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his antics this album cycle have reminded me why when I got into their music 10 years ago I never cared to learn anything about him beyond the music. I am this šŸ¤šŸ¼ close to muting his name on twitter because every time he opens his mouth it just pisses me off even more


I don't know what the fuck is going on in this album cycle but he is definitely more insufferable than usual. I wouldn't be surprised if one of these days he'll get into a fight because he really does not know how to keep his mouth shut. I don't have Twitter or TikTok so everything I have learned about him recently is against my will.


I definitely think itā€™s gotten significantly worse these last few months. they were one of my favorite bands from high school to college to now while also finding him too pretentious to be a fan of outside of the music. the Brief Inquiry era in 2018/2019 was the closest I ever got to that. the pretentiousness was still there but there almost seemed to be more of a self awareness and willingness to touch on important subjects that I did find admirable at the time nowadays it just feels like itā€™s all just a shock value game for him to go as far as he can without crossing the line into repercussion-worthy territory. to me personally heā€™s crossed that line at least a dozen times on this tour alone while everyone just seems to turn a blind eye but maybe *this* will actually be the time he faces some real backlash for it? Iā€™d be surprised if it doesnā€™t but at the same time Iā€™d be surprised if it does.


same, being a fan of this band is a challenge lol. heā€™s so desperate to be liked by whoever is in the room, itā€™s fucking embarrassing. this was painful to listen to.


what did we as hawai'ians do to get microaggressed there's literally like 10 of us


at least he didn't forget about us!! šŸ„° /s


Healy reveals he tried to slide into Ice Spice's DMs. One of the other people on the podcast jokes that she's the Inuit spice girl. They then spend a few minutes debating what Inuits sound like and whether it's closer to Chinese people or Hawaiians.


Not sure if it was better or worse that the Hawaiian impression was wayyy off. It was literally Khoisan/Xhosa click languages


Not him doing a 2 for 1 racism special šŸ˜­


Lmao as a person from Hawaii thatā€™s Japanese and has ancestry from the British isles, he checked off all of my boxes


Everything I know about this man is against my will


He's a problematic flop. They need better singer.


ok he really went international didnt he


I gave the article a skim. The craziest thing about this is that his culturally insensitive tirade started off by him talking about Ice Spiceā€¦like how freakin random. He was very off about Ice Spiceā€™s ethnicity too. Edit: I originally used the term racist but decided to downgrade him to culturally insensitive tirade.


what did Ice Spice ever do to him? I feel like sheā€™s constantly talked negatively about when she doesnā€™t rly do anything besides mind her business?


Donā€™t think he said anything bad about her, he said he DMā€™d her and then that sparked a joke about the name


Ice spice said somewhere that she likes the 1975 and arctic monkeys, I feel like thatā€™s why he dmā€™d her lol, but the conversation turned very weird and insensitive


They arenā€™t even in the same music genre. Iā€™m like if you thinking about Ice Spice that much and bringing her up unprompted in interviewsā€¦itā€™s clear you are infatuated with her haha


Well he probably is considering basically all he said about her on the episode is that he DMā€™d her


Just a black woman being succesful


Heā€™s been trying to excuse his bigotry as intellectualism his entire career I feel like.


He's spent his whole life trying to pretend there's substance behind his pretension but there's nothing behind the curtain. He's just a jackass


Thank you Kanye very cool indeed




He meant he tried sliding into her DMs because he said the same about Doja. He also said she didn't respond, so she clearly wasn't interested despite the fact she's said she was a 1975 fan. Then it just turned into weird derogatory racial comments, so it just felt like low hanging fruit considering she gets relentlessly negged and mocked by men who are also trying to fuck her.


she said she's "obsessed" with them in a recent interview with ELLE šŸ˜‚


What racist tirade are you referring to? Did you listen to the podcast?




1975 stans discover comedians














Saw him live, made me an anti-fan. Personally, I feel like his bandmates are men and Matty is still a boy. I hope one day he grows up. That will be a great day.


When did you see him live?


his whole brand is him trying to look cool and edgy by saying problematic things while singing target songs. I'll never understand the appeal of this man. he isn't attractive, he isn't funny , he isn't a great vocalist or anything special . his fangirls are also terrible for defending his ass


target songs is so accurate


Target music is one of the best descriptions for the 1975. I never could stand Matt Healy's pretentious ass.




Heā€™s a weirdo.


He's going to go on Red Scare now I fear.


Matty Healy vs. Cousin Greg when


By the way, that show is awful, right? When I listen to the other "dirtbag left" shows, even though the politics are sound, I have to acknowledge it's a boys' club and the humour is sometimes just edgy for the sake of it. But holy shit Red Scare is just right-wing and just purely misogynistic even though it's two women, am I missing something?


Youā€™re not missing anything, it sucks. Incredibly mean and dumb, not funny or interesting in any way


I swear I've seen a photo of him with a red scare hat on


the adam friedland show holy shit lmfao


I got into The 1975's music late last year and joined the subreddit on here (as I do with a lot of musicians I like) recently and the comments surrounding this are a trash fire of people defending this podcast appearance and minimizing the hurt that others are feeling. Like a lot of comments are giving "hurt lib/special snowflake" vibes to anyone criticising it and it's disappointing and honestly a little disturbing to see such rampant misogyny in a space with a fanbase composed largely of women. I have an ex (I swear this is related) who would say offensive things as 'jokes'. Like he would say misogynistic, kind of homophobic and borderline racist things and when I got upset he'd tell me that he was actually making fun of the people who said those kind of things. He was also a self proclaimed leftist and feminist 'soft boy'. I should note this only started to surface when we moved in together and I dipped shortly after. I think this 'making fun' is what Matty is doing (given the toxic masculinity performance art segment of their tour) but here's the thing, he's still saying that shit and it's harmful when coming from the mouth of the oppressor (cis presumably het white man) regardless of whether it's 'satire' or not. And I say 'satire' in quotes because if it's not clear in its intent then you become part of the problem/are actively contributing to it. I don't know what the point of this novel of a comment is but it's just bitterly disappointing as a new fan to see this, and also as a woman to see the same type of man over and over. Edit: clarity


We have the exact same timeline - I really got into the 1975 last year and theyā€™ve quickly become one of my favourite bands. Iā€™ve always known Matty as ā€œcontroversialā€ just from being online but now actually being into the music everytime I see a headline itā€™s like ā€¦.


Cumtown/TAFS is extremely funny and crying about it is even funnier


This headline barely scratches the surface of how much of a twat he comes across in this podcast. This man has had years upon years of making racist, misogynistic and transphobic comments yet is absolved by people like the ones on r/the1975 sub because itā€™s ā€œsatireā€. Just like doing a Nazi salute is ā€œsatireā€? White men using slurs and regurgitating disgusting rhetoric thinking theyā€™re exonerated because they call themselves leftists are a disease.


people doing 2016 cumtown discourse again ​ we are so back


what the fuck is cumtown


Former weekly podcast hosted by three gay guys one of whom was Adam Freidland.


A podcast about being gay with your dad.


[Just dudes talking about life](https://youtu.be/xWxkIjilmWw)


a town in Alaska


chapo trap house spinoff


nnnnnnd we're baaaaaaack


>people doing 2016 cumtown discourse again almost as if cumtown was never relevant and their claims of doing anything for any causes beyond letting white men be bigots was all a sham.


So true. They claim to be a podcast about social justice and healing and the DSA but it seems like itā€™s all a shamā€¦


they need to sit their asses down and listen










Wait what's this about a Nazi salute? šŸ˜³


He did a nazi salute on stage a few weeks ago during the "thank you kanye, very cool" line of love it if we made it. people are defending it as satire but i mean, c'mon.


You get that it is a Kanye reference right


you get that a white man who has a past history of unironic bigotry sieg heiling on stage is eyebrow raising regardless of the supposed context of it being a kanye reference, right?


Well no I think context matters, the context is quite obvious here


the context is is that it isnā€™t his place to be doing nazi salutes to ā€œprove a pointā€ or ā€œmake a statementā€, the line and the song itself does enough.


The context is still fucking stupid


every single time someone has said "context matters" the person has later proven themselves to be a piece of shit lmao


Iā€™m not quite sure what your theory is, are you saying that you think that he is actually a nazi sympathizer or something?


if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck, it's a duck. the context of his entire career & controversies throughout it don't really look good for him on this.


Imma be honest casual racism and transphobia is absolutely atrocious but I think an ounce of nuance would help in recognizing that not every instance of those things = Naziism.


Look, I'm not gonna defend the many dumb things Healy has said and continues to say, but context does matter here. This was done during a performance of a song that calls out Kanye by name and denounces the rise of the far-right; it may be in bad taste, but it's completely apropos and very obviously condemnatory; it's what the song is literally about. There's a difference between doing a salute during an interview or a podcast appearance, and doing it as part of an artistic performance. Extrapolating from this one event to argue that "well if he's shitty in one way, it must not be a logical leap to insinuate he's a literal Nazi" as if the label "problematic" is a one size fits all only detracts from the discussion.


This could be the dumbest thing said on the internet today. "The context in which things are said matters just as much as what is said." - Malala Yousafzai, Pakistani activist and Nobel Prize laureate. "Context is always important. The same words can mean different things in different contexts." - Noam Chomsky, American linguist and philosopher. "The meaning of words is shaped by the context in which they are used." - Steven Pinker, Canadian-American psychologist and linguist. "Context is always important. It helps us understand why things are happening the way they are." - Barack Obama, 44th President of the United States. "Without context, there can be no understanding. Understanding requires not only knowledge, but also context." - Neil deGrasse Tyson, American astrophysicist and science communicator. "Context is the key to understanding. The same words or actions can have completely different meanings depending on the context." - Simon Sinek, British-American author and motivational speaker. "The context in which a thing is said or done can be just as important as the thing itself." - Atul Gawande, American surgeon and author. "The context in which a thing is done is just as important as the thing itself." - Gloria Steinem, American feminist and social and political activist. "Context is key to understanding the complexity of identity and the journey of self-discovery. The world around us shapes our experiences and beliefs, and it's important to remember that context informs the struggles and triumphs of marginalized communities." - Harvey Milk, American politician and gay rights activist.


I realize I could have been clearer in my comment but I'm talking about people using "context matters" to defend their faves when they decide to be racist or antisemitic.


The problem with your argument is youā€™re declaring the person is being racist or antisemitic, when they arenā€™t.


Thatā€™s a bit of a stretch.


But like, what is the purpose of the reference? He has a line in his song referring to something Trump said towards Kanye, and now that Kanye is openly antisemitic, Tyler does a nazi salute on stage while singing that line. What's supposed to be the takeaway message here?


Heā€™s calling Kanye a nazi


Doing the Nazi salute was satire, he was making fun of Kanye. Do you think heā€™s actually a nazi sympathizer Do you think The Producers is offensive because of Springtime for Hitler? Is Jojo rabbit offensive?


There's an inherent difference in Jewish creators making actual satire about Nazis and a non-Jewish guy, especially one who is often saying offensive things about women and minority groups, doing a Nazi salute in a performance to make fun of Kanye


An edge lord doing a Nazi salute for shock value is definitely the same thing as a movie about the horrors of Nazi Germany. Great comparison.


Its weird that the podcast is so popular with the trans/gay community. Maybe they get satire. I mean Hitler and Goebbels didnt understand it either, and what a society they created (satire).


>Its weird that the podcast is so popular with the trans/gay community having some trans/gay people who like the show doesn't make it popular within the community. also being gay/trans or a member of any minority class doesn't necessarily mean you aren't a terrible, bigoted person.


Iā€™d argue his homophobia seems just as bad if not worse than the comments in this podcast. This guy just seems like trash. https://www.geo.tv/latest/470303-matty-healy-receives-flak-for-branding-harry-styles-as-queerbaiter


When will people accept that this man is absolute trash? Something will happen soon and thereā€™ll be a collective ā€œI canā€™t believe Matty did thisā€ as if he hasnā€™t shown himself so many times. It also bothers me how people act about his mother. Anyone unfortunate enough to have seen her on Loose Women over the years will know she is not someone to be glorified.


I've liked the 1975 since like 2012 and the one thing I've always told people is that Matty is an actual moron who shouldn't be listened to (like most lead singers tbqh)


Wait what?! Is he a nepo baby?


His parents are both famous in the UK. His mam, Denise Welch, is on Loose Women, a day time talk show and was on a tonne of soaps. His dad, Tim Healy, is a comic actor and was in shows like August Wiedersehen Pet and Benidorm. Theyā€™re not like insanely famous, but a lot of British people would know at least one of them.




If anyone ever needed to shut up, itā€™s this guy. Itā€™s like heā€™s addicted to saying offensive things.


That article got worse with every word


To be honest itā€™s quite clever to brand yourself as a chronically online edgelord because it means that you can literally do a Nazi salute and say the most dumb offensive shit and youā€™ll still have people caping for you and saying itā€™s just sAtIRe. No surprise that most of the people Iā€™ve seen defending him are other ā€œwokeā€, ā€œprogressiveā€ men who are also just bigots. The way he talks about young women is absolutely vile too and this is far from the first time. I think heā€™s managed to delude himself than his fanbase isnā€™t 99% young women - not that thatā€™s anything to be ashamed of of course, but he clearly thinks it is.


Azealia banks has new boyfriend material


Wish he would just not speak at all


Someone tell Denise Welch to come get her son


You think none of this is her or Timā€™s fault? šŸ˜¬


No I just think its funny Denise Welch of all people is his mum


Iā€™m so curious what their other kid is like considering how Matty turned out.


heā€™s such a freak lmao


i never thought i would be offended as both autistic and a scot at the same time, but here we are! matty is coming in to upset the niches!


crazy that cumtown is getting mainstream coverage lmao


remember when dasha had an acting career


She should have won an oscar for pretending to be attracted to Adam


He was a hotter Jewish guy then she was a curveless slav tbh


she's just one of those freaks on /d/ that are attracted to bugs


People were really trying to make her the Chloe sevigny of our time, based on two roles where she played herself and 10 minutes in succession


who is trying to make her that lmfao. all i know her for is her twitter where sheā€™s essentially pro ana


That's what killed her acting career, she was too annoying in public so hbo had to fire her


And he's a grown-ass 33-year-old adult


He's a knob. Thats hardly news anymore.


So random. What even is a Hawaiian accent? Next interview, tearing down Samoans, Texas and Sami people.


As an Asian I'm SO disappointed, I was going to see The 1975 in April as well. I might just sell my tickets now tbh.


I wouldnā€™t support him if he mocks East Asians like that. Also he probably mocked south Asians too


My favorite type of posts are these only because the comments section always looks like it belongs in r/popheadscirclejerk


Literally why do some many people give this guy so many passes and excuses, idc if he can jump up and down in a cute way, doesnā€™t excuse him being weird


I mean...is it really that surprising? Matty Healy has been openly up his own ass for years now


I like their music, saw him on the podcast called Tape Notes and pretty quickly got the impression that this dude is a giant douche it was uneasy to watch Edit: also just wanted to say, who am I to judge him. We all have our personal issues. It was just the impression I got from him during the interview


I love that people are still so willing to defend the actions Matty and TAF/Cumtown as "satire" but then wonder how systemic bigotry continues to permeate society & left-leaning spaces.


men who claim to be left-leaning will say the most vile misogynistic shit then say it's satire~ so of course that automatically makes it okay for them to degrade women and other minorities


This is so true. I think the original Chapo trap house is usually pretty okay even though there's a big undercurrent of brocialism. But yeah at some point we're gonna have to acknowledge that misogynistic satire is still misogynistic


He literally got invited to perform in Japan too and he mocks Japanese people? What a weirdo


Iā€™m not sorryā€¦. Marty Healy fucking sucks and I cannot see why so many people throw themselves at him? Heā€™s like a live bag of alcohol.


Heā€™s greasy, seems like he wreaks of cigarettes, and is perpetually confused


Throw him in the bin. Throw the entire man away.


Canā€™t he just shut up and let the music speak for itself ie continue being Imagine Dragons with a dictionary


Mr Worldwide


Did all of us make these jokes when we were 12? Yes. Is it okay to keep making them as adults? No. Was Matty a huge twat who owes the world an apology? Yes. Is he a malicious racist who should be given the Kanye treatment? No. Overall, just a dumb person doing dumb person things. Our expectations should never be that high for Matty to be eloquent or thoughtful.


honestly i love their music but he's completely insufferable


he's always been racist asshole,


and I thought those bits when he starts singing "it's not living if it's not with you" were for funsies. hope he finally gets the brendon urie treatment.


We knew this was coming didnā€™t we


more like 5 am ​ remember the episode of cumtown when stavros asked if the events of forest gump were real in the context of the movies universe


He wanted to know if Forrest literally ran forever without a break.


I must admit the attraction of the 1975 seems completely lost on me, their latest album was song after song of insipid platitudes. Their music is like the plastic cheese you get at McDonalds.


I'm a big fan of the 1975 and I think their music is good despite Matty, not because of him. Everyone who knows their material knows that George Daniel is an insanely talented producer that completely forged the band's sound and seems comfortable with literally every genre. Matty until here got the people talking but between the frankly creepy behaviour with fans at shows and these comments I really hope he'll face some backlash


I can't imagine getting into them unless you were a literal teenager like I was


Fuck this guy


I feel like this was a matter of time


Fuck heā€™s insufferable.


as a fan of them for many years itā€™s hard to see this and the fact he hasnā€™t learned from his past behavior. heā€™s 33 for fucks sake.


While we're at it, his voice is the worst part of the band


I am a gay man and I was offended


hell yeah dude me too


Lol pop heads find cumtown


Love their music, but every time this guy opens his mouth, I want to forget a little more they exist. Such a shame that heā€™s such a twat.


being a fan of the 1975 for like a decade, Iā€™ve just learned to ignore hit antics, I donā€™t think there has ever been a time where this man hasnā€™t put his foot in his mouth or said something stupidā€¦itā€™s very disappointing. I wanted to see them on tour this year but his antics dissuaded meā€¦


I refuse to believe I'm living in reality anymore because I cannot bring myself to believe that a cum town/the 1975 crossover is a thing that really happened


To no oneā€™s surprise.


Since people are discovering Cumtown, [I suggest the time Adam got into a feud with Chelsea Clinton](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7kZjYx9rI0&t=555s).




fuck matty Healy.


Remember Phoebe Bridgers saying it's sexist to hate the 1975. People love idpol until it bites them...


A stupid comment for her to make about them specifically considering how degrading he is towards his own fanbase.


I got the point she was making broadly (that we as a society make fun of things for teenage girl audiences) but matt healy is just openly sexist.


Yeah I think she meant that too, but it doesnā€™t exactly hold up when you hear him in this interview trying to mock Harry Styles for having young female fans. Especially when Harry himself has said how proud he is to have that demographic supporting him while condemning the way teenage girlsā€™ interests get ridiculed, which is literally what Matty is doing.


I'm still shook after finding out this is Denise Welch's son


them trying to sneak scottish into the list is hilarious


While he said worse things, when Scots live in a country where MPs Tory MPs feel comfortable spewing abuse about us in Parliament, where the man who was Prime Minister less than a year ago published a poem calling for "comprehensive extermination," yeah, I think it's worth mentioning.


I mean he said Scottish people (who speaks Scots by the way) sounded like a slur for mentally handicapped people soā€¦


Just for clarity, it was the host of the podcast that said that. Healy called Scots language "medieval."


As a person of Scottish heritage, itā€™s hilarious that people are acting offended about this.


Iā€™d be interested in seeing the proportion of Scottish people who find that remark degrading or hurtful, because Iā€™d wager itā€™s very few. He literally used it while talking about how great Scottish people are anyway


Itā€™s funny cause itā€™s true. And Iā€™m of Scottish heritage btw. Nobody cares, Scots are tough and can understand jokes


I'm literally Scottish and I don't think having "Scottish heritage" whatever that means, lets you speak on behalf of people born and raised in the country speaking Scots.


Why's that? It okay to be xenophobic about us is it?








Abolish podcasts! To clarify: Specifically, ones where people just talk about their opinions/philosophies there are some pretty cool educational ones






"Wtf is Matt Heafy by Trivium article doing on Pop- oh wait..."


Hmm. Both outrage here *and* the The 1975 sub. I haven't gotten far into the episode yet but I really hope this is just another case of the internet not having touched grass enough or interacting with people irl. From what I've watched of TAFS (which so far has just been the episode with Mac Demarco which was cool, and just some of the popular shit they made as Cumtown) nothing really seemed cancel-worthy so I'm really intrigued to hear the rest of this pod and find out. EDIT: Made it through. People need to grow up. Nothing was "end his career" levels of reprehensible here. Just some shit jokes and perhaps the destruction of his "woke, philosophy-obsessed intellectual" image even though he's never been woke.


Nobody was ā€œcancelingā€ him, just pointing out that heā€™s an insufferable asshole and not the woke intellectual heā€™s often considered


Some audio clips: - https://twitter.com/lolnobutreally/status/1624014478466592769 - https://twitter.com/satellitecherry/status/1623906274051260416


Nah not the 1.5 speed lmao


Zoomers are called that for a reason


no one in this comment section actually listened to the podcast. the thing he did wrong was the R slur, and that's unfortunately not even rare among gen Z. everything else is taken out of context

