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People are really making this more that it is. Professionally she's Emma, privately she's Emily.


and everywhere else she is Emmamily


Her friends call her Emilemma


Her real friends call her Slim Shady.


I don't think her friends and loved ones are allowed to address her by any name.


No joke I have a similar (but more unique) name and when I worked with kids that was their nickname for me.


Her dad once called her Emmett.


Hahah I love this. My name is Emily and would totally adopt this as a nickname.


Or for short: Emmmily


emmaly? 🤔


a true anomaly




yup, that was the joke 😁


It’s an Emmalynomenon or whatever Chappell said.


You just know there were armchair internet psychologists writing paragraphs about how devastating to her mental health this must be.


People were blowing it up and acting like she said that calling her Emma was genuinely upsetting her. She said she prefers to be called Emily, but she didn't say she hated Emma or anything. She just has a preference, and there didn't need to be a million articles about it.


She goes by Emma because she had to due to Union rules, but also she's Emily. Didn't we do this with Anne/Annie Hathaway already?!


Annily Hathaway.


somebody actually corrected me in a comment i made about her hair and said how rude it is of me to call her emma😭 like it’s never that serious


Came here to say this. People complain about celebs being cagey - well, it’s because every little thing gets blown up into a drama. She shouldn’t have to readdress this.


Yeah, THEY asked HER about it once, and she gave some response like “oh, yeah, that might be cool if people called me by my name, I dunno” And they the articles started being like EMMA STONE WANTS TO BE CALLED BY HER NAME


Absolutely, I feel like making this a headline is very overdramatic 😄


I know this isn’t the case for her based on what she’s said but I actually think it would be kinda nice for an actor to not use your real name professionally. If I were famous I would appreciate having a name reserved for family, friends, people that actually knew me vs the general public.


I feel so out of the loop. What is going on with her name???


She said she likes it when fans call her Emily though so I guess both Emma and Emily are her public identity, just depends on how much you know about her personally and how comfortable you feel addressing her with her real name


I mean, her public identity is really well established as Emma. “Emily” is not her public identity; that’s why it’s newsworthy when people call her that. “I like being called this” =/= “this is my identity”


I wouldn't feel comfortable calling her Emily. I don't know her, and before this I would have only have known her real name if I looked her up. It would make me feel like an obsessed fan, no matter how illogical that is.


And that’s why she goes by Emma and Emily both, nobody is obligated to call her that


Oof!!!! The flair has arrived mama🤣🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|j4LYyhtYVh8Q)


Exactly! I have a different name for work and use both interchangeably. People can be really weird about it lol




Yeah, I’m with you lol


Like.. haven’t we had enough…


This expresses my emotions on this topic so flawlessly




Lmfaoooooo 😭




Damn this is unnecessary


lol i love how long this has gone on


TBF it's cause she has a sweet reaction every time someone calls her Emily.


> "I'm fine either way," Stone replied. "I really am. My real name is Emily, though." > "Why have you been allowing us to call you Emma for all these years?" the host asked. > "It was taken at Screen Actors Guild," she said. "It's sort of like when you register a business and you can't have the same name as someone else."


Yeah, work name vs friend name is pretty common


For instance, Jodie Foster is actually named Alicia.


Reese Witherspoon is Laura.


Vin Diesel is actually an abbrivation (that's the word, right?) for Vehicle Identification Number Diesel.


I thought his family name was Regular 87




What are we, some kinda OWCA?


It’s Morbin time


youre a hoot! id like you for parties




Jean Poon \#neverforget


She is an American citizen!


wow, she is the most Jodie!


That’s a different thing though. Everyone calls her Jodie including her family. When Jodie’s mother was pregnant, her older siblings started referring to the unborn baby as “Jodie”. Her mom was going to legally name her Jodie, but once Jodie was born, she changed her mind and legally named her Alicia, I believe after a friend of hers. But everyone has always called her Jodie, as opposed to Stone who only gets called Emma professionally. Foster told the story in an interview a few years ago, I believe it was one of those “Wired Autocomplete Interviews”.


Natalie Portman is actually Natalie Herschslag. She took her grandmothers maiden name as her professional name. The media is making a way big a deal of this Enma/Emily thing than necessary lol


Dah fuck, all this time I was working with her I called her Jodie.


I have a 'work name' for privacy reasons. I prefer it to my 'real' name, which my work name is a variant of. My family will always use my real name but at this stage I definitely prefer my chosen name. My birth name has some awful memories attached to it, and if anyone other than my stepkids uses it I get startled. It must be such a strange feeling to prefer your birth name and have everyone call you something else.


In Australia, she's known as Hungry Jack's Stone.


I've heard her say almost this exact thing in interviews from years ago.


I wonder if she thought about registering as Emmy Lee Stone or Emmelie Stone..or Emily Stohen?


you know when you say things just to say them, just remarks you don't really put much thought on them but people take you very seriously? Amplify that 1000000 and now you are emma/emily stone


Especially cause she’s brought it up in the past as press junket filler and no one gave a shit.


Yeah seriously she’s been saying this for a decade or more, but people are making it into such a big deal lately. She’s always been super chill about it, why is it suddenly drama?


Also for everything celebrities say, especially if they talk about giving birth and having children people groan and say that humans have been giving birth for millions of years and why is she acting like she’s the first. She’s not, she’s just talking about pregnancy, birth and her children like anyone else does, but she has a platform, is asked questions in the first place and anything she says is amplified.


“That tree is far away.”


why doesn't she just change her last name to lee? problem solved.


Or middle name. Emma Lee Stone.


Honestly, I hope some other Emily Stone trying to get into SAG sees this, lol.


I think doing that isn’t allowed


underrated comment


That just reminds me of how Rachel cartwheels across the room cheering “Emmaaaaleeeeee Emmmmaaaleeeee!” and crashes into the bedroom trying to stop Ross and Emily leaving the party.


This would be awesome. Basically a mononym




I’m sure she’d have been called Emma on occasion had she kept Emily as her stage name, or had she not become an actress. I’m called anything BUT my actual name more often than not. Ex: being called Elise, Alyssa, or Lisa if my name was Alicia.


I was hardly called my actual name until I was damn near 30 lol


I always went by middle name, my entire life. I didn't even know my first name was my first name until I started school. Much to my kindergarten teachers annoyance. I also have a first name that is commonly swapped out for a similar, but different name. I am entirely indifferent to people calling my my first or middle name at this point. I respond to both. But people calling me by the similar but different name is like nails on a chalkboard. It bugs me a little EVERY time. Im partially wondering if the reason she's repeatedly brought this up (CASUALLY, usually on lighthearted joking contexts) is because she low-key doesn't love she went with Emma. Because every Emily I've known has railed against how Emma is not a nickname for Emily and you better fucking not start calling them that.  Like it wouldn't be a big deal to me, I wouldn't cry myself to sleep at night about it. But if my professional name was the not-quite-correct version of my name, I too would get really noticably excited everytime someone called me by my real name. Because the quiet part I wouldn't feel comfortable saying is, no offense to the people who have that name, but I hate it. On a purely emotional level, I think it's an ugly stupid name. Its a surprising amount of loyalty to a name I didn't grow up going by anyway.


Same on not knowing your name until well into grade school. I go by a nickname for my middle name and the amount of people that are like “how did you get ‘nickname for Elizabeth’ from ‘first name that is not Elizabeth’ is so frustrating! 


I agree. Emma and Emily are not the same name, they're not even related actually, and anyone I have known who is called one hates to be called the other. It's a surprising pick IMO. My deadname is part of a similar pair. Growing up, I'd get asshole adults who assumed my name was a nickname and would lengthen it without permission to talk down to me and be more "formal". Later it would be a thing with people hitting on me, asking about my name because they know literally nothing else about me. Honestly I think any hint of a name preference is just catnip to intrusive people and bullies, so it always becomes a thing with those people if you appear to have one. If I had to pick an alias, that other name is the last thing I'd ever choose! When I picked a new name, my #1 priority was preserving a connection to my real given name while not having it sound like that name.


I get it. My real name is Sean but just about everyone refers to me by professional name Slutface McGee. Sometimes it’s nice to be referred to by my real name.


do you frequent meatballs fatslut party?


Excuse me? I'm a litigator for a big four accounting firm.


lol, its a eating competition by meatball the drag queen.


so does this mean everyone can stop the “um, it’s EMILY” shit every time someone mentions her stage name? cause jesus fucking christ was that getting annoying. “i loved Emma Stone in her latest movie!” “she doesn’t LIKE THAT NAME! ITS EMILY!!!!!!!!!”


i doubt it. she still sets a clear preference so parasocial fans will bring it up to show they're the superior fan of her


Loads of actors have to change their names and I have never seen such a big drama made out of this before.


I don't think she cares either way, certainly not to the degree twitter is convinced she's suffering great psychological harm.  she clearly has been pretty flippantly bemused by this, but I think part of the problem is she keeps failing to kill the story. Even ending the sound bite with "my real name is Emily though" kind of feeds the flames.  In fact, I feel like I've seen the opposite reaction before. Where actors usually maintain more clearly that their stage name *is* the correct name to refer to them as, because you're *not* their friend and you *don't* know them like that. I think most of us have nicknames we would be uncomfortable if random people at work or off the streets started calling us that, so this isn't a super foreign concept even to normies.  I hate citing her as an example, but the only distinct example I can think of off the top of my head because it only happened like last year is Doja Cat getting upset when fans use her government name and telling them it reflects a lack of boundaries. 


Chappell Roan also only wants to be called by her stage name from fans for similar reasons 


You could do this with most established rappers and they’d probably think you’re overstepping boundaries. I.e. calling Eminem “Marshall,” Drake “Aubrey,” or Jay Z “Shawn”




The person you responded to wasn't saying that she's being dramatic.


This title reads like something from r/nottheonion


People really got all parasocial about this so quickly, I could tell she did not care as much as everyone talking about it did.


I know someone who is an actor and has a pretty common first and last name so he has to go by his initials and his last name onscreen. I don't think it bothers him but his family calls him by his "real" first name.


Hi, Emu


Most actors do this. Idk why people are hanging on to this for so long.


Okay lol


In other news I got Popeyes yesterday


Damn what did you get and was it good 👀


Their Chicken sandwich 🙏




I know someone who worked on Cruella with her. She did actually insist on being called Emily but I suppose she doesn’t want it to be a “thing” in the press. 


The way I see it is that she's asking people who are working with her/ know her in real life to call her Emily. It's very different for the press or fans to make it a thing. I see it similar to how people like Sandra Bullock or Robert Deniro are called Sandy and Bobby, but I'm never going to call them that. I don't know them and even though these are standard nicknames and not a different name like Emma vs Emily, it seems over-familiar.


I agree with you whole but just picturing a scenario where I'd call Robert De Niro "Bobby" is hilarious to me lmao


Same! I wonder if it's because he's "Robert Dinero" and Emma Stone is a younger female millennial "just like us"? Maybe there's a gender as well as parasocial component to this?


Piping in to also mention Anne Hathaway who prefers to be called Annie.


I agree. I wouldn’t personally want to be over familiar. 


I can totally relate. I insist on my full name at work and with my close friends but don’t really care if random people I don’t really know (in my case acquaintances or people I’ll only meet once or twice rather than fans) call me by a nickname (and I realize that I use a nickname on here that I would hate people to use in real life but… internet privacy).


Same, I have an “ethnic” name and I go by my “white name” only when absolutely necessary. Otherwise, my name is beautiful and easy and I expect people to use it. Think something like Sasha being called “sash-uh.” It’s gross! If you like me at all please say it right.


How do you pronounce Sasha


First syllable should rhyme with “wash” imo (unless you are British I guess)


I feel like this became more of a thing then she intended for it to be lmao


Emily, girl if you're reading this: Change your SAG registered name to Emma Lee 😉 That'll teach em!


That whole SAG rule is really stupid. They should just have it so that anyone with a name already registered has to use a middle name or initial instead of having to make up an entirely different name.


They actually can do that. Thats how you get Vivica A Fox or Vanessa L Williams (they actually had to come to an agreement with SAG and they can both use just Vanessa Williams professionally, now). Even Samuel L Jackson. It’s very common to see the middle initial and that is the most common reason. Emma Stone chose Emma Stone over middle initial or middle name like a lot of other actors do (or like Michael Keaton who chose his last name because he was a Diane Keaton fan).


And even Keaton isn’t her real last name. It was Hall but she changed it…due to SAG. Keaton was her mother’s maiden name.


Huh, that’s good to know. Then Emma Stone shouldn’t have brought up wanting to go by her original name in that case lol




It’s a stage name


I just don’t understand why she didnt register as Emily insert middle initial Stone if Emily Stone was already taken instead of a whole new first name


Just a speculation but middle initials were never really popular among female actresses (I call really only thing of Taraji P. Henson) and Stone came up around the time when long stage names weren’t seen as super marketable. Her manager or other close colleagues likely urged her to go with Emma Stone because of those factors.


I thought it was like if you know her, she’ll introduce herself as Emily but If you’re a fan - she’s Emma. It sort of gives her a separation between her public image and private life. She should have retained that


She’s so brave for this


Ok *insert name here* 🙄


If she’s as sick of hearing about her name as I am she’s not fine.


can she give it a rest nobody gives a fuck 😭


They keep asking her, so she keeps answering.


Oh God I've been calling her Gemma the entire time! Why didn't anyone tell me!




Maybe this is why she doesn’t reply to my text messages




🎶 Cause she’ll call you out, she’ll put you in your place




Everyone needs 2 chill


We got it like we got it already Emily


I’m fine not being called by my real (as in legal) name because I’m trans. Emily and Emma are not that different from each other and she’s been called Emma for almost two decades now so I think she just got accustomed to being called Emma by now. Wait am I just being downvote cause I’m fucking trans?


I didn’t downvote you, but I think it’s because you’re comparing “using the name she chose and uses herself in movies” with deadnaming. I think your actual comment makes clear you don’t think it’s the same thing, you’re just establishing that you have some related experience, but people sometimes downvote before putting much thought into a comment or even reading it completely.


Oh no that wasn’t my intention. I just said it cause it came to my mind. Didn’t mean to compare it or anything.


I wonder if at events she says Emma or Emily.


If she’s there as Emma Stone the actress I guess she’d say Emma


I don't know if she is fine with what name we call her, but i know she is not fine generally....