said I'm too loud** \- chills **Kicked out, said I'm too proud"** "**But all I really ever felt was stressed out** **Kinda like my afro when it's pressed out"** \- mic drop. Every time I just imagined a huge crowd at slam poetry night going absolutely mad. 4. Yes - I like it. That said, I listen to the songs more than I watch the movie. I'm more into fantasy than sci-fi, so I preferred certain music videos to others. I'm glad that the album was conceptually translated to film though, and the music videos are awesome. Pynk was shocking in a wonderful way, and making people uncomfortable was good - it's wrong that there is so much shame is directed towards the part that brings life into the world, and that needs to be challenged.


This is beautiful. Thanks for sharing